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Mohammad As A Prophet And A Statesman

5 Pages 2522 Words
The life of Muhammad, considered as the last prophet by Muslims, has multiple dimensions. The most prominent role is that of a prophet but when we take a deeper look, we find that he was, in fact, a statesman who led his nation to a new political and social level. Of humble origins, Muhammad founded and promulgated one of the...

The Palladian Influence On James Paine’s Design Of Gibside Chapel

2 Pages 1068 Words
The Gibside estate is a landscape garden built in the 18th century located in county Durham containing many different buildings and ruins spread out over 600 acres of garden, woodland and parkland. It’s commissioner George Bowes envisioned a chapel in the center of the garden. He employed the architect James Paine to design and build a chapel that would act...

The Influence Of Christianity On Anglo-Saxons

4 Pages 1742 Words
Christianity remains the most followed religion in the world today making up nearly a third of the world’s population. In 2011, Christianity was the largest religion in England and Wales with 33.2 million people, equating to 59.3% of the population. Christianity has an enriched heritage and profound history, but one may be interested to know where the origins of Christianity...

Sacraments Of Healing In Modern Day Church

4 Pages 2048 Words
Introduction Anointing of sin is the second healing sacrament that has been performed for centuries, slowly being interpreted for the modern world. During this ritual a priest lays his/her hands on the participant and anoints with the Oil of the Infirm, first, on the forehead and then on the palm of the hands (Franciscan Media, 2020). Afterwards the priest says...

The Story Of The Kuwaiti Muslim Scholar Dr. Abd Al-Rahman bin Hamood Al-Sumait

5 Pages 2435 Words
Abstract Born on the 15th of October 1947, Dr Abd Al Rahman Bin Hamood Al-Sumait was an Islamic scholar, medical practitioner and Humanitarian born and raised in Kuwait. He was also a qualified doctor specializing in internal medicine and gastroenterology before getting involved in charity and humanitarian work. He graduated from University of Baghdad with a Bachelor of science in...

The Elements Of Christian Biblical Worldview

3 Pages 1202 Words
Introduction Though the study of religion is significant in understanding historical events, different cultures, and the development of the American identity, the Christian foundations of education are not always so definitive and defined. Christians come from a myriad of backgrounds, customizing their understanding of scripture and religious teachings. In order for Christian schools to provide authentic Christian-based education, a defined...

Men Who Contributed To The Islamic Era

4 Pages 1856 Words
Abstract In this research, I chose to write about Abu Bakr because of his outstanding work during his life and his contributions to Islam. Abu Bakr Abdullah ibn Uthman was a close friend to the Islamic prophet Muhammad, as well as the primary of the Rashidun Caliphs. Initially a wealthy and regarded businessman. Abu Bakr afterward got to be one...

Linguistics Of The Bible Translation

6 Pages 2824 Words
Introduction An in-depth consideration of Bible Translation processes offers useful points of reflection for translators across a variety of specializations. Such work brings to light the essentialism of cultural and artistic content held within original texts. By understanding the history of bible translation, challenges and approaches taken by bible translators, language experts can benefit. Scholars and professionals reflect upon the...

Pope And Treatment Of Women

3 Pages 1277 Words
Women in the 17th and 18th century were supposed to take on the role of the household and were treated poorly without their husbands. They were also supposed to be well educated in medicine in order to take care of illnesses in the family. Few women that were considered noble had enough access to education to allow them to become...

The Seven Deadly Sins Of Kenyans

2 Pages 926 Words
Originating in Christian theology, the seven deadly sins are Pride, envy, gluttony, greed, lust, sloth and wrath. Pride is sometimes referred to as vanity or vainly, greed as avarice or covetousness and wrath as anger. Gluttony covers self-indulgent excesses. Just reading these definitions I can feel at the back of my mind ticking of each category with a group of...

The Idea Of Sin The Doctor Faustus, Paradise Lost And Canterbury Tales

2 Pages 1005 Words
In Christopher Marlowe’s Christian play Doctor Faustus, sin is a very notable feature in regards to the theme of the play. This play revolves around the topic of temptation and repenting following one’s decision to sin. The main character Faustus, is tempted by Lucifer to give him his soul in return for ultimate power and knowledge. Throughout the play, Faustus...

The Question Of God And Evil

2 Pages 1023 Words
Evil is among the world under this God described to be omnipotent, all knowing and all good within monotheistic religions (Judaism, Islam and Christianity). A all perfect God that still allows evil to crawl the very corners of our world and allows suffering, but why? This will be tackled in the sense of free will in defense of this God...

Buying As The Way To Find Happiness

3 Pages 1284 Words
Money can’t buy you happiness, or can it? In North America, everyone has the freedom to spend their hard-earned money as they deem fit. But unfortunately, more and more people are associating their happiness with the purchases that they make. Firstly, the concept of retail therapy, and the brain’s capacity to release dopamine, deceives people into believing that what they’re...

The Sinners In Dante's Inferno

3 Pages 1461 Words
The use of symbolic retribution, a punishment that is symbolized by the crime that was committed, is found throughout Dante’s Inferno. In Inferno, by Dante Alighieri, Dante is first found in a dark forest where he encounters three different animals. After avoiding the different animals he is led through the nine layers of hell by Virgil, a Roman poet. Each...

The Existential Question About God

1 Page 506 Words
As I reflect upon my life, there is one personal truth that I have adopted in my mind; this truth is that I believe that God is nonexistent. My personal truth has dramatically changed from when I was a child to my formative adolescent years. As a child who strongly believed in the existence of God, I now identify as...

The Intrusion Of Sin Into Creation And God's Response

2 Pages 1026 Words
The first book of bible leads us into the creation of earth and humankind but also shows the disobedience that follows with the free will of humankind. Here is what was said in Ezekiel “You used to be a model of perfection, full of wisdom, perfect in beauty; you were in Eden, in the garden of God. All kinds of...
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The Role Of Spirituality, And Workplace Friendship In People's Life

2 Pages 739 Words
In the modern world, individuals could say that with all the technology, information, and news outlets, friendship could be a thing of the past. In today's world, individuals have so much information and messaging surrounding them that it could impact their view of friendship. When looking around at our public places today, people everywhere have a cell phone looking at...

The Nature Of Sin, Guilt, And Blame in Scarlet Letter

3 Pages 1318 Words
In the story The Scarlet Letter by Nathanial Hawthorne has a plethora of thematic subjects, but the one that sticks out the most is the nature of sin, guilt, and blame. From start to finish the idea of sinning, and an inner guilt is prevalent in the entire story. Every character has something that they are holding in or have...

Beowulf: Is Grendel Evil?

4 Pages 1764 Words
From the poem Beowulf, we first hear of the character Grendel and how Beowulf defeated him. The writer, John Gardener inspired by the poem, Beowulf, he created a novel that showed Grendel’s past and what made him the creature he was in that poem. Pretty much like making a prequel to a movie. And in that novel, Grendel by John...

The Pope An Condoms And Aids

1 Page 608 Words
Every day, around us are policies implemented by the government that keeps us safe without us ever even noticing. We were fortunate enough to have learned that such things are normal and often are taken for granted. We bathe in clean water, eat at restaurants that have safe food thanks to health inspectors, we flush toilets and use septic systems...

Pearl As The Symbol Of Sin In The Scarlet Letter

1 Page 615 Words
In lots of novels, some characters’ functions in the story are being symbols. For instance, piggy in Lords of Flies and Gatsby in The Great Gatsby. In The Scarlet Letter, Hester’s daughter—Pearl not just play a simple child character in the story, she is also a constant reminder of the scarlet letter and Hester’s sin because Pearl’s dressing is similar...

Do Muslim Women Need Saving?

4 Pages 2507 Words
Today in American culture it is apparent some people have antagonistic thoughts and view of Islam and Muslims. Hate crimes against Muslims have scaled in the United States, prompting the presentation of the term 'Islamophobia' into the ordinary vocabulary of Americans. Today in American society we can see that American Muslim women are battling to address the generalizations and misguided...

Do Miracles Exist In Real Life?

3 Pages 1442 Words
The topic submitted was the subject had a problem with Christians as being judgmental and with Christianity as being a bit antiquated in its views according to how most today viewed actions, particularly concerning sexuality. After a time, the same subject being able to open up to Christianity has been a great step forward, however, the reality of miracles, specifically...

Dalai Lama And Happiness

3 Pages 1409 Words
In Western society, happiness is widely regarded in the lens of activities that bring us immediate, temporary pleasure, such as the desire to acquire material possessions or physical/sexual gratification. Although these things are not inherently negative, viewing long-term happiness in a pleasure-driven perspective is not only a mischaracterization of happiness, but also detrimental to a person’s wellbeing. The Dalai Lama...

The Features Of Christian Worldview

6 Pages 2958 Words
Hidden Worldviews: Eight Cultural Stories That Shape Our Lives is a book by Steve Wilkens and Mark Sanford that is written to help Christians understand eight competing narratives within American culture that have significant influence and power both outside and within the contemporary church. The hope is that this book will help Christians understand these views and more fully integrate...

The Peculiarities Of Christian Worldview

4 Pages 1629 Words
Everyone has basic presuppositions that affect the way they think about and respond to the world and life. This is their “worldview.” For many people, their worldview is unspoken and shaped by circumstances and up-bringing. Others, thoughtfully, construct their own understanding. In whatever way, our worldviews are developed, they shape our choices, values and commitments every day. A worldview, according...

Adam And Eve In Paradise Lost

4 Pages 1776 Words
In John Milton’s 17th century epic poem Paradise Lost, Milton aims to explain the fall of man while incorporating many themes that influenced English society then, and that still pertain to culture today. Paradise Lost is considered Milton’s greatest work as the themes that are presented are both an accurate reflection of the environment during the time it was written,...
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