About Myself essays

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1 Page 515 Words
My name is Sophia Arredondo. I was born December 14, 2004, in Redding, California. After my parents divorced, my mom moved my sister and me to a small town, where we have remained ever since. Growing up, my sister would regularly speak for me. While this took part in my shyness, I was invariably a happy kid. After the move,...
5 Pages 2094 Words
August 29, 2019. When it all started. The first day of Understand the Self. It was a blissful moment but a good one to carry. It was not my first time studying about The Self. I was a Humanities and Social Sciences student during my Senior High School years, so, it was inevitable for me to study it before those...
1 Page 601 Words
I believe my current skill set and traits would be perfect for this position as a Mod at Soro’s. To begin, I possess the skill of being very hard-working and determined. I always try to do everything to the best I possibly can, I will never give up until I'm positive that the outcome is what I expected and better....
2 Pages 1015 Words
There have been so many people over the course of my life who have influenced my life in many various different ways, like my family and my friends. One of the biggest things that I believe has influenced me the most so far in my life was to find something that I am good at. If I was never influenced...
1 Page 450 Words
As Pablo Picasso once said, “Art is a lie that makes us realize the truth”. I for one felt that painting my self-portrait helped me realize a part of my true personality. Today I will be talking about the meaning behind my self-portrait and how it relates to my personality. Like most people who create self-portraits, I was inspired by...
2 Pages 694 Words
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My story talks about life in my home country, consisting of what I do when I visit and what it’s like there. I talk about my favorite hobbies, food and what I do on vacation. Lastly, I was able to talk about my studies at Lindenwood and why I chose to go there. As I grew up, I realized that...
3 Pages 1366 Words
I’m a freshman at Stockton University in my first semester of college. As an eighteen-year-old with three younger siblings, I’m held to a lot of responsibility and accountability in how I do at school and in my regular daily life. I’m currently majoring in business management but have a feeling that I will most likely switch my major going into...
2 Pages 884 Words
Everybody has a purpose in one’s life and want to find that purpose. My purpose is based off core values, strengths, passion. All my life, I yearned to live a meaningful life where I wouldn’t have to look back down the road and regret anything I did to get the life I want. I have regularly wanted to be man...
1 Page 686 Words
I’ve tried to start this essay about twenty times and each time was never quite good enough, which is a perfect example of my life’s purpose because nothing I do is ever good enough for myself. That’s why my purpose in life is to finally prove to myself that the person that I want to be is the person that...
6 Pages 2606 Words
Self-reflection is one of the key exercises of observing and reporting one’s thoughts, practices, skills, and their associated outcomes Gläser-Zikuda (2012). It is a conscious effort of realizing and considering areas that need attention and improvement in an individual’s personality. Only after a person has undergone self-realization, one can work towards being a better human being by inculcating self-assessment skills...
3 Pages 1627 Words
Foreword An old story written by Wayne Cordeiro in his book, “Doing Church As A Team” tells of a rabbi living in a Russian city a century ago. Disappointed by his lack of direction and life purpose, he wandered in the chilly evening. With his hands thrust deep in his pockets, he aimlessly walked through the empty streets, questioning his...
1 Page 596 Words
I am applying for the OMV master’s scholarship program in petroleum engineering at the University of Leoben (Montanuniversität Leoben). Currently, I completed my undergraduate (BS) studies in Geological Engineering at the “BUITEMS” institute in Pakistan. I believe my chosen profession will enable me to fulfill all my desires to help others and to continuously enhance my knowledge and technical skills....
1 Page 533 Words
The word identity, according to the Oxford Dictionary, simply refers to “the fact of being who or what a person or thing is”. But what is concealed behind this definition, what is the underlying meaning of one’s identity? Throughout the year psychologists have extensively researched the roles human beings look to define themselves as. From psychology, we understand the complexity...
2 Pages 858 Words
Our objective is to change the world into a united, color-blind society. Instead, we intend for, as my father advocated, people, to be “judged by the content of their character.” As a little boy, I remember receiving inequitable treatment. As naïve as I was, I never understood why I was treated so differently from the white children. As far as...
1 Page 515 Words
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The reason for the chosen study for a Master in Teaching is because of the passion that I have to be a teacher. By pursuing a career in teaching, the impression I can make on individuals continues to the next generation, through students, I can shape the destiny of the country. For a child, his/her first experience with socializing outside...
4 Pages 1865 Words
Religion Religion has always played a big role in my life. My parents are both very religious but allowed their children to find their own paths. Religious identity and conflict are present in Aminul Hoque’s book titled British-Islamic Identity. This is evident when the author says ‘Identification with British Islam for many third-generation Bangladeshis is a social construction lodged in...
2 Pages 823 Words
I am an ordinary Filipino girl. I grew up without a father, because my parents divorced when I was a child. I spent my entire childhood with my mother. She raised me well having discipline and respect to others well. I’m the luckiest daughter to have a mom like her, a brave person and hard-working one. She’s been my inspiration...
2 Pages 926 Words
When pondering the question, ‘Who am I?’ it can be difficult to identify how to begin one’s analysis of self. I would argue, that the best place to start are those core values, those guiding principles that carry you through life; the values that you cling to through hardship and turmoil, joy and jubilation. For me, the first value I...
1 Page 532 Words
The Mini-IPIP is a 20-item scale. Each item is a phrase describing a person's behavior whether you are very inaccurate, moderately inaccurate, neither inaccurate nor accurate, moderately accurate, and very accurate for. I'll rate it 1-5 every item and then in scoring will be adding the items that should be put together to find out if I belong to openness,...
1 Page 468 Words
In life, there is no certainty but sometimes, we just have to take a leap of faith. I am an ordinary girl with extraordinary dreams. I guess the most obvious thing about me is I am a bit of introvert. I mean, I am always a wallflower. But it does not mean that I do not like being around with...
5 Pages 2176 Words
Communication has never been a concept which I considered important until now, it has always been a part of my life yet I never really truly considered its effect on me. As of now, it seems that I keep thinking about communication and its great impact on my life, from the moment I wake up to when I go to...
5 Pages 2334 Words
Welcome to my solar system. I would love to show you a tour to visit each of my planets. First of all, let look at the most important one, Home, where my parents are a tremendous support for me. I also have a younger brother who is not at home often as he used to be. With the help of...
2 Pages 1032 Words
Everyone needs to be inspired, and inspiring others can only have positive effects. They can be the people that surround us in an everyday life. My inspiration consists of my parents, Oralia Reyes and Pedro Reyes. They are two full-blooded Mexican immigrants with remarkable stories of hard work, sacrifice, and resilience in a hostile society who left their country for...
1 Page 575 Words
The philosophy definition of self is, among other things, the conditions of identity that make one subject of experience distinct from all others. Learning about what makes oneself is fascinating but really makes you think about who you are, why you believe what you believe, and what’s important to you. Self refers to a person's experience and past experiences as...
4 Pages 1669 Words
I used to think my life was meant to be planned out by my parents. They set their expectations to be higher than I could achieve, and designated me on a path to pursue the life they never got. As a result, their intentions led me to learn to think more for myself and create my own ambitions because of...
2 Pages 1123 Words
When you imagine storytelling, it is most likely that you will reminisce in your story from your childhood, as do I. This essay will explore my role as an early year’s practitioner and reflect on my practice, values and beliefs. It is my story. I am a 19-year-old British Kosovan female student living in London. I have grown up with...
1 Page 421 Words
Values reflect our thoughts, words, and actions, they help us develop, broaden and create the future we want to experience. Some of the values that are of importance to me: healthy lifestyle, education, friends and family, religion and happiness. My long-term goals are that I want to complete my bachelor’s degree in hospitality management, though the major goal in education...
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