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Essay on Citizenship ‘Tests’ and Multicultural Approaches to Integration

Varying methods of naturalization persist in contemporary international society. Many states employ citizenship tests in order to fashion their own requirements for citizenship. However, with the rise of multiculturalism, citizenship tests have been sometimes viewed as contentious methods of integration. Those who oppose citizenship tests assert that these trajectories solely serve to assimilate migrants and do not do enough to maintain and embrace their original cultural roots. In order to determine whether or not citizenship tests can coexist with multicultural...
5 Pages 2260 Words

Essay on African-American Literature: Analysis of Toni Morrison’s Novel Song of Solomon

African-American literature was composed by the descents of Africa, who came to America as slaves, later got settled and educated. Their writing mainly speaks about the suffering, depression, and oppression by Americans. Later they adapted the modern way of living as Americans. This literature is dominated by Autobiographical narratives of Africans and reached its peak by slave narratives. According to W E B. Du Bois, the writing in African American literature displays “double consciousness”, they acquire both the trace of...
7 Pages 3181 Words

Enterprise Systems and Legacy Systems: Analytical Essay

Enterprise systems Introduction The last half a century has come with major advances that have been made in the technological environment. These technology enhancements have transitioned from generic and monolithic information systems to more modernized and unique systems fit to a business organization’s practices. The following academic essay by the researcher opens by gathering an understanding on legacy systems that are a key component of an organization’s business processes. Thereafter, as a result of the evolution of information systems, an...
8 Pages 3707 Words

Descriptive Essay on the Works of Stephen King

Stephen King is considered one of the greatest horror writers of our life and of all time. King’s works span over the course of forty-five years starting with his first novel, Carrie, in 1974 and releasing a novel almost every year since with his most recent release being The Institute, released in September of 2019. Stephen King was born September 21st, 1947 in Portland, Maine to parents Donald King and Nellie Ruth Pillsbury King. When King was just two years...
1 Page 595 Words

Descriptive Essay on the New Year's Festival

Section a) The New Year`s Festival is a critical vacation and each year because the New Year has many unique meanings to the Chinese. The culture, records, and customs of the New Year encompass New Year`s money, numbers, for example, eight or six. These numbers are used on New Year`s Day. It is broadly speaking quintessential for the Chinese due to the fact they have faith that these numbers will deliver them perfect luck, and then the clothes. The clothes...
2 Pages 963 Words

Descriptive Essay on Museum of London

Museum of London History ”Created by act of Parliament in 1965, the Museum of London brought together the collections of two well-established museums, the Guildhall Museum and the London Museum. The former, founded by the Corporation of London in 1826, housed many archaeological discoveries of the previous two centuries from Roman and medieval London, the Hanbury Beaufoy collection of tradesmen’s tokens, and material relating to the city guilds and livery companies. The London Museum, which opened in 1912, had been...
6 Pages 3066 Words

Descriptive Essay on Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year has always been one of my favorite topics to discuss about. As a Vietnamese, this topic is even more interesting for me since we also have Lunar New Year for the first 3 days. For a couple of days, I have done some research about the history, the common customs and the myths about the Chinese New Year and it is amazing to figure out how the festival has started and evolved over time. Before discussing about...
3 Pages 1532 Words

Cultural Legacy of Colonialism and Imperialism in Robinson Crusoe

Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe considers the general effect of post-colonization which is based on a critical study of the cultural legacy of colonialism and imperialism, focusing on the human consequences of the control and exploitations of colonized people, and their lands. Therefore, from a post-colonial perspective, the value of identity and ownership tend to rely on the opinion and viewpoint of ‘Robinson Crusoe’, who like any Western man during this period, believed in white supremacy until his misfortunate arrival to...
4 Pages 2025 Words

Cross Cultural Shock: Case Study from a Cultural Perspective

Introduction The intention of this report is to provide an analysis of a given case study from a cultural perspective. The case study involves Paula Peters who is a woman from an African country and has recently moved to Australia with her family. However, as she encounters a culture different from her home country’s she experiences culture shock. This report looks at the antecedents and effects of her culture shock as well as evaluates Paula’s self-awareness rating. Some recommendations on...
4 Pages 1798 Words

Concept of Multiculturalism: Analytical Overview

Political concepts are intrinsically polysemous. For many of them, there is no universal definition that comes without dispute. In this essay, I will argue that political concepts are subject to contestation due to the fact that humans and societies are not static, we are subject to constant change because of environment or culture for example. Moreover, an individual’s own experiences can have significant value on the understanding of concepts, as we also have the ability to shape politics and society....
3 Pages 1507 Words

Analytical Essay on Youth, Youth Culture, Gender and Social Constructs

In this essay, I will be defining the terms youth, youth culture, gender and social constructs. I will discuss the video gaming industry and its importance within the UK, both socially and financially. I will then show how gender, particularly female, within youth culture is represented in the video games industry and what effect this can have on the young gamer's concept of gender. The United Nations, for statistical purposes, defines youth as ‘those persons between the ages of 15...
5 Pages 2314 Words

Analytical Essay on Multicultural Policies in Multicultural Cities

Introduction In the world, multicultural policies have been subject to scrutiny as more and more societies are becoming multicultural. Ethnic diversity has increased over the past couple of decades like never before calling for major reforms in the accommodation and equality of people all over the world. The rapid urbanization and forced displacement of people, has led to the formation and evolvement of new societies. Migrants come into societies as short terms, long-term or permanent residents but are challenged by...
8 Pages 3697 Words

Analytical Essay on Culture Shock: Problems of New Environment

1. Background An issue that everybody, who has changed their environment, faced is culture shock. Unfortunately, this happens because most people choose to leave their home countries in favor of new possibilities, such as studying in a more prestigious University or working in a famous company, even people who have a vacation abroad can experience this problem. Therefore, this causes many challenges and it becomes difficult to overcome them when alone, especially as an international student. For this reason, it...
2 Pages 681 Words

Analysis of Legacy Software in Medical Devices

Introduction This paper set out to give an analysis of two research papers by Laštovička-Medin (2020) and Trevor et al.(2020). Exposure to particulate matter can be harmful to people's health. There have been several studies by scientists to help people monitor their exposure to these particulates. Often the coronavirus is labeled as a particulate matter, hence the need to control its presence. An experimental study was conducted by Laštovička-Medin (2020) to demonstrate how to visualize coronavirus by interacting with it...
5 Pages 2314 Words

Adaption of Stephen King's Work in Movies and Popular Culture

Introduction Stephen King is one of the most established names in the world and he has had an effect on so many generations. Since the 70s, Stephen King has become the most famous horror writer. His books are a mainstay of book racks everywhere in the world. The genius of Stephen King has produced a multi-media franchise that has included movies, gaming, television shows and comic books. “It’s nearly impossible to overstate how influential Stephen King is. For the past...
6 Pages 2589 Words

Why Is Culture Important: Essay

What is culture? Culture is a mode of learning, behavior, and belief shared by different age, social or moral groups. It can also be interpreted as a complex of collective human beliefs, with the construction stage of Japan or a specific civilization of that period. Humans who use culture to adapt and change their living environment are likely to attract African Aschantes in central Ghana. You live with your family, but why do you want to live, because it is...
2 Pages 777 Words

What Will Be Your Legacy: Essay

Every single one of us wants to be remembered in one way or another. We want to be remembered for more than just being normal and ordinary. Many people believe that their legacy is reflected by the wealth that they have accumulated and the degrees and diplomas they have achieved throughout their lifetime, I believe that one's legacy isn't merely based on their bank statement but rather on the positive impact that they have made on those around them. This...
1 Page 594 Words

What Was Driving Force behind European Imperialism in Africa: Essay

The expansion has often been viewed as an important factor in advancement, especially by Western Europeans in the 19th and 20th centuries as they colonized newly--discovered land. Western European countries justified imperialism by explaining that they needed more outlets for exports, allowing them to be more productive and that the future and wealth of European countries depended on their ability to obtain and colonize uncolonized areas. Western Europeans accomplished imperialism by imposing harsh governments, having the natives of the colonized...
4 Pages 1664 Words

Tradition Essay

In this essay I am going to discuss tradition and what the word traditional means. Tradition is very individual, that is to say, everybody interprets their own tradition differently even if they are a part of the same tradition. It is due to this that tradition is able to evolve with each individual who takes a part in it. I have done research into tradition through reading academic reports and also by conducting my own survey; in order to try...
3 Pages 1326 Words

Recipe Essay

Ranch dressing is a type of salad dressing that is made with buttermilk, vegetable oil, and herbs. It is more popular in North America than anywhere else. Ranch dressing is used in different types of salads and is also used as a dip for chicken wings. History of Ranch Dressing Before pasta was invented, tomatoes and basil were the stars of Italian and Italian American salads and casseroles. The obvious way to create a delicious pasta salad was to simply...
2 Pages 817 Words

Language and Culture Essay

Language is what we use every day, a way to communicate. It’s composed of characters and pronunciations. And, characters include words from all over the world, all the countries, like English letters, Chinese characters, Arabian numbers, etc. However, what makes all the languages so different is another thing called “pronunciation”, which makes English sound like English, and Chinese sound like Chinese. On hearing the pronunciation, you can immediately take a reaction that it is English or Chinese or any other...
5 Pages 2438 Words

Is American Dream Still Alive: Essay

Anyone who is coming or living in the United States has a dream, a vision of prosperity, better known as the American dream. With full of opportunities and work. Encouraged to better themselves to pursue their dream. Through hard work, perseverance, and will. The ability to achieve their dreams, regardless of circumstances of birth, or color. Everyone has financial success. Being able to get a great education. A perfect life is full of happiness, love, and money. Everyone has a...
1 Page 528 Words

Is American Dream Dead: Essay

We Can’t Run Faster Is the American Dream Dead? Or has it just changed since its introduction in the 1800s? - I hate my subheading, cannot decide what to do about it. -Chelsea McLeary ‘Sadly, the American Dream is dead’ ~Donald Trump The ideology of the American Dream has been alluded to in various forms throughout American history. A plethora of perceptions of its exact meaning exists, however, they all attempt to provide our America with motivation for a better,...
2 Pages 1124 Words

Essay on Importance of Family Traditions

As a proud Chinese Malaysian that grew up in Malaysia. The traditional holidays were my favorite times during the year. The biggest celebration of the year for me was the celebration of the lunar new year or also known as the Chinese New Year, and the spring festival. Thankfully we live in a multicultural country that celebrates different kinds of traditional holidays throughout the year. I loved celebrating every culture’s traditional holiday as it also meant I had public holidays...
5 Pages 2280 Words

How Has Your Culture Influenced Who You Are: Essay

Culture is defined in many different ways by different people. Whether talking about American culture, LGBT culture, or Deaf culture, they are all a system of knowledge. Culture shapes us because it consists of values, beliefs, language, behaviors, and practices that people share. These influence us on how to think, interact, and behave in the world. People can be a part of more than one culture based on what they identify themselves as. No one is born with culture; we...
2 Pages 1078 Words

Essay about Haitian Culture

Culture Bio Paper Firstly, believing that is the way to characterize someone can create stereotyping and discrimination. For example, if someone feels they know all that they hope to understand about an individual based on their spiritual beliefs. Not all factors of our individualities partake equally to the self. Certainly, there are things of our surroundings and knowing that support to change us fundamentally. For example, relationships and experiences help shape our identity as we age. These factors that change...
3 Pages 1298 Words

Review of Get Out Movie: Essay

Abstract This essay provides some secret messages about Jordan Peele's film, Get Out that revealed racism in American culture. The author argues that Peele's Get Out illustrates the protracted terrorism that is whiteness and the concomitant objectification and utilization of the black body for white survival, accumulation, and pleasure. The film challenges those audiences to consider how anti-blackness operates within schools and education policy. More specifically, those audiences should challenge longstanding inequities that foreclose the present and future of black...
5 Pages 2427 Words

Western Cultures Unattainable Standard of Beauty

American beauty has been wanting to be achieved by millions of men and women in the U.S. for decades and the desire now has reached to other countries. This is problematic due to the fact that Americans have put a standard of beauty upon both men and women that are not achievable for those who are not Caucasian, or are not wealthier to afford cosmetic surgery procedures. Women in general face more scrutiny when it comes to appearance, however, women...
3 Pages 1529 Words

Essay on Personal Experience of an Educational Tour

On 28th June 2019, Friday, I participated on a short trip with my classmates from the course MPU3412 Social Responsibility to the local heritage-preserving museum called the Muzium Negara, which provides an overview of the rich Malaysian history and culture over the past sixty years. As a matter of fact, Muzium Negara or the National Museum building was established and inaugurated by His Majesty the 3rd King of Malaysia on 31 August 1963, six years after the independence of the...
5 Pages 2252 Words

Essay about Revealing Theme of Love in Literary Heritage

During the Renaissance the population began to make use of literature. This is because publications of classical texts began to be published throughout Europe. With the arrival of stoicism, emotions such as fear, envy or passionate love began to take shape in literary works. The genre that had the most acclaim was comedy. In contrast to tragedy, comedy deals with fewer socially elevated characters, the public is exposed to crisis of love, money and ownership. On the other hand, we...
2 Pages 951 Words
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