Tourism essays

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1 Page 422 Words
As weeks of anxiety now turn to an open war between Russia and Ukraine, the effects on world trade, financial markets, and country-wide economies, including Egypt's economy, are becoming clear. Many of the furnish chain issues that are nevertheless with us from the pandemic are going to be aggravated by this. That skill world strength expenses will rise, and so...
2 Pages 936 Words
In the 21st-century competitive market environment, advertising has played a vital role. Nowadays, advertisements have become a model to persuade, to influence, to attract, to inform the people or the audience. In advertisements, the themes remain the same, but it ensures not only selling the product but also the visibility of the product and business. Celebrity endorsement means tying the...
2 Pages 710 Words
The world ‘tour’ is derived from the Latin word “tornus”, meaning a tool for making a circle. Tourism may be defined as the movement of people from their normal place of residence to another place (with the intention to return) for a minimum period of twenty-four hours to a maximum of six months for the sole purpose of leisure and...
5 Pages 2212 Words
Rome is Italy's most popular destination in terms of both incoming and domestic visitors, due to its wide range of historical and cultural heritage sites. After 30 centuries of history, including barbarian invasions and enemy occupations, the Italian capital is now facing the pressures of mass tourism. Due to a large number of historical monuments in the region, Rome is...
2 Pages 861 Words
As per the popular travel website Trip Advisor, the visitor experience of Machu Picchu is considered a once in a lifetime, unmissable experience, being described as amazing and mystical. Due to the nature of the area, there is a reasonable amount of hiking to be done at the site in order to get the most out of the visit. A...
8 Pages 3540 Words
Tourism in the Arab countries has become almost the sole economic and social mechanism to reduce rapid urbanization processes and to facilitate a decent standard of living in peripheral areas. In the Arab region, this is the case in Aqaba (Jordan), Sinai and the Red Sea (Egypt) (Mansfeld & Winckler, 2015). Unique sights and monuments, comfortable climate, all-inclusive hotels, diving,...
5 Pages 2266 Words
Peoples and places around the globe are continuously re-invented, re-produced and re-created as tourism marketers create powerful representations of them (Salazar:2009). As a result, these different ways how people and places are being represented has a huge impact or rather plays a big role on how the tourists imagine and form views and expectations about their future destinations. However, the...
3 Pages 1152 Words
In modern era, tourism becomes a trend for individuals. Tourism is the act of visiting new places with religious and historical importance for recreation. Travelling helps people to interact with others, and gives the chance to expand knowledge and build strong overseas relations. Recently, there have been large number of persons who love visiting. Foreign investment is mostly done by...
3 Pages 1249 Words
Tourism is growing faster and faster and then become one of the most potential majors in the world. For instance, data from UNWTO (2017) showed that the number of tourists all over the world has dramatically increased in recent years. The main factor that contributes to the development of tourism is the environment. It is divided into three aspects: nature,...
3 Pages 1209 Words
New Zealand is a well-known global film and television production leader, and also a gathering place for International Film and television talents, where the most talented producers, directors and special effects artists in the world gather. At the same time, it also has a profound local film and television culture and distinctive characteristics. With the efforts of local filmmakers, stories...
3 Pages 1570 Words
Introduction Since technology has opened up the opportunity to bring humans to space that experience has been limited to professional trained astronauts. Visits to space have been discovering journeys for scientists but now space is being looked at as a new market place. The term space tourism is being used more and more frequently like it is in the near...
5 Pages 1476 Words
Introduction Among the most consequential cultural and economic phenomenon of the modern era has been the multi-faceted and ever-changing tourism industry. It includes people going to and staying in unfamiliar places for various reasons, whether for work, pleasure, or other reasons. This international emigration has the potential to improve economies on a local and national level while also bringing people...
1 Page 600 Words
When I thought of researching about Machu Picchu, I was interested in knowing about their culture. In this essay, I am going to talk about cultural tourism in Machu Picchu, the advantages and disadvantages it provides. What Is Cultural Tourism? Cultural tourism is a type of tourism where travelers go to particular destinations to find out about its cultural and...
3 Pages 1366 Words
Some people would be petrified to venture into space and witness how beautiful Earth and other space masses really are. Most humans would be willing to go a on a vacation to anywhere safe and alluring, or warm and sunny, but imagine vacationing to a place that is -450 degrees Fahrenheit and nearly all darkness. It may not sound as...
2 Pages 837 Words
Located on the southeast coast of Mexico, Cancun generated $37.5 million in the past five years citation, welcoming around six million foreign tourists every year (as shown in Graph 1). This is due to Cancun being one of Mexico’s top tourist destinations, known for its exotic aquatic fauna and flora. Sustainable tourism is when social, economic and environment aspects of...
2 Pages 1018 Words
After the tenebrous 911 attack on the World Trade Center, which claimed scores of lives and destroyed a vast valuable property, terrorism acquired a terrifying character and rose to become a major source of global anxiety. This fateful event has had a continuous effect on tourism and future happenings will most certainly determine future trends in business travel. Beyond newspaper...
2 Pages 772 Words
In Egypt cultural and heritage tourism remain special, some of the impressive cultural tourist attractions in Egypt are the Pyramids of Giza, which are among the seven wonders of the ancient world. It includes the Great Sphinx, Luxor Temple, etc. Throughout its history, Egypt has been known as a destination for tourists and travelers. In 2020, Egypt's tourism revenue fell...
2 Pages 806 Words
With one in 10 jobs on the planet reliant on tourism, and an equivalent worth of 10 percent of global GDP is contributed by tourism industry. Tourism is a very important industry for people life and country economics. There are some advantages and disadvantages for two types of tourism: conventional tourism and ecotourism. Conventional Tourism There are some advantages of...
3 Pages 1556 Words
For a destination to be classified as suffering from overtourism means that both locals and visitors sense a disruption in the destination’s quality of both experience and lifestyle to a point that it may become unmanageable (UNWTO, 2018). Overtourism is a result of mass tourism which may lead to an imbalance of the multidisciplinary elements of social, economic and environment...
3 Pages 1280 Words
The term ‘tourism’ was coined by Thomas Cook in 1841, who lead the development of commercialized mass tourism. He had taken a number of 571 persons on a trip, supplying meals and music (Gyr, 2010). The term encompasses all activities undertaken by visitors while they travel and stay in places, beyond their normal environment, once their visit does not exceed...
5 Pages 2215 Words
Tourism is a serious economic activity in Las Vegas and the wider America. Indeed, significant companies struggle for the control of the lucrative industry. Sadly, most hotels underutilize the underlying potential due to both internal and external factors. One such hotel is the Venetian that is the third largest regarding revenue and the second largest regarding rooms. After a close...
3 Pages 1517 Words
Living life with tourism industry is not easy. Because when we say tourism, industry it is all about business and not just like a simple business but all you need is a very successful business. For you to have a successful business, you need a very specific knowledge and lots information to be well-informed. And when we say tourism industry...
3 Pages 1537 Words
Saudi Arabia is witnessing a new era in the tourism sector to achieve Vision 2030. It is heading to discover its cities and destinations and create a new scenic coastal site and many heritage areas, which will drive Saudi Arabia to be one of the attraction destination and entertainment in Middle East within few upcoming years. Saudi Arabia Vision is...
3 Pages 1570 Words
In the Tourism Review 2018, tour and activity operators were asked to consider implementing sustainable initiatives in their own tour company. A sustain majority 91.3% of participants inserted yes. In the tourism industry eco-friendly tourism is becoming one of the largest, a key element in the understanding the tourism industry is to recognize and deal with the change in the...
2 Pages 1082 Words
In recent decades, the tourism industry has occupied a prominent position compared to other industries. This essay is intended to discuss its two sides, one of its clear obvious advantages, the other of its disadvantages. Tourism is a service industry that brings a lot of benefits to other sectors and people. It boosts the economic activities. At first tourism creates...
1 Page 528 Words
A reservation is a process of booking and blocking rooms, tables or, according to the Cambridge dictionary, an arrangement to have something kept for a person or for a special purpose in advance for the guests or tourists. When we refer to hotel rooms or a place arranged for the tourist to stay the right term we use is accommodations....
6 Pages 2825 Words
This article tries to discuss and explore the interface between tourism and peace. It attempts to address how tourism a peace sensitive industry by taking COVID-19 as an agent changes in the realm of it. This article aims to assess how tourism is a peace sensitive industry, by taking the impacts of COVID-19 pandemic on tourism in its social, economic,...
1 Page 420 Words
After the Coronavirus pandemic, almost no industry declined like tourism. Reasons for the decline in tourism include government control of people’s travel, and there are tourists who cancel travel because they avoided the Coronavirus. With the international travel ban affecting more than 90% of the world’s population, tourism essentially ceased in March 2020. There are evidences show that air travel,...
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