Mental Illness essays

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3 Pages 1392 Words
Schizophrenia is a complex disorder with a large heterogeneity within its clinical handbook. Categorized as a disorder of psychosis, it remains an abstract chronic illness that affects one percent of the global population (Nordqvist, C. 2017). With a vast variety of clinical presentations, the exact nature of the neuropsychology of schizophrenia continues to remain elusive. Ongoing research and continuous technological...
2 Pages 997 Words
With the technological advent of products and commodities in the 21st century, some serious challenges also emerged for mankind which not only included cancer, global warming, nuclear weapons, poverty and hunger of third-world countries, and so on. Among these issues posing a substantial menace to people of the modern world ‘Depression’ holds more than significant weight as it has become...
3 Pages 1243 Words
Postpartum depression occurs after a mother gives birth and her body changes mentally and physically (Prevatt & Desmarais, 2018). After a mother has given birth to her offspring, she begins to experience postpartum anxiety (Baylor, 2019). This often includes being easily irritated, poor diet, and some explosive emotions (Baylor, 2019). This is a condition influencing 10% to 20% of new...
1 Page 487 Words
Pregnancy is a massive switch in a woman's life, and a mix of new emotions, both mentally and physically. Nothing creates more happiness to a women than holding her new born but it also comes with lots of responsibilities. Nurturing a baby is not a easy task, you need to be alert subconsciously as it is rightly said “a mother...
2 Pages 1030 Words
Is the world ready for you if you have a disability? Dyslexia is one of the learning challenges that are categorized within the disabilities. Learning challenges are not taken seriously the way it should be. In fact, it is a struggle for a dyslexic person to enroll in one of the schools. Furthermore, Diagnosing dyslexia in its early stages is...
1 Page 427 Words
Every teacher or educator should work hard to help all their students learn most effectively. Dyslexia Association recommends a structured literacy approach for teachers and educators when teaching children with dyslexia. Literacy approach ensure that all teaching is systematic and cumulative where dyslexic children can depends on the materials being presented in a logical orders. The teacher must continually interact...
1 Page 432 Words
Schizophrenia is a long-term mental health condition causing a range of different psychological symptoms. It has been described by professionals as a type of psychosis. Psychosis means a person is not always able to determine their own thoughts from actual reality. Some of the symptoms of Schizophrenia can include confused thoughts that may be based on hallucinations and unusual beliefs....
2 Pages 971 Words
Having an anxiety disorder can lead to serious complications in the life of a person, it can; increase the risk of depression, take away time and focus from other activities, impair the ability to perform tasks quickly and efficiently due to difficulty in concentration. It can also lead to or worsen some physical health conditions like headaches and migraines, heart-health...
2 Pages 864 Words
“One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain' Bob Marley, Reggae king, Marijuana icon, and highest income dead legendary. The quote can reflect upon music as an innocuous tool, which will never hurt you in any capacity. Instead, it will rather encourage and awaken your motivation to accomplish success. Music improves performance in mental health...
2 Pages 1055 Words
What is anxiety? Anxiety is like stress. It is a fear of something that is coming in the near future. Anxiety is a totally normal thing to have, it is a natural thing that your body does, but when your anxiety last for long amounts of time and starts to affect your day to day life, then you have an...
2 Pages 710 Words
The consequences of schizophrenic illness extend beyond the ill individual to the family, as relatives play an important role in caring for the family sufferer with schizophrenia (Zahid and Ohaeri, 2010). It affects 20million people worldwide (Global Burden of Diseases, 2017). Lifetime prevalence of schizophrenia is high, ranging from 0.4 to 1.4%, due to the early age of onset and...
5 Pages 2087 Words
Recent studies have been designed to investigate the non-pharmalogical treatments in the world of mental disorders. A variety of mental disorders are set to have a (possible) psychotic component: schizophrenia, psychosis, schizoaffective disorder and bipolar disorder. Non-pharmalogical treatments exist of exercise therapy, cognitive therapy, art therapy, relaxation and music therapy. Zooming in on the music therapy gives us reason to...
3 Pages 1613 Words
Reviewed double_ok
Introduction People nowadays seem to neglect their sleeping habits. There are various reasons for this, all different for everyone. Whatever the case is for you, the day to finally improve your sleeping habits has come. In this article you are going to find out why sleep is so important and what the magic techniques for getting good quality sleep are!...
6 Pages 2527 Words
The conception of learning disabilities has been around since the twentieth century, individual learners with these difficulties are often unable to read, write or comprehend mathematical problems smoothly (The British Dyslexia Association 2007). There are several specific learning difficulties which include dyspraxia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, dyslexia and other learning difficulties. For the purpose of this essay, the specific learning disability focused...
4 Pages 1822 Words
Affecting between 5 to 10 percent of people, dyslexia is a common condition characterized by a learning disability in reading (Team, 2019). Those who are dyslexic often have trouble reading at a stable pace and they have a hard time reading without stumbling over words and making mistakes (Team, 2019). In addition, they struggle also with comprehension, writing, spelling and...
2 Pages 798 Words
In a world where there are many struggles and challenges that people experiences, feelings of hopelessness and sadness normally occur but if these feelings occur for a long period of time and affect one’s way of living, it becomes an illness known as depression. We’ve been facing a major trial in our life to make us strong and depend on...
3 Pages 1573 Words
Mental health problem, as its name implies, is a condition where someone’s emotional and mental wellbeing is affected. Mental health problems and the factors contributing to this problem vary and can affect anyone regardless of age, race, and socioeconomic status. Although the type and degree of severity varies, some of the main types of Mental health problems are depression and...
3 Pages 1298 Words
Around the world, many mothers have very smooth postpartum experiences, but on the other hand, some tend to have unfavourable physical or mental health complications. When it comes to mental health and postpartum, a common disorder that affects mothers and their infants is postpartum depression. According to Bicking and Moore (2012), about 15 percent of women experience symptoms of postpartum...
4 Pages 1944 Words
Poetry has been around for centuries. Going back to the 2nd century. As poetry has been around for some time now. Poetry has a tendency of helping soothe the pain, suffering of mental illness and so much more. In “Will a poem a day keep the Doctor away?”, talks about the use of poetry and how today it continues to...
4 Pages 1959 Words
Mental illness has always been somewhat taboo in society today. I believe now is the time to shed some more light on the subject to raise awareness. Studies have shown, “Depression is one of the most common mental disorders in the U.S” (“Depression” 1). Out of all the mental illnesses, depression stands high above the rest with outrageous rates. To...
3 Pages 1564 Words
Brain function is what makes up the characteristics of the human person and when humans are born, their brain does not know right from wrong. Over time, people learn good and evil through experience and watching others. Their ideas of morality and what constitutes right from wrong come from the way they have been raised and the environment they have...
2 Pages 865 Words
Knowledge is power. Imagine living in poverty and not understanding or knowing that you need help. Mental Illness can include addiction, depression, schizophrenia, and more. Having mental health problems can be tricky, sometimes it can be hard to spot the symptoms, which is why having the knowledge and resources can be very helpful to those in need. The government provides...
5 Pages 2097 Words
Laws and regulations concerning the insanity defense have been under constant change. When is someone deemed legally insane? And how can we determine insanity based on psychology and law? This paper provides an overview of the different laws used to determine insanity over the decades and the implication of psychological input in court. Criteria of the Insanity Defense in Court...

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