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Gender Justice And Human Rights

ABSTRACT A perusal of the criminal laws and personal laws reveal that laws adopt a protectionist and paternalistic approach for empowering and providing autonomy to women. This paper initiates a discussion on issues at the core of gender justice. This paper further argues that social conditioning restricts the possibility of autonomous decisions. In conclusion, it is argued that laws need to create just social conditions and institutions that guarantee freedom from socially imposed disabilities, and subsequently, strengthen autonomy in decision...
7 Pages 2989 Words

Restorative Justice: Effective Punishment Addressing The Implications Of Punitive Punishment

As contentious as the idea of punishment may be, it is one of the most important factors in any society. In order to understand what punishment, it, it is important to understand why we punish individuals. Many scholars have various reasons to why and how we should punish. Some argue that punishment is used as a deterrence method which deters individuals in society from committing crime. Others argue that punishment is used for rehabilitating the offender by changing their attitudes...
5 Pages 2404 Words

The Socioeconomic Benefits Associated with Decriminalisation of Marijuana

Forty-four years ago, Peter Tosh released the song “Legalize It.” Today, both at home and abroad our law makers, lobbyist and community leaders are coming together and having serious discussion on decriminalizing or legalizing a plant that was once demonized and criminalized. Various sects of society have been clamoring for the decriminalisation of marijuana in Trinidad and Tobago. Decriminalisation refers to a reduction of legal penalties. This can be done either by changing them to civil penalties, such as fines,...
3 Pages 1495 Words

Marijuana Synthesis as the Medicine for Athletes

Chris Lee, an American journalist, wrote the article “The Need for Weed” where he delves into the world of sports and focuses on the increased use of marijuana as a pain killer amongst today’s athletes. The author mentions, “marijuana has faced stigmatization as a gateway drug that ineluctably leads to the abuse of more dangerous Schedule I substances like methamphetamine and heroin” (98). Lee’s article serves to invalidate this belief. The author states the medicinal herb is not short on...
2 Pages 846 Words

Should Marijuana be Legalized on the Federal Government Level?

Abstract Weed is ending up progressively mainstream and acknowledged inside our general public; to such an extent that specific states have sanctioned it for medicinal or recreational use, in spite of weed staying unlawful with respect to the government. This has lead, and will keep on leading, to entangled and unverifiable duty situations for the organizations that deliver and offer weed. Numerous issues originate from the national government being not able perceive or connect with organizations that arrangement with marijuana....
7 Pages 3132 Words

The Peculiarities of Legalization of Cannabis

Several generations have argued about the legalization of cannabis at the global level. In modern world people are getting addicted to drugs more and more every day even in spite of the well-known fact that all types of drugs are forbidden and regulated by government. Meanwhile, the World faces issue related to making drugs legal. Such type of drug as cannabis was legalized for medical purposes only in some countries and legalized in other countries. Cannabis became legalized partially in...
3 Pages 1162 Words

Should Medical Marijuana be Legalized?

Drug addiction in today's society is more bigger than ever. With legalizing marijuana, people may use it for their own good instead of using it strictly for medical purposes. Marijuana is a gateway to the use of more serious drugs. Marijuana is a very prominent and controversial issue in society today. Even tho many claims been made about cannabis in recent history, the truth is starting to resurface. Sadly, these truths are under bad criticism due to the way people...
2 Pages 936 Words

Cannabis Legalization in Canada

Introduction There are two major uses of marijuana as relates to its legalization. One of them is the medical use of cannabis and the recreational use of the same. The benefits of marijuana in medicine have been studied and proved to manage mainly pain and the side effects of cancer treatment options such as chemotherapy. The recreational use involves the unregulated consumption of marijuana to relax or stimulate the mind. Canada has come a long way in its cannabis legalization...
3 Pages 1280 Words

The Possible Consequences of Marijuana Legalization

Legalization of Marijuana Throughout the years, marijuana is more common among high school students. In 1999, only twelve percent of high schoolers were found to use ow, over fifty percent are found to use marijuana daily. Even, one in every six students who start using marijuana are more likely to become addicted. Since the rate of use among teens has increase over the years, the rate of crime in teens has become an issue as well. As the rate of...
5 Pages 2455 Words

Mental Illness and the Justice System

This paper will identify how and why mentally ill individuals have come to be overrepresented in the criminal justice system and highlight the remarkable challenges this has become for police, corrections, and courts. Mentally ill individuals are characterized incorrectly in all aspects of the justice system, from being apprehended to incarcerated. It's been discovered that 20% of state prisoners and 21 percent of federal prisoners have a continuous history of psychological instability. Upwards of 70% of adolescence in the juvenile...
2 Pages 988 Words

The Effects of Marijuana Legalization

OVERVIEW The topic we chose for this term project is “Effects of Legalization of Marijuana on the Canadian Economy”. It is a recent topic of discussion in Canadian news and it is an Important one because Canadian Community has large number of marijuana users who are in favour of this decision while some are against it. Marijuana, also known as Weed, Pot, Kush.Our purpose is to look on positive and negative sides that this legalization has brought to Canadian business...
4 Pages 1812 Words

Legalization of Marijuana and The Cannabis Act in Canada

There has always been a big debate around marijuana, and the benefits that it can have. In the past, the plant has been used for different types of medicines, creams, rubs, and tinctures to help patients with a number of different symptoms, the most common being pain. On October 17, 2018, after many months of debate Cannabis in Canada is now legal as a recreational drug as well as medicinal. The whole process of legalization removed cannabis possession for personal...
4 Pages 1955 Words

Should Marijuana be Legalized in Texas?

We live in a country that allows us to have a lot of freedom such as freedom of speech, freedom to bear arms, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly, freedom of press, and freedom to petition of the government. We have a lot of rights and I believe we should also give the people the right to consume marijuana for severals reasons. It helps ill people for medical reasons, economical reasons, reduce in criminal activity, our rights and our health....
3 Pages 1286 Words

Racism And Discrimination In The Criminal Justice System

You and your father are visiting his fiancée and her son at their townhouse in Sanford, Florida. You decided to got to the corner store to get some snacks. It’s cold and raining outside so you put on your grey hoodie and put your hood on your head. You decide to walk to the store because it’s a short walk. While your walking you admire the houses as you pass them. You finally get to the store and buy your...
2 Pages 931 Words

Why The Philippines should Legalize Medical Marijuana

Abstract Marijuana, also known as cannabis are dried leaves of the pistil hemp plant that give off THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and are smoked in cigarette for their intoxicating effect. Since 2700BC, it is being used for medical purposes by Greeks and Egyptians. Efforts to legalize marijuana as medicine in the United States have grown significantly in recent years however, in the Philippines this drug is considered illegal but it should be legalized for medical use. Charlotte Figi, a six-year-old girl who...
3 Pages 1383 Words

The Correlation of Justice and Forgiveness

People are asking, can justice and forgiveness go hand in hand? This is mostly depending on the situation, like if somebody killed someone that you knew for a really long time or they killed a family member of yours then in that case it would be justice. That's just my opinion because I don't think I would be able to forgive a person that killed someone I knew my entire life. It sucks to think about someone you knew and...
1 Page 537 Words

Using Restorative Justice In The Criminal Justice System

Summary The study A Model of School Violence Prevention article by Martha Frias-Armenta et al explores the alternative approaches to punishment in Mexican schools for bullying. The evidence was provided that that 43.2% of staff members that worked within Mexico’s educational reported their involvement in different types of school bullying within their institution. 1.3 million Middle school and high school adolescences reported in a poll that they had been subjected to some form of abuse or harassment from there other...
5 Pages 2409 Words

Restorative Justice: Can Justice And Forgiveness Go Hand In Hand?

Can justice and forgiveness go hand in hand? For a society that is ran by systems and procedures the role of forgiveness, especially when the law has been broken, does not go hand in hand. Our systems focus on three things: the law that was broken, the one who broke the law by committing the crime(s), and punishment. Forgiveness has no system. According to Wikipedia “forgiveness is the intentional and voluntary process which a victim undergoes a change in feelings...
1 Page 417 Words

Should Marijuana be Legalized in Nepal?

Marijuana also known as cannabis is a herb of greenish-gray mixture of dried flowers of Cannabis sativa. Some people smoke marijuana like cigarettes. Marijuana is used in various things like brewing tea, medicinal purposes, sometimes mixed into foods which are edibles such as brownies, cookies, or candies whereas strong form of marijuana is used in ingredients like honeylike hash oil, waxy budder, and hard amberlike shatter (National Institute in Drug Abuse (Advancing Addiction Science), 2018). People are changing their perception...
2 Pages 933 Words

Legalization of Marijuana in Texas: Pros and Cons

Introduction Marijuana or cannabis is the most commonly abused drug in the United States, and its uses have been increasing in recent years despite the strict rules that the government has imposed over the substance (Hickenlooper 244). The uses of bhang are common among youthful people who apply it for several reasons particularly to stimulate their brain. The drug is prohibited as a result of the adverse effects that it has on the users. Marijuana is highly addictive, and it...
7 Pages 3331 Words

Argumentative Analysis Of The Impact Of A Serial Killer’s Motives On Their Right To Legal Justice

Serial killers are a very interesting and (thankfully) infinitesimal percent of the population, and yet they take up a lot of space in the media, with mental health professionals and within other academic and social platforms. This year alone, Netflix released its docuseries on one of America’s most infamous serial killers, Ted Bundy, called Conversations with a Killer: The Ted Bundy Tapes; Joe Berlinger directed a movie chronicle of Bundy’s crimes called Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil, and Vile; detectives recently...
5 Pages 2340 Words

Juvenile Justice System In India And Contemporary Challenges

Abstract The study of children under Juvenile Justice System in India. This research gives the perspective in the light of which the vast child rights has to be made. The concept of the juvenile justice system was derived from the concept of juvenile delinquency. The young children are unable to see the society in a broader sense as by adults so they fail and indulged in crimes. They are not easily consistive to the legal framework and the processes of...
6 Pages 2721 Words

Law Of Suicide: Need To Humanise The Criminal Justice System

Since the advent of mankind, suicides have been a complex part of society. It is considered as a factor contributing to the premature or unnatural end of precious lives. It is an act of self-destruction. It is an outcome of an unfit mental thought-process. It is not the nature of a person. It is an act which is as involuntarily done as voluntary it seems to be. A person is in such an irreversible ideation that he loses the prudence...
7 Pages 3247 Words

Should Marijuana be Legal?

Did you know that marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug in the United States. Marijuana is legal for medical use in some states but on the other hand illegal all together in other states. In many states they are actually making it legal to smoke marijuana medically and decriminalized. Marijuana should be legalized! Do you know how much a state could gain from legalizing marijuana? Legalizing marijuana would help this country provide more jobs for a lot of...
2 Pages 765 Words

Sociological Perspective in Legalization of Marijuana

Every patterned, objectified, and structured society comes with laws and regulations. The system of rules that cannot be created and enforced without sociopolitical or economic standing of the people, and their reaction towards the system. Recently, the proposed act of the legalization of recreational use of marijuana has recently become a significant transition in Canadian society. When sociologist looks closely to the legalizations for recreational marijuana, they wonder why marijuana become a legal activity and how people think about marijuana...
2 Pages 1103 Words

The Peculiarities Of Juvenile Crime And Justice

My thoughts on why the supreme court are not giving juniors who committed a horrible crime and will not be getting the life sentence is not fair to the justice system and its not fair for the victims family. The supreme court did this because it broke the 8th amendment which is “unusual punishment” but its not, if they commit the crime they have do the time. The juvenile death penalty was stopped along time ago because it was a...
1 Page 407 Words

Legalization of Cannabis: Free Market and Ethical Issues

The Food & Drug Administration (FDA), as part of the federal government, regulates and controls the medicine markets throughout the United States. Consumers are not able to buy whatever they want, unless it is approved and deemed legal and safe by the FDA, regardless of the benefits to consumers’ health. Therefore, social problems happen when markets are not allowed to function freely. Consumers will find work-arounds in the system to get the medicine, or drugs, which they desire, regardless of...
3 Pages 1419 Words

Effects of Marijuana on Mental Health

As of this moment, 21 states or territories have either fully or partially legalized cannabis. Uruguay became the first nation to fully, recreationally legalize it in 2013, with numerous states following suit, most notably Canada in autumn 2018. The approach towards cannabis differs greatly from nation to nation, and sometimes even within nations, as in the U.S. and India. While many countries opt for decriminalizing cannabis but keeping it illegal, others legalize medical use, or even increasingly, recreational use. And...
3 Pages 1463 Words

Legalization of Marijuana: Pros and Cons?

According to a new Pew research Center survey, the results stated that every six out of ten Americans, or 62% say the use of marijuana should be legalized (Geiger). Legalizing marijuana would result in the increase in tax revenue, a growth in income and jobs, a rise in investment opportunities, and an overall decrease in federal debt. The debate whether legalizing marijuana will destroy the economy or if it will essentially help the economy will always be a heated controversy....
2 Pages 906 Words

The Legalization of Medical Marijuana

Would you prefer marijuana for medical use? Does your country support or allow marijuana? What diseases can this plant cure? Can this medication be the answer? Marijuana is also known as Cannabis. It is a psychoactive medication from the Cannabis plant. This plant is utilized for therapeutic or recreational purposes. The primary psychoactive piece of cannabis is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), one of 483 known mixes in the plant, including something like 65 different cannabinoids. It can be utilized by smoking, vaporizing,...
3 Pages 1595 Words
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