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Social Dystopia in Aravind Adiga‘s The White Tiger

7 Pages 3070 Words
Dystopia which means community or society is popularly assumed to be an inverted mirror and negative adaptation of utopia. Dystopia is considered as a genre in the absolute sites for generic combination. Which means tyrannical governments, dehumanization, environmental disorder are come along with cataclysmic (lots of eradication) that dwindling in society. It was a literal opposite meaning of a word...

The Effects of Technology on Society in Dystopian Fictions Brave New World and Gattaca

2 Pages 1102 Words
In Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World the controller states, “One believes things because one has been conditioned to believe them.” (Page 261). This displays that no one person is individual or has control over their doings, that technology conditions the society to the drastic point of seeming robots. In Brave New World and Andrew Niccol’s Gattaca, there is a totalitarian...

Theme of Interdependency in Waiting for Godot

3 Pages 1548 Words
In Samuel Beckett’s absurdist play, Waiting for Godot, written in 1949, through the individual characterisations and the portrayal of the relationship between Vladimir and Estragon, Beckett provides insight into the human condition through an emphasis on the interdependency present within relationships and its subsequent effects on individuals. During the period of time following World War II, in which society was...

Crucial Themes And Ideas In The Novel The Giver

1 Page 587 Words
In the novel ‘The Giver’ by Lois Lowry, the main protagonist is faced with an important decision when he learns of the true meaning of ‘Release’. He (Jonas) lives in a ‘Community’ where a decision had previously been made to create a ‘utopian’ (perfect) society by eliminating all things that were considered potentially dangerous. In doing so, the Elders removed...

Why are Dystopian Texts so Addictive and How is This Trend Impacting our Society?

2 Pages 799 Words
In 1949, an evolution in literature was produced by George Orwell with his world-renowned novel Nineteen Eighty-Four. The book described a world besieged by war, civil conflict and revolution, where three totalitarian super-states rule the world under an iron fist, corrupted by the ideology of the “Ingsoc” and by mysterious world leaders who demand a cult of personality. The novel...

The Aspects of Dystopian Societies in Divergent and The Giver

1 Page 592 Words
Throughout history, humankind has strived for perfection in every aspect of humanity, yet it has never been attained. There is a very fine line between perfection and disaster and the result is ultimately based upon the decisions made by people in authority. In dystopian societies where individuality is considered abnormal or wrong, the line between order and repression is easily...

The Tell-tale Heart And Wuthering Heights As The Bright Examples Of Gothic Literature

2 Pages 925 Words
Gothic fiction rapidly gained popularity during the nineteenth century and continues to appeal to contemporary readers. The ‘postmodern’ genre that composes of various elements in provoking distinct emotions of fear and anticipation, this follows the theme of horror, thriller and romance. Gothic literature allows readers to understand the character different perspectives in the story, allowing readers to formalise their own...

Theme of Existence in Waiting for Godot and The Goat

4 Pages 1758 Words
“Waiting for Godot” by Samuel Beckett and “The Goat” by Edward Albee are plays characterised by their genre-bending approach to storytelling. In the tradition of tragedy and comedy, both authors focalise on producing an emotional response in their audiences in a manner that recalls Barthes' “Death of the Author”. Beckett’s play seeks to expose reality to be in perpetuum, “a...

Fahrenheit 451 And Blade Runner: How Science Fiction Pre-warn Us?

3 Pages 1256 Words
Intro ‘Robots won’t replace us because we still need that human touch’ Finkel’s law gives insight into the reason why human beings will never be entirely replaced by robots, our natural instinct still needs human touch. Fahrenheit 451 and Blade runner are both set in a futuristic era’s that attempt to describe the devastating repercussions of dehumanisation and lack human...

What Makes Fahrenheit 451 A Piece Of Great Literature?

2 Pages 744 Words
From Shakespeare to Dickins, literature has been of great importance for centuries. Literature is not only an excellent form of expression, but it is also a way for our society to understand humanity from a different perspective. Fahrenheit 451, written by Ray Bradbury in 1953 is the epitome of great literature; a timeless novel that demonstrates the ramifications of a...

Fahrenheit 451 In The Literary Canon

3 Pages 1152 Words
To some, the literary canon is considered a collection of the finest works throughout literature’s history, whilst to others it can be considered an assortment of boring books that provide no meaningful impact. I’m here today to acknowledge the importance of the literary canon and the relevance these classic novels still have in today’s society. The literary canon refers to...

Ex Machina and The Handmaid's Tale: Social, Political and Historical Context

3 Pages 1588 Words
Frequently referred to as the ‘What if…?’ genre, speculative fiction is a cover term for a diverse range of literature that diverges from the empirical reality that mimetic fiction implements (Jones, 2016). This genre encompasses science fiction, fantasy, horror, and invites the readers to consider the complex ways their choices contribute to generating the future (Hieroglyph, 2016). The 2014 film...

Mary Shelley's Frankenstein: Gothic Or Romantic Novel?

3 Pages 1544 Words
The notion of Romanticism started to become prevalent in literature during the late eighteenth to the late nineteenth century. In this essay, I will present the key ideas of Romanticism, offering close analysis to the novel Frankenstein. Romantic concepts and formal choices often revolve around empiricism, the nature of the human condition, shared humanity and the appreciation for naturalistic beauty....

Waiting For Godot and Absurdist Theatre

3 Pages 1301 Words
Human life is ultimately purposeless, to cope with this confrontation, we employ an array of distractions, in futile attempts to dispute this harsh truth. The Theatre of the Absurd emerged after World War II and found artists struggling to find meaning amongst man’s self-induced devastation (TED-Ed, 2018). “Waiting For Godot” (1955) is a grim tableau, enshrined as a turning point...

The Purpose of Human Life in Waiting for Godot

3 Pages 1509 Words
With no apparent meaning, people attempt to impose meaning on it through patterned behaviour and fabricated purposes to distract from the fact that their situation is hopelessly unfathomable. Samuel Beckett’s 1950s play Waiting for Godot captures this feeling and view of the world, characterising it with archetypes symbolising humanity and its behaviour when faced with this knowledge. The protagonists, Vladimir...

The Representation of Cross-cultural Encounter in Heart of Darkness

3 Pages 1558 Words
Cross-cultural encounter facilitates personal growth and challenges understandings of the self and world. By encountering different cultures, individuals are able to gain an understanding of their own culture as well as the world around them. Joseph Conrad’s novel Heart of Darkness, explores the journey of British explorers up the Congo River and the inhumanity towards various individuals as a result...

Rebellion In Dystopian Societies In Fahrenheit 451 And The Handmaid’s Tale

2 Pages 996 Words
Rebellion indefatigably confronts evil, from which the rebel may rectify blind servitude or unbounded freedom. As such, we see Ray Bradbury’s science fiction Fahrenheit 451 (1953) and Margaret Atwood’s dystopian The Handmaid’s Tale (1986) explore the deprivation against individual liberty and distortion of knowledge, through heroic protagonists whom are doomed revolutionaries crushed by systematic regimes. Fahrenheit 451 is based in...

Themes and Ideas in Heart of Darkness and The Drover’s Wife

2 Pages 737 Words
Joseph Conrad and Henry Lawson use environment and setting to challenge the motivations and values of the characters in their texts. Specifically, Conrad uses the philosophical, independent-minded and sceptical character of Marlow to juxtapose the hypocrisy of 1890’s British imperialism in his novella, Heart of Darkness. Conrad typically embellished personal experience in his novels, with a specific interest in inter-cultural...

The Elements Of Dystopian World In Fahrenheit 451 & WALL-E

2 Pages 886 Words
The evolution of dystopian text emerged throughout the French revolution, 1700’s, although it was commonly anti-collectivist until the late 20th century. Dys (bad) topia (place) are ancient Greek words that are used to create fictional texts of an unfavourable society to live. Generally, these civilizations are controlled by oppressive governments or other forms of despotisms. Usually a combatant will be...

The Stone Gods as a Dystopia

2 Pages 923 Words
Abstract This body of work has targeted to analyze and evaluate on the story The Stone Gods by Jeanette Winterson, with respect to its dystopian aspects. By evaluating and giving examples from the story, we will try to present what makes this novel a dystopian work. Dystopia is defined in dictionaries as an imagined world in which people as a...

Waiting for Godot as an Absurdist Play

2 Pages 1130 Words
The “Theatre of the Absurd” was a dramatic philosophic movement in France during the 1950s. This metaphysical theory was thought to be influenced by World War II considering that the Nazi’s were infiltrating France. With people feeling hopeless to the inhumane treatment of other’s it is hard to think that there is a meaning to life. “Absurd” is a term...

Madness in The Scarlet Letter, The Raven and Much Madness Is Divinest Sense

2 Pages 1010 Words
A recurring idea of an individual and a society in the American Romanticism made its presence throughout this collection. Emily Dickinson's poem “Much Madness Is Divinest Sense, has a base formality that resonates with how individuals may react to their current societies standards. Hawthorne uses Hester Prynne and pearl in The Scarlet Letter, and Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Raven”, to...

Similarities Between Don Quixote And Benjamin The Third

4 Pages 1966 Words
The story of Benjamin the Third represents a turning point in Abramovitsh 's creative growth. Unlike his earlier works, which scarcely addressed the reduction of Jewish 'backwardness' external factors, The Travels address them. Thus, while The Travels certainly ridicules the culture of Jewish shtetl, the work suggests that the primary cause of Jewish cultural stagnation is entrenched anti-Semitism. Thus, when...

Difference Between Utopia and Dystopia

6 Pages 2768 Words
The Dual Nature of Utopia and Dystopia In every second of our life, we need to decide between action and inaction. These pull us towards one of two future, a heavenly and other is more hellish. Other is more utopian versus one that is more dystopian. It’s our human nature to dream about utopia, a place better than our current...

Brave New World as a Futuristic Dystopia

2 Pages 806 Words
Taking the setting of a world where “happiness” is readily served for every citizen with the help of technologies we have yet to imagine, “Brave New World” can be classified instantaneously as a novel of the science fiction and dystopian genre. Science fiction, or sci-fi, is a genre, as perfectly encapsulated in the name, that explores the field of science...

Hedda Gabler as a Bourgeoisie Tragedy

2 Pages 979 Words
Introduction Tragedy began in ancient Greece, of course, and the first great tragedies were staged as part of a huge festival known as the City Dionysia. Thousands of Greek men, that is for no women were allowed would gather in the vast amphitheatre to watch a trilogy of tragic plays, such as Aeschylus’ Oresteia. In terms of genre, tragedy requires...

Dystopia Satire: Hunger Games and the Handmaids Tale

4 Pages 1583 Words
A dystopian satire is a significant and interesting type of literature to read and get engaged in .If you read various types of dystopian based stories you would notice that they normally have three main themes though-out the text. Such as Futuristic , Survival, and Government Control. Those who enjoy it say that it is both a thrilling and depressing...

Is Medea A Tragic Hero?

2 Pages 1109 Words
Reviewed double_ok
Works of literature are often framed to portray clear distinctions between heroic figures and those who are the complete opposite of them. Typically, readers know early on which character is the one they should be rooting for and are invested in seeing that person prosper. Euripides’ Medea complicates this notion. Medea betrayed her family, killed a king and his daughter...

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