Literature Review essays

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3 Pages 1522 Words
Schizophrenia Schizophrenia is classified to be a severe psychiatric disorder that affects individuals’ social life and personal. The origin of the word itself Schizophrenia— meaning “split mind” in Greek—first appeared in 1908 by the Swiss psychiatrist Eugen Bleuler (Barnet, 2018). This disorder presents itself in three types of symptoms which can be psychotic symptoms, negative symptoms, and cognitive impairment. Psychotic...
2 Pages 1061 Words
When someone thinks about ancient Rome and political powers within the society, many people will acknowledge the first Roman emperor, Augustus. However, very few people truly contemplate who the man was before he took on the infamous name. He was born on September 23, 63 BC in the city of Rome with the official name Gaius Octavius but was sometimes...
4 Pages 1826 Words
In recent literature, researchers underline that multiple and antisocial personality disorder is real but that it rarely occurs spontaneously, without prompting, and therefore does not deserve to be a primary-level diagnosis. Special attention is given to gender differences and behavior patterns of patients and possible treatment methods. There is a small but well-recognized group of adults with a mild learning...
7 Pages 3265 Words
Introduction In this particular chapter, the review of literature about all independent variables of this study comprising of work time, income, organizational support, job value, and burnout as well as the dependent variable of job satisfaction are provided in detail. Work-life balance acts as the moderating factor of each independent variable mentioned above between job satisfaction. From the literature review...
6 Pages 2910 Words
Literature Review Active Passive: How does the Conan the Barbarian (1982) being a fantasy work, depict and challenge gender roles? Abstract This literature review aims to examine the various works around the gender roles in John Milius’s Conan the Barbarian (1982), yet because of the gender roles within the reel world as within the universe. The review conjointly makes a...
4 Pages 1898 Words
Abstract As of not long ago, in business practice, there was a conviction that organizations were working exclusively for the profit of their proprietors. Hardly any organizations have perceived the need to join their exercises with ethics, and specifically with their commitments toward society or the earth. Be that as it may, the view of ethical issues has changed fundamentally...
7 Pages 3208 Words
Introduction Employers face the challenge of balancing cost in their organization. One of the most considerable costs of running a business is the compensation of their employees. On average, benefits cost adds around 30% to an employer’s total compensation (Vogenberg & Santilli, 2018). The impact of rising healthcare costs and the national healthcare issue have been at the forefront since...
4 Pages 2040 Words
There has been an ongoing debate on the issue concerning how prisoners should be treated in prisons, the main question being, are inmates only supposed to be punished or is it possible to engage inmates in rehabilitation programs and other means to change them and make them law-abiding and self-reliant once released? According to, (Jones, 2009), the major focus of...
6 Pages 2722 Words
The Medicare for All bill would primarily aid the uninsured American population. Medical bills and health insurance are extremely expensive in the U.S. As a result of these high costs, people miss out on care. Health policy analyst Thomas Waldrop writes, “Uninsured people are much more likely to postpone seeking care or skip needed care due to cost.” Avoiding care...
5 Pages 2410 Words
Abstract : Human services is an imperative perspective in regular daily existence, with quality and reasonable consideration being basic for a populace's prosperity and future. All things considered, related expenses for medicinal administrations keep on rising. One perspective adding to expanded expenses in social insurance is waste and misrepresentation. Specifically, with the quickly rising old populace in the United States,...
6 Pages 2626 Words
Literature Review Abraham Maslow is considered the Father of Motivational theories. In this book, Maslow's theory is that human needs are arranged in a hierarchy composed of five categories. The lowest-level needs are physiological needs and the highest-level needs are self-actualization. As the lower needs are fulfilled higher needs emerge. These Higher needs cannot be satisfied unless lower needs are...
4 Pages 1867 Words
Literature review Only a few studies have been carried out to determine the associated factors with the outcome of malnutrition and recovery time in adult HIV patients. As the researcher searched, there is no published literature on the time to nutritional recovery from malnutrition in adult HIV patients in Ethiopia. 2.1.1 Median recovery time Few researchers struggled to determine the...
2 Pages 1006 Words
The health, well-being and quality of life of human beings depend on good oral health throughout a lifetime, from infancy to adulthood. According to the World Health Organization (2018), oral health diseases such as dental caries (cavities) and periodontal disease, affect many people around the world and they are, for the most part, entirely preventable. Populations most vulnerable to these...
2 Pages 994 Words
Differences between individuals of group of organizations in any characteristics like race, ethnicity, gender, and age refers to diversity (Olsen and Martins, 2012). diversity is any dimension that can be used to differentiate groups, workers, and people from the others. That means people should respect for and appreciation of differences in ethnicity, gender, age, national origin, education, and religion (GÖKÇEN,...
2 Pages 1093 Words
1. Introduction Education has become one of the main sources of income in many foreign countries (Hegarty as cited by Ecochard and Fotheringham, 2017). Many Asian students leave their country to study in other countries such as Australia and United Kingdom for good quality of education. Although studying aboard has benefited students in providing them a good quality education, students...
4 Pages 1628 Words
This research examines the literature on diversity within the UK construction industry. This research has been prepared for Birmingham City University individual master's project, as my proposal and literature review. This proposal consists of literature on aspects of diversity in the Construction Industry. Focusing on four main aspects of diversity pertaining to the industry, ethnicity, disability, gender and age. The...
3 Pages 1389 Words
Oppression is described by the Oxford English Dictionary as ‘cruel or unjust treatment or exercise of authority’ and it can also be described as ‘a situation in which people are... prevented from having opportunities and freedom’ as outlined by the Cambridge dictionary. Oppressive acts are commonly used against people who belong to certain groups and categories. In a modern world-renowned...
1 Page 659 Words
How would you like living in a world with no color, no music, and no love? Well, that’s how Jonas’s life was like. All of those things are present in the book, The Giver, by Lois Lowry, 1993, dystopian. Jonas’s community is idyllic. Everyone is assigned their jobs or assignments. This community has no conflict, inequality, divorce, unemployment, injustice, or...
3 Pages 1141 Words
In our daily life, troubles always occur, many people always trapped by an abundant problem. But we do not seem to be aware of how others are feeling of being trapped. In the reading ‘Sociological Imagination’ by C. Wright Mills, it introduces what sociological imagination is and how personal trouble is related to the whole society. In the reading, C....
7 Pages 3083 Words
Literature 1 Sowmya Kidambi (2012), studied on “Why It Is Important for NGOs to establish their credibility when every sector is under the scanner?” In this study, she described that as civil society organizations, nascent political formations increasingly demand transparency and accountability from the political establishment, and executive, it is ethically necessary that they develop institutional structures and systems for...
5 Pages 2357 Words
Introduction Abstract The main aim of this paper is to build a cluster-based retrieval system for categorizing the news groups data and performing a comparative performance analysis using hard and soft clustering methods. Hard clustering being the most popular method, where a data point is given a hard assignment to just one cluster, eg. k-means, hierarchical clustering,etc. On the other...
4 Pages 1837 Words
Issue- Explore how the African American experience of criminalization is discussed in debates surrounding the Black Lives Matter movement. Quote- “Between me and the other world there is ever an unasked question… How does it feel to be a problem?” (3) Annotated Bibliography Golash-Boza, Tanya. “Structural Racism, Criminalization, and Pathways to Deportation for Dominican and Jamaican Men in the United...
3 Pages 1589 Words
Conceptual Background and Literature Review Marketing: The term marketing is drawn from the base word called the market. The area or location or platform of the process/deal, where the buyers and sellers make a deal to exchange the products and services between them is known as the market typically. Alternative Data Market: Alternative data build predictive and improve investment returns...
3 Pages 1381 Words
“You always dread the unfamiliar.” I have found this quote from Ray Bradbury’s novel Fahrenheit 451 to ring true throughout my life, but I’ve also found that fearing the truth holds one back from unleashing their true potential (Bradburry 55). Choosing to be ignorant because one fears the unknown allows safety and comfort. Humans have a primal desire for these...
2 Pages 1017 Words
The question of what is right or legal had been always a subject of discussion. What is right can be defined as subjective which, is based on people’s understanding of morality, ethics, and values and what is legal as objective which, is based on people’s understanding of the laws of their community or nation. What is legal does not mean...
2 Pages 927 Words
Fahrenheit 451 is a dystopia which written by Ray Bradbury who is one of the important writers of American literature with a rental typewriter in a library in the basement. The name of the book (Fahrenheit 451) comes from the temperature at which the book papers burn. This novel consists of 9 short stories. It critically expresses with the world...
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