Muslim essays

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4 Pages 1742 Words
Religion has always served as an important aspect of human history by influencing the development of culture, instruction, and civilization everywhere. There are numerous religions that are followed around the world which have several variations of practices and beliefs. However, although there are many existing faiths, three in particular prevail today. Christianity, Islam, and Judaism are all monotheistic religions that...
3 Pages 1594 Words
There is an opinion that the life of Muslim women is full of restrictions, which are allegedly direct regulations of the Islamic faith. It is believed that a religious woman is a priori at the mercy of patriarchal norms, can not voluntarily make a decision and consciously observe practices. Part of men believes that women who confessing Islam have an...
3 Pages 1159 Words
Politeness is sometimes a reflection of our own personality. The word ‘politeness’ originated from the simple word polite, which is showing good manners toward others through our behaviour and speech. Politeness could also be defined as the application of good manners or etiquette towards other people no matter familiar or unfamiliar. Politeness is also a culturally defined phenomenon. Thus, sometimes...
3 Pages 1244 Words
African Traditional Religion (ATR) and Islam are two of the biggest religions on the continent of Africa, along with Christianity as well. When it comes to ATR, there are many religious phenomena from which we are able to analyze. Some examples of this include the belief in a Supreme Being, belief in spirits/divinities, belief in life after death, witchcraft and...
4 Pages 1659 Words
Abstract In Muslim societies, Waqf plays a very crucial role. It has been the principle origin for various public services provided to communities. It has been relegated as a mere charity, though its traditionally been productive in manufacturing financial gain that is sustainable and in improving the economic conditions in Muslim countries. Popularly, the creation of Waqf is instilled in...
2 Pages 835 Words
Islamic civilizations have made a huge impact on western culture and the world history. Its culture brought advances in the arts, science and literature. One of the most impactful advances was science. Baghdad became the, philosophers, and scientific thinkers. They came up with answers to pragmatic questions. The best scholars then made the Baghdad House of Wisdom. Scholars came from...
4 Pages 1856 Words
Abstract In this research, I chose to write about Abu Bakr because of his outstanding work during his life and his contributions to Islam. Abu Bakr Abdullah ibn Uthman was a close friend to the Islamic prophet Muhammad, as well as the primary of the Rashidun Caliphs. Initially a wealthy and regarded businessman. Abu Bakr afterward got to be one...
7 Pages 3277 Words
The veil is a religious symbol in Islam that doesn’t have one definitive reason behind why peocople wear it. The motivation behind the veil varies from person to person. In Islam, the decision to wear the veil is very subjective. It can be a symbol of modesty, of religious identity, of piety, of women’s need for anonymity and protection, indicative...
2 Pages 1056 Words
Now does everyone know the meaning of phobia? Well according to Google it is an ‘extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something.’ People have phobias of heights, spiders, clowns which are pretty common. Then there’s the ‘believe it or not, it’s real’ phobias such as the fear of long words or the number 13 but then there is...
6 Pages 2926 Words
Introduction Early Islam produced many prominent female leaders who would inspire and influence their contemporaries. Among the earliest Muslim women, the most influential were Muhammad's women because of their closeness to the Holy Prophet. The Quran describes the women of Prophet Muhammad as the 'mother of believers'. Indeed, the autobiographies of the wives of the Prophet Muhammad are set of...
3 Pages 1237 Words
The image and portrayal of Muslims through the media and the current president of the United States, Donald Trump, has dramatically affected the Muslim community. Subsequent to the terrorist attack of September 11th, the Muslim community became victimized by the media and portrayed as terrorists. As a result, Muslims are victims of bullying in schools, hate crimes, and prejudice in...
4 Pages 1835 Words
Public interest litigation not maintainable Turning to the Muslim Law of Succession, the High Court of Kerala by a recent judgment in Khuran Sannath Society v Union of India dismissed public interest litigation seeking a declaration that the Muslim Personal Law (Shariat) Application Act, 1937 (IND) (Act of 1937), applicable in regard to the inheritance of Muslim women, violates Arts...
3 Pages 1474 Words
Prejudice against muslims or Islam in the West mainly emerged upon 9/11 attack in the United States. On average, there have been around 145 anti-islamic hate crimes in United States from 1996-2013 (FBI reports, 1996-2013). The aim of this essay is to explain how “anti-muslims prejudice” is socially constructed and how it has affected certain groups. This essay analyses published...
1 Page 708 Words
After 9/11 image of Muslim stereotype in film industry things has changed a lot. Riz Ahmed an actor and a rapper from a Muslim ethnicity has mentioned about how we can stop this in one of his speech at the UK’s House of Commons. In the month of March 2017. Sadia Habib and Shaf Choudry had come up with this...
3 Pages 1167 Words
Being a Muslim is actually one of the best gifts and nikmah that a person got from his Creator. As a Muslim physician who are practicing Islamic basis in the daily life, we are basically practicing the same practice and share the same knowledge with the other doctor or physician in this field. The only thing that makes us differ...
2 Pages 1136 Words
Islam and Christianity are two religions that both offer a unique view of their respective religions, history, and cultural similarities and differences by the manner in which the artists depicted their respective subjects. The two artworks, the 'Icon of the Triumph of Orthodoxy (Byzantine)' and the 'Kairouan' are the two artworks I've chosen to compare and contrast. The Icon of...
2 Pages 809 Words
Religion was invented to express ideas about the world, why unexplainable things happen and what come after death. Others believed it was a way of explaining social behavior amongst human-beings. Regardless if you are religious or not, you cannot deny the impact religion has had on our world with the vast majority of the world practicing some type of religion....
2 Pages 784 Words
The architecture of a mosque is strongly shaped by the regional traditions of the time and place where it was built. As a result, the style, layout, and decoration can vary greatly. Nevertheless, because of the common function of the mosque as a place of congregational prayer, certain architectural features appear in mosques all over the world. Mosques must have...
1 Page 434 Words
Through generations and generations society has grown and developed into what it is know for today. As human beings we get to choose our own path and that also starts with what we believe in and don’t believe in as well. There are many religions that consist on different beliefs systems and practice techniques. Islam is an Abrahamic, monotheistic religion...
4 Pages 1938 Words
ABSTRACT Adoption is a sense of act where a child is taken in and promised to be loved by the adopted parents. Adoption is complicated phenomenon followed by people right from the ancient times. Adoption rights varies according to the religious belief of a person. In this paper we will explain about adoption under Islam and its application under Muslim...
4 Pages 1689 Words
Introduction Women has always played a key role in human development. In few cultures, until relatively recently, have women been acknowledged as having an equal role with men, and having equal rights to participate in all social spheres. The Arabic language, which is the language of the Holy Quran and the sayings and practices of the Holy Prophet (SAW),differs from...
1 Page 497 Words
According to the,” many would say Islam and Christianity are different; they both, however, believe in one God only. They may call them and prays differently, but in the end, it’s the belief in only having one God. Islam appeals to Allah as their one true God. In turn, Christians believe God called God God.”(Namb 2020) In Islam,” Muslims...
2 Pages 933 Words
Muslim women can be involved in both Islam and hip-hop (McMurray, 2008). McMurray says that people often ignore the discourses surrounding Islam, which consequently ignores some Muslim groups such as the Black Muslim women. These women are used as agents of negotiating the relationship between Islamic faith and the hip-hop culture. She studies how the Black Muslim women negotiate hip-hop...
4 Pages 1963 Words
Introduction The principle of equality or equity is one basic element in the value of Islam. This estimation of equality is not to be confused with or mistook for indistinguishable quality or stereotype. Islam instructs that in seeing Allah Almighty, all individuals are equivalent, yet they are not really identical. There is difference of capacities, ambitions, potential, riches, and so...
1 Page 444 Words
Recently there has been the terror in several regions. These terrorists frightened the citizens with various actions, such as murder, robbery, bombings, hostages and so on. Usually, the suspects are Moslems. If the culprit is an Islamic person, they usually reason jihad against unbelievers. Then is it true that Islam supports terrorism? Terrorism is coordinated attacks aimed at arousing feelings...
3 Pages 1256 Words
Introduction Islam has women rights that have often been perceived in different ways according to different ulemas. But what remain is the specific responsibilities of men and women that are distinctive in nature and not identical, it is said that both male and female have equal rights, as both are descendants of Adam. “And for women are rights over men,...
2 Pages 1138 Words
When we start talking about the marital rape the very first question that come in our mind is “Does marital rape really exist in Islam?” if yes then how? “is the husband allowed to force or do any violence to his wife?”? What is the legal stance on those who advocate for total equality between husband and wife in obedience...
1 Page 675 Words
Before I started to write on this topic, the first thing that comes in my mind is that What is Islamization? and what is the history of Islamization? To begin with, we must be known What is Islamization? The Islamization is the method of getting something or someone under the Islamic rules or laws is known as Islamization. In some...
2 Pages 883 Words
Community Psychology is a very important branch of psychology it understand peoples behavior within their communities, societies, organizations, community psychology focuses more on wellness than illness its an important factor to support towards social change through empowerment of weak groups such as women who suffer from brutality, youth and children living in poverty disabled people elderly and jobless immigrants. However...
2 Pages 1116 Words
In the perspective of Islam, Happiness is expressed by the term sa'adah, and it relates to two dimensions of existence: to the hereafter and to the present world. Since the self is intimately involved in a dual aspect of body and soul, it is described on the one hand as the animal soul and on the other hand as the...

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