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The Protection of the Environment is a Basic Human Duty

3 Pages 1204 Words
Whether we should think about the environment as a matter of doing justice to future generations, is based upon the grounds to which we should be obliged to work to protect the environment because of the needs and interests of future generations. This essay will actively argue the point at which intervention by humans to protect future generations through protecting...

Water Accessibility and Quality

3 Pages 1439 Words
Environmental conditions have profound effects on the well-being of the humankind. However, despite the recognition of their importance, they remain unaddressed by many business entities. Such an approach is considered undesirable both for the corporate and individual stakeholders in the long run. The following case study explores the effect of negligence towards water stewardship and provides recommendations on the roles...

How Did the Nile River Shape Ancient Egypt? Essay

2 Pages 914 Words
The word geography in records capability , the bodily environment and how it may also influence an economy and culture . So example may additionally include sandy dessert that encouraged nomads to go between water sources, islands were the surrounding oceans offer the food source, flooding rivers that created fertile farmland and mountains the place useful resource like bushes were...

Loneliness and Emptiness in “Desert Places” Poem by Robert Frost

2 Pages 955 Words
The poem “Desert Places” by Robert Frost depicts the speaker’s lonely mind in a deserted place, resonating with the current times; the inevitable return of depression and universal human loneliness. The poet uses simple vocabulary, “the loneliness includes me unawares,” which underestimates the actual extreme loneliness of human beings (line 8). Frost explores loneliness, emptiness, and some positive aspects that...

Brief Description of the Paricutin Volcano

2 Pages 815 Words
The Paricutín volcano is the one of youngest on Earth and belongs to the Trans-Mexican volcanic belt. It is situated in the central part of Mexico in the state of Michoacan, 322 km from Mexico City. The eruption occurred from 1943 to 1952 in the Michoacán-Guanajuato volcanic field (Larrea et al., 2017). Paricutín is notable for the fact that scientists...

Biodiversity, Global Warming, Environmental Conservation

3 Pages 1404 Words
The term nature is defined as the collectiveness of the physical world phenomena that includes animals, plants and world landscapes. The concept of nature, as discussed in realms of environment, refers to living as well as non-living things found naturally on the surface of the earth. The environment can be influenced by human beings. This type of environment is called...

The Power of Water: Water as a Vital Part of Life

1 Page 441 Words
The focus of this essay is the power of water. Water is a necessity of life. Without water to sustain us, we cannot live. Because water is so vital to the survival of humans, settlements are usually located around a source. The development of urban societies depended on the management of the water resources around the settlements in order to...

Water Quality and Supply

2 Pages 1119 Words
The problem of lack of access to improved drinking water is one of the most significant public health issues in developing countries nowadays. Every year people in developing countries die because of the lack of access to basic sanitation, personal hygiene, and clean drinking water. There are water missions that support people in overcoming these challenges, their work is rather...

The US Acid Rain Program: Benefits and Costs

2 Pages 1084 Words
Authors Lauraine Chestnut and David Mills documented the benefits and cost assessment of the US acid rain reduction platform. Special attention was given to the parameters specified under the US Acid Rain Program, specifically Title IV of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments. To accomplish that goal, the proponents of the study compared estimates made in 1990 to estimates made...

Satirical Essay on Global Warming

1 Page 622 Words
All lies. For years, scientists have claimed that climate change is upon us and that the global temperature of the earth is increasing. Many are concerned about the “wellbeing” of our planet. Gross. If President Trump doesn’t believe in climate change, why should we? Why shouldn’t we trust the man that is in charge of our country? Someone with that...

How to Prevent Acid Rain? Essay

1 Page 676 Words
Acid rain – words which we often read in books and hear in news, is a phenomena towards which we contribute directly or indirectly. As the name suggests, is precipitation made extremely acidic by atmospheric pollutants which causes harm to the flora, fauna and infrastructure. Acid rain contains elevated levels of hydrogen ions produces as a result of interaction between...

Emerging Environmental Issues in The Big Cities of Pakistan

1 Page 404 Words
Air pollution occurs when harmful substances are introduced into Earth’s atmosphere. Air pollution refers to the contamination of the air, regardless of indoors or outdoors. A physical, biological, or chemical alteration to the air in the atmosphere can be termed as pollution. Pakistan is the most polluted country in the world by particulate matter concentration. Air pollution is an emerging...

Portland Natural Environment: Influences on Human Health

3 Pages 1505 Words
One’s natural surroundings can create a psychological impact that affects their moods and perceptions. Most researchers have seen how the natural surroundings one is near clearly influence one's emotions and the way one views life. Because our environment is an essential part of life and we view it daily, it is from unknown thoughts that certain sceneries create different influences...

High-flow Nasal Cannula (HFNC) Oxygen Therapy

1 Page 478 Words
High-flow nasal cannula (HFNC) oxygen therapy comprises an air/oxygen blender, an active humidifier, a single heated circuit, and a nasal cannula. It delivers adequately heated and humidified medical gas at up to 60 L/min of flow and is considered to have a number of physiological effects which include: reduction of anatomical dead space, PEEP effect, constant fraction of inspired oxygen,...

Is Recycling Worth the Cost? Essay

2 Pages 867 Words
Introduction Human beings’ lives and health depend on the diversity of life on the Earth. A healthy planet provides air and water, gives food for people and other species. However, pollutions, cutting down the woods, global warming with the greenhouse effect threaten the world and its biodiversity leading to the extinction of species and damage to ecosystems at record levels....

Purchasing Trees Online for Environmental Protection Essay

2 Pages 853 Words
Nowadays, the issue of saving our beautiful home, planet Earth, is more than burning. Each inhabitant of the planet must engage in this critically important process of doing one’s best. I considered this fact while choosing my extra credit activity. For extra credit activity, I engaged in purchasing trees online. In the following paper, I will share my experience, and...

Geochemistry- Geochemical Water Quality Report

5 Pages 2417 Words
A hypothesis within this report is proven correct concerning a correlation between higher mineral levels in bottled water than in tap water in London. The data is presented in many tables in the attached document, these tables are presenting constituent minerals, water hardness’s in 16 bottled water samples and London tap water, molarities of specific samples and minerals. Measurements of...

Food Choices in Food Deserts: Sociological Analysis

2 Pages 1119 Words
The selected research is focused on the investigation of factors impacting healthy dietary habits and the availability of healthy food for individuals, with the authors conducting the study revealing that limited financial resources remain the central problem associated with so-called food deserts. Considering the outstanding importance of fresh products and their affordability to people, it proves the existence of a...

Religion in Ceremony, Death Comes for the Archbishop, and Desert Solitaire

4 Pages 1663 Words
Literature is one of the ways to express thoughts related to a particular issue or discuss people’s perspectives on it. Throughout all history of humanity, individuals have been trying to express their emotions and feelings by using the power of the word. Written texts, as the first potent tool to familiarize nations with various concepts, became a potent tool to...

The Environment Hazard of Plastics

2 Pages 1039 Words
The history of plastics according to this paper dates back to the mid-1800 when humans started using natural products with plastic characteristics such as chewing gum. Later it was modified by use of chemicals on naturally occurring substances to produce materials such as rubber. The earliest invention of plastics was made by Alexander Parkes who through laboratory experiments and projects...

Honor de Balzac’s “A Passion in the Desert”

3 Pages 1443 Words
Art is an essential part of human life. Literature is a part of art. Literature entertains people, gives them some information, or offers them some ideas to think over. Literature is very important for modern people, it ennobles, especially classic literature. It is impossible to imagine present life without literature. Some people understand this world better through literature, they try...

Toxins Found in Florida Waters

2 Pages 737 Words
One of the most important issues that we Floridians are facing is that toxins have been found in our water. Most people don’t know how bad the problem is. I think Florida residents should be told about the toxins that is in our water and what health problems they are causing so we can make a difference by cleaning the...

Climate Change Effects in Our World

1 Page 494 Words
By living the way we do, our actions have caused climate change, which may not seem bad to us, but it has a huge effect on the oceans and the species that live in the oceans. Climate change is greatly affecting our oceanic creatures. Our actions are causing climate change at an alarming rate, which is as well, causing rapid...

Shield Volcano, One of The Volcano Types

1 Page 535 Words
There are many volcanoes around the world, one might think there are all the same but in fact, volcanoes are separated into three categories. The three categories that volcanoes are separated to is composite, cinder cones, and shield volcanoes. Shield volcanoes have been around for some time now but what are shield volcanoes and where are shield volcanoes found? What...

Turritopsis Dohrnii and The Idea of Immortality

2 Pages 919 Words
What’s the first thing that comes into your mind when you’re told that a species has been identified as immortal? It’s understood that immortality means having the ability to live forever or last forever. Along with that, it’s also perceived that immortality has always thought to be impossible, but not anymore because the jellyfish “Turttiopsis Dohrnii” is now familiarized as...

Water Quality Improvement for Global Health

4 Pages 1654 Words
This proposal aims to determine the necessity of water quality from the perspective of global health. For this refugee camp with 5,000 inhabitants, it is necessary to set up a safe water source that will enable access to 19,000 gallons per day through 50 community taps. The funding will be provided by the government and non-governmental organizations, in partnership with...

Life Below Water: Conserve and Sustainably Use The Ocean

1 Page 436 Words
Although there are already several laws and regulations in place that benefit the global goal, “Life Below Water”, there is still a tremendous desideratum for more to be put into place. For centuries people have regarded the oceans, rivers, lakes, and coasts as an infinite supply of food, a convenient transport route, and an appropriate ground for dumping. These actions...

Acid Mine Drainage: Origins and Assessment of Methods

10 Pages 4452 Words
An Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) is water that drains out from coal deposit mining areas and has a lower pH which has been occasioned by the presence of sulphuric acid. In other words, an Acid Mine Drainage is usually acidic although not all mine drainages are acidic. This acidity is due to the high concentration of sulphuric acid. Rainwater is...

The Problem of Plastic Pollution in Marine Environment

2 Pages 768 Words
The issues of marine environment have always become a hot topic among the marine people. Ocean, seas, estuaries, coastal, mangrove forest and all other major water bodies environment is considered as marine environment and have their important towards other life. So, whenever problems occur at these environments can be an issue as it will affect the ecosystem in the marine...

Coral Reef in the Great Barrier Reef in Australia

4 Pages 1654 Words
The Australian Great Barrier Reef is an ecosystem exhibiting the greatest heritage of natural resources and diversity of organisms on planet earth. The Great Barrier Reef exists along the northeastern coast of Australia and extends above the approximated distance of 2300 kilometers (Richards, p. 2). It has a wide variety of plants and animals that exist within its boundaries. Some...

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