Africa essays

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Developmental Implications of Lack of Sanitation in Nigeria

4 Pages 1944 Words
Sanitation refers to public health conditions related to safe drinking water and adequate treatment and disposal of human waste and sewage (Oxford Dictionaries, n.d.). Nigeria is located in West Africa and has the largest population of approximately 200 million in Africa (UNDP, 2019). Nigeria has a Human Development Index of 0.534, which ranks the country as 158th in the world...

Comparison of South Africa and Nigeria

1 Page 589 Words
South Africa, the southernmost country on the African mainland, prestigious for its changed geography. South Africa has three cities that serve as capitals: Pretoria (executive), Cape Town (legislative), and Bloemfontein (judicial). Nigeria, country located on the western coast of Africa. Nigeria has a diverse geography, with climates ranging from arid to humid equatorial. Nigeria is more developed compared to South...

Suicide Bomber at Winners' Chapel in Nigeria: A Christian Attacked the Church

1 Page 585 Words
On Sunday, the 1st of February, news emerged that a suspected suicide bomber who infiltrated the premises of a Winners' Chapel branch in Sabon Tasha, Kaduna State was apprehended with explosive devices. Social Media users celebrated his arrest and expected to hear some staggering details about his motivation and sponsors. Many sections linked him to the regular culprits, the Boko...

Role of Banks in South Africa: Analytical Essay

7 Pages 3175 Words
Banking Sector The South African banking sector has undergone quite a lot of changes and developments over the years, more specifically its regulatory provisions. However, despite all the changes, the banking sector of the country still seems to be a stable and sound environment. The rise of the so-called ‘digital banks’ in South Africa have proved and demonstrated to be...

Essay on African Views on Early Childhood Development

1 Page 509 Words
South Africa's Early Childhood Development (ECD) Department (2015) established South Africa's National Early Childhood Development Policy, which focuses on ensuring that all children, from birth to grade R, have access to high quality DIT supplies. The focus of the policy is to provide all disadvantaged young children in South Africa with access to ECD so that they have the opportunity...

Effects of the Central Bank of Kenya Regulations on the Financial Performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya

8 Pages 3625 Words
Abstract Bank regulation refers to the formulation and issuance by authorized agencies of specific rules and regulations, under governing law for the conduct and structure of banks (Harvey, 2012). This study, therefore, seeks to assess the effects of central bank regulatory requirements on the financial performance of commercial banks in Kenya. This study is aimed at establishing why despite the...

Ban on Twitter in Nigeria: Analytical Essay

4 Pages 1886 Words
The impact of the Twitter ban on the Nigerian economy is examined in this article. The Nigerian government's move to ban Twitter could have serious economic consequences. The reason for the restriction appears to be the social media companies' decision to delete a tweet by President Muhammadu Buhari that was labeled as 'abusive behavior' by Twitter just a few days...

Analysis of Media Ethics in Nigeria

5 Pages 2256 Words
This paper will appreciate the thesis about the issues involved in media ethics - and examine these issues from a social, professional, and cultural perspective, with an emphasis on media practice in Nigeria; However, before presenting the main arguments in favor of this thesis, I will have to deal with the main consideration that just as there is a positive...

Essay on History of Mass Media in Nigeria

5 Pages 2260 Words
The history of Nigeria mass media needs to be discussed under two headings for comprehensive understanding. The print media - newspapers, magazines, periodicals and paperback as well as broadcast media - radio and television. This report will brief point into the media history, which also x-ray the performances, problems and successes of mass media from 1859 to date which has...

British Imperialism in Nigeria and Its Impact on the Nigerian Legal System

5 Pages 2533 Words
The history of Nigeria is heavily intertwined with British colonization. Ambiguity arises regarding the emergence of this imperialism, in the mid-1900s, and the end of its reign as the dominant authority in Nigeria, in 1960. Lugard’s amalgamation of Lagos and the Northern and Southern Protectorates led to Nigeria as we know it now, a British creation. British imperialism asserted imperial...

The Main Problems Of The South African Education System

4 Pages 1868 Words
The South African education system has experience many changes after the 1994 democratic elections in efforts to undo and redress past imbalances that dominated the schooling system during the reign of the apartheid government. These changes had a significant impact on learners and teachers as the main goal of the new government was transformation and ensuring equal access into a...

Water Rationing Essay

1 Page 641 Words
Warren in 1971 concisely defined water pollution as 'any impairment of the suitability of water for any of its beneficial uses, actual or potential, by mancaused changes in the quality of water'. Nairobi River flowing through Kenya's capital city provides an excellent example of a heavily polluted river. River pollution problems are common in developed countries with highly industrialised societies....

The Impact of Drought in South Africa Essay

6 Pages 2705 Words
Introduction to Drought in Africa Water shortages are a major threat globally but their impact is more severe in Africa in general and in Sub-Saharan Africa in particular. A recent Southern African Development Community (SADC) report suggests that by mid-2017 four countries will have to declare national drought disasters, namely, the Kingdom of Lesotho, the Republic of Malawi, the Kingdom...

Colonisation in South Africa History

3 Pages 1395 Words
The colonisation of South Africa contributed to abhorrent ethnic division, racism and rigid inequality at its inception, with its legacy having engendered significant social conflict affecting citizens today. This essay will discuss the immediate social implications of European colonisation, and how slavery, segregation and poor resource distribution unsettled ethnic relations amongst locals. Furthermore, this essay shall criticise the European’s colonial...

The Ebola Crisis in Sierra Leone: A Reflective Report

3 Pages 1186 Words
As a rule, developing countries tend to lack comprehensive and stable civilian structures for dealing with disasters, therefore disaster response in these countries often relies almost entirely upon the military as well as on international civilian and military assistance. Military engagement in disaster relief may contain the negative consequences of major disasters and prevent the crisis from spilling across borders....

The Development of Islam in Sudan

2 Pages 748 Words
The Islamization of Islam revolutionized every aspect of the Sudanese states. It spread throughout every level of their existence. Islam is one of the great regions of the world that unite many people. It began with the prophet Muhammed in 622AD, the year the Muslim calendar takes its origin. Islam is a monotheistic and Abrahamic religion articulated by the Quran...

High Maternal Mortality in Sierra Leone

2 Pages 1034 Words
The maternal mortality Millennium Development Goal (MDG) Sierra Leone needed to achieve by 2015 was 450 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births, however, the estimated maternal mortality ratio (MMR) for 2015 was 1,360 deaths per 100,00 live births (WHO, 2015). If the ideal state for maternal mortality is supposed to be 450 maternal deaths per 100,00 live births as set...

Poverty in Kenya Essay

3 Pages 1456 Words
Poverty remains a challenge to the country 50 years after the founding fathers declared war on it. According to the Society for International Development, 60% of Kenyans live below the poverty line (SID, 2005). This paper aims to discuss poverty in Kenya, its causes and effects: I believe that understanding these causes will help policy makers tackle the root causes...

Environmental Pollution in Kenya: Causes and Government Efforts to Combat It

4 Pages 2001 Words
Pollution is the presence in or introduction into the environment of a substance which has harmful or poisonous effects (Oxford Dictionary). My essay will cover the main causes of pollution in Kenya, specifically air pollution, water pollution and soil pollution. These causes will be sourced from governmental research as well as independent academic research. It will then review how effective...

Wide Spread of Tuberculosis in Sudan

3 Pages 1557 Words
Sudan is one of the largest countries located in northeastern Africa. Sudan is located in the desert of Sahara. It is a hard climate condition and unfortunately, lack of instability is contributed for the poor conditions. It is between Egypt of the north and the Central African Republic to the southwest. It has a population of almost 28 million. The...

Health Care System in Sudan

2 Pages 902 Words
The Republic of Sudan is situated in the northeast of Africa and is considered to be a low-middle-income country. It is the third largest African country in terms of geographical coverage after Algeria and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The nation has a well-established healthcare system with many drawbacks, mostly due to economic and administrative factors followed by prolonged...

The Housing Shortage Problem in Kenya

2 Pages 757 Words
Out of 45.92 million, the urbanization rate is 25.6%, the unemployment rate is 40% and 43.4% of the population live below the poverty line. 68% of Kenyans have insufficient income which makes it nearly impossible to rent a house in Kenya. The World Bank states that Kenya needs more than 2 million low-income homes which will increase the economic growth...

Analysis of Competition and Diffidence as Causes of Quarrel on the Example of Sierra Leone's 'Blood Diamonds'

1 Page 629 Words
Thomas Hobbes discussed about three principals’ cause of quarrel in his paper called ‘Relations Among Sovereigns’. For example, he mentioned ‘competition’ for the first option, ‘diffidence’ as second, and third would be ‘glory’. Competition is defined as the activity or condition of competing. Which can be physical and valuable argument or actual war between communities or even each country. At...

Comparison of Mexican and Nigerian Culture

3 Pages 1162 Words
Growing up my two favorite dishes were all I would think about the minute the sun set down and the kitchen lights turned on. I knew it was time for my mother to serve up a quesadilla with jollof rice. A quesadilla is essentially a tortilla bread with cheese prepared with various spices and vegetables, while Jollof rice is a...

Depicting of 'Body Writing' in Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s Novel ‘Purple Hibiscus’

3 Pages 1387 Words
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s novel ‘Purple Hibiscus’ explores the tumultuous relationships between the members of the Achike family, inflicted by the father, Eugene. The novel is narrated in the first person, by the fifteen-year-old protagonist Kambili. This essay will portray the significance of ‘body writing’ which will be depicted through Eugene and Aunty Ifeoma. The entire family are subjects to domestic...
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