Dream essays

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1 Page 398 Words
Thinking about my dream house, it would be a house located in a place near a lake. I chose this place because it is better to go natural than artificial, like making swimming pools. In addition, I have the opportunity to enjoy fishing on the lake. My dream house is not just like the biggest home and all emanations are...
3 Pages 1475 Words
There is a lot to say about Chris McCandless. Some say he was an idealistic genius who followed his dreams to the fullest extent. Others say that he was an idiot. Both are true, to a point. The man lived for 113 days in the wilderness off of what little supplies he had with him at the time and that...
1 Page 462 Words
Dreams seem to be influenced by our own typical lives. Dreaming occurs when one is asleep, and many strong dreams occur when the brain is more active, also known as REM sleep. Waking up from a long night's sleep and wondering if what you merely experienced was real or not, later finding out it was all just a dream. But...
1 Page 410 Words
Dream vacation between luxury and wilderness If a place in South Africa deserves the adjective 'magical', it is without a doubt Bushman's Kloof in the Cedar Mountains. Around an hour's drive north of Cape Town opens up a world of wildly romantic beauty and unique nature. A special aura flows through the square. Go on a search for legends from...
2 Pages 1039 Words
I have always had an idea of working in the nursing field because of the great opportunities and openings the medical field provides for its employees. And I have grown up to have a passion for helping people out. It truly sparks a good feeling in me every time I am able to help someone, even helping out only one...
2 Pages 746 Words
As a child, I dreamed that I would become rich and travel to the cozy cities of Europe. But, being in the center of Barcelona, ​​I did not feel the peculiarity of the moment. Everything happened consistently and even logically. My journey, which began in a small village, continued in the capital in an unexpected way for many. And all...
1 Page 466 Words
As kids, everyone dreams of the unthinkable; we dream that we will be the next big thing in Hollywood making something big out of ourselves. I have yet to meet one person who does not wish that their dreams will come true. As we all start to grow up our dreams start to become smaller, and smaller until they are...
3 Pages 1311 Words
I believe that for those of us who are fortunate enough to have grown up with our grandparents - as the backdrop of our childhood - will have developed a cherished relationship with them. For example, for the most part of my life, my imagination and motivation have been significantly inspired by my grandmother. Because of that, I find the...
1 Page 664 Words
Adversity, determination, ambition, and drive, just a few words that describe me. Though I may not excel in many things, these are words that I’m proud to be described as. Throughout my life failure has been a common theme, however, with failure comes learning and with learning comes growth. At a young age a love for pharmacy was instilled into...
1 Page 604 Words
Way back in 2012, when I started my senior secondary education, I chose biology as a major subject and slowly it became subject of core interest. By the time I completed my two years with I got fully mesmerized with biotechnology. It was no wonder for me that I scored highest in the subject. Pursuing biotechnology as a core subject...
2 Pages 1031 Words
How is the American Dream is portrayed in different scenarios and centuries? The American Dream is accomplished by sacrifice, working hard, and taking risks, and not by luck. My dream is similar to the American Dream because I believe I can be successful if I put a lot of effort into achieving my goals. George and Lennie understand that if...
1 Page 400 Words
The pharmacy has been my dream since I was a child. It is a helpful necessity for all people. Although the path to the pharmacy is a rigorous way it is a worthy one. Regarding me, I chose this path for many reasons such as an interest in science, a difficult family situation, helping people. Firstly, I love science like...
2 Pages 968 Words
Personally, the American Dream today is the ability to succeed by doing what you love. I understand that everyone has different dreams of how they want to live their life. Some people just want to graduate college and get a Bachelor’s degree, then live the rest of their life working an average 9-5 job, then get old and retire. For...
4 Pages 1511 Words
Dreams are the fuel that drives individuals toward their desired goals and aspirations. They provide a sense of purpose and a vision for the future. However, dreams alone are not enough to guarantee success. It requires determination, motivation, perseverance, and learning from mistakes. This essay explores the essential factors for achieving dreams, including staying motivated, setting goals, rewarding oneself, taking...
2 Pages 732 Words
If I am going on to cruise, I would like to go to Paris because Paris is known as the city of affection. If you ask, I’m a romantic person. I may be shy but deep inside I am romantic and I want to cruise with my girlfriend and go to Paris. So, if you're looking for a romantic place,...
1 Page 652 Words
In Don Quixote, Cervantes skewers social class by alluding to the educated versus the uneducated and equality between genders. Cervantes makes social class a critical issue in Don Quixote by incorporating accounts and injustices in his life into the novel. In Cervantes’ homeland, the Spanish Inquisition a strong influence. During the Spanish Inquisition, many religious people, and groups, including Muslims...
2 Pages 1131 Words
All through my life experiencing childhood in Arizona, I generally realized that I needed to be an ASU Sun Devil. Being conceived in Arizona in 2000, my family had consistently been Sun Devil fans and consequently, I grew up being/needing to be a piece of this brilliant wonder. The school experience was something I constantly needed just as my dad...
2 Pages 1099 Words
Personal and Professional Goals As an international student, my ultimate goal for me is to live in the USA within the next 10 years. In order to achieve this goal, I have already broken it into small personal goals and professional goals. As for my personal goals within the next 10 years period, I have made the plan for the...
1 Page 457 Words
I found in the fantasy, that one day I went to Agra to see the Taj Mahal in the organization with my companions. Close to the transport remain of Agra, a few people selling lottery tickets pulled in me. Much against the desire of my organization, so I purchased a lottery ticket from the Haryana government. I was extremely restless...
2 Pages 772 Words
Reviewed double_ok
If I were president I would aim to achieve three major things in our society. First, I would change our educational system, the second I would make drastic changes so that everyone has fair and equal treatment in the U.S., third would give ex-cons a fresh start after they served their time, and lastly I want to help clean our...
1 Page 465 Words
My big dreams are to become a lecturer and found the language institute for orphans. I want to become a lecturer because I like to dive in the realm of education and want develop the knowledges, besides that I also want to teach college students who will conduct the future. I know to be a lecturer is not easy I...
2 Pages 778 Words
Many young people are told to set goals for the following year, usually around the time of New Year’s Eve, or the beginning of a new school year. They are beseeched to try and reach for the sky and told that all their dreams are not impossible, but may be improbable and that they only have to work hard enough...
2 Pages 1026 Words
According to Sigmund Freud, all dreams contain a subliminal message. These messages are able to be interpreted by a psychologist inorder to find the sources of one's pain or discomfort in life. The process of studying dreams is referred to as psychoanalysis. Psychoanalysis has its application in the physical world and in literature. Dostoevsky has revealed the insights of Raskolnikov's...
1 Page 505 Words
They say that nothing worth having comes easy. We all have our own dreams which we want to fulfil in our lifetime. Everybody dreams big and why not? The bigger, the better! Chasing your dreams is a journey in itself. Dreams are the substructure that acts as conduit for a meaningful life. A roller coaster ride which has its ups...
2 Pages 805 Words
‘Optimism’. We’ve all heard the word, but do we know what it means? Do we know how to apply it; what to do with it? Some of us are told we have a lot of it, and we take it as a compliment, but do we really know what we are being told we are equipped with? According to the...
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