Social Movements essays

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The Role Of Leadership In Animal Farm And Me Too Movement

In George Orwell's “Animal Farm” he uses allegory and propaganda to prove the quote “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” In the story the readers see Napoleon take a leadership role, and he begins to abuse his power. Napoleon had only gotten to his leadership role by scaring and misleads the animals. George Orwell writes Animal Farm as an allegory. “Animal Farm” is written based off of the Russian Revolution. Similar to Animal Farm there are many...
2 Pages 1095 Words

Online Activism Or Modern Activism

The unbelievable advancement in technology has made an impact on each and every sector of society. This advent in technology removed the geographical boundation due to which the communication with the people has become more diverse. Breaking the time barrier has transformed activism in numerous manner from the last few decades. The way people are now connected is broader in range. In the context of social media presence, platforms create a civic culture as it opens the path to the...
1 Page 474 Words

Link Between The Civil Rights Movement In America And The Fight For Rights And Freedoms In Australia

Charlie Perkins made the link between racism in the USA and racism in Australia and was at the forefront of efforts to stop racism in Australia. The freedom riders were established and captained in Australia by Carlie Perkins. Charlie was inspired to introduce the freedom riders by what he had heard from both Martin Luther King Jnr and the freedom riders in America. Perkins incorporated the freedom riders of America by encouraging Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders to use facilities...
2 Pages 1080 Words

PR VS Activism

The article by Laurie Honda on the “It gets better” project which focuses on the LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer) community is a good example of the cultural hegemony theory which advocates equal rights and social status. The project, which started in September 2010 in the USA and spread over five continents. President Barack Obama lent his voice supporting the movement against bullying and in March 2011 First Lady Michelle Obama hosted a conference on anti-bullying. Its aim...
2 Pages 919 Words

Pro-Life Movement against Abortion

Introduction Nothing in this world is black and white, there is always grey, so when it comes to abortion everyone is allowed to have their own opinion, as long as it doesn’t affect anyone else. People can argue all they want whether abortion is right or wrong but the answer comes with the c-word; Choice. If you don’t believe in abortion thats okay but it doesn’t mean that you can take away someone else’s rights, because everyone should be allowed...
1 Page 628 Words

Balance Of Judicial Activism And Restraint

Introduction This essay concerns what degree of power judges should possess to change law. Essentially where on the spectrum between pure Declaratory Theory and condoned aggressive judicial activism lies the best balance between stability and modernisation. I argue judges should possess the power to alter precedent and form new statute interpretations but restricted to incremental steps only, halting the modern trend toward the excesses of judicial activism . In effect I argue for the contemporary jurisprudential state. Section II details...
2 Pages 710 Words

Scarlet Letter: Hawtorne's Feminism in the Puritan Society

In The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne created a story about a woman who was to endure the disgrace of the scarlet letter “A” that sewed on her garments as a symbol of her adultery. This character's name is Hester Prynne. Nathaniel Hawthorne created this story after he was fired from his job working in the Custom House in Salem. Hawthorne is from a strong Puritan background, but some say he is canonized as a feminists writer. Even though Hawthorne originated...
4 Pages 1905 Words

Frederick Douglass As American Social Reformer, And Abolitionist, Orator, Writer, And Statesman

Did you know that we have been wrong all along? We Celebrate Douglass during Black History month but an interesting fact that I learned while doing this project, is that Douglass is African American but, we can’t stop there! He actually is made of mixed blood yes, I said it both African American, and half Caucasian. Don’t worry there is more to his story. Come along with me as I tell you a little bit more about who and what...
1 Page 550 Words

Pro-Life: Abortion and the Church

A big controversial topic that has boomed in the most recent years is abortion. Abortion has become so controversial because of the two set standpoint categories. The standpoints being prochoice and prolife which is also considered antiabortion or antichoice. People might ask, 'what is abortion?', an abortion is stopping the pregnancy in the female by terminating the fetus, most happening within the first 28 weeks of being conceived. Abortion is viewed in many ways, yet no matter how many times...
3 Pages 1623 Words

Bronte Sisters: Initial Consciousness of Female Independence

Introduction In the nineteenth century, male dominated the world of literature. Even so, it is often referred to as the age of the female novelist (Showalter 3). The reason being, that it is characterized by great women writers such as Jane Austen, George Eliot, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Elizabeth Gaskell, Mary Shelley and the BrontĂŤ sisters. These women are just some examples of women writers that were able to contribute to the literary scene in the nineteenth century, which had previously...
6 Pages 2551 Words

Feminism In The Works Of Jane Austen And Charlotte Bronte

Over the centuries, women did not have equal rights and privileges as men on many levels. Regarding English literature written by men, women were just objects and no leading roles. However, at the end of the 18th century, women began to write literary works and the female roles became individuals rather than serving as accessories of male roles, as they used to be. On the contrary, they got independent dignity, flesh and blood, and vivid features. Two of the most...
2 Pages 895 Words

Frederick Douglass As An Activist Of Civil Rights Movement

Frederick Douglass began a Bible study for the African Americans who couldn’t read and didn’t have access to the Bible on the plantation. However, it only lasted for so long until the slave owners found out and demanded against their practices. which in reality was going against the freedom of religion because most of the slaves were unable to read the Bible for themselves they depended on what the white slave owners claimed that was in the Bible to base...
1 Page 669 Words

Femicide In Latin America: Not One Woman Less

Femicide. The brutal and cold-blooded murder of innocent females, an epidemic which is rapidly increasing across Latin America. This is defined by the killing of girls and women just for being females that can be traced back to the earliest points of history. The region of Latin America includes 5 of the 12 countries with the highest rates of femicide in the world. In the 1990s more than 370 young girls and women were killed in the Mexican border town...
2 Pages 993 Words

The Elements of Feminism in Madame Bovary

To describe her globally, Emma Bovary is a bourgeois woman of the 19th century, which suffers from being a woman. Because of this suffering, she questions the gender that is attributed to her. Even if she is reduced to the state of object, victim of patriarchy and dependent on men, she is not passive, she tries to resist against the patriarchal structure. Actually, she seeks to emancipate herself and to get out of the constraints imposed on her, by adopting...
2 Pages 1128 Words

An Updated Message Of Love, Duality Of Human Nature And Feminist Ideals In Kenneth Branagh’s Cinderella

Kenneth Branagh’s Cinderella is the twenty-first century because it reflects feminist ideals, conveys an updated message of love, and explores the duality of human nature. In most of the stories analyzed in class the Cinderella character was subservient and very passive. However, the 2015 Cinderella is feminist in many ways. One aspect of the movie is that she is intellectual. In most if not all of her conversations with the prince she points out the wrongness of some traditions. During...
2 Pages 921 Words

Feminist Theory Vision of John Stuart Mill and Mary Wollstonecraft

Introduction Mary Wollstonecraft and John Stuart Mill are two different feminist political philosophers. One of them is liberal feminist and the other is radical one. Each of them developedtheir own political theory and have different vision of feminism, but both of them understand the importance of equality and friendship between the two sexes. I will try to analyze both theories and find the similarities and differences between both. Main Body John Stuart Mill was one of the important British philosophers...
3 Pages 1581 Words

A Thousand Splendid Suns from the Perspective of Feminist Theory

Introduction A Thousand Splendid Suns is a work of realistic fiction based on Khaled Hosseini’s trip to Afghanistan. The story is set in Afghanistan between the early 1960’s and early 2000’s and features two main protagonists. The first is Mariam, a quite, thoughtful child at the start of the book. Born out of wedlock to a rich and married businessman named Jalil and his former housekeeper named Nana. Mariam resents her mother’s strict ways and the fact that she sees...
3 Pages 1403 Words

Issues On Which Western Feminism And African Feminism Can Develop Common Grounds

1.0 Introduction Feminism is a movement of the group of women to end sexism, sexist and oppression. There are a number feminist theories which are propounded on three main principles. The principles states that women have something important to subsidize to every part of the world, women being viewed as a burdened group of people and women being unable to achieve their prospective, gain rewards, or gain full participation in societies. (Sachikonye, 2016). Western feminists have been fighting back historically...
7 Pages 3057 Words

Effect Of Cultural Background Of Shirin Neshat On The Construction Of Her Artworks Used As An Artistic Activism

Introduction The creative power of art has been used to evoke emotion in people in order to bring up a social change as artistic activism. Activism challenges accustomed beliefs and power association. Whereas in Art, there is an ambiguity in the intention of the artist who makes the work. It is often to create a new perspective and a clearer vision to view the aspects of the world, which can be considered as another way of rephrasing the imposition of...
8 Pages 4013 Words

Growing Phenomena Of Consumer Activism: Risks And Advantages

During this essay I will be arguing and explaining how the changes in contemporary society have influenced the growing phenomena of consumer activism and as a result have posed new risks as well as positive attributes and experiences for the stakeholders involved e.g. business organisations, consumers and employees. Consumer activism is the process of action with the intent to “protect consumers in their economic role by bringing attention to the political, ethical and moral aspects of consumption (behaviour) and consumerism...
4 Pages 2026 Words

The Awakening: The Embodiment Of Ideal Femininity

The story The Awakening was written by Kate Chopin around 1899 in New Orleans. The main characters in the story are Edna Pontellier, her husband Leonce Pontellier, their two kids, and Robert Lebrun. Edna and her family went on a vacation to Cheniere Caminada Island on a Creole resort. Unlike every other woman of that time she would take care of the kids, be submissive to her husband, and be a homemaker. She began to sort for freedom after she...
2 Pages 984 Words

The Female Psyche And The Effects Of Their Sexual Transgressions: A Streetcar Named Desire, The Awakening, And A Centaur Plays Croquet

In a society where sex is consistently consumed in our daily media, it’s hard to conceptualize a time period when sex was a taboo conversation spoken only behind closed doors. From the late 1800s until the mid-1900s, sexual promiscuity was a subject not often spoken aloud. It was considered “dirty” and “perverse” to speak of such things, yet, authors, playwrights, and artists continued to use their works to portray sexuality in their own ways. Down south, in the heart of...
5 Pages 2264 Words

Jane Austen’s Approach To Feminism In Pride And Prejudice

Introduction: Women in the late 18th early 19th century did not have much choice when it came to their future. They could either get married or become governesses, that if they were educated enough. Their life was shaped mostly by their families whom tried to find them a husband who would support them. Although in her age, women were regarded as emotional, weak, nurturing, and submissive, Jane Austen depicts her heroine Elizabeth as a woman who has her own perspective,...
3 Pages 1433 Words

Malcolm X As an Aggressive Civil Rights Leader: Critical Analysis

Malcolm X was an aggressive civil rights leader back in the early 1950s, who many African American people looked up to. Malcolm X was well known for his aggressive approach and harsh criticism of “White America”. Although he didn’t become known until he joined NOI and became an outspoken advocate for them, which led him to quickly rise and grow into who he is today. Malcolm X or Malcolm Little (as he was first known as), was born in 1925...
2 Pages 1039 Words

Feminist Aspects In The Awakening By Kate Chopin

The author of The Awakening was from St. Louis, Missouri. Kate Chopin is known for writing short stories such as “The Storm”, “The Story of an Hour” and “A Pair of Silk Stockings.” She published two novels in addition to her short stories, At Fault and The Awakening. Her first novel, At Fault, went largely unnoticed after its publication in 1890. Her final novel, The Awakening was published in 1899. The critics and public both condemned the novel, calling it...
2 Pages 885 Words

Feminist And Psychoanalytical Critical Approach To King Lear

This essay aims to take a look into the play ‘King Lear’ authored by William Shakespeare, using both the feminist and psychoanalytical critical approach. Like most of Shakespeare’s tragedies, King Lear can be identified on various levels and from a diversity of critical perspectives, due to its complexity. The result of the play not having one particular meaning, it leaves the readers vulnerable to feel stunned by the intricacies of the storyline. The typical conflict of good vs. evil is...
4 Pages 1795 Words

Malcolm X's Way Of Life: Research Paper

“Education is the passport to the future, for the tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.”-Malcolm X. With that being said Malcolm X meant that you have to educate yourself in order to have a greater and better future. Malcolm X was an important and influential figure in history that had a positive impact because he was an activist and outspoken public voice of the Black Muslim faith, challenged the mainstream civil rights movement. Malcolm X was born...
1 Page 645 Words

Influence Of The American Civil Rights Movement On The Australian Civil Rights Movement

The prejudice and misrepresentation of Aboriginal peoples in state and federal law has existed in Australia ever since the arrival of the First Fleet in 1788. The American Civil Rights Movement (1955 – 1968) was lead by Martin Luther King and encouraged by the people. This significantly affected the Australian people in realising the inequality in their country. One man that was greatly influenced by the social leader in America was Charles Perkins, an Aboriginal activist that was a huge...
1 Page 542 Words

Importance Of The U.S. Civil Rights Movement And Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Many minority groups, including Aboriginals an, have struggled in finding their of these rights in the past, and continue to do so today. The late 1800s to the late 1900s was an extremely difficult time for Indigenous Australians and was is one of the darkest periods of Australian history. Many Indigenous children during this time were forced out of their homes and taken from their families due to the implication of multiple new barbaric government procedures; these children are known...
2 Pages 684 Words

Civil Rights Activism In Australia

Part of Australia’s history is the horrendous treatment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders. The arrival of British settlers in 1788 set the stage of struggle with human rights for the Indigenous People, as they faced segregation, assimilation and the systematic attempt to erase their race, through the means of the Stolen Generation. It was only until the UN created the Universal Declaration of Human Rights after the disturbing neglect of human rights displayed in Nazi Germany during World War...
2 Pages 1087 Words

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