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Essay on Morality and Happiness

3 Pages 1515 Words
From my perspective, I think the best philosophy of human nature that I have learned from the class is Immanuel Kant compared to other philosopher such as Plato, Aristotle, Thomas Hobbes, Karl Marx, and Freud. Plato was known as the father of idealism and one of the forefathers of philosophy; which is the love of wisdom. Whereas, Kant was known...

Essay on Fashion Stereotypes

3 Pages 1559 Words
Androgynous chooses an identity that can be explained as an altered blend of both or mixed male or female identity. True androgyny lies in the absence of gender binaries and their associations. Designers who have managed to create androgynous fashion are typically the ones who erase masculine and feminine differences. Androgyny refers to someone’s physical appearance or presentation and doesn’t...

Essay on the Noble Experiment and Jackie Robinson

6 Pages 2814 Words
America's favorite pastime. Nine innings, four bases, and one diamond. I’m of course talking about the intricate and sometimes boring sport of Baseball. If you don’t know the game, let me explain it a bit. Unlike most sports, a running clock doesn't confine the length of a ball game. The two contending teams play over a time of nice innings,...

Informative Essay on Drug Addiction

4 Pages 2027 Words
Say No To Drugs Few people deny the dangers of drug use, while many teens are curious about drugs. They should fail to abstain from drugs because drugs affect our health, and lead to academic failure. Drugs have been used for a long time in many countries. The concentration of drugs has increased since the late 1960s and 1970s. Drugs...

Essay on Negative Effects of Peer Pressure

5 Pages 2073 Words
Social Persuasion: Telling a primary school pupil that they can achieve anything that they desire often has positive outcomes on how the pupil thinks about themselves and believe that they can achieve anything. This is an example of social persuasion where positive feedback encourages positive outcomes. Social persuasion can be used to persuade others that they have the capabilities to...

Essay on Wedding Cake Model of Criminal Justice

1 Page 568 Words
In the criminal justice system, there are a lot of different ways that people are treated based on the crime that they committed. If a person commits a mass murder while another person is arrested for forgery which one would get more attention? The mass murder would be the case that attracts more attention because they want to focus on...

Essay on Models of Discipline in the Classroom

1 Page 562 Words
When choosing the two discipline theorists and their models from this week’s readings, care was taken to ensure that they were from two different approaches in the belief that this would make them easier to contrast, discuss, and therefore, agree or disagree with. This proved not to be the case. Positive and negative aspects from both were relatively easy to...

Essay on Chinese Culture

1 Page 495 Words
For my research project, I decided to study Chinese cuisine. I chose this because I love Chinese food, but know nothing about it. Chinese cuisine plays a tremendous role in Chinese culture. It is one of the richest and most diverse heritages on the planet. The cuisine started in various regions of China and soon migrated to other parts of...

Essay on the Effects of Overpopulation in California

4 Pages 1762 Words
The Aftermath of the Overpopulation in California California is changing, and not always for the better. water is becoming scarce, open spaces are filling in, traffic, pollution, and overcrowding are all common concerns that affect daily life in California and the biggest factor contributing to California's decline is simply; too many people. Much of L.A. County in earlier days was...

Air Pollution in California Essay

4 Pages 1756 Words
The concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere, as of 2018, is the highest it has been in 3 million years ( ). Greenhouse gases (GHG) contribute to higher temperatures and more heat waves (). The Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, also known as Assembly Bill 32 (AB 32), fights global warming by reducing greenhouse gas emissions from...

Beauty in Architecture through Proportions Essay

2 Pages 1113 Words
The Golden Ratio in Design and Architecture Mathematics and Architecture are like two peas in a pod. In the past, Architecture has done great things for geometry. In measuring the land they lived on, it was people's need to build their buildings that caused them to first investigate the theory of form and shape (Freiberger, 2019). Ancient Greeks studied Phi...

Art Therapy for Veterans Essay

3 Pages 1506 Words
“True heroism is remarkably sober, very undramatic. It is not the urge to surpass all others at whatever cost, but the urge to serve others at whatever cost” (Arthur Ashe, 2015). Veterans are the brave men and women who serve our country every day. This is not an easy task, it requires a great deal of bravery, patience, motivation, willpower,...

Ancient Chinese Civilization Essay

3 Pages 1358 Words
The first ever civilization took place in Mesopotamia between the year 4000B.C.E. After this, river valley civilizations came the classical period (1000B.C.E- 450C.E) which was characterized by a set of great civilizations which constituted China, Persia, India, and Greeko-Roman (Mediterranean) civilizations. These 4 great civilizations did not function independently. They integrated and expanded their territories to cover up large portion...

Essay on 1960s Counterculture Fashion

5 Pages 2523 Words
When you ask a person, what comes to mind when they think back to the 1960’s, the most common answers are; Hippies, Drugs, The Beatles, and the ‘weird’ vibrant clothes. Among other things, fashion seems to be what sticks in people’s heads. Many icons from that era were known mainly for their style, such as Jackie Kennedy, Twiggy, and Audrey...

Essay on Counter Culture Civil Rights Movement

1 Page 488 Words
The 1960’s: The counterculture strikes back. Our first reading summarises the 1960’s, an epoch marked by a momentous transition. Denoted as one of the most tumultuous and divisive decades, it is defined by the historical actions of the civil rights movement, the Vietnam War, political assassinations, anti-war marches, and the emergence of the “generational gap.”[ 1] Challenging Hollywood’s traditions of...

Essay on 1950s Black Fashion

3 Pages 1508 Words
With the end of the Second World War in 1945, came the revival of romanticism and haute couture within the world of fashion. After a period of rationing everything from food to fabrics and styles such as the ‘Utility Dress’ being the trend during the war, the revival of romanticism was greatly welcomed by many. Although the previous era focused...

1920's Gypsy Fashion Essay

1 Page 408 Words
The fashion for men and women in the 1920s was one of the most influential, creative, and unique times. At first, fashion was dedicated to aristocrats and the affluent, but things changed when the middle class became a part of it. Fabrics and materials were becoming affordable and people were creating new garments in the comfort of their own homes....

Essay on Why Drunk Driving Laws Should Be Stricter

3 Pages 1401 Words
The source supports a positive outlook on modern liberalism. The source states that the citizens of a liberal system are exclusively responsible for holding the government responsible for the activities, and if the decisions that are made by the government do not reflect the will of the people, the government “must be removed from [control].” A democracy that follows the...

Essay on History of Gender Stereotypes

2 Pages 950 Words
This research seeks to investigate and identify stereotypes of gender within schools, and if this may lead to a possible difference in treatment. There will be some references to any stereotypes throughout history, and if they have perhaps lessened in today's society, or are still practiced even today. However, history and current time will be evaluated. The individual aims, which...

Air Pollution in the Philippines Essay

3 Pages 1115 Words
According to the World Health Organization (WHO) (2019), the Philippines has the 3rd highest mortality rate in Asia, averaging 120,000 deaths per year. (Enano, 2019) Air pollution is the presence of harmful chemicals in the air. Examples of these chemicals are called particulate matter which contains ammonia, sodium chloride, and many more (Ambag, 2018). Inhaling air that contains these chemicals...

Is Drug and Alcohol Addiction a Disease Argumentative Essay

4 Pages 1836 Words
Nature alludes to the entirety of the qualities and inherited elements that impact our identity, from our physical appearance to our character attributes. Nurture can be defined as all the environmental factors that sway who we are, including our youth encounters, how we were raised, our social connections, and our encompassing society. Some philosophers, for example, Plato and Descartes recommended...

Discipline Vs Punishment Essay

2 Pages 785 Words
Do you know the difference between discipline and punishment with their Latin roots? Punishment implies inflicting pain, while discipline means to teach. Parents who use punishment miss important opportunities to teach their children better behaviors and help them self-discipline. Children can be taught responsible behaviors to help them get the things they want without breaking the rules. However, when parents...

Positive Discipline Essay

4 Pages 1944 Words
I am a kindergarten teacher working at the Early Birds Kindergarten, Nursery and Childcare Centre. This kindergarten provides children with the highest quality of care and education to focus on their personal development and offer a well-balanced curriculum to meet their needs. It provides service for children aged 2 to 6 from different background and ethnicity. There is a large...

Persuasive Essay on Discipline with Love

1 Page 582 Words
Discipline is mainly to teach and guide with love to your children — it's not to Physically punish them or get angry with them. Teaching Discipline to Children is an art in itself. It requires a strong bond between a disciplined teacher and a child. The more important rules are like a gold to discipline a child. Consider Their Feelings:...

Advantages of Time Management Essay

3 Pages 1171 Words
Introduction This essay shows that students who take responsibility for their academic success enhance and identify goals that help them to self-direct their studies to give them a positive outcome. The research will argue that study habits, peer and faculty relationships, and student active learning benefit students to better understand study skills to gain academic success. This essay may encounter...

My Name Essay: 'The House on Mango Street'

3 Pages 1148 Words
We live in an Anglo-male-dominated society. The marginalization of women of color has resulted in a skewed understanding of history, as seen specifically in the Chicano Movement. El Movimiento was a realization and reclamation of culture, but it catered to what it meant to be Chicano, not Chicana. All Chicanas have been largely underrepresented and are only recently being examined...

Essay on Why Is Symbolism Important

2 Pages 1059 Words
This short story The Furnished Room is written by American poet William Sydney Porter. William Sydney Porter is known by his pet name O. Henry. He was born in Greensboro in 1862. He moved to New York where Henry's most intensive writing period occurred, he wrote 381 short stories. His short stories are famous for their surprise ending and witty...

Advantages of Overpopulation Essay

2 Pages 692 Words
On April 27th, 2018, Marvel Studios released one of the most anticipated films of the year: Avengers Infinity War. Marvel enthusiasts were shocked and devastated that movie villain, Thanos, obliterated several iconic Avengers along with half of the world population and existing life. With just one snap of his fingers, Thanos was able to make all of it disappear. Although...

Importance of Morality Essay

6 Pages 2599 Words
Nietzsche believes that man’s behavior is instinctively related to this need for survival. Superior men are realistic; they know that they would have to face the competitive struggle with their eyes open and their hearts under control. They prefer to not exhibit any form of sentimentality and attachment, choosing rather to perform actions that are needed, however immoral. The weaker...

Essay on Pros and Cons of Lying

2 Pages 980 Words
Easter morning 20**, I woke up and ran downstairs buzzing like a bee, excited to go and get the chocolate the Easter bunny had left me. As I got down the stairs something white on the floor caught my eye. Below me were none only than Easter bunny footprints! I followed them, so excited to have a bit of the...

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