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Gender Roles In A Doll's House

3 Pages 1362 Words
The play A Doll's Home, by Henrik Ibsen, offers an investigate of the shallow marriage between Nora and Torvald Helmer. Written in 1879, the play depicts the issues which result after Nora subtly and wrongfully applies for a line of credit from a nearby bank so as to spare Torvald's life. All through the play, the fragile connection among Nora...

The Attitude Towards New And Old In The Play A Streetcar Named Desire

2 Pages 1134 Words
In the play ‘A Streetcar Named Desire’, written by ‘Tennesee Williams’, the erratic protagonist ‘Blanche’ embodies the cultivated ideals of the ‘old world’, juxtaposing the character of ‘Stanley’ whom represents the industrialised ‘new world’ which fundamentally comprises of patriarchal motivations and post-war values. Throughout the play, Blanche is invariably threatened and exploited by Stanley, consequently jeopardizing her aristocratic semblance as...

Crucial Theme And Message In An Inspector Calls

5 Pages 2358 Words
Priestley explores in guilt and responsibility “An Inspector Calls.” Set in 1912 but written in 1945, “An Inspector Calls” uses binary opposition to contrast and highlight the large and growing gap between the lavish lives of the upper class to the struggle of receiving basic needs of the lower class. Priestley joined the army at the start of the First...

Hypocrisy As The Part Of Human Nature In The Importance Of Being Ernest And A Scandal In Bohemia

1 Page 483 Words
It must be said that the power of hypocrisy in human nature is powerful. This kind of power promotes human progress and evolution. The desire for power, the yearning for money, and the pursuit of women are all brought by the power of hypocrisy. Whenever people have these desires, people will use this force to strengthen themselves and disguise themselves,...

The Idea Of Sin The Doctor Faustus, Paradise Lost And Canterbury Tales

2 Pages 1005 Words
In Christopher Marlowe’s Christian play Doctor Faustus, sin is a very notable feature in regards to the theme of the play. This play revolves around the topic of temptation and repenting following one’s decision to sin. The main character Faustus, is tempted by Lucifer to give him his soul in return for ultimate power and knowledge. Throughout the play, Faustus...

The Danger Of Ambition And Nobility In Macbeth

3 Pages 1353 Words
In the play Macbeth written by William Shakespeare, the main character has traits of a tragic hero throughout the play. Macbeth has ambition and nobility at the beginning of the play, so that is why he is a tragic hero. Macbeth’s ambition takes over him throughout the play because his actions are based on his fate given to him by...

Father Daughter Relationship In To Kill A Mockingbird And The Merchant Of Venice

2 Pages 811 Words
“Fathers, you are the head and strength of the family unit. If you are not in place, there is a weakness in the link.” (Marinoff). This quote signifies that a father must be present for his family. If a father is absent, he becomes the least dependable member. In “To Kill A Mockingbird” by Harper Lee and “The Merchant Of...

Romeo And Juliet: Who Is To Blame?

3 Pages 1562 Words
When People first read or hear about Romeo and Juliet they think that it is merely just a classic tale of romance and hardship. But when we actually look through the story we are able to see that many people are truly involved in the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. For instance; their parents, for continuing the feud between both...

How Does Ibsen Present Traditional Gender Roles In A Doll’s House?

4 Pages 1695 Words
Introduction to Ibsen's Critique of Gender Roles Henrik Ibsen, a prominent Norwegian playwright, is proclaimed to be the “Father of Modern Drama” for writing plays that exposed and challenged the social ideologies within the nineteenth-century Norwegian society through the illustration of everyday life. His naturalistic play, A Doll’s House, written in 1879, is no exception. Through his central characters and...

How Shakespeare’s Use Of Universal Themes Still Manages To Engage Modern Audiences

2 Pages 1128 Words
William Shakespeares’ play Romeo and Juliet continues to engage audiences over 400 years after its release through the use of timeless universal themes. Shakespeare was born in 16th-century England. Living through the reformation and the renaissance period influenced Shakespeare’s’ writing was influenced greatly by his surroundings. The gender roles portrayed in Romeo and Juliet, whilst being that of a blatantly...

The Ways Characters Contribute To The Death In An Inspector Calls

2 Pages 1116 Words
An Inspector Calls had written by J.B.Priestley In 1912, the story happened on the eve of the first World War (1914). All the characters in the story have responsibility for Eva's death. In 1907, Britain, France and Russia formally established a military alliance, corresponding to the German, Austrian and Italian lines, which further deepened the tension in Europe. Countries began...

Collective Humans Struggle In The Merchant Of Venice And To Kill A Mockingbird

1 Page 617 Words
Prejudices borne by persecuted individuals, and born out of stereotypes, corrupt an individual’s relationship with self and society. The exploration of prejudice, as a human experience in texts, highlights the collective struggle humans inhabit as a result of institutionalised notions within society. William Shakespeare’s classic play, ‘The Merchant of Venice’, and Harper Lee’s ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ illustrate this innate...

Theme Of Justice Vs Mercy And Literary Techniques In The Play The Merchant Of Venice And Poem Justice

2 Pages 710 Words
The common module gives an understanding of the human experience through collective and individual experiences. Through various modes of storytelling, texts have the ability to explore timeless issues which have always been faced by humanity, whilst illustrating lone perspectives of the individual characters. The universal themes portrayed in the texts are enhanced by the specific experiences of the characters, allowing...

Romeo And Juliet: Fiction, Or A Message In A Bottle?

2 Pages 1075 Words
Romeo and Juliet is a play from the world famous playwright William Shakespeare, the first time I was told to read it, I sort of sat there with a blank face, the YouTube buffering symbol in my eyes, and one question, “wot”. Okay, so, Romeo and Juliet, famous love story, got a good premise, more death than Friday the 13th...

The Effects Of Symbolism Usage In A Doll’s House

4 Pages 1974 Words
Introduction to Symbolism in A Doll's House Ibsen's life and inspirations, along with the context of his writing during the 1800s was summarised during the Interactive Oral. Initially, I was only aware of the unequal treatment of women in terms of occupation restrictions. However, through learning about the domineering position by men over women in a traditional marriage during the...

How Trevor Nunn Changes The Theme Of Deception In Twelfth Night

2 Pages 883 Words
William Shakespeare enriches his plays with comedies by adding mistaken identities and treating them like witty and familiar themes. He adds deception to the plays to lure the audience into the world. Trevor Nunn follows a parallel path but additionally invites the idea of mistaken identities into play. The play enriches physical deception when Viola chooses to 'conceal me what...

Themes Of Betrayal And Immorality In He Play Macbeth And Poem The War Works Hard

3 Pages 1297 Words
Shakespeare's medieval “Macbeth” and Dunya Mikhail’s poem” The War Works Hard” highlight similar concepts and themes such as betrayal throughout different points of time. Through appropriate language features and techniques Shakespeare he provides an insight into how Macbeth, a well known nobleman battles the road of corruption for a high position of power during the Middle Ages. Actions are fumed...

Themes Of Love And Hate In Romeo And Juliet

2 Pages 707 Words
Romeo and Juliet by playwright William Shakespeare is a tragic love story. It has two main protagonists Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet. Love is the play’s most overarching theme but as the chief characters are from long standing feuding families, hate is also clearly embedded throughout the tale. In act one, scene one, the play wastes very little time in...

Love As A Complex Emotion In Romeo And Juliet

3 Pages 1489 Words
Romeo and Juliet has become ‘the’ love story; the historical epitome that has stayed culturally relevant for centuries influencing many, from The Lion King II to High School Musical. The theme of love is displayed in a manner of ways. With its notoriety for romantic passion, the infatuation between Romeo and Juliet takes a strong standing in the play yet,...

Special Expectations Of Gender In Romeo And Juliet

3 Pages 1169 Words
In William Shakespeare’s famous play, ‘Romeo and Juliet’, there are many themes and factors present. These contribute to the fated tragedy at the end, one being social expectations revolving around gender. Romeo and Juliet challenge these expectations individually as characters and introduce traits of the opposite gender. This brings their love together, though later attempts to conform to social norms...

The Problems In The And Topics In The Play A Doll's House

4 Pages 2068 Words
Henrik Ibsen’s 1879 play A Doll’s House is a domestic drama in which tension is built through the threat of Nora Helmer’s secret of having committed financial fraud being revealed to her husband, Torvald. It is set in nineteenth century bourgeois society, where the role of and expectations for women were clearly defined. A woman’s place was at home in...

Romeo And Juliet: Fate Or Actions Consequences?

2 Pages 842 Words
Romeo and Juliet is written by William Shakespeare in 1594-1596. It apprises two feuding families; Capulets and Montagues, that held an ancient grudge against each other. Romeo and Juliet were described as ‘star-crossed lovers’ from two opposing families. They both took their own lives to be with one other. Under the influence of many people, it reconciled the two families....

Comparison And Contrast Of Shakespeare’s Creation Of Ophelia In Hamlet And Juliet In Romeo And Juliet

3 Pages 1538 Words
Both Shakespeare’s Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet explore the nature of patriarchal values and the responses of female characters to these values. Whilst both male protagonists had similar contexts their personal responses to gender stereotypes were very different. Similarly, both female protagonists also had seemingly similar upbringings – as privileged members of powerful families, yet their ability to love and...

The Themes And Conflict Within Romeo And Juliet And Gnomeo And Juliet

2 Pages 1101 Words
The original text of ‘Romeo and Juliet’ was written in 1594 by the famed William Shakespeare, which was a story of two households who held an ancient grudge against one another. The play was set in Verona during the Elizabethan Era where two ‘star-crossed’ lovers met only to perish in the end. ‘Gnomeo and Juliet,’ on the other hand, was...

The Idea Of Greed And Generosity In The Merchant Of Venice

1 Page 642 Words
THE play, Merchant of Venice, written by William Shakespeare consists of strong themes such as greed and generosity. This idea of greed and generosity can be carried into thoughts of todays society, relating to the thoughts of Christmas for children. With Shylock being such a key character in the portrayal of the themes of greed there are obviously multiple occasions...

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