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The Sociological Factors Of Suicide

2 Pages 1104 Words
Suicide infers the exhibition of purposely causing one's own passing. The term suicide is applied to all cases of death coming about legitimately or in a roundabout way from a positive or negative exhibit of the casualty himself, which he understands will result the particular result. Mental confusion, including melancholy, bipolar unrest, schizophrenia, character issue, uneasiness issue, and substance abuse...

Depiction of Free Will by Oedipus Rex by Sophocles, The Tragedy of Macbeth by Shakespeare, and The Guest by Camus

2 Pages 926 Words
Do humans have free will? Or are they just objects the greater force plays with? The subject is addressed in Oedipus Rex by Sophocles, The Tragedy of Macbeth by William Shakespeare, and “The Guest” by Albert Camus. These stories portray how humans are being control by greater forces creating no free will. In Oedipus Rex by Sophocles, people are controlled...

Albert Camus As A Pioneer In Philosophy: The Plague

3 Pages 1158 Words
Throughout the novel, The Plague focuses on the philosophy of its characters. This shines in the existentialist views of Tarrou or in both the faith and absurdity of Father Paneloux. Through the previous examples, Albert Camus forces the reader to confront their own beliefs and how they would react in the despair each character faces. The author, Albert Camus, is...

Importance of Pythagoras’ Theorem in Gaining Knowledge

3 Pages 1340 Words
People learn in different ways all the time. From the simplest of things like riding a bike to the complexity of creating new mathematical equations uses a different way of knowing then constructing furniture. The strive for knowledge using different networks lead to significant discoveries. This essay will discuss how Mathematics, Arts and Human Sciences uses Reasons, Imaginations, Sense perception...

Feminist Theory Vision of John Stuart Mill and Mary Wollstonecraft

3 Pages 1581 Words
Introduction Mary Wollstonecraft and John Stuart Mill are two different feminist political philosophers. One of them is liberal feminist and the other is radical one. Each of them developedtheir own political theory and have different vision of feminism, but both of them understand the importance of equality and friendship between the two sexes. I will try to analyze both theories...

Discussion on the History of Sexuality by Foucault

4 Pages 1856 Words
Foucault begins a discussion on the history of sexuality by accusing our societies of hypocrisy and silence about sexuality and says that we are still under the Victorian rule in this Aspect. Then, he makes a simple comparison to sexual discourse in the early seventeenth century and after the appearance of the bourgeoisie. In this comparison, Foucault says that during...

Discussions on Chuang Tzu and Socrates Philosophies: Idea of Happiness

4 Pages 1763 Words
Throughout history, great philosophers have explored the idea of happiness, two of these great philosophers are Chuang Tzu and Socrates. It can be argued that there are similarities and differences in their ideas. The following is a discussion on their ideas of happiness and wisdom as well as some commentary of how these ideas have been presented in my life....

Allegory of the Cave: Symbolism

2 Pages 1135 Words
Reviewed double_ok
One of the world’s most known, widely read and studied philosophers named Plato born in 428 BC. He was the student of Socrates and the teacher of Aristotle who are also world known philosophers. Plato’s level of thinking and reasoning were well beyond that of his time, he created 36 dialogues that featured his teacher Socrates throughout majority of them....

Comparative Analysis of John Locke and Mary Wollstonecraft

6 Pages 2931 Words
Introduction The researcher has done extensive research on the topic “Comparative Analysis of John Locke ” with special focus on the views shared by John Locke and Mary Wollstonecraft. The main objective of this entire project is to analyse the views hold by both of the profound philosophers. The research methodology used in this project is Doctrinal Research which includes...

Carl Jung’s Philosophy: The Devil And Miss Prym And The Lottery

2 Pages 898 Words
When discussing The Devil and Miss Prym and “The Lottery” three main points will be proven the first point shall be how both stories show conflicts and patterns. The second point archetype is being shown in both stories discussing who's the scapegoat in each story. Third discussing how both stories connect with different philosophies, and their theories. The type of...

John Dewey Ideas In Reform In The Mauritian Educational Sector

2 Pages 1090 Words
One of the major reform in the Mauritian educational sector is free education which has been implemented at the primary and secondary level for more than a decade and recently applied at the tertiary level. The picture of this reform project is that it provides equal opportunities for all learners to have free access to education. Following these changes, democracy,...

Implication Of John Dewey's Ideas In South African Educational System

2 Pages 1000 Words
South African educational system faces many challenges even in the post-apartheid era (Sefotho, 2018). This essay will focus on the issue of poor discipline in South African schools. In this essay, I will discuss the causes of poor discipline in schools, its implication in the education system, and also what sustains the problem. Causes There are different factors that lead...

Aristotle’s Argument Concerning Virtue: Being Virtuous Is Simply The Result Of True Happiness

2 Pages 903 Words
I agree with Aristotle’s argument that living a virtuous life is essential to having true happiness which is our ultimate purpose.In other words, happiness is the primary purpose of human life which is accomplished or fulfilled through virtue. Similarly, he believes that in order to reach that happiness which is the highest good, we must live our lives accordingly to...

History of Mathematics: Pythagoras Theorem

3 Pages 1171 Words
Math has existed and been used around us for a long time, even though individuals who employed inventing it were not aware that the systems they were creating to solve mundane problems would in the future be considered the foundation of mathematical concepts such as algebra, geometry, etc. These concepts came from efforts to make day-to-day life easier. For example;...

Socrates' Views on the Essence of Knowledge

3 Pages 1291 Words
Ever since Socrates made it his life mission to spread wisdom, much to Athens’ dismay, man has been perplexed with countless philosophical questions. Questions that, by nature, seem to have no distinct nor satisfying answers and as such impart feelings of discomfort and hopelessness to those who take the time to entertain them. One such question is the one that...

Carl Jung's Authentic And Introspective Look On The Human Mind

3 Pages 1203 Words
Carl Jung had a more authentic and introspective look on the human mind. I feel that Jung was able to look at aspects of ourselves that make us innately human, Jung’s archetypes are key foundations in understanding our unconscious. Although I do not believe that Jung’s archetypes should be taken completely literally, I do believe the archetypes help us with...

Overtones and the Music of the Spheres: Legacy of Pythagoras

5 Pages 2240 Words
Introduction Pythagoras was wrong. The planets in our solar system do not revolve around Earth, nor are they carried in their orbits by crystal spheres. However, his theory of “music of the spheres” holds truths that continue to be uncovered with modern scientific advances. This paper explores the inextricable links between music, science, and faith that are contained within the...

Allegory of the Cave As a Playbook of Ostracization: Opinion Essay

4 Pages 2057 Words
Socratic dialogues are deemed as the inception of Western civilization in their distinguishing of tribalism from humanitarianism, thereby constructing the “Other” and Western consciousness. Each dialogue has contributed to the “ideal” teaching model in which new knowledge is created for both teacher and student. Interlocutors expand this method to facilitate the multilogical understandings of knowledge and truth, removing man from...

The Contrast Between Virtue and Continence: Aristotle's Opinion

2 Pages 1043 Words
Throughout his philosophical career, Aristotle emphasized the importance of the fundamental elements that play a role in the way we navigate our lives and moral ability. He observes two key components that define the degree of one’s moral compass; one being virtue, and the other, continence. In Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle establishes and distinguishes these concepts by considering developed habits, one’s...

General Overview Of John Dewey High School

6 Pages 2631 Words
The historical events regarding New York City education is filled with discrimination, race-related and socio-economic segregation, strikes, and more. Schooling for many communities meant they had to fight for it. Students, parents, and so many others would strike and hold up signs, saying they want integration, and that unifying all students would be useful, productive, and rewarding (Shapiro). But at...

Socrates’ Argument Concerning Virtue as Knowledge: Opinion Essay

1 Page 683 Words
In this essay, I aim to explain Socrates’ argument concerning virtue as knowledge while offering a rebuttal and finally taking a stance. Socrates’ argument concerning virtue as wisdom can be reconstructed and understood easier. After reconstruction, it becomes apparent that there may be an error in the argument concerning knowledge. The counterargument would force Socrates to rethink his argument, and...

Michel Foucault’s Two Registers of the Modern Machine-Body: Critical Analysis

4 Pages 1640 Words
In this essay, I will argue that Foucault’s two registers of the modern machine-body – the anatomico-metaphysical and the technical-political, although distinct in construction share a common purpose to achieve their respective goals. The approach they have in common is to dehumanize the body and use the docile body for manipulation. To illustrate this, I will draw on Descartes and...

Socrates' and Plato's Perceptive and View of Philosophical Life

2 Pages 963 Words
Plato’s’ views can be seen firmly throughout his expressive dialogue. Plato encouraged his readers to take into account how often the general public has no appreciation for the value behind philosophy. Through his many teachings of Socrates, the dialogue of Plato represents his perceptive and view of philosophical life as he became disgusted with political life. In his most popular...

Rene Descartes: Analysis Of His Discourse

7 Pages 3224 Words
Descartes's opening statement in the first part of his discourse claims that common sense; or rather good sense of reasoning is equal amongst all. The idea that every individual has an equal amount of “good sense” (Descartes, 4) means that they should have the ability to decide whether something is true or false and the ability to “judge correctly” (Descartes,...

Differences In Kant and Mill's Views On Lying

2 Pages 940 Words
Throughout the course we have discussed many types of ethics and views on morals. However, one of the biggest differentiating facts between these types of ethics is their view on lying, whether it be right or not and if so when lying would be ethically correct. However, one of the biggest debates is between Kant and Mills. Kant made the...

Meditations By Rene Descartes: Arguments For The Existence Of God

3 Pages 1342 Words
Topic 2: The Meditations don’t just prove the existence of God once, but twice. What are these arguments and what is the relationship between them? In what sense is God foundational for the metaphysics Descartes elaborates in his great work? What are some objections to his view? Are they compelling? Your goal in this essay is to assess Descartes’ argument(s)...

Hobbes's Leviathan: Leviathanic Elements in The Rule of Qaddafi of Libya

4 Pages 1999 Words
Introduction: This essay talks about the Leviathan elements in the rule of Qaddafi of Libya, this essay divide into several parts first part talks about what is Libya country, and Qaddafi in power in 42 years, and third part talks about leviathan, Thomas Hobbes view on Libya, and in another part talks about the Arab spring in Libya when and...

The Tragic Humanism Of Albert Camus: Book Review Of The First Man

3 Pages 1878 Words
is thе world of North Africa, to which hе fееls his dееpеst bеing bеlongs -- a world of wind and sand, opеn rangеs and anonymity. Thе timе hе was writing thе book coincidеs, morеovеr, with thе turmoil of Algеria at war. Thеrе arе thе sounds of tеrrorists' bombs, glimpsеs of jееps bristling with guns, thе awarеnеss that torturе is a...

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