Political Economy essays

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Gross Domestic Product of the United States

2 Pages 984 Words
The United States GDP in the second quarter was a total of $5,335,067 million. GDP is a total monetary or market value of all the finished goods and services produced within a country's borders within a specific time period. GDP does not take into account intermediate goods, which are goods used to make other goods, such as oil that is...

Does Social Issues Impact on GDP?

1 Page 608 Words
For the purpose of this essay GDP stand for gross domestic product is defined as the value of all goods and services produced in an economy in a year, according to Professor Jeffry Frankel of Harvard University. This paper will argue whether countries that face social issues affect positively or negatively on the economy. The three main arguments to be...

Australia's Gross Domestic Product: Development and Diversity

6 Pages 2524 Words
Gross domestic product (GDP) gauges a nation's financial exhibition over a given period, commonly one year or one quarter. Thus, estimating the economy of the nation is the most significant monetary measure. This paper investigates the development and diversity of Australia's gross domestic product. Australia’s Growth Decade As indicated by the report by Aslani et al. (2017), the growth rate...

Analysis on GDP and Its Effectiveness as a Standard of Well-Being and the Effects on the Focus on Economic Growth

5 Pages 2069 Words
Economic growth around the world has meant countries has been able to develop at an exponential rate, particularly those economies in third world countries. Gross domestic product or GDP gives an indication of the country’s economic situation. Many economists would use gross domestic product to provide figures to help determine the rate of growth and the size of an economy...

Similarities between Capitalism and Socialism: Compare and Contrast Essay

4 Pages 1817 Words
There is an ongoing debate about the two economic systems namely, Socialism and Capitalism. The main difference between these two is the ownership of the assets. In Capitalism, assets are owned by private companies, while in Socialism they're owned by the government (Pettinger, 2017). According to Tejvan Pettinger (2017), capitalist societies' income depends on the market forces of the economy...

Critical Essay about Working in UAE by Expats

3 Pages 1211 Words
Introduction: This Essay is about Emily who works as a luxury retail manager in the UK and moved to the UAE after getting an attractive offer from a rival company. After coming to the UAE, she realized that the culture in the UAE was different from that of the UK in the way the customers interacted with her. Customers would...

Consensus Model Law: Expository Essay

3 Pages 1550 Words
‘Monetary policy by committee: consensus, chairman dominance, or simple majority?’ Riboni and Ruge-Murcia (2010) develop a model and study the empirical implications of monetary policy-making by a committee under four different protocols, consensus model, agenda-setting model, dictator model, and simple-majority model. All models are estimated by maximum likelihood and the results show that the consensus model is a better fit...

Compare and Contrast Essay on Economic Systems: Capitalism, Communism and Socialism

4 Pages 1666 Words
Socialism is a leftist political ideology that developed out of the attitudes reflecting the exploitation of workers in capitalist systems. The socialist ideology critiques the idea of capitalism as being held on the basis of competition, and selfishness. It argues rather that humans are societal, and that economic rivalry weakens and threatens “the cooperative and community-oriented nature of humanity” (Mintz...

What Is the Public Good: Informative Essay

1 Page 424 Words
According to Adam Smith’s Theory” Wealth of Nations,” ideology is the exact same in I believe. He stated “Rational self-interest in a free market economy leads to economic well-being” In other words, there was little to no government involvement and we as individuals were given the opportunity to have a free market so we can become balanced. We as individuals...

Impact of Covid-19 on Employment in Various Industries

3 Pages 1557 Words
Abstract: The Covid-19 coronavirus is a new virus. Although there are no specific vaccines or treatments available now, medication and vaccine research are underway. Impact of Covid-19 on employment in various industries, e.g.: media and culture sector, public service, public emergency services, automotive, textile, clothing, civilization, health sector, education, shipping, fishing, tourism, agriculture, food security, etc. in various ways. Due...

Essay on Inflation

3 Pages 1370 Words
Inflation is the measurement of how much more costly a collection of goods and services has gotten over time, generally a year. It's possible that it's one of the most well-known economic terms. Inflation has thrown countries into a state of insecurity for extended periods of time. Many central bankers aim to be dubbed 'inflation hawks.' Politicians have won elections...

Essay about Unemployment in the United States

3 Pages 1586 Words
Unemployment has been an issue and a concern in most counties across the world, including the US, but unemployment is at the lowest it has ever been in 50 years. The factors include demographics, level of education, the introduction of automation/technology, economic conditions, and demographic characteristics. In the United States, employments are frequently utilized as a proportion of the strength...

Essay about International Monetary Fund and the World Bank

1 Page 644 Words
The International Monetary Fund (IFM) and the World Bank (WB) are two of the biggest money lenders in the world. They are responsible for maintaining world peace through monitoring, bailing, building, and maintaining functional economies, managing world currencies, and exchange rates against the United States dollar. They have their own shortfalls in their endeavor to provide and sustain economies running....

Materialism, Loneliness and the Problem with Capitalism

3 Pages 1231 Words
As a wise person once said, shopping is cheaper than a therapist. Is that statement actually truthful though? Every year thousands, maybe even millions, of Americans fall into the dangerous cycle of materialism due to loneliness. Buying unnecessary and trivial products hoping that they will make their life just a little bit better. Later on, they realize the purchase of...

Analysis of the Main Economic Indicators of Australia

4 Pages 1988 Words
This report will detail the current trends in three key economic indicators within Australia, and the impacts of these if they are too high, or too low. Economic indicators are a piece of economic data, that is used by analysts to interpret current or future investment possibilities. This report uses three economic indicators: inflation, unemployment and income/wealth distribution. It has...

Penny Argumentative Essay

1 Page 522 Words
Every year, the United States Treasury Department loses over $100 million on minting pennies. There is a heated debate between people who are in favor of the penny and people who believe the penny should be removed from circulation. The penny should be removed from circulation for three main reasons: the penny costs too much to make, citizens lose money...

Analysis of Italy's Green Economy and the Creation of New Jobs Opportunities

4 Pages 1895 Words
This research aims to investigate how the green economy can create new job opportunities, therefore defining some future social scenarios in Italy. The reason for which the green economy can create new employment for future generations is due to the use of new ecological and non-pollutant technologies that have been created and that will be furtherly developed in the near...

Ghost Genre as a Tool to Symbolize Capitalism Critique in The Signalman of Dickens

4 Pages 1839 Words
Charles Dickens (1812-1870) was an eminent writer, journalist and social critic of Victorian era. He was brought up by middle class family in destitute poverty during British industrial revolution. These things had everlasting impact upon his memory. He is one of the literary canons who wrote a magnanimous amount of literature on varied topics. He wrote blatantly about social and...

Food Insecurity and Inflation: Shortage of Food Supply and Policy Gaps in Pakistan

2 Pages 815 Words
Increase in Food items Prices as per Pakistan Bureau of Statistics: Pulse moong (19.74%), Pulse gram(18.2%), Chicken (17.53%), Eggs (14.28%), Wheat(12.63%), Besan(12.09%), Fresh vegetables(11.7%), Pulse mash(10.29%), Gur(9.49%), Beans(8.09%), Wheat flour (7.42%), Pulse masoor(7.33%), Condiments and Spices(7.15%), Gram whole (6.68%), Sugar(5.07%), Fresh fruits(3.93%), Mustard oil(2.87%), Wheat products(2.64%), Vegetable ghee(2.18%), Rice(1.2%), Fish(1.19%) and Dry fruits(1.09%). Decreased: Onions (18.37%), Tomatoes (8.36%) and Potatoes...

Evils of Capitalism in the “The Jungle” by Upton Sinclair

2 Pages 814 Words
Immigrants flock to America in search of the American dream; a dream that promises success to everybody who works hard and makes an effort to succeed. In the novel 'The Jungle' Upton Sinclair illustrates that capitalism is flawed as it leads to corruption, exploitation, and power in the hands of the rich. Corruption, 'dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in...

Argumentative Essay: Can Capitalist Dominance Be Challenged

6 Pages 2641 Words
The state of ‘post-politics’, whereby society is characterised by political apathy and a lack of substantial political change, is often portrayed as having transpired concurrently with the trend of rising global consumerism. Indeed, many academics argue that capitalist domination has been irreversibly strengthened through a culture of excessive consumption that intrinsically reinforces hegemonic power (Briggs, 2012; Dean, 2009; Rushkoff and...

Unemployment as a Social Problem: Essay

3 Pages 1585 Words
Employment (the number, quality, and security of jobs available) is an important social concept. The fact that income is directly correlated to employment creates the societal notion of class. As such, lack of employment is, consequently, also an important economic aspect that has a direct connotation with the make-up of the society. This literature review aims at effectively analyzing the...

Influence of the Capitalist Economic System on the Living Standards

4 Pages 1691 Words
The aim of this assessment will be to focus on evaluating how the capitalist economic system has impacted the living standards, and whether it has delivered a widespread improvement. Since a capitalist economic system is frequently referred to a system which discusses private property, markets and firms, as well as explaining how a country’s industries and trades are controlled by...

Main Views and Beliefs of Max Weber and John Maynard Keynes

2 Pages 995 Words
This short paper will focus on the studies and the beliefs that intellectuals such as Max Weber and John Maynard Keynes devoted their lives to. Theorists and sociologists alike have played a very important part of our everyday modern lives. There works and achievements have allowed us as a civilization to effectively understand how to properly communicate with our environment...

Main Effects of Losing a Job

1 Page 551 Words
In life, each individual has a set of goals that he wants to reach. One of those goals is having a good job. In fact, according to an expert, having an employment is the only thing that helps the person develops his life. In contrast, the act of losing a job impacts negatively on the person’s life. Because of normal...

Gender in History of American Capitalism

6 Pages 2937 Words
Historians in the 1980s hoped that studies of categories of analysis would illuminate subjects that had previously been obscured. Joan Scott foregrounded gender in particular as one of these useful categories. ‘Gender’ has been widely substituted for ‘women’ in the labelling of this type of history which ultimately makes sense since the same cultural processes produced both ‘women’ and ‘men’....

Essay on Employment Discrimination

4 Pages 1902 Words
Employment law is composed of both federal and state laws to ensure that they provide legal protection to employees and employers. It is set up to ensure that legal guidelines and standards are met by preventing discrimination, promote health and safety, establish a minimum for economic support and to prevent work disputes between labor and management. While I was researching...

Do International Institutions Mostly Benefit the Developed World or the Developing World?

4 Pages 1703 Words
The main international economic institutions are the IMF, the World Bank, and the WTO (Barkin, 2013). Each has an area of specialization and focus and can be complementary to the others. These three institutions are organizations that they, or their principles, were set up after the Second World War in the Bretton-Wood Conference (Ravenhill, 2016). This essay will be focusing...

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