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Essay on Community Oriented Nursing

2 Pages 944 Words
This led me to the realization that community health nursing is something that we, as nursing students, should value highly, as it aids in the provision of high-quality health care to less fortunate communities and allows us to better understand the situation of its citizens and the environment, as well as how community health nursing plays an important part in...

Essay on Arguments against Diversity in the Workplace

4 Pages 1809 Words
In this era of globalization, being diverse and open-minded is imperative to success. Diversity is defined as “The collective mixture of differences and similarities that include, for example, individual and organizational characteristics, values, beliefs, experiences, backgrounds, preferences, and behaviors.” (John Kostoulas, 2020) Furthermore, working in a company or organization requires teamwork. The relationship between the individuals in that set group...

Essay Goals for Preschool Teachers

3 Pages 1302 Words
Plan makes a difference What differentiates a dream from a goal? A plan. Attempting to achieve a goal without a plan is like trying to reach a destination without direction you will end up completely lost and confused. By knowing exactly what you want to achieve, you know where to concentrate all your efforts. You will also quickly see the...

Essay about Playing Volleyball

4 Pages 1640 Words
Volleyball is categorised as a team sport however; an individual’s technique is a vital component to a team’s success. Maddy’s game performance lacked a particular basic technique known as the overhand serve. This was observed when the ball lacked the power to reach the opponent's defense. The overhand serve poses a great purpose in a game. To continually have possession,...

Essay about Five Important Things about Going to College

5 Pages 2492 Words
The admission process to a college is a stressful process to go through, with many factors to consider and think about such as submitting high school transcripts, exam scores, essays, and partaking in interviews. With technology becoming increasingly more advanced every day, more information is available for others to see. Once reaching the internet, items posted including Instagram posts and...

Discourse Community Analysis Essay

4 Pages 1793 Words
Coaches nowadays typically include more than seven plays within their offense. Basketball coaches may use more, while baseball and volleyball coaches may not, but using signals and nonverbal ways to communicate plays to their players is key when effectively running a play. Depending on the sport a coach may use key terms or hand motions to signal something. In basketball,...

Conflicts in 'The Things They Carried' Essay

4 Pages 1792 Words
“Once people are dead, you can’t make them undead” (O’Brien 39). In The Things They Carried written by Tim O’Brien, the author mainly depicts the American soldier’s life in Vietnam during the Vietnam War. In 1954, the U.S., under the Eisenhower Administration, became involved in the Vietnam Conflict. However, controversies about whether America should get involved in Vietnam began rising...

Bastille Day and the French Revolution Essay

7 Pages 3225 Words
On 14 July 1789 heaps of French town personnel stormed the Bastille fortress in Paris. This marked the commencing of the French Revolution, which would ultimate for 10 years. The Revolution destroyed the Old Order in France that determined every single person's function and rights. Workers who had long been denied rights and privileges grew aggravated and annoyed that the...

The Things They Carried': How to Tell a True War Story Essay

3 Pages 1585 Words
It is no surprise that the Vietnam War, being the first war to be broadcasted, left a significant impact on all of society, enlisted or not, for generations to come. The Vietnam War, fought from 1964 until 1973 is a hot-button topic due to the murky reasonings behind our involvement, the anti-war movement surfacing in the United States, countless horrific...

Life of Pi' Archetype Essay

4 Pages 1654 Words
The stereotypical men are normally portrayed to be brave, strong, and independent. These are all nice stereotypes in which guys are portrayed. However, a few people may additionally argue that guys are portrayed more negatively than undoubtedly as different guys are portrayed to be lazy, egocentric, and arrogant. Neither of the above is right or wrong. Not all men are...

Pride and Prejudice' Proposal Essay

2 Pages 1043 Words
Pride and Prejudice: Finding love in a time when love was not the priority. Marrying someone for love was uncommon in the late 1700s. Most found suitable partners who elevated their status or wealth. Affluent women married well-to-do men. Women sought out men who could benefit their societal position. Jane Austen inferred this in her writings consistently and accurately. All...

French Revolution Persuasive Essay

3 Pages 1451 Words
The 19th century was a fascinating period in the Western world, that was transitioning from the time of Renaissance, Romantic, and other significant revolutionist movements to urbanism and industrialization. The increased demand for manufactured, and factory-made produce, created jobs in cities which encouraged people to move into these central civilisations where these jobs could provide better living standards. This was...

Impact of French Revolution on Modern World: Exploratory Essay

3 Pages 1348 Words
The image chosen is illustrated by James Gillray, the image is named ‘Presages of the Millenium, 1795’. It includes a hand-colored etching and aquatint on paper. And was gifted by the Trier-Fodor Foundation, in 1985. The description is as follows, “Warning: the apocalypse approaches! Inspired by the fierce political debates in Great Britain following the French Revolution, Gillray draws on...

Essay on Individual Vs Community

5 Pages 2361 Words
Merges academic definitions of a community to conclude its description as, “A group of people living in the same defined area or sharing the same basic values, organization or interests. An informally organized social entity that is characterized by a sense of identity. Traditionally, the definitions of a community can be categorized into three extensive explanations. Geographical communities: based on...

Thanksgiving Vs Christmas Essay

4 Pages 1871 Words
Holiday Blues Have you heard of the wild Black Friday stories, such as a woman punching another over a toy? What about people fighting each other over the last flat-screen television? Sadly this is what the holidays have come to. This time of year is known as a time when Americans spend a ridiculous amount of money during the holidays....

Latin American Revolution and French Revolution: Comparison Essay

2 Pages 751 Words
The multiple Revolutions that took place in the 18th to 20th century were spearheaded by the American Revolution, however, the following revolutions in France, Haiti, and Spanish- America, all were inspired by one another and fought for similar reformations. The Enlightenment also heavily influenced all of these revolutions, since it provided progressive ideas that became widely accepted amid oppression and...

French Revolution Versus Glorious Revolution Essay

4 Pages 1735 Words
This craving for freedom found its greatest expression in the works of John Milton (1608-1674). According to Milton, nationalism is not a struggle for collective independence from the 'foreign yoke'; it is an affirmation of individual freedom from power, a self-affirmation of individuality before his government and church, 'freeing man from the oppression of slavery and prejudice'. For Milton, freedom...

Dress Code Vs Uniform Essay

1 Page 291 Words
What do you think, should public schools have school uniforms or a standard dress code? This has been a long debated question and I have to say that there are pros and cons to both sides. In my opinion, I believe that we should use a standard dress code so that we teach our children to take pride in what...

Cause and Effect for Growth Mindset Essay

2 Pages 1005 Words
Introduction As a Maths Tutor at a Further Education College, I face a challenge when it comes to teaching 16 - 19-year-olds. The main issue is that of the learner's mindset coming into college. I shall be looking into the causes of low/fixed mindset and the effect it has on learning. This will allow me to observe trends in behavior/thinking...

Cause and Effect Essay: Lying

4 Pages 2046 Words
Lying has been utilized as a means of deception since before humans existed. Animals have been shown to exhibit primitive forms of deception for ages, but as humans came about, different forms of lying started to emerge as well. As people became more intelligent over time, our means of deception through lying quickly followed suit. Many authors, scientists, philosophers, and...

Companies Requiring Dress Code: Argumentative Essay

5 Pages 2353 Words
Summary Policies are significant in the working environment as they fortify and explain the standards expected of workers and assist bosses with overseeing staff all the more viable as they characterize what is worthy and unsuitable in the working environment. This paper focuses mainly on four policies: sexual harassment, non-discrimination, employee benefit, and dress code; particularly why they should be...

Argumentative Essay on Carol Dwecks 'Growth Mindset'

3 Pages 1226 Words
Book Review & Summary About the author Carol Dweck is one of the leading researchers in the fields of personality development, social psychology, and developmental psychology. She has been a professor at renowned universities like Columbia University, and Stanford University and is also a member of the American Academy of Arts and Science. Her scholarly book on Self-Theories: Their Role...

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