Critical Thinking Essay Examples

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2 Pages 889 Words
Introduction Peer pressure, an omnipresent social phenomenon, wields significant influence on individual behavior, often operating beneath the surface of conscious awareness. While it can act as a catalyst for positive change, peer pressure frequently emerges as a silent destroyer, eroding personal values and autonomy. This essay delves into the multifaceted nature of peer pressure, exploring its detrimental impacts on mental...
AdolescenceCritical ThinkingPeer Pressure
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5 Pages 2467 Words
Since antiquity, we have challenged ourselves to the best of our limits, from what we can understand about the world, to the human condition. But as we gain more understanding of ourselves and the universe at large, the bolder we became and have left our traditional values. Will there be a point of understanding where we can free ourselves of...
2 Pages 936 Words
Does the text seek to corrupt or negatively influence the reader? How so and why? No, the author's intention is not to corrupt or negatively affect the reader. The text is attempting to teach each individual how to accept the fact that our lives are borrowed and that we will all die. We all have desires and needs, we are...
Critical ThinkingEverymanLife Lesson
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2 Pages 900 Words
Is Shakespeare relevant? The question so many people, past present, and future, have questioned timelessly over again. There’s no doubt that Shakespeare has been such a controversial topic, especially in the developing society of the 21st century. William Shakespeare has been taught in the Australian curriculum for as long as the formal education system has existed. And yet only in...
Critical ThinkingLegacyWilliam Shakespeare
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2 Pages 780 Words
Amid transient movements that attempt to define the 21st century, significant pop culture moments can create a lasting impact. “We Are One (Ole Ola)”, the anthem of the 2014 FIFA World Cup, is eminent to pop culture. This was popular at its time because the message of the song was not representative of the organization that it promoted. Modern-day pop...
Critical ThinkingInterestsPop Culture
like 308
3 Pages 1577 Words
Myers believed that the novel A Passage to India was attacking the 'traditional (and mythical) justification of imperialism', he did not believe that the 'natives' were 'better off under the English domination'. The novel, A Passage to India, is set in the 1920s in Chandrapore (an anglicized spelling of Chandrapur), a district in the North of India. At the time...
Critical ThinkingImperialismIndia
like 182
3 Pages 1392 Words
Introduction In the following literature-based paper. I will talk about the sustainability in hospitality industry. Especially, I aim to answer my research question: How sustainability can be managed in the hospitality industry? In the present era, hospitality is a growing industry and sustainability is essential for this sector. Through a daily routine activity, a large amount of waste is generated...
Critical ThinkingHospitalitySustainability
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4 Pages 1686 Words
Mary Shelley’s novel ​Frankenstein​ has held much influence in culture throughout its time since its release to culture today. The novel focuses on a scientist named Victor Frankenstein who gives life to his creation out of old body parts. Once Frankenstein discovers this creation is not what he imagined, he, along with mankind, rejects the hideous creature leaving him sad...
Critical ThinkingFrankensteinPop Culture
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5 Pages 2133 Words
Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, a gothic epistolary novel, is a narrative of a scientist who in his quest to create life and therefore achieve personal greatness, assumes the role of God. He creates life in a laboratory, thus eliminating not only the female’s cultural power but also her biological role, and as a result, suffers the horrible consequences of it. The...
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4 Pages 1890 Words
Abstract This article looks at the current Asia energy problem and the spread of renewable energy in Asia. First, a brief introduction to the article is provided. In the second part, the main ideas of the authors are summarized. Likewise, the papers are also evaluated for academic features. These articles have advantages, which are concerned with the sustainable development of...
Critical ThinkingFossil FuelsRenewable Energy
like 134
3 Pages 1404 Words
Medievalism can be defined as “the ongoing process of recreating, reinventing, and reenacting medieval culture in postmedieval times” (Emery and Utz). David Lowery’s The Green Knight is a modern adaptation of one of the most well-known romances Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. The film The Green Knight has an accurate representation of the themes in the 14th century Middle...
3 Pages 1296 Words
Every day, major changes will occur in our lives and it's this kind of change that can or will affect us. Between married couples, the biggest change they might face would be divorce. And, unfortunately, it has been on the rise. So to understand divorce, the discussion of the topic will regard the age difference between couples, the irresponsible behavior...
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1 Page 544 Words
The life of a non-fictional character captures the hearts of thousands. His life starts with a pen and a piece of blank paper. That was how the life of Morrie Schwartz began to touch the lives of many and was published in the year 1997 by the book’s narrator, Mitch Albom. His story circled on how death changes one’s vision...
Critical ThinkingDeathTuesdays With Morrie
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3 Pages 1537 Words
In the last few decades 'environmental degradation and global warming are the most bothersome factors that need to be resolved as soon as possible. If significant steps are not taken in time it leads the world toward a very fatal future. Several factors are aggravating this phenomenon, some of which are natural and others man-made. There are essential three characteristic...
CompanyCritical ThinkingSustainability
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2 Pages 916 Words
Have you ever had a dream that felt real? Or make some choices that you regretted and had to go ask for forgiveness? Maybe you can identify with one or multiple characters from The Prodigal Son or Young Goodman Brown. Have you ever been on a journey that changed your way of thinking? The main characters in both The Prodigal...
2 Pages 1124 Words
A college education is a fundamental higher education for high school graduates. In this regard, a college education opens doors to infinite opportunities in the job market, including but not limited to finance, economics, law, nursing, and even literature. The U.S. view of college education is based on knowledge and workplace-related skills instead of personal growth and general intellectual development....
1 Page 416 Words
The Brookings authors did some further evaluation of their own on the influences of excessive faculty course-taking. After analyzing a national consultant database of U.S. students and controlling for academic, demographic, and individual-level variables, they found that, on average, superior high college publications do little to prepare students to succeed in university courses.[1] Brookings also looks to have busted the...
3 Pages 1202 Words
While only from 1830 to 1860, the literary movement, Transcendentalism, continued to have a profound impact on American culture. Transcendentalism was founded by Ralph Waldo Emerson, who is best known for his essay, Self-Reliance. In his essay, Self-Reliance, Emerson states: “Society everywhere is in a conspiracy against the manhood of every one of its members.” He makes a strong statement...
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2 Pages 1039 Words
In America and all over the world we are going through an epidemic of early divorces. Back in the day, everyone grew up with the thoughts of everlasting love and the big happy family. In recent years there has been a spike in divorces which most people would not think twice about how it is affecting the children of this...
ChildrenCritical ThinkingDivorce
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1 Page 411 Words
Along with the setting, Hawthorne’s use of symbolism contributes to the portrayal of the theme of loss of innocence. (1) This is evident as the character’s names are used to symbolize innocence: The name Young Goodman Brown is symbolic of innocence, as “young” refers to his youth, and “goodman” refers to his good nature. He is also newly-wed, which adds...
CharacterCritical ThinkingYoung Goodman Brown
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2 Pages 862 Words
The main purpose of the SDLC is to develop systems at a lower price with improved quality and the least amount of production time. Proper planning can help achieve these goals by addressing the constraints, conflicting goals of stakeholders, and risks in a software development project. One of the biggest challenges students face when they decide to study abroad is...
ChallengesCritical ThinkingStudying Abroad
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4 Pages 1621 Words
The present job environment demands candidates with diversified knowledge scope to handle work dynamics in today’s world (Makki et al., 2015, pg 1007). Makki et al. define career readiness as an intrinsic behavior inculcated in a person through training and how he or she relates to the immediate environment. Most of the world’s population is composed of professionals with a...
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3 Pages 1375 Words
So, why sustainability? In what way is sustainability linked to the future of business? Let’s start simple. What does the abstract concept of sustainability even mean? The Brundtland report from the year of 1987 was the first to define the term. The report stated: 'Sustainable development is a development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability...
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6 Pages 2602 Words
Over the nineteenth century, relations between the North and South became progressively more strained as the regions began to differ more and more in both their economies and their ideals. The Northern economy expanded further into industry and modernization and had far less need for slavery compared to the Southern economy, which was based primarily on large plantations requiring considerable...
Book ReviewCritical ThinkingReconstruction
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2 Pages 1081 Words
Societal roles for men and women change from period to period and culture to culture. Yet there is always an underlying similarity relating to masculinity juxtaposed to femininity. Women and men have always been stereotyped for certain roles and the period for Beowulf and The Saga of the Volsungs is so exception. The male figures in these texts are depicted...
BeowulfCritical ThinkingLoyalty
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2 Pages 1035 Words
Since the beginning, America has passed through several political changes throughout its existence. Political leaders have been replaced, all of them having different objectives and plans for the long run. As history takes its course, though, most of those revolutionary movements return to normal. One such movement was the Reconstruction. Reconstruction was a period in America consisting of many leaders,...
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3 Pages 1227 Words
One of the biggest issues the world faces today is the magnitude of health discrepancies endured by African Americans. Healthcare should not be dependent on one's ethnicity or economic status. Additionally, many Americans strive to achieve the American Dream. [The American Dream is a symbol of accomplishment in the American culture.] Even though many Americans perceive the healthcare system to...
2 Pages 804 Words
I will be taking up and discussing the topic of “ Fake news”. Fake News is any information that does not meet the term of the definition of news. As talking about what is news in the first weeks of Blake Lambert’s class news is “Received or noteworthy information, especially about new or recent events. Unknown or undiscovered facts or...
Critical ThinkingFake NewsMedia
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3 Pages 1400 Words
It is quite obvious in today’s society that the topic of Zombies is nowhere near a new phenomenon in American pop culture. They have been everywhere in pop culture from romantic comedies and drama films to comic books. They have taken over the video game world with games such as Residential Evil and have even made their way into history...
Critical ThinkingPop CultureZombie
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