How do We Use Writing in Everyday Life: Exemplification Essay

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Writing is a skill that has value outside of education. There are many ways in which writing can benefit you and improve your health. With the support and research from the two articles written by Bill Bircharch and Kasee Bailey, we will discuss how writing can be more than valuable in a lot of ways in life. Writing has health benefits that help with certain problems, not only that but writing can also improve your communication skills and help with your brain development, it is also shown that many successful business owners or personals use writing as a way of planning their success.

The benefits of writing come with both short- and long-term health benefits, such as reducing stress or boosting your mood. It has been proven in the article written by Kasee Bailey that, 'Journaling is an incredible stress management tool, a good-for-you habit that lessens the impact of physical stressors on your health.' The article further explains how it has been proven that expressive writing for about 15 to 20 minutes a day, three to five times over the course of a four-month period was enough to lower blood pressure and improve liver functionality. With all the cases Bailey produces about writing I believe that it has personally helped me with reducing stress just like Kaseee says it does. Writing helps me reflect on the things that are happening in my life all in one orderly written form, helping me stress less about the things that are happening in my life. With less stress in your life, better your mood will be so writing helps boost my mood.

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Writing can improve your language and generate productive thoughts in your mind. Everyone as a child at least got a chance to learn the fundamentals of writing and this has helped with language and productive thinking. With a continuous understanding of different writing skills and strategies, you could learn to write more, which will improve your language. In the article by Bailey, he tells us how writing can help keep our memories sharp. A way of doing so is through Journaling, he further writes. Throughout this, your brain can stay in decent shape, and not only does it boost memory and comprehension, but it also improves working memory capacity, which may reflect improved cognitive processing. Just like in Bailey's article, I believe that writing has helped me improve mentally and upgrade my language. This is because as I child I could not think the way I could think and write the way I could write, so writing has helped those skills grow and mature over the years.

Having strong writing skills as a businessperson or woman is essential in your business. In the article written by Bill Birchard, he explains to us how writing skills are essential for anyone in business. Those skills are needed for effectively communicating with colleagues, employees, and bosses, and selling ideas, products, or services you are offering. This shows the significance and importance of having decent writing skills because they can help with good business management, which calls for a successful business. Birchard talks about simplicity, keeping your writing simple increases what scientists call the brain's processing fluency. This ensures that the reader does not have to use too much brainpower to understand your meaning. A good example of how Billy explains how effective writing can benefit the business side of your writing is how just like tasty food, a soothing bath, or an enveloping hug, well-executed prose makes us feel pleasure, which makes us want to keep reading. This will give you more attraction and success in your business.

These two articles support our thesis by providing us with evidence and explanation on how writing can positively improve and benefit your life. But there are also some opposing views on how writing can have an impact on your life. Identify crisis, writing might lead you to identify certain aspects about yourself which might not sit well with you, so for example it might expose the hard truths about yourself which usually are not positive things, and this could bring your spirit down. It still helps though to write about the things you do not like about yourself and that you see as bad traits to identify them and find ways to improve or get rid of them. Writing about your feelings and life, in general, can leave you exposed to the outside world, anyone who can read may see your Journal or notes which could lead you to being exposed and embarrassed. It is important to always keep your personal and sensitive writing with you in a safe place to avoid this. By doing so you not only help yourself from being compromised but emotionally you are able to control the bad emotions and save them for your pen and paper to express freely. Writing may also lead to procrastination when it comes to achieving those goals or business plans. Therefore, it is important to always know why you want and write down what you want. This trick will allow you not only to wish for things, but it will be a constant reminder that you have goals to work towards and achieve.

Developing your writing skills is as easy as jotting down a couple of words each day, and not only does this improve your language and mental capacity but it helps improve your health. Writing is a stress reducer and has proven to be one of the best therapeutic activities to help deal with difficult moments in your life. Even with business, having proficient writing skills will help you head into a successful business career. So, writing is not a skill that is key for education but also for life.

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How do We Use Writing in Everyday Life: Exemplification Essay. (2023, August 28). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 14, 2024, from
“How do We Use Writing in Everyday Life: Exemplification Essay.” Edubirdie, 28 Aug. 2023,
How do We Use Writing in Everyday Life: Exemplification Essay. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 14 Sept. 2024].
How do We Use Writing in Everyday Life: Exemplification Essay [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2023 Aug 28 [cited 2024 Sept 14]. Available from:

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