Astronomy essays

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Should Space Exploration Be Funded?

The United States has spent $601.31 billion on NASA since its inception. The total estimate is $1.32 trillion when adjusted for inflation, an average of $22.03 billion annually over its entire history. The budget for fiscal year 2020 for the National Aeronautic Space Administration is $21 billion. It is an increase of 1.4 percent compared to FY 2019(Amadeo). There is a steady increase over the years; these numbers will go further and further up. Though this seems like a lot...
3 Pages 1496 Words

What To Do For Saving The Planet

As years go by, the earth just keeps getting warmer and warmer, air and water pollution continues to increase, new viruses and diseases are being discovered, and more species are being endangered; all these harmful effects came to be because majority of the population aren’t socially responsible or aware of certain human activities that affect the environment particularly the human health. The main reason that lead to the problems stated is because of excessive greenhouse gas emissions. Coal-fired power plants...
2 Pages 1166 Words

Why Aliens Look Like Octopuses?

Christie Wilcox explains the reasoning behind the common sight of cephalopods representing aliens, in her Quartz article. She explains the different living situations between humans and the tentacled marine animals to point out the ways of how each species thrive are not interchangeable. After reading the passage, it is no stretch to say that octopuses and squids have personalities. Nevertheless, the inconsistencies of their behaviour, combined with their apparent intelligence, presents an obvious trap of the embodiment of being human....
1 Page 405 Words

Should We Go To The Moon In 2024?

We imagine that in the future, the human species will expand and learn to live on other worlds, creating life where there was nothing. For years we have thought that it would only be the subject of one’s fantasy, but now, NASA is attempting to make that dream a reality by trying to send a crewed mission to the moon in 2024 and seeing the conditions that are required to live there. However, what implications will this have on other...
2 Pages 1000 Words

How Our Universe Will End

Intro Ok cool Now raise your hand if you can name the planets in order of closest to farthest from the sun? “Hopefully not many”- remark about how little we know about space or at least care to know. Well that's true in a sense for astronomers as well as they continue to debate our rules about quantum mechanics, how things are and aren't, and how space just likes to say nah i'm good to any type of rule we...
2 Pages 945 Words

Possible Consequences Of Sending People On Mars

Sending people to Mars is one of humanity’s greatest ambitions this century. We are not just going there, but we plan live there as well. With the climate of Earth heading toward a dire state human might need to leave Earth indefinitely one day. However, sending people to Mars is no easy task and the challenges that lie ahead for humans are monumental. Firstly, what environmental challenges does Mars pose to humans and how can we combat them? Secondly, what...
3 Pages 1155 Words

Effects Of Competing Risks On Astronauts And Cosmonauts

INTRODUCTION The aim of this research paper is to evaluate, the critical areas related to, ‘The effects of competing risks on astronauts and cosmonauts.’ In above mentioned research which is a part of the area for the study in, Life Sciences in Space Research, it has been mentioned about the effects for the lives of our spaceman researchers. I have structured this research paper as following sub topics research method, motivation, problems, solution suggested, main contribution, identifying clarity. RESEARCH METHOD...
1 Page 623 Words

DNA Damage By Sun

The effects of the sun can be seen within minutes on some people as freckles appear, skin tone darkens and (perhaps) redness begins to spread. However, what these visible changes within the epidermis of the skin are caused by, is much less obvious. The damaging effects of ultraviolet (UV) radiation exposure - produced by the sun - on the DNA within our cells is the cause of many undesirable side effects. These include cell death, mutagenesis, photoaging (the appearance of...
2 Pages 971 Words

Why Sometimes There Is Resistance To New Scientific Theories

New scientific theories are developed every day all around the world. For these theories to be accepted and recognised, it must go through a range of different testing. This testing allows for the theory to bring more facts which therefore bring more evidence and the more evidence you have from tests the more strength your theory holds. However, there may still be resistance to new scientific theories. This may be because of religious bias and belief, conflict of interest, lack...
3 Pages 1210 Words

The Benefits Of Space Exploration And The Role Of Ion Drives

Abstract This project aims to explore the overall importance of space exploration in today's world and society that has been growing more and more curious every decade that passes and what potential benefits it can offer but also what costs this exploration can have. These benefits could range from medical research using the useful aspect of zero gravity to mining asteroids that contain minerals that our world has been mined free of. However, exploring space is no easy task and...
10 Pages 4819 Words

The Logistics Of Living On Mars

Introduction Since I was a child, I was always fascinated by the solar system, space, astronauts and whether or not there is another life that we have not yet encountered. In high school we had a very special guest visit us to tell me and fellow students that anything in life is possible, Buzz Aldrin, who on July 21st, 1969 took his first step on the moon along with Neil Armstrong. That to me, being in the same room as...
2 Pages 882 Words

The Implications Of Percival Lowell’s Theory-laden Observations Of Mars

Introduction A recurring debate in scientific research is the effect of theory-laden observations. Scientific observation is regarded as theory-laden when one’s beliefs, assumptions, or expectations are used to interpret observations. When investigators observe a distant world, everything that their senses convey is interpreted by the observer through cognitive processes that consider their prior training, cultural factors, and environment. In this way, the investigator tries to identify and organize the impression based on prior knowledge and preconceptions. In his scientific structure...
5 Pages 2330 Words

The Solar System: Venus, Mars, Jupiter And Ceres

THE SOLAR SYSTEM The solar system comprises of the Sun, the planets, the moons and all the other minor objects that circle the Sun, such as comets and space rocks. In spite of the fact that the essential picture of planets circling the Sun is known to all school children, earlier to the seventeenth century the broadly held see was that Soil was at the center of the universe, which the stars and planets all rotated around Soil. This see...
5 Pages 2371 Words

Black Holes: Evolution, Types And Effects

INTRODUCTION Black Holes Black Holes are stranger than anything dreamed up by science fiction writers. It is a place in space where gravity pulls so much that even light cannot get out of it.They have more matter stuffed into least space. They are too compact and has very strong gravity. In other words a Black hole is a region space-time where gravity is so strong that nothing, no particles or even electromagnetic radiation such as light can escape from it....
3 Pages 1309 Words

Will We Find Planet Nine?

What if every science book became outdated at the same time. The long thought constant that there are eight planets in our solar system could be wrong. A completely theoretical ninth planet may lie at the edge of our solar system. This theory all originated in 2017 when scientists absorbed that some asteroids in the Kuiper belt were orbiting the wrong direction(Sako). The only thing that they could think of is that there is a planet looming at the edge...
1 Page 685 Words

NASA’s Artemis’ Program Will Send The First Woman To The Moon. Why Is This Important?

Space is a place full of unsolved mysteries for humans to solve, setting endless goals; meanwhile, there are a huge number of possibilities for humans to make other discoveries in space. Government agencies and private companies such as NASA and SpaceX are leading the way towards the unknown universe. However, NASA, one of the most important agencies, has been sending mostly male astronauts for decades, leaving women as minorities in the space programs. Starting with Yuri Gagarin, 565 male astronauts...
3 Pages 1421 Words

One Titanic Uprightness For Mankind: The Moon Landing And Neil Armstrong

“That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind,” said Neil Armstrong. There is still uncertainty prevailing around the ‘supposed’ moon landing in 1969. The moon landing took place when Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins made history as the first humans to land on another celestial body on July 20, 1969. It marks a substantial leap in the technological advancement of humanity. Yet according to some conspiracy theorists, the moon landing never took place and it...
4 Pages 1924 Words

Ethical Implications Of Colonizing Mars

It was obvious that the conclusion of my tutorial group was against the colonization of Mars because there are some ethical implications of colonizing Mars. First, if we start to land frequently on Mars when we surveyed the surface of Mars it would potential harm to Martian life forms and the Martian environment (Stemwedel, 2015). Scientists think there is life on the Mars due to the evidence that suggested that rivers, lakes, and seas covered the surface of Mars billions...
1 Page 665 Words

The Advisability In Space Programs Of Living On Mars

Buzz Aldrin once said, “By refocusing our space program on Mars for America’s future, we can restore the sense of wonder and adventure in space exploration that we knew in the summer of 1969. We won the moon race; now it’s time for us to live and work on Mars, first on its moons and then on its surface.” The possibilities and questions about if life on Mars, the red planet in the solar system, have been around for years....
4 Pages 1641 Words

Aliens And The Religion Of Raëlism

Raelism is an interesting religion filled with aliens, cloning and sexual freedom. It was founded in Auvergne, France, September 19 1974. It was founded because rael saw a ufo come down from the sky and out came Yahweh. He stated that Yahweh's face was full of love. Rael’s real name is Claude Vorilhon, he was born on September 30, 1946 and is 72 years old. Before he started this religion he was a singer and songwriter with actually promising music....
1 Page 616 Words

How The Universe Appears Due To The Big Bang Theory

We all live on a beautiful universe surrounded by beautiful stars and galaxies, but how did this happen. This will lead us to the Big Bang theory, that happened billions of years ago and created this beautiful universe. According to my knowledge about Big bang is the oldest theory that took place many years ago, it was a Cosmo that contained fundamental particles of electrons, protons, and neutrons and it exploded into the space and created this beautiful universe. Big...
2 Pages 812 Words

The Phenomenon Of UFO

Introduction Have you ever had the experience to see a UFO, Wouldn’t it be a good idea to know where they come from or how they were created? Or better yet do they even exist? Well now that your attention is snatched let's continue. In style culture, the term phantom or unidentified flying object refers to a suspected alien orbiter, though its definition encompasses any unexplained aerial phenomena. UFO sightings are reported throughout recorded history and in numerous elements of...
4 Pages 1914 Words

The Ethical Issues On Mars Getting And Colonisation

Throughout the history of mankind, an undiscovered world above us has fascinated us into studying and observing what could potentially lie behind nature’s secrets. A constant push to make discoveries has led us to several findings, recently and mostly related to the exploration of Mars, which could one day be a home for humans. NASA has already stated that humans would “absolutely” be on Mars in the future, but we should be considering the action-oriented aspect of these ideas rather...
5 Pages 2099 Words

Will Humans Have A Settlement On The Moon?

Rationale Well if the scientist is going to the moon they would have to prepare themselves to think that they may never come back because if they go to the moon to stay there the scientise probably won’t have a lot of fuel to come back. Also, on the moon, all of them would have to build and take with them a lot of materials so they can have a settlement on the moon. They would need to have a...
2 Pages 822 Words

Alienation From Fact, Truth And Reality In Novels And Films

The concept of alienation is represented in George Orwell’s novel, ‘1984’, and Stanley Kubrick’s film, ‘2001: A Space Odyssey’, as higher powers conceal the truth from the ordinary, lower class people. These two texts are interconnected by their depictions and perspectives of this reoccurring concept of alienation from fact, truth and reality. The Council and Mission Control (2001: A Space Odyssey), as well as The Party and Big Brother (1984) hide the truth from the citizens, as it allows for...
3 Pages 1295 Words

The Aliens Are Communist

I’m sure that at some stage in your life, most of you have probed for the answer to queries such as, is there life other than us in this universe of ours? If there is, is it aware? Advanced? Dangerous? A lot of people have wanted to know the answer to those questions, to see if ‘aliens’ exist. Some people have even asked the question about how we would react to the existence of these Grey Skinned, Big-eyed visitors from...
3 Pages 1220 Words

The Processes And Technologies Required For Manned Mission To Mars

Introduction The concept of Mars as the next most habitable planet has sparked an urge to investigate that has led to the discussion of sending a crew to Mars very shortly. As fantastical as it may seem, the idea has been thoroughly analysed to the extent where successful execution is possible but not without major setbacks and limitations. These risks that the crew will face begs the questions among many as to why we should endanger their lives when we...
5 Pages 2445 Words

How And Why Do Stars Die?

Several billion years after a star’s birth its life will eventually end. How a star will die is determined by its mass, age, and type. The sun and other stars shine as results of reactions in its core. This changes light elements to become heavier and release energy in the process, which creates the necessary pressure needed to keep stars from collapsing in on themselves. When a star’s core lacks hydrogen fuel it stops its flow of energy, therefore, disabling...
1 Page 492 Words

The Peculiarities Of Venus Exploration

Introduction Venus, ‘the morning/evening star’ is an extraordinary planet with many similar characteristics to Earth such that it is often called Earth’s twin. Located next to Earth, despite the similar mass and composition, the two planets are also very different. Examples of this include, Venus being the only planet in the solar system that spins clockwise rather than anti-clockwise, its day being longer than its orbital period and is covered entirely in toxic, perpetual clouds preventing us from viewing the...
4 Pages 1930 Words

The Extreme Conditions Of Moon

At this stage, it is not possible for humans to terraform the Moon as the conditions on it are extreme. There are some basic considerations or needs for any long-term colonisation: breathable air, water, food, temperature, pressurised shelter and power, gravity, protection from radiation [2]. Breathable air The moon's atmosphere is so thin that there is no oxygen able to be utilised for breathable air or local production of rocket fuel. At sea level on Earth, one cubic centimetre of...
2 Pages 944 Words

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