Language and Linguistics essays

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A Pilot Study On Sign Language Detection

5 Pages 2081 Words
ABSTRACT People having physical limitations such as speech and hearing impairment are often unable to convey their message properly, which leads to them being left out in many aspects of life. To help those people express themselves in a better and easier way we have developed the sign language detection application. We have developed a translator that takes hand gestures...

Dynamic Hand Gesture Recognition System For Kurdish Sign Language Using Two Lines Of Features

7 Pages 2992 Words
Abstract Hand gesture recognition forms a great difficulty for computer vision especially in dynamics. Sign language has been significant and an interesting application field of dynamic hand gesture recognition system. The recognition of human hands formed an- extremely complicated mission. The solution for such a difficulty requires a robust hand tracking method which depends on an effective feature and classifier....

An Overview Of Sign Language Detection Using Wearable System

3 Pages 1189 Words
Abstract This paper present a survey of sign language detection using wearable system by using various technology. These technology is used for deaf and dumb as they face many difficulties in their day to day life to communicate with world. As many people who are not deaf and dumb unable to understand the sign language .To make this possible these...

The Use Of Diminutives In Expressing Politeness: Modern Greek Versus English

3 Pages 1363 Words
According to Brown and Levinson’s theory, in order to avoid acts that can potentially threaten one’s face or their interlocutor’s face, people employ either positive politeness strategies, which emphasize familiarity and similarity in order to minimize social distance or negative politeness strategies, which exhibit respect and non-imposition, so as to maximize the social distance between interactants. The use of diminutivized...

Learning English Language Through Travelling

3 Pages 1321 Words
In this article, I mainly focused on the theme of learning language through traveling and its peculiar features , its effects and its plus sides . Moreover, the article describes the main differences of learning English as a usual way by searching or reading books and learning the language through travelling different sightseeings. As we know, most of the people...

Verb Transitivity Of Malay Palembang Language (Systematic Functional Linguistics Perspective)

4 Pages 1942 Words
Abstract In language there is a metafunction, namely, Ideational; correlation of the usefulness of language in conveying experience in the form of expression and understanding of the perception of life that is carried out consciously called transitivity. This study attempts to analyze the transitivity process of Palembang Malay verbs with Linguistic Functional Linguistics categories. The research method uses a combination...

The Issue Of Language Impairment

3 Pages 1483 Words
First of all, language impairment is a controversial issue which triggers a great deal of heated debate among the language and the brain. Moreover, one other language impairment is dyslexia, due to the seriousness of the problem that it causes. In addition, it must be pointed out that, dyslexia has been recognized as a serious problem for both older and...

Critical Discourse Analysis Of Political Campaign For General Election 2018 In Pakistani Print Media

9 Pages 4199 Words
Introduction The association between politics and language can be trace back to ancient Greece and since then the intellectual interest has been erected on the premise that political behavior is knotted with and dependent on language usage. Political discourse is all pervasive and cogent because of its sturdy power to access the general public at giant. It generates the influence...

Lexical Cohesion In Academic Writing: Abstract Of Applied Linguistics

7 Pages 3172 Words
Abstract The writings of Halliday and Hasan (1976) established the approach of cohesion in texts in discourse analysts. Depiction on this significant study, researchers have been inquiring cohesion in both monologic and dialogic discourses of different languages (Taboada, 2004; Angermeyer, 2002), genres (Tanskanen, 2006; Hoey, 2005), and registers (Hasan, 1984; Hoey, 1991). The purpose of this study was to introspect...

The Formation And Use Of The Language

1 Page 572 Words
What is language? It is a system. System which is made of interdependent linguistic units, such as morphology or phonology which were the object of linguistic study since the early years. Yet, what had often been neglected in the past was the crucial fact that language is a system for communicating meanings, and therefore to really understand the nature of...

Enhancement Of Language Learning Through Social Media

3 Pages 1341 Words
Today, social media plays a tremendous role in enhancing language learning. Social media seeks out attention. There are lots of different types of social media which includes social networking like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, WhatsApp, etc., media sharing networks like Instagram, Snapchats, YouTube and writing reviews and online forum includes Quora, Reddit, Blogs and Vlogs.An average person over his life time...

The Peculiarities Of Language Development

2 Pages 699 Words
Language is a complex and important feature in every day life, it is how we as humans communicate to one another, how we express our needs and emotions and how we get the attention of our peers. How does language begin to develop in children? They are not born speaking the words adults use around them and they do not...

Language As A Tool For Persuasion

2 Pages 945 Words
The intention of most media messages is to persuade the audience to believe or to behave a certain way. Hollywood films use upscale special effects to make the spectators that what they’re seeing is real. News use several techniques – such as direct quotation of identified sources – to make their audience accept the story as accurate. The media messages...

The Acquisition Of First Language

2 Pages 1052 Words
The first language is an innate ability and that the sensitive period for language begins in the womb and lasts until the age of seven. During this sensitive period, the child absorbs language through listening to the sound of her environment. Obviously mum can feel the movements of a baby in the womb and sometimes she sees a baby’s movements....

Kinesthetics, Proxemics, And Semiotics

1 Page 583 Words
KINESTHETICS Architecture can be defined as the choreographic arrangement of space in relation to the moving body (Sama, 2011). Sama also stated that this “choregraphy” can be classified or understood in two ways: ergonomically and performatively. Performance choreography concentrates on the kinesthetic experience of the human body in space. According to the Cambridge Dictionary, Kinesthetic is connected or related with...

How Does Acquiring The Four Language Skills Help In Shaping A Balanced Individual

3 Pages 1328 Words
English language is essential in our daily life. It serves many purposes. For instances, to communicate with people, to promote products and so on. Nowadays, the fast growth of communication technologies and information has assisted a revolution on how we use English language. Due to the increase usage of English Language as the first global language, the proficiency of English...

Gayness In Print Advertisement: A Semiotic Analysis

4 Pages 1855 Words
INTRODUCTION Advertisements are ubiquitous; hence, these are seen in different forms such as print and electronic which make the advertisements more interesting, creative, attractive, and persuasive especially in terms of appearance. Cook (1992, p.5) says that advertising is a well-known type of discourse in the society. Moreover, it is well-established and it has also been progressing especially in the modern...

The Difference Between Balinese Language And Sundanese Language

4 Pages 1649 Words
ABSTRACT This research is aimed to find out the lexical meaning and connotative meaning of Balinese language. Balinese language is one of the traditional language in Indonesian country which an unique thing because of the historical of these language are had been influenced not only by the Balinese language itself, but there are an influenced from Sundanese language and also...

The Bilingual And Monolingual Advantages In Working Memory

3 Pages 1498 Words
Abstract Overtime as communities emerged society has adopted different languages. As new languages arise and intertwined so does the need to understand the minds adaptation. Therefore, the bilingual mind has increased its popularity. Specifically, in understanding how the bilingual mind adjusts, and if this adaptation creates and advantage over their monolingual counterparts. It has been hypothesized that bilingual children outperform...

Do People Who Speak More Than One Language Have A Cognitive Advantage?

7 Pages 2977 Words
For many children, they grow up hearing and using two or more languages, with half of the world’s population is bilingual (Grojean, 2010). In most recent years, research and knowledge around how our brains work has increased greatly, this has led to improved research techniques such as electroencephalographic (EEG) and functional resonance imaging (fMRI). These two approaches to research aid...

Understanding Politeness Strategies Of The Igbo Speakers Of English Language

4 Pages 1601 Words
Abstract Language has been proven to be inseparable from socio-cultural interaction. Recent empirical studies on conversation in a discourse of a multi sociocultural group observe the need of politeness strategies to ensure smooth conversation among the interlocutors. Even though Nigeria has made English Language as a language of unity, the controversies, division and distrust among the various ethnic group that...

Language, The Mind, Thoughts And Personality

4 Pages 1790 Words
Introduction Human language is unique and vastly different from the sounds and noises of animals. It just so happens that humans' position in the words is unique as well. We have created a regulated system of survival, generally referred to as civilization or society. Just like we are the only specie capable of language exchange we are the only specie...

Sign Language To Text And Voice Translator Using Convolutional Neural Network And Kinect Sensor

5 Pages 2104 Words
Abstract Since the outset of human communication, sign language has changed and evolved into our society. Sign language gives the deaf and mute people a chance to communicate with other people, but the ignorance of sign language often results to more miscommunication and misinterpretation. The language that is supposed to be connecting people creates a gap instead. This study focused...

Language Use On Social Media

5 Pages 2120 Words
According to the founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, the essence of social media is to recreate a “town square” environment in the digital world for people to engage in conversations similar to a traditional city center (Dwoskin, 2019). Thus, people can create a profile on social media that mirrors the reputation of a normal person in real life. Based on...

Motivation In Second Language Learning: A Historical Overview

4 Pages 1831 Words
Abstract The concept of motivation always regarded in human societies particularly for scholars and educational experts. In recent decades, there has been a remarkable growth of interest in the concept of motivation, many theorists and researchers in Educational Psychology have been put theories and particular role for motivational and psychological patterns on educational behaviours. In this paper, we review the...

Indian Sign Language Recognition System: Approaches And Challenges

6 Pages 2697 Words
Abstract Communication is the fundamental need for an individual. People are communicate with each other to share their thoughts, ideas, information and the most crucial is they feel associated with each other by communicating with each other. Normal individual fail to communicate with deaf-dumb because the absence of the knowledge of sign language used by deaf-dumb. Total 5072914 hearing disabled...

Sign Language Recognition: Style Guidelines

2 Pages 967 Words
Abstract Due to the relative lack of vast use of Sign language within our society, deaf and other people which are verbally -challenged and face difficulties in daily communication among there societies. Our aim is to develop a mobile application which will translate Sign language into Verbal language and vice versa because mobiles are handy devices these days and camera...

Analysis Of The Online Game Effect On Language Comprehension In English Language Ability

8 Pages 3463 Words
BACKGROUND Language is a very important thing in human life. Humans use language at all times. The definition of language according to the Big Indonesian Dictionary is 'an arbitrary sound symbol system, which is used by members of a community to work together, interact, and identify themselves'. Humans are social beings who must communicate with each other. Therefore, humans cannot...

Independent Effect Of L2-Gaming On Second Language Vocabulary

4 Pages 1770 Words
In today’s society the importance of English for non-native English speakers around the globe is undeniable. English as a language plays a key role internationally and over multiple domains, such as, the scientific community, technology, the media and many more (Dewey, 2007). It is clear that English has become the lingua franca among people who do not share their native...

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