Therapy essays

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2 Pages 1129 Words
Introduction In this article, the beneficial effects of yoga will be discussed about some specific symptoms related to Complex-Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD). C-PTSD is a condition most often caused by repeated and ongoing, severe interpersonal trauma, it is commonly seen in those who were subjected to chronic childhood abuse. The symptoms of PTSD as stated in the NICE guidelines...
5 Pages 2337 Words
Complex trauma in children and adolescents can interfere with the capacity to integrate sensory, emotional, and cognitive information into a cohesive whole and sets the stage for unfocused and irrelevant responses to subsequent stress. Fisher &Van Der Kolk (2000) The immediate and long-term consequences of children exposed to maltreatment and other traumatic experiences are multifaceted. Emotional abuse and neglect, sexual...
4 Pages 1743 Words
History of DBT In the era of the 1970s and ’80s, therapists struggled to find an effective cure for individuals who repeatedly attempted suicide. The main problem behind this was individuals' low self-confidence or lack of positive thinking patterns. As a result, individuals were constantly attempting suicide. Since a lot of time was utilized to diagnose this situation, it left...
4 Pages 1851 Words
Introduction This Essay aims to critically compare and contrast the Behavioural Therapy and Cognitive Therapy models for treating clinical depression. I will be focusing on the theories that underline each model, their specific treatment methods, and their effectiveness. I will start by describing depression, and give a brief summary of how depression impacts our society worldwide and how is being...
4 Pages 1687 Words
Reflecting back on when I partook in my first EIP class in physical therapy school, I remembered going over the different research designs and methods that reduce bias in research. I learned that EIP is defined by its clinical expertise, and patient values and is accessible to the public. Also, I was educated on the many types of literature reviews...
1 Page 594 Words
Introduction Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental condition that affects individuals' social interaction, communication, and behavior. While there is no known cure for autism, various interventions have been developed to help individuals with autism lead fulfilling lives. One such intervention that has gained recognition and popularity is equine therapy. This persuasive essay will explore the benefits of equine therapy...
1 Page 619 Words
Introduction Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental condition that affects individuals' social interaction, communication, and behavior. Over the years, various therapeutic approaches have been explored to support individuals with autism in their journey towards improved quality of life and well-being. One such innovative and effective intervention is equine therapy. This essay will delve into the concept of autism equine...
2 Pages 1068 Words
Often, we encounter social issues that may indirectly influence our personalities. There is a need for therapy that can help us reform or face the realities of life. Wilderness therapy is such a therapy: this mode of psychological treatment relates to clinical medicine. It dates back to the 1940s when it was proven effective in enforcing experimental education and self-improvement...
2 Pages 1040 Words
“To what extent is Kinesio tape effective in preventing and treating patients with a musculoskeletal injury during rehabilitation compared to clinical standardized treatment?' Evidence Selection The study conducted by Montalvo, Cara, and Myer (2014) is a “systematic literature review and meta-analysis” which aims toward the evaluation the efficacy of Kinesio tape in pain management among people suffering from musculoskeletal injuries....
3 Pages 1332 Words
This essay will be focusing on three major but not limited fields in occupational therapy and the important roles they play in one’s life. Occupational therapy is so important, occupational therapy is to help increase functional independence in daily lives and minimize the fact of mental, physical, and emotional disabilities. The word occupation is known for referring to the performance...
5 Pages 2255 Words
The mission statement of the School of Exercise & Sport Science communicates how driven the school is to help us, the students, succeed in achieving our goals and reaching the level of education that we need to prepare us for our careers. It lets us know that we are going to be well prepared for our careers as long as...
4 Pages 1630 Words
Over the past century, there have been many developments in Optometry that have transformed the way in which practitioners conduct examinations and diagnose patients. Although such transformations have been introduced with the objective of enhancing the practitioner’s ability to identify and rectify vision-related conditions and to provide the patient with the best possible eye care, developments such as Behavioural Optometry,...
2 Pages 1026 Words
What do you expect to find in a classroom? Students, books, pens, pencils and dogs? For pupils in primary and high schools in Scotland it is not common to be greeted by a furry friend in the work area. In my opinion, the idea of having trained dogs in the classroom to help with learning is a great one and...
1 Page 577 Words
Gene therapy is an experimental method for correcting faulty genes that cause disease to develop. Gene therapy attempts to treat illness by altering a person's gene expression, with the ultimate goal of curing or preventing genetic diseases. Gene therapy aims to solve the problem at its source by inserting the right gene or repairing an existing one. Genes are the...
2 Pages 1046 Words
In the work of an occupational therapist, prejudice is very relevant. Prejudice is a big issue in any health sector professions, as professionals are interacting with a wide range of people every day from minority groups. A study done in 1998 of the rates of prejudice among nursing students showed that most of them had a limited awareness of race...
2 Pages 985 Words
Public Health focuses on preventing and raising awareness about widespread diseases and healthcare topics empowerment and health promotion. A Health Campaign is a type of media campaign which promotes public health by making new health interventions available. The organizers of the campaign, usually the government and some organisation, use education to spread awareness of the targeted problem and then provide...
5 Pages 2142 Words
ABSTRACT Music is a universal language as it helps us communicate across cultural and semantic boundaries. Both music and language serve the same purpose as they both are forms of expression. It reaches deep into one's experience. Language is a communicating system. Music has all the components that a communicating system should accommodate that is consisting of a set of...
2 Pages 973 Words
Music Therapy is a modern healing discipline that has gained a lot of popularity in the last few decades. It is quite a broad topic because, despite its recent origins (around the 1950s), it involves many different branches, methods, and approaches. Music Therapy can have a wide variety of aims, according to a patient's need. It can work on both...
1 Page 318 Words
Music is a way that expresses how we feel, what we think, or helps represent what is going on in our lives. Songs can change attitudes, emotions, and actions. It is going unknown and becoming less appreciated by all it does. Music has been around for ages being apart of the pharaohs of Egypt, Native American rituals, and as late...
1 Page 687 Words
Introduction For most people, music is an important part of daily life. Some rely on music to get them through the morning commute while others turn up favorite playlist to stay pumped during a workout. Many folks even have the stereo on when they are cooking meal, taking a shower or folding the laundry, music is often linked to mood....
5 Pages 2161 Words
The elements of music are all around us and within us as we move through our lives; from the changing rhythm of our beating hearts, the rise and fall of the breath in our lungs to the moving contours of pitch in the words we share with one another. But what if our understanding of these experiences in sound aren’t...
5 Pages 2087 Words
Recent studies have been designed to investigate the non-pharmalogical treatments in the world of mental disorders. A variety of mental disorders are set to have a (possible) psychotic component: schizophrenia, psychosis, schizoaffective disorder and bipolar disorder. Non-pharmalogical treatments exist of exercise therapy, cognitive therapy, art therapy, relaxation and music therapy. Zooming in on the music therapy gives us reason to...
3 Pages 1429 Words
Music is a magical thing. Music can motivate people to do better. It can bring up feelings of happiness or sadness that are associated with a memory from the past. Music can force people to think differently and become better at certain subjects due to their brain working in a brand new way. Not only does music make everything better,...
6 Pages 2499 Words
Introduction The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is estimated to affect 37.9 million people worldwide, of which 1.7 million are children (World Health Organization, 2018). The virus attacks T lymphocytes, cells used by the immune system to protect the body of foreign invaders. HIV uses these cells as a replication machine, leading to a depletion in T cells, therefore weakening the...
3 Pages 1434 Words
Introduction Substance abuse can be explained as the use of harmful psychoactive substances. It also includes the use of alcohol and other prohibited drugs. The use of psychoactive drugs may lead to dependence syndrome which is a series of physiological, behavioral and cognitive patterns that come about as a result of recurrent substance use. This condition may include consequences such...
5 Pages 2283 Words
Literature Review “Multiculturalism is often used to refer to one or more particular minority, racial, and/or ethnic groups in the United States” (Stockman, Boult, & Robinson, 2004). Using the word ‘multicultural’ refers to the wide range of co-existing cultural groups within society. Due to the growth of diversity in society, multicultural instruction has been introduced into education. Multicultural instruction is...
3 Pages 1245 Words
In healthcare, there are many careers available for you to fulfill a career suitable for you. An example of one of these positions is occupational therapy, otherwise known as OT. Occupational therapists treat disabled, ill, injured, or recovering patients through daily activities. They provide ways for patients to continue their lifestyles as normal as possible, whether it’s simple repetitive activities...
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