Criminal Acts essays

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Laws Of Child Prostitution In India – Sritical Evaluation

MEANING OF CHILD PROSTITUTION Child prostitution is a form of sexual abuse involving the commercial sexual exploitation of children in which a child performs sexual acts in exchange for some form of payment. Most countries have strict laws surrounding the sexual exploitation of children and so many customers engage in what is known as child sex tourism, travelling to foreign countries to evade the laws within their home country. Technology has also allowed children to be prostituted over the internet,...
6 Pages 2733 Words

Key Factors In The Recidivism Amongst Gang Members

Recidivism plays a major role in the correctional system. The increasing rate of offenders returning to prison is partially due to the lack or loss of connection with society. Many individuals find themselves struggling to find employment or trying to redeem themselves with a community that isolates them due to the effects of their crimes. When released, many offenders resort back to criminal activity, engaging in previous relationships with individuals who influenced their life choices. Gang members are amongst those...
4 Pages 1859 Words

Development Of Ted Bundy As A Serial Killer

Theodore Robert Bundy most commonly referred to as Ted Bundy was one of the most infamous American serial killers in history. His known active killing spree was between 1973 and 1978. Before his execution Ted confessed to over 30 murders, although police suspect the actual number is estimated to be 35 or more. His technique was to entice young women into being alone with him then kidnap, thrash and strangle them to death. He confessed to acts of rape, mutilation...
2 Pages 819 Words

The Effects Of Drug Trafficking On Our Lives

Drug trafficking affects many parts of our lives. Drug trafficking is an illegal trade involving the cultivation, manufacture, and distribution. It has caused many problems for others. The international conflict is being fought daily. It affects our social, mental, and academic life. Counter Argument There are pros to drug trafficking. “Internalization of targeted therapeutics is often needed for efficacy, but also alters drug penetration of a tissue. A new model explores the trade-offs of intracellular drug trafficking” (Stokes, 1995, p.1)....
2 Pages 697 Words

The Definition Of Hate Crimes And Hate Crime Laws

Introduction The use of hate and violence can often result in unfortunate events for those involved, leading to strong emotions, uncontrollable behavior, and other actions motivated by negativity. Hate speech can also lead to violent and criminal acts, as discussed by the following articles in this paper. However, the restrictions that are often imposed on hateful rhetoric or actions can walk a fine line between protecting individuals’ rights and protecting the free expression of thoughts and opinions. Understanding the fine...
4 Pages 2032 Words

Failure Of The Criminal Law To Fairly And Effectively Address Juvenile Crime

Introduction This essay will present and analyze a variety of academic sources to oppose the statement that criminal law is fair and effective in addressing crime, punishing offenders, and maintaining social cohesion. The focus group of this essay will be juvenile offenders, which in Queensland means an offender between the ages of 10 and 16 (Richards, 2011). According to the rule of law, all defendants should be treated with the presumption of innocence, which is not often met when juveniles...
3 Pages 1566 Words

Causes And Effects Of Gang Violence In Toronto

The City of Toronto claims it’s safety and security, ensuring those who live there how little they need to worry. But, for those who have lived through the shocking violence that isn’t shown on TV, Toronto is not the city it claims to be. Toronto is a dangerous place for so many people, but it doesn’t have to be. Gun related gang violence is devastatingly common, in a way that flies under the radar of most people who don’t see...
4 Pages 1599 Words

School Shooting Effects On Students Mental Health

'Attention please. Lockdown. Locks, lights, out of sight.” (Tasneem Nashrulla, 2019). This alarm is repeated for a long 20 minutes as high school students, of a STEM school in Colorado, do their best to hide as silent as possible and pray for themselves, and their classmates, to live for another day. School was created to teach children. School was created to help them grow. School was created to be an environment of safety. However, school is a place where we...
2 Pages 1067 Words

Stealing: Ethical Dilemma And Moral Development

Decisions between what is right and wrong are presented to all of us in some shape or form. For example, an ethical dilemma is a decision in which we challenge our own beliefs to decide between right and wrong. Ethical dilemmas only occur when two or more ethical standards apply but conflict with each other. These moral dilemmas appear when a difficult problem or situation may not be solved in a way that will satisfy all parties involved. Usually, one...
3 Pages 1463 Words

The Importance Of Sexual Assault Kits

Throughout the United States there has been thousands of untested rape kits that have not been submitted by the police for forensic DNA testing. And although to some it might sound alarming to others the police wich are the people that should be in charge and the ones people believe in to do their job they are consciously aware of this and they are setting this issue aside. This problem has been happening for a long time and it is...
3 Pages 1439 Words

The Ways To Combat Juvenile Delinquency

Abstract To combat juvenile delinquency, we must look at the people who are deeply affected by it the worst. The reasons why juvenile delinquency occurs in high-income areas are different from the reasons why juvenile delinquency occurs in low-income areas. The ways family, police and school handle those situations vary as well. So, if the reasons why re different and the way they are being handled are different, why would the solutions for combatting juvenile delinquency be the same? And...
4 Pages 1643 Words

Common Types Of White Collar Crimes

The term “white collar crime” evokes an image of a well-dressed businessman involved in espionage or insider trading. But in reality, white collar crimes can include everything from tax evasion to forgery. If you have been charged with any type of white collar crime, it is in your best interest to contact a defense attorney with extensive experience in this particular area of law. At Davis & Cannon, LLP, our legal team has been providing comprehensive legal services to residents...
2 Pages 831 Words

Types Of White Collar Crime In The United States

White collar crimes are generally committed by businesses and government professionals. There are a lot of examples of white collar crime dealing with high status officials. For example, Felicity Huffman was apart of a college admission scandal where she illegally used money as a motivator to allow her daughter to get into USC. Felicity Huffman is a well known actress and has had a great career in acting; however she thought by paying off the school would be sufficient enough...
4 Pages 2010 Words

The Problem Of High School Shooting

For a school shooting to be defined as such, it must be an act or attempt at first-degree murder involving two or more victims on a school’s campus. The horrible and tragic event is something we sadly experience in our life. It really is a shame that something like this happens and young lives are lost because one felt the need to end their lives via a school shooting. School shooters can and have been carried out by many different...
6 Pages 2638 Words

Psychological Effects of Escorting

Introduction to Prostitution's Impact Many prostitutes extinguish their emotions while they are with customers. At least that is the case for Roberta Victor, a prostitute who was interviewed in Working by Studs Terkel. At the outset of her interview, Victor claims, "The role one plays when hustling has nothing to do with who you are” (57). However, by the end of the interview, she states, "You become your job. I became what I did. I became a hustler. I became...
5 Pages 2279 Words

Trifles Essay

To begin with my reasoning, I would like to admit that any of the sides, either justification or accusation of the women's decision to hide the evidence, is right or wrong. This decision can be both justified and not justified. Arguments are enough to prove both sides. However, for the goal of this paper, there is a necessity to take a certain position and explain it. I will not venture to affirm that my position is unambiguously right but I...
2 Pages 840 Words

The Life Of Ted Bundy

Introduction to Ted Bundy: America's Infamous Serial Killer Theodore Robert Bundy also known and better known as Ted Bundy the imfiness America serial killer. Bundy committed countless crimes from theft and peeping, all the way to the kidnapping, rape, and murder of at least 36 young women. Ted also managed to escape from prison not once but twice. Ted Bundy was an outstandly brilliant person, it is too bad he used his smarts to carry out mass crimes rather than...
5 Pages 2296 Words

Drug Trafficking And Terrorism: Similarities And Differences

Abstract Terrorist groups and drug trafficking organizations are separate institutions of operation that conduct themselves in similar yet distinct ways. Though they may be entirely different groups, they often conduct themselves in a corresponding fashion. The similarities held by these two entities is mainly centered around their means of operation. Both groups act in secrecy and use violence to overcome a large portion of their obstacles. On the other hand, these two groups are distinct in their motives for acting...
3 Pages 1529 Words

Teacher-Directed School Violence And Its Impact

Introduction The aim of this qualitative study is to gain a deeper understanding of teacher-directed violence and the impact it has on teachers’ ability to function effectively in the classroom. Violence in schools is not a phenomenon that operates in a vacuum. It has become a cause of great concern for educational leaders, the effects can be far-reaching, and the reasons for this growing problem linked to circumstances outside the school environment (Mora & Ponca, 2017). A review of historical...
5 Pages 2289 Words

Relationship Between Hate Crime And Society

Despite being a relatively new phenomenon, hate crime historically served as the “final solution”. It was enforced in the Second World War to “ethnic cleanse” Jews and was enacted in former Yugoslavia and Rwanda. In this paper, I will first define crime, and how hate crime falls within its category. Secondly, I will implement sociological theories, such as Strain Theory, Doing Difference theory, and Self-Control to analyze the topic. By exploring the material between strain, difference and self-control enable a...
3 Pages 1467 Words

The Evolution Of White Collar Crime In Bangladesh

White Collar crime generally encompasses a variety of non violent crimes that are usually committed in commercial situations for financial gain. They are generally committed by high ranking professionals, politicians or business people. These people often by virtue of their occupation, exploit social, economic or technological power for personal or financial gain. The scope of white collar crime includes cybercrime, healthcare fraud, intellectual property crimes, embezzlement, bribery, conspiracy, occlusion of justice, perjury, money laundering, antitrust violations, trust crimes and regulatory...
3 Pages 1398 Words

Ted Bundy And The Stranger Beside Me By Ann Rule

I have read the book called, “The Stranger Beside Me” by Ann Rule. This book was her first published biographical true crime book about a person she knew by the name Ted Bundy. She knew him personally before and after the murders, he committed in the 1970s. This book was both difficult and heart-wrenching for her to write about. In the next few paragraphs, I will tell you about Ted and what he did throughout this time of his life....
2 Pages 862 Words

Date Rape: The Factors, History And Preventions

Pondering about date rape isn’t the most pleasant thing to do, but necessary when willing to protect oneself and the people they love. “25% of the revealed date rape assaults are done by somebody near the person in question, for example, a current or ex or sweetheart, or even an ex-mate” (Santora, 2018). Date rape is a type of associate assault and dating brutality. Prime characteristics of this violent crime are manipulation, violence, pressure, abuse of substances, threats, amongst many...
4 Pages 1857 Words

Rape: Reasons, Impacts And Preventions

Rape is known as a type of sexual assault which involves sexual intercourse or different structures of sexual infiltration carried out with a person without their assent. The action may be carried out by using physical force,coercion, Maltreatment of power or against a person who is incapable of giving valid consent, such as one who is unconscious,incapacitated,or even someone who is has scholarly inability or the specific individual is below the legal age. The term rape is similarly known as...
5 Pages 2185 Words

Homicide: First Degree Murder

The most serious and punishable crime someone can commit is first degree murder. The importance of first-degree murder is deciding whether someone deserves the death penalty, or life in prison for the crime that was committed. When a person chooses to commit murder, the deciding factors that make it first degree are if the person deliberately planned, premeditated and willingly acted out the killing of another person. Sometimes first-degree murder is argued to fit justified murder because the defendant can...
4 Pages 1734 Words

The Aryan Brotherhood Gang Profile: History, Members, Laws, Symbols

Gangs have been a top concern for law enforcement and families alike. As the population begins to increase, the amount of gang members increases. Gangs are known to be tough groups of members that range in ages and gender. Although there are many gangs, there are main gangs that rule over the others. These gangs are large in size and are known for their reckless violence. Large gangs have clearly articulated goals, can operate with financial efficiency, and can motivate...
5 Pages 2208 Words

White Collar Crime: Origin, Factors And Preventions

When thinking about criminal behaviour, one would name murder, rape and assault. Those are the crimes most people are afraid of. But those are not the most prevailing ones. White Collar Crime, first coined in 1939, defined as criminal behaviour committed by a higher social class is the most common type. Money laundering and insider trading are the first ones that come to mind as those can easily be associated with the stereotype of a rich, upper-class men. White collar...
5 Pages 2368 Words

How to Prevent School Shootings Essay

Abstract Schools have gotten safer over the years but students still fear every day. Acts of violence can disrupt the learning process and have a negative effect on students, the school and the community. In this paper I will explain the different violent behaviors that students and staff have to deal with on a day to day basis; bullying, fighting, weapon use, cyberbullying and gang violence. Also, how these different behaviors affect children when it’s occurring and how it later...
3 Pages 1550 Words

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