Critical Thinking Essay Examples

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The amount of shallowness a man can be is sometimes absurd. The novel, The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald tells a story about a fictional cast of characters living in a town separated by West Egg and East Egg in Long Island. One of the characters in the novel is Tom Buchana who lives in East Egg. Tom is a friend of the narrator whom he became friends with at Yale University. In this novel, Tom Buchanan is portrayed...
1 Page 686 Words
Although I grew up with both Chinese and Vietnamese parents, my life is heavily influenced by Chinese culture and traditions. I always take off my shoes before walking into someone’s home, and I go to every Chinese New Year dinner expecting to eat the traditional Peking duck and roasted pig. I am very fortunate to have grown up in the San Gabriel Valley, which boasts one of the largest arrays of authentic Chinese restaurants in the United States. A variety...
5 Pages 2319 Words
Expectancy theory was proposed by a professor named Victor Vroom who taught business at the Yale School of Management. Vroom's initial research was on the expectancy theory of motivation. This idea was an attempt to explain why people choose to obey certain courses of action and prefer certain goals and outcomes over others in the workplace, mainly in decision-making and leadership. In this theory of expectancy, Vroom suggests that motivation is influenced by a person's belief that their mindset will...
4 Pages 1876 Words
The role of Biotechnology in Agriculture is defined as any technique that uses live organisms viz. bacteria, viruses, fungi, yeast, animal cells, plant cells, etc. to make or modify a product, to improve plants or animals, or to engineer micro-organisms for specific uses. Agricultural biotechnology is a collection of scientific techniques used to improve plants, animals, and microorganisms. Before Agricultural Biotechnology: The Green Revolution led to a tremendous increase in food production worldwide between the 1930s and 1960s. This revolution...
4 Pages 1649 Words
Attention Grabber: Everyone feels lonely from time to time when we have no one to sit next to at lunch, when we move to a new city, or when nobody has time for us at the weekend. However, over the last few decades, this occasional feeling has become chronic for millions. Introductory Remarks: In the UK, 60% of 18 to 34-year-olds say they often feel lonely. In the US, 46% of the entire population feels lonely regularly. We are living...
2 Pages 1145 Words
Some may say we live in a hard-to-get-by world. Hardships come in many different shapes and sizes and more when they are forced upon you. Mandatory volunteer work is another hassle in a teenager's life, which doesn’t have to be placed over a student as a requirement for high school graduation. Although some people may think it is a good idea, mandatory volunteer work should not be a requirement in teen life, it causes stress and excessive problems defeating the...
1 Page 430 Words
Intercultural communication is defined as situated communication between individuals or groups of different linguistic and cultural origins. People interacting with those from unfamiliar cultures may have communication difficulties. They may function as schemes that facilitate social interaction with unfamiliar individuals, but also as social norms that influence expectations and behavior towards members of certain social groups. All of the international communications are influenced by cultural differences. There are many barriers to cultural communication. Stereotypes are one of the barriers to...
3 Pages 1556 Words
In Brave New World, Aldous Huxley depicts how people sacrifice their relationships, specifically family, to have a feeling of happiness. The people only have a temporary, self-centered, kind of happiness instead of true joy or strong emotions. They do not realize how much they are missing out, because they have never been around anything different; they are only told of the horrors of strong emotions or attachments and they are conditioned to think everyone is happy. Today’s society is similar...
2 Pages 1096 Words
The ghost of the King of Denmark tells his son Hamlet to avenge his murder by killing the new king, Hamlet's uncle. Hamlet feigns madness, contemplates life and death, and seeks revenge. His uncle, fearing for his life, also devises plots to kill Hamlet. The play ends with a duel, during which the King, Queen, Hamlet's opponent, and Hamlet himself are all killed. Characters: Hamlet: The Prince of Denmark, the title character, and the protagonist. Hamlet is the son of...
3 Pages 1220 Words
Is the beauty of a female determined by her weight? How much is self-worth, worth? How much is shared on social media? Is it too much? Young women today can not handle peer pressure in the right ways, which leads to making bad decisions. Females are more likely to be addicted to, and also negatively affected by, social media than males. Females, especially young teens, will question their looks and self-worth, they will put a lot of information on social...
5 Pages 2125 Words
The benefits that Hidden Figures presents in terms of portraying gender is that at the end of the film they accepted that women can do the same some a male can. By watching this film people will learn that racial bias and typical stereotypes still are happening in our society today. This film was a great way of showing gender performances and so many other aspects of our lives, are governed by social norms. The second wave is a period...
2 Pages 912 Words
It’s difficult to keep track of how much technology has changed. It occurs gradually, usually in improvements or adaptations so small we don’t notice them. Wifi accessibility becomes more frequent and it gets more convenient to communicate with others from all over the world. In just a few decades, the internet has progressed significantly. It now serves as a platform for businesses, communication, entertainment, and education. We are now able to connect to this enormous network through dozens of different...
2 Pages 809 Words
Literary works serve to trigger more thinking of several timeless questions by transcending their settings and lending themselves to more generic universal realities and meanings. As such, readers can take away many messages and values from a novel that was written more than a century ago and reflect on our contemporary world, which is the case with Mary Shelley’s thriller novel “Frankenstein”. The novel serves to shed light on the potential dangers of excessive unguided knowledge and probes the influence...
3 Pages 1575 Words
This piece will give a brief reflection on the topic of Food Security and Nutrition, the key learnings from the topic based on several academic journals, which argue the area from differing viewpoints. This all comes from a food system that faces the challenge of feeding more people than ever before under conditions of dwindling natural resources. (Brzeska & Fan: 2016) The view of Brzeska and Fan (2016) is that the challenge of greater food security and nutrition has been...
1 Page 478 Words
Nutrition and food safety are interdependent components of public health and concern everybody, food security remains a serious challenge for many households in Africa and beyond. It has been evident that poor nutrition can lead to reduced immunity, impaired physical and mental development, and reduced productivity. Food security is the condition in which all have access to sufficient food to live healthy and productive lives (World Bank 1986). Food security is dependent on agricultural production, food imports and donations, employment...
2 Pages 985 Words
The narrative film 'Spies of Mississippi,' may be a terrible update of the profundities that Mississippi specialists plumbed in their endeavors to sabotage the civil rights movement. The film chronicles, the part of the Mississippi State Sovereignty Commission, a mystery, state-funded agency established by the Mississippi governing body in 1956. Employing a run of spy strategies, the Commission looked to preserve racial isolation, protect Jim Crow laws, and anticipate 'government infringement' in Mississippi. The film draws on the light of...
2 Pages 699 Words
What should the civil rights movement look like today? Anything could arise, from peaceful protest to aggressive protest, or most likely people getting hurt, who knows? This could be an ongoing speculating topic. No one ever distinguishes what can appear or not occur, but they may have ideas. As heard in the past, civil rights movements most likely end up being a failure, even movements in general, leading to many people getting either hurt or injured, or potentially killed. For...
2 Pages 814 Words
There have been many issues of discrimination and unequal treatment for hundreds of years. It has only been until recently that those who have been brought down are now getting a chance to have their voices heard. This was all possible through the implementation of civil rights and civil liberties. These rights and liberties are protected by the U.S. government in a variety of ways. I will also be diving into the distinct levels of scrutiny and how they are...
1 Page 680 Words
For any regime change, the question of whether or not to transition to democracy is a startling one that requires a close examination of the conditions in a particular country. In other words, there is no one-size-fits-all solution for transitioning to democracy. While geography, diversity, population size, economics, and hundreds of other factors play a role in the long-term stability of democracy, the outgoing regime tends to hold the most relevant information. Over two-thirds of countries that have transitioned to...
3 Pages 1507 Words
Aging or what we also refer to as getting older is a inevitable journey for almost everyone and this means we will all need some assistance at some point down that road. What happens is we enter a dependency stage towards the end of our life due to the fact that our bodies and mind go through changes that make it harder for us to be alone. There are many persistent myth surrounding aging and one of those is that...
4 Pages 1682 Words
Introduction A social problem is something in society that concerns people to the point they would like to change it, social problems are relative and dynamic. Using drugs in such a way that they harm one’s health, impair one’s physical or mental functioning, or interfere with one’s social life which is defined as abuse, what is considered drug abuse depends on social norms relative to culture or group. Drug addiction is defined as a chronic disorder of compulsive drug seeking...
3 Pages 1382 Words
Adam and Paul, directed by Larry Abrahamson, is a movie set in contemporary Dublin, Ireland, and delivers the story of two wretched and hapless heroin addicts as they try to make it through a day that is filled with vicious drugs, petty crime, and the desperate and endless search for their next fix. The movie shows a concise picture of Dublin’s rampant drug problem. It aptly shows the effects addiction can have on the individual and those close to them....
3 Pages 1544 Words
A serious problem in the United States is the increase in homelessness. I am interested in this particular topic because I have interests and concerns as to why people are becoming more and more in need and why the homeless rate keeps increasing rather than declining. The reason this issue is so important and why we need to get involved to make a change in these people's lives is because the outcomes produced are far greater and worse than projected....
2 Pages 1043 Words
The use of media technology increases as time passes by. People, especially children and adolescents, are exposed to a wide array of information, issues, and trends in society with the help of media. It has been a great help for society to deliver and exchange all sorts of information. However, certain issues have been raised such as racism and religious biases. These problems are the societal effects of media, but looking into the micro level, the influences of media on...
4 Pages 1787 Words
There are many different ways to analyze the Author Miller's play Death of a Salesman. The critics cannot agree if the play is a Greek tragedy, a family drama, a gender study, or a morality play (Centola). Miller thought it was a Greek tragedy, CS however, the critics argued that the play did not use elevated language (Ardolino). One way to analyze the play is as a family drama. A second way to analyze the play is Miller’s unique use...
4 Pages 1661 Words
Globalization heavily impacted architectural styles universally by allowing the start of cultural appropriation as well as its growth. Globalization leads to the substantial manifestation of (eras, factors, and styles) of architecture through culture appropriation. Within this essay, I will highlight cultural appropriation as an effect of globalization. Consequently, declaring that cultural appropriation of architecture was an effect of thereof. The timeline of globalization will be explored within the architectural context of styles and eras- that which involved culture appropriation. Furthermore,...
4 Pages 2001 Words
Although the Crusades failed to conquer Jerusalem and had negative effects such as death, they still had tremendous positive impacts on the Western world, such as authority, gaining information, and trading. First, after the Crusade there were about 2-6 million dead bodies found just in the Western world, which was almost about 10% of the entire world its death was six million out of 60-70 million people at that time. Second, the Crusades increased the authority of the King. This...
1 Page 465 Words
The word internet for many can be a topic of controversy. Half of the population believe that the internet has made a positive impact on the world while others believe that it has only brought negative impacts to the world. In the article “On the Internet, There’s No Place to Hide” Jonathan Koppel expresses the idea of how the use of technology more and more has now been treated as an act of an everyday thing. This might cause an...
3 Pages 1337 Words
The question is would you ever hide the truth from a friend, relative, or relationship? Would you sacrifice your happiness for the truth? Or would you sacrifice the truth for happiness? If you had the option to create a world based on lies for the benefit of peace and happiness, would you? Aldous Huxley created a world of his own, that highlights the constant battle between truth and happiness, titled Brave New World. He emphasizes his opinion that one cannot...
2 Pages 904 Words
Fireworks exploded in the sky. Coloring the sky in hues of red and blue. The temple was holding its annual Diwali celebrations. Everyone was invited to partake in the festivities, observe age-old traditions, and head down to the basement where I, along with several other volunteers, served food free of charge. I glanced down at my watch to check the time read 8:30 P.M. I had been volunteering since noon and began to feel the strain on my body. Feeling...
1 Page 647 Words
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