Human Impact essays

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Pros and Cons of Water Pollution

1 Page 399 Words
Reviewed double_ok
Water pollution is the dumping of foreign materials in water. Water pollution has the following advantages: helps in disposing harmful materials off the land surface and is inexpensive. Disadvantages of water pollution include: waterborne diseases, death of aquatic life and hindrance to boating activities. How do industries cause water pollution explain? Explanation: Industries discharge chemical wastes comprising substances called effluents...

Pros and Cons of Saving Endangered Species

3 Pages 1513 Words
African wild dogs are a unique and endangered species that are important to their ecosystem. They play an important role in eliminating sick and weak animals, helping maintain natural balance and ultimately improving prey species (Tagley, 2019). Known for being highly efficient predators, they help regulate prey species that play a role in shaping vegetation. This species are also highly...

Pros and Cons of Pollution

2 Pages 1135 Words
Reviewed double_ok
Releasing substances to the environment that can cause harm is pollution. Various types of pollution include land pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, air pollution, and radioactive pollution. Pollution is normally associated with devastating effects on human life, such as cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases, and cancer. However, it can also have good effects, such as reducing climate change and helping plants...

Problems of Water Pollution Essay

1 Page 400 Words
Do you want our sea creatures and our plants to die? Water pollution has been a massive problem for centuries. It occurs when damaging substances such as chemicals enter and contaminate bodies of water, causing water to become toxic to the environment and us humans. I strongly believe that water pollution should be stopped because it kills our sea creatures,...

Problem Solution Essay About Traffic Jam

2 Pages 835 Words
According to article about solution to solve the traffic congestion by Mr. Shladover. The traffic congestion can be solved with one system which integrated with wireless connection form each vehicle. The result of this system can give suggestion for route to prevent a crowded area, then every road can be more optimal. Calculation of best route from this system will...

Problem of Deforestation Essay

6 Pages 2653 Words
Forest is an essential source for pleasing people's desires and needs. Thus, certainly people would try to take advantages of forest resources. This process of utilizing forest is called deforestation. Human beings clear the forest in order to use it for their needs, this is known as deforestation. In other words, the process of deforestation is the clearance of forest...

Pollution Cause and Effect Essay

2 Pages 1071 Words
There are many types of pollution and each one has its cause and effects. Pollution caused by humans and naturally. The environment consists of many pollutants in the air and water. Each pollution has its own risks and it disrupts the balance in our ecosystem and affects the environment. It also causes illnesses, contamination and global warming and it is...

Pollution and Types of Pollutions Essay

4 Pages 1832 Words
Introduction Pollution, we heard about this phrase almost everyday in our life, and it is getting worse with the world development and modernization. There are many types of pollutions affecting our nature that can cause humorous damaged to the environment, the ecosystem and our health; such as land pollution, air pollution, water pollution, noise and light pollution, etc. Among the...

Philippine Traffic Crisis: Reflection and Suggestion

2 Pages 1053 Words
I growed up in a city where there is no traffic. Every time I go to school, I travel four and a half kilometers in five to ten minutes only. I go to school fresh and arrive fresh with the same hairstyle, smell, and even my clothes are not tousled. The problem there is the foods that they will serve...

Persuasive Essay on Endangered Species

3 Pages 1481 Words
I chose this topic because I feel like this is a very important global issue that is still going on for a long period of time and we should do something about it before it’s too late and we ruin our planet. We may not realize but if many animals are going extinct this year rapidly, it will also affect...

Noise Pollution Essay

1 Page 436 Words
Noise pollution can be also known as environmental noise or sound pollution. It is when sounds within a surrounding that is too much, not essential, or unnecessary sounds that can disturb us it becomes noise pollution. It is commonly generated inside many industrial facilities and some other workplaces it can also come from railways, highway, airplane traffic, and other outdoor...

Neural Network Models for Prediction of Deforestation: A Survey

3 Pages 1373 Words
Deforestation, as one of the most uprising environmental problems in today’s time, has been recorded as the foremost serious threat to the environmental ecosystem and one of the main factors that have contributed to the green cover change. This paper depicts various methods used for the identification and prediction of deforestation. Over the years, numerous methods were implemented for this...

Land Pollution Essay

3 Pages 1194 Words
It took 30 years for Love Canal to be inhabitable again after twenty-two barrels of toxic waste were dumped into its waters in the late 1970’s. Land pollution has greatly increased over the past several decades. Climate change has caught the attention of the world with very recent statistics of ice glaciers, ice gaps, and ice sheets melting metric tons...

Human Activities as Drivers of Insect Extinction

1 Page 439 Words
Emergence of human activities over the past decades resulted in multiple impacts furthermore contributing to driving these organisms to extinction. Such activities mainly refer to dwindling and loss of habitat of insect assemblages followed by triggering drivers such as degradation and fragmentation which associates with deforestation, agricultural expansion and urbanization (Foley et al., 2005; Dirzo et al., 2014; Habel et...

How to Stop Deforestation? Essay

1 Page 443 Words
Did, you know that the biggest and most important rainforest worldwide is being cut down? The Amazon Rainforest is being cut down and could put the world in jeopardy. We need to stop this problem before it’s too late. As the Amazon is getting cut down more and more, unique plants and animals are becoming endangered. Also, humans depend on...

How to Solve Air Pollution? Essay

1 Page 600 Words
To start this topic, it is well-known that air pollution is an environmental health hazard. NIEHS (2021) stated that air pollution is a mix of hazardous substances from both human-made and natural sources.The air pollution issue is awash with people’s daily life and threatens human’s health standards as well. Air pollution exposure may result in some chronic diseases and cancer....

How to Reduce Pollution? Essay

7 Pages 3452 Words
Essay on Pollution for Students An essay about pollution explores the detrimental effects of human activities on the environment and the urgent need for sustainable solutions. Pollution refers to the contamination of natural resources such as air, water, and soil, caused by various factors including industrialization, urbanization, and the excessive use of fossil fuels. In this essay, we will delve...

How To Reduce Cities Impact On The Environment

1 Page 447 Words
The main problem is that cities are using too many fossil fuels which is polluting the air and the environment which harms the environment and the animals living amongst it. This happens because the pollution from fossil fuels contributes to climate change, changing the climate to an extent to the animals and plants aren’t used to it and die. They...

How to Prevent Water Pollution Essay

2 Pages 925 Words
According to, world health organization searched. (1948). Sanitation commonly refers to the procurement of amenities and services for the safe removal of human urine and feces. Which the throughout purposes of sanitation is to come up with a healthy living environment for everybody, to keep safe the natural resources (such as surface water, groundwater,) and to provide safety, security and...

Health Effects of Air Pollution

3 Pages 1227 Words
In this essay, I expected to examine toxicology of real air poisons, source of emission, and their effect on human health. Air pollution is a major problem of new humanized world, which has a genuine toxicological effect on human wellbeing and the earth. It has various distinctive outflow sources, however engine vehicles and mechanical procedures contribute the significant piece of...

Ganga River Pollution Essay

2 Pages 1027 Words
In completion of this case study, I got the help and guidance of some respected persons, who deserve my deepest gratitude. I have completed my case study on Ganga Pollution. I have worked with full dedication and studied the case thoroughly and searched for ideas for solutions myself. I studied causes of pollution, problems arisen, future outcomes, steps taken by...

Forest Fires and Deforestation within the Amazon Rainforest

2 Pages 1103 Words
Over 47,500 forest fires have occurred within the past year. Of those 47,500 forest fires, 6,315 occurred within the Amazon. According to the article The Disappearing Rainforests, with this many fires occurring, “more than 20 percent of the Amazon rainforest is already gone, and much more is severely threatened as the destruction continues”. Not only does this information bring awareness...

Essay on Pollution Caused by Plastic Bags

2 Pages 944 Words
Anthropogenic activities such as plastic pollution account to the death of many marine organisms. Research states, the plastic debris accumulating within the oceans now equates to around 5.25 trillion pieces, along with 269,000 tonnes that floats to the surface. The main culprit of the plastic pollution is plastic bags, with approximately 500 billion bags being used per year. These bags...

Essay on Overpopulation and Deforestation

4 Pages 1790 Words
Overpopulation is a root problem of all the environmental issues. If you can control the population, you can control almost anything. Never before has there been such a large magnitude of humans on the face of our planet. With our numbers crossing the 8 billion mark, humans have surpassed every other large animal to become the most populous mammal on...

Essay on Increasing Pollution in Cities

4 Pages 1664 Words
Based on half a century of rapid urbanization, increasingly individuals choose live in city and almost half of population in world live in the urbanized place, due to the global climate crisis some issues will be exasperated. Therefore, it results in the shortage of water resources in cities in recent years. The term ‘‘water crisis’’ described as the demand of...

Essay on Dangers of Deforestation

1 Page 604 Words
Deforestation is the clearing of forests to satisfy various human needs. These largely include the need to expand the agricultural land, increase the number of residential colonies, set up new industries and derive various products from trees and plants. While man is indulging in deforestation to meet the demands of the growing population and to make life comfortable, this process...

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