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Public Smoking Bans on Cigarettes and Electric Cigarettes: Critical Analysis

5 Pages 2413 Words
Smoking is known for its health risks and toxicity. Many people across the united states and further are being diagnosed with diseases caused by tobacco smoke even if they have never smoked a cigarette. The leading culprit is secondhand smoke. Secondhand smoke (SHS) poses major health risks, especially the risk of lung cancer. A person could die from lung cancer...

Issues of Religion in American Constitution: Analytical Essay

5 Pages 2192 Words
Throughout history, religion and politics have always been interlaced to a certain extent. Indeed, the first has been an effective way to address the social relationship among the citizens and it had been useful to create a sense of belonging to a particular socio-political culture. This is further emphasized by the fact that most civilizations have had a particular religion...

Critical Analysis of the Extract of Lady Hale’s Judgement: Issues of Tort Law

6 Pages 2795 Words
Critical Analysis of the Extract of Lady Hale’s Judgement Introduction Throughout this essay, I will critically analyse the extract below from Lady Hale’s judgement in the case of Woodland v Essex County Council and to what extent this statement reflects the judicial approaches in the law of torts. The extract states: ‘The common law is a dynamic instrument. It develops...

Merge of Equity and Common Law: Historical Analytical Essay

6 Pages 2870 Words
To explain the evolution of Equity with regard to cases and statutes and to discuss whether the argument over the doctrine of fusion is relevant today. Introduction The law is a body of rules that applies to certain defined circumstances and situations and does not provide for changes and variations presented by unprecedented circumstances. This unpredictability of the future may...

Argumentative Essay on The Necessity to Provide Smoking Ban on the Production and Sale of Cigarettes

4 Pages 1841 Words
Abstract With the development of global economy, citizens' life condition has significant improvement in various countries. in case of this, these countries contribute to control the air pollution and improve the environment in order to offer a better surrounding for its people to live. Then, they try to limit the sales and production of cigarettes, even totally banning it; which...

Analytical Essay on International Law: Recognition of New State in Case of Bangladesh

6 Pages 2969 Words
Abstract The following study intends to analyze the evolution of theories regarding the recognition of states in international law. Whereas the Montevideo Criteria contains the legal requirements for statehood, recognition is largely dependent on the political will of the other states. The question faced by the contemporary international community is whether a state is held to recognize another if it...

Case Studies of International Law: Newcrest Mining (WA) Ltd versus Commonwealth and Western Australia Versus Ward

4 Pages 1583 Words
Abstract This essay brings an opinion to 2 cases: Newcrest Mining (WA) Ltd v Commonwealth and Western Australia v Ward. The first case argues that Australian laws overlook certain fundamental rights that would otherwise be covered by interpreting international laws. Therefore, it should be incorporated into the interpretation process of legislation and the constitution. The second case dissents this to...

A Judge’s Role: Common Law Versus Civil Law Research Essay

4 Pages 1820 Words
It is an inaccurate belief by abiders of the common law system that ‘judges play the central role in all legal systems.’ Religious, customary, and socialist legal systems and traditions, for example, do not revolve around judge-made law as common law does. This essay, however, will only deliberate the essential differences between common law and civil law systems. Comparisons will...

Domestic Versus International Laws: Comparative Analysis

6 Pages 2763 Words
Introduction to Domestic and International Laws Laws are systems of rules which are enforced in countries and states to control behavior. Domestic law is the name given to the law or legal system within a specific country, whilst International Law is the body of law that governs the relationship between multiple nations. These systems are created, applied, and enforced in...

Tension between Equity and Common Law as Legal Systems: Analytical Essay

5 Pages 2523 Words
Question 1 – Compulsory Northumberland County Council’s main concern is their entitlement to the money that was entrusted to Aleena, their employee, and any remedies that will enable them in the repossession of the expended money. In order for the Council to retrieve the monetary sum, the trusted money can be traced through Aleena’s own account and her distribution of...

The Issue of Citizenship in America and Amendments to American Constitution: Analytical Essay

2 Pages 956 Words
Racism The issue of citizenship in America, together with voting rights, has been a hot debate over the years. This issue has led to most amendments in the great American constitution. These amendments include the 13th, 14th, and 15th, which have been termed as reconstruction agendas. However, people have misinterpreted these amendments, going contrary to what they advocated. Over generations,...

Case Study of Business Law: Impact of Mental Breakdown on Behaviour

5 Pages 2438 Words
Business Law The sale of the Rolex and Louis Vuitton bags by Mike Merchant is a misrepresentation because he is claiming to potential customers like Suzy and Samuel that the goods are real. Intentional misrepresentation which is also known as fraud is described when the party intends to induce another person to rely on this misrepresentation(Cheeseman). Mike could argue that...

Relationship between Leverage, Dividend Pay-out Ownership Concentration and Firm Value: Analytical Essay

5 Pages 2274 Words
Does Growth Opportunity Moderate the Relationship between Leverage, Dividend Pay-out Ownership Concentration & Firm Value? Introduction Back Ground of the Study Corporate finance initially started with the assumption of complete and perfect market. It argued that fund raising is independent of its capital structure by assuming perfect competition cost, no agency cost and no bankruptcy cost, no transaction cost. Modigliani...

Why I Want to Be a Police Officer? Short Essay

4 Pages 1659 Words
The Career which I would like to obtain and currently pursuing is being a police officer or somewhere relatively in the same area, my goal is just to be in the law enforcement area of work. Now first I'll be talking about why being a police officer is a good job. When it comes to jobs what aspect do people...

Relationship between Equality and Justice Essay

3 Pages 1516 Words
The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal. This quote by Aristotle sums up David Miller’s conjecture in the article, Against Global Egalitarianism. Miller’s work confronts and dismantles the view that there needs to be substantial equality between humans as a matter of justice irrespective of the society they belong to. As a nationalist and...

Should Marijuanas Be Legalized Essay

6 Pages 2765 Words
“What goes around… comes all the way back around” –Justin Timberlake. What a fitting lyric from one of today’s biggest pop stars and one that fits the X Generation perfectly. Already, we have brought “back around” old styles of fashion and music. Now, as more of our generation begins to enter the political world we are seeing a change in...

Why Marijuanas Should not Be Legal Essay

5 Pages 2463 Words
Should Recreational Use of Marijuana Be Legalized in All 50 States? Introduction Passing from various phases of its use in hem, ropes, and medicines, marijuana now has reached the point of discussions where its legality and illegality have stirred debates across the country. In America, the use of recreational use of marijuana is legal now in many states and in...

Why Medical Marijuanas Should Be Legal Essay

6 Pages 2868 Words
Reviewed double_ok
Executive Summary Our team’s purpose in writing this report is to educate others on the topic of Marijuana; specifically the history, the medical and financial benefits, and laws regarding state and federal jurisdiction of the drug. The information used for our research came from reliable sources such as news articles from U.S. News and CNBC, Harvard Medical School Dr. Peter...

Negative Effects of Marijuanas Essay

2 Pages 862 Words
Marijuana Should not be Legalized “For every deed, you do there is a consequence…” a quote from Sadhguru This is just like marijuana consumption because it has many benefits yet a lot of negative impacts on our bodies. Marijuana is a pulverized mix of dead leaves, twig, and floret of the plant Cannabis Sativa. There is also an alternative form...

Public International Law and Its Legal Principles in Regard to War on Terror: Analytical Essay

7 Pages 2973 Words
Introduction War is changing from conventional conflicts between nations to ‘small-wars’ as counterterrorism, counterinsurgency, ethnic and religious conflicts (Rochester, 2016, s. 10). The change is from interstate war to new wars involving nonstate actors and armed forces. The modern warfare post challenges to the United Nations (UN) Charter, the Geneva Conventions and other legal documents since they originated during World...

The Nature of Law and Its Classification

4 Pages 1664 Words
The English word law has its starting point in the Old Norwegian word truly signifying “set down” which may allude both to something saw as a characteristic wonder, for example, the sun rising and setting each day, or to a lead set by people for controlling their shared conjunction. Henceforth, two sorts of laws might be recognized, to be specific,...

Founding Fathers of Freedom

1 Page 585 Words
The founding fathers considered various things to be important tools for maintaining freedom. Constitution is one of the tools and this explains why it has been amended over the years. The constitution has remained to be the supreme law of every sovereign nation. The constitution’s vast language is expounded by the principles outlined in the declaration. The founding fathers used...

The Connection Between Employment Law and Employment Status

4 Pages 1883 Words
This essay comprises in extent the variant kind of relationships that may be found in the organisations. Particularly, the contrasts in regulation and common law between a worker, an employee and independent contractors are advised and the variant kind of agreement that command the employment relationship are protected. Aylott (2018) stated that ‘’Employment law is meant to protect and to...

The Fight for Keeping The Drinking Age: Alcohol Law

2 Pages 867 Words
As we address the public health and safety concerns two subjects are spoken about in this paper. The two concerns are the sobriety checkpoints that focus on the drinking age and the random drug testing for public employees and high school students. Many states have examined factors of the drinking age for young adults and factors that for doing random...

The Strangest Criminal Laws in The World

1 Page 515 Words
Ever wonder if you are unconsciously a criminal in the different side of the world? This article is for you. We have made a list of the strangest criminal laws and what might surprise you is that, you might be one. Respect is a hard-earned word. As travelers, one thing we always bring with us is respect to the nation...

The Purpose of the Criminal Law

6 Pages 2867 Words
Criminal Law governs the society we live in by deeming what citizens living within its jurisdiction can and cannot lawfully do. Criminal Laws consists of statutes and common laws put in place by ruling governments or can based on previous case law. The laws are in place to help societies function in a fair and peaceful way and should be...

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