National Culture essays

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Applications of Motivation Theory Using English Songs into EFL Learners in Japan

6 Pages 2536 Words
Introduction A large number of researchers have tried to explore the efficacy of utilizing songs to enhance English as a foreign language (EFL) learners’ motivation (Millington, 2011; Limbong, 2012; Nipattamanon, 2018, Paquette & Rieg, 2008). In recent years, there has been a renewal of interest of the relationship between improving learners’ English lexical, grammatical and phonological abilities and implementation of...

Therapeutic Role Of The Modern Day Chinese Herbal Medicine

4 Pages 1775 Words
Du Huo is a Chinese herbal medicine that is normally used in treatment of cold and dampness. It is a Chinese herbal medicine that is mainly found in various parts of China including Sichuan, Hubei and Anhui provinces (Zhou & Milne, 2003). The origin of this Chinese herbal medicine is the roots of herbaceous plant known as “Angelica Pubescens Maxim.f.biserrata...

Sherman Alexie: Cultural Survival Strategies Of American Indians

5 Pages 2363 Words
By way of analyzing the significance of mental acts such as dreaming, daydreaming and imagining in American Indian worldview, and exploring the importance of humor as a notable characteristic of American Indian cultural identity, I have tried to demonstrate how these culturally important acts and characteristics are used as means of survival by American Indians who are exposed to discrimination,...

Tokugawa Shogunate: Influence On The Culture Economics And Politics In Japan

2 Pages 935 Words
In approximately 1633, a policy of isolation was introduced in Japan which, according to Britannica, created “… a time of internal peace, political stability, and economic growth…”. This period is commonly referred to as the Edo period. After Japan was torn apart through the warring states, the Tokugawa Shogunate took power and commenced an era of isolation that lasted for...

Cultural Imprints Of India

3 Pages 1591 Words
In pre-vedic periods in India, Ayurveda was found according to Ayurvendantana, stated to be divine revelation by Lord Brahma. The valuable knowledge was imparted to Dakhsha prajapati and Lord Indra in the form of shlokas. This knowledge was learned by Bharadvaja from Lord Indra himself. Bharadvaja taught ayurveda to a group of assembled sages who passed down this knowledge to...

Comparison Between Western Philosophy And Buddhist Ethics

4 Pages 1798 Words
Buddhism and western philosophy are two ideologies that have stood the test of time. By looking at a cross-section of western meta-ethical theories, there is an adequate theoretical framework that triggers moral thinking in terms of Buddhism and a vast heterogeneity in Western philosophies. Scholarly, there's a need for a rich philosophical dialogue and conversation about western philosophy and Buddhist...

Chinese Buddhist Perspective On Afterlife

2 Pages 875 Words
This narrative is about a monk who died for two days, and he had the chance to see life after death. In his vision, he saw what happened to people after they die, and his account sheds light to the belief that the Chinese people had in the issue. He saw the judgment seat, and he faced the judge in...

Significance, Sorts Ans Structure Of Family In India

6 Pages 2963 Words
WHAT IS FAMILY? Family in human society is a group of people related either by consanguity( by blood) or affinity( by marriage or other relationships).The purpose of families is to maintain the well being of it’s members and of society. Ideally, family would offer predictability, structure, and safety as members mature and participate in the community. In most societies, it...

The Roles Of Religion In Early America

2 Pages 1087 Words
Religion has always played a vital role in the beliefs of the American people. Striving towards a “perfect” lifestyle in society often revolves around religion, particularly Christianity. The same can be said about the early settlers of America, the Pilgrims. Perhaps the reason Christianity has such an imperative role in American today is due to the religious zeal and enthusiasm...

The Role Of Religion In China

2 Pages 917 Words
As in all ancient societies, religion was a significant factor in the culture of early Chinese dynasties. Another important factor in the development of Chinese society was the geography of the region. During the Shang, Zhou, Qin, and Han dynasties, China developed two religious systems. The culture included arts, inventions, and important political achievements. China was very isolated from the...

Linking Indian Mythology To Science

2 Pages 897 Words
Indian mythology not only houses a number of cultures, ethics, traditions but also science and technology. If you are aware of the Indian mythology then you would certainly know about Mahabharata- the epic, legendary narrative of the Kurushetra war between two groups of cousins Kauravas and Pandavas. This epic being the longest epic poem written by Vyasa, is a treasure...

Portrayal Of Women In Indian Religion

5 Pages 2083 Words
Introduction This scientific paper on portrayal of women in different Indian religion intends to present how women are treated in religion, the importance given to women in religion, the specific roles played by women in religion. This term paper will enlighten you with a holistic understanding of women’s role in different religion. Certainly religion creates an important impact in every...

Religion And Culture In Wilson’s Play Joe Turner’s Come And Gone

5 Pages 2106 Words
Religion and culture are social constructs that influence each other and are very inseparable. There have been many historical attempts to prevent religion from culture in multiple different contexts. These sort of actions that have led to conflicts and hostility among the religions. Christianity is one of the religions that has greatly influenced the African identity both in the past...

Indian Science Vs. Western Science

3 Pages 1519 Words
Science is the investigation of the hypothesis, its check through perception and experimentation to confirm those perceptions with regards to the hypothesis. In the event that the hypothesis is evident through analysis and a careful perception, at that point it is effective in any case not. Science is an enthusiasm of the west however actually it has its underlying foundations...

Impacts Of Advertising On Indian Values And Culture

4 Pages 2007 Words
Introduction To understand or analyse the impacts of advertising, we must first understand what advertising essentially means for the society.The term advertising simply put can be defined or explained as a tool or means to inform and persuade the audience and/or customers of the product or service offered to meet and/or satisfy their needs.It is said with great power comes...

Lessons About Civil Disobedience And Activism By Martin Luther King Jr

1 Page 527 Words
Corruption in legislative issues is the usage of sanctioned controls by government specialists for silly private increment maltreatment of government control for various purposes, for instance, concealment of political enemies and general police mercilessness is in like manner seen as political debasement. Martin Luther King expressed that debasement and shamefulness will never be changed by concealing them however by conveying...

Martin Luther King As A Man Of Good Will

3 Pages 1288 Words
“Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., by his own admission, was a man constantly torn between competing forces, movements, and even identities.” (Moreland, 25) He was a civil rights activist who had a dream and desired a need for the American nation to have equal freedom and be united. He began a campaign, known as the civil rights movement, by his...

Historic Japanese Notions Of Shinto And Zen In Buddhism

6 Pages 2944 Words
INTRODUCTION This research paper focusses primarily on the theme of ‘Critical Regionalism’, a significant architectural movement. I will discuss and outline the main themes involved in critical regionalism and analyse ‘The Water Temple’ by Tadao Ando located in Hompukuji, Japan. I will evaluate the success of this building in restoring traditional Japanese architecture by using contemporary styles and materials, focussing...

Shinto As An Element Of Culture In Japan

3 Pages 1256 Words
While reading about Cultural Diversity, it was learned that it consisted of eight parts. In this essay, it will be broken down into four parts, “Four Elements of Culture.” This will include Health beliefs and practices, Family Patterns, Communication Style and Death and Dying Practices. Each one has its own unique place in Cultural Diversity. Health Beliefs and Practices has...

Honoring Parents In Chinese Culture

1 Page 480 Words
Honoring parents is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, and it is the responsibility and obligation of those who are children. In Chinese history, from ancient times to the present, no dynasty did not pay much attention to filial piety, Confucius put 'filial piety' in the first place of all morality, as 'the head of standing' and 'the source...

The Rules And Manners Of Japanese Wedding

1 Page 606 Words
Second describe topic is congratulatory money present. Congratulatory money means heartfelt gifts for weddings, births and other celebrations. It was originally used as a taken of gratitude and tip given to those who helped us during the celebration, which is a milestone in our lives. Now it is a custom for guests attending a wedding reception to wrap money in...

Culture Of China And Japan: Taoism And Shinto

5 Pages 2178 Words
Introduction to the Rich Cultures of China and Japan China and Japan share beautiful cultures and they are both well known for their many tourist attractions. Through they are very well known for their hundreds of attractions, not many people are aware of the beautiful background of the two countries. China became a country on October 1st of 1949 under...

The Similarities And Differences Between Martin Luther King And Emmeline Pankhurst

2 Pages 1030 Words
As leaders of British Women’s Suffrage Movement and American Civil Rights Movement respectively, both Emmeline Pankhurst and Martin Luther King Jr. played a significant role. Due to different historical backgrounds and personal experiences, differences occurred while similarities also existed between them when they were fighting for rights. Considering the methods they used and the influences they had in the process...

Occupation Era vs. Japanese Miracle

5 Pages 2152 Words
Like many other countries Japan has had a troubled past. They have gone through many struggles throughout the past 75 years of their history. They have gone through many stages of knowing who they are as people and not knowing their national identity. There was a time when the Japanese people were in total dismay and were struggling to come...

The Harmony Of Japanese People With Secondary Nature

3 Pages 1278 Words
There have long been debate on the belief of Japanese people in harmony with nature. On one hand, this belief is popular in all periods in Japan history, which can be traced back to the Heian period. As Ki no Tsurayuki puts in his preface to the Kokinshu, he sees the essence of Japanese poetry to be rooted from the...

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