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First Impression Formation Of Appearance And Behaviour

INTRODUCTION Impression is a long-lasting image of a person created in our minds which can last long for years. There are lot of research done by Soloman Asch (1946), Bruner & Taiguri (1954), Rosenberg, Nelson & Vivekanathan (1968) to understand Impression Formation. According to Soloman Asch (1946) at a glance of any person an impression of his personality can instantly form. Even by looking or talking with that person a whole story about his entire character can be told. These...
3 Pages 1468 Words

What Parents Can Do About Their Children Lying

Have you ever ruminated about why your child lied about anything to you? Analogous to most other parents, does this continue bothering you a lot? Well, you just landed up at the perfect place to know what you can do about it by handling it properly. According to several kinds of research, children tend to commence lying at a tender age of around three. However, this trait peaks at an age ranging from six to ten. Your child might lie...
1 Page 553 Words

Lying Is An Unavoidable Part Of Human Nature

Lying is probably one of the most common wrong deeds that we do as humans. Some have said that lying is an unavoidable part of human nature and that sometimes there is good reason for it, but I do not believe that it is a necessary thing to do, and it can cause massive amounts of damage to both the liar, the person being lied to, and society in general. Lying is a form of deception and manipulation. It is...
4 Pages 1673 Words

Catcher In The Rye By J.D. Salinger: Dangling Between Childhood And Adulthood

Life is a beautiful Journey. You think you have it all figured out and have a plan. You think you have figured out your destination and the road that leads there. You are excited and feel like you know which direction you are heading in, but then suddenly the path changes, the signs change, the wind blows the other way. North is suddenly south and East is West and you are completely lost. All alone in a stranger place, you...
3 Pages 1293 Words

Internet Marketing And Advertising Strategy

Purchases this occurs on the web are eCommerce. Online marketers have to have to work with various kinds of eCommerce promotion in order to get more traffic as well as sales. Different types of electronic business sectors involve cultural marketing, article writing, e-mail promoting, pay for traffic, and browsing feeds. If you’d like to succeed in managing your personal E-commerce website, the greatest point that you have to realize is how to marketplace it. You cannot merely create a great...
2 Pages 843 Words

Pragmatics Of Daily Conversation

Introduction Linguistics is a science that study the units, nature, structure and modification of human language. Linguistics spans a large number of subfields, each dealing with different part of the language faculty. These branches are: phonetics, phonology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics. Pragmatics is considered as the center of linguistics fields. Pragmatics is concerned with the relation of sentences to the environment in which they occur. This research will discuss one of an important concepts in pragmatics called Cooperative Principle (CP)...
4 Pages 1608 Words

What Is Collaboration And Why Is It Important?

Collaborative practice has increasingly become vital to how we do everything in the twenty-first century. According to Laal, Kermanshahi, and Laal (2012), in the current century, there is an increased necessity, in society, to reason and join forces on issues of serious concern, shifting the emphasis to group work from individual efforts. Specifically, collaboration is the working together of organizations or persons to deal with problems and deliver results, which are not effectively or easily attained by working single-handedly. As...
3 Pages 1413 Words

Role Of Media In Environment Awareness

Environmental awareness Environmental awareness means being aware of the natural environment and making choices that benefit the earth, rather than hurt it. Some of the ways to practice environmental awareness include: using safe and non-toxic building supplies, conserving energy and water, recycling, activism, and others. Environmental awareness is to understand the fragility of our environment and the importance of its protection. Promoting environmental awareness is an easy way to become an environmental steward and participate in creating a brighter future...
3 Pages 1215 Words

History And Meaning Of Liberal Arts Education

A Liberal Arts education can be dated as far back to the Greece and Roman Empire. It was a course of study for citizens free from slavery. During those times to be awarded a liberal arts education about civic duties and developed them as human beings in the study of grammar, rhetoric, and logic (Liberal Arts College Review, n.d.). The higher education in America was just for wealthy white men during the colonial times. Today, they are catering to minority...
3 Pages 1583 Words

Nonverbal Communication In Interpersonal Relationships

Abstract The value of interpersonal communication for the fulfillment of human needs and the transmitting of emotions can not be ignored. Without interpersonal communication, people can not understand each other, collaborate with each other, and unceasingly encourage the development of human society. A healthy and productive life depends on effective communication, eliminating possibilities for conflict Ineffective interaction, however, leads to ambiguities, misinterpretations, and disputes. Interpersonal communication is fulfilled through two forms: one is verbal behaviors, the other one is nonverbal...
3 Pages 1222 Words

Challenges And Strategies In Speaking English

Speaking is imperative to human communication that it provides us to express our opinions, ideas, and feelings( Riverse1978: 162). Huebner (1969:203) states that speaking is the most critical communication skill. In our life, mostly, we use speaking skills rather than others, for instance, reading or writing. Good communication skill leads to success in every aspect of our life, whether it is education or work. Nunan (1991) noted, 'success is defined in the ability to carry out a conversation in the...
3 Pages 1251 Words

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Body Language

Everyone likes to understand the person who is in front of him but it doesn’t mean by only hearing what a person says, because sometimes words are not enough, so in this article we are going to discuss an interested method to understand people which known as a body language. basically body language is the unsaid words of the communication that shows the actual feelings and emotions like our gestures, facial expressions. According to body language project (2013) Reading body...
1 Page 505 Words

Educational Value Of Dialogue Talks

The importance and educational value of talk propagates the sense of empowerment in an academic setting. Talking allows the pupils to think, share ideas and interact with their peers, resulting in an enhanced educational experience. When I was working at a primary school, based in Harmondsworth, I used talk to assess children’s prior knowledge, which helped me to develop their understanding of the subject’s knowledge by sharing ideas. My experience of working with children delineates the following points. Talking allowed...
2 Pages 818 Words

Impact of Advertising

People today do not realize that there is a difference between public relations advertising and marketing and that is that public relations emphasize mainly cultivating relationships between an organization, individual, and key public figures in order to manage the client’s image. Marketing on the other hand emphasizes the promotion of goods and services for revenue purposes. Advertising is a tool of communication used by marketers to get customers to buy into the benefits of the product. Impact of Advertising Advertising...
4 Pages 1889 Words

Concept Of Conversation Cafe: A Catalyst For Diverse Learners In Education

Brief History According to V. Robin and J. Pogue et. al. (2001), the concept of Conversation Café was first propounded by three Seattle friends- Susan Partnow, Habib Rose and Vicki Robin. It all started with an experiment. They believed that more spontaneous and drop-in public dialogue would serve democracy, critical thinking and neighbourliness. So, each sat in a different café once a week and invited whoever was there, plus friends, to dialogue about things that really mattered. Thus, the Conversation...
4 Pages 1768 Words

The Peculiarities Of Gossip In Communication

As humans, we often seek to find the imperfections of other people to make ourselves feel better. Salacious gossip about celebrity cheating scandals, chit-chat about new employees, or even conversations about a stingy neighbor occur daily and pique the interest of everyone. Researchers have confirmed that gossip is good for people, as it releases the hormone oxytocin and allows them to vent their frustrations. Although the goal of both Walter Winchell and Harvey Levin was not to gossip for their...
2 Pages 805 Words

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