Law Enforcement essays

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How Law Enforcement Has Changed Since 9/11

1 Page 638 Words
Introduction In a period of 15 years since 9/11, the US has been faced with a sense of fear mostly, by American Muslims who add up 1% of the community. This fear is embraced in the type of pestering, harassment, and violent behavior (Tonry, 2017). There have been great changes in the police and other law enforcement agencies. There have...

Will Teachers Arming Stop School Shooting?

5 Pages 2099 Words
With the unfortunate boost of mass shootings sprawling across the United States, it has become apparent that places that are supposed to be a safe haven for children are not cleared from the wrath of mass shooters. With the spike of school shootings, it has become a political turmoil. The two sides quarreling about whether to give the United States...

Terror Management Theory In Understanding Violence And Conflict

2 Pages 978 Words
Terror management theory (TMT) assumes humans have protective defence mechanisms for existential anxiety experienced when they contemplate their mortality. Unlike animals, the ability to conceive our own death internalises an immense fear. What makes us overcome this and distinguishes us from animals is ‘culture’. Culture provides a lens through which to view and interpret the world; a source of meaning...

School Shootings In The USA: Social And Political Impact

3 Pages 1190 Words
The earliest known United States shooting to happen on school property was the Pontiac's Rebellion school massacre on July 26, 1764. Four Lenape American Indian entered the schoolhouse, shot and killed schoolmaster Enoch Brown and killed nine or ten children. Only two children survived. The Gun-Free Schools Act of 1994 requires schools in any state receiving certain federal funding to...

Ethics Of Security And Surveillance Technologies

4 Pages 1843 Words
With the innovative ways of technology, the dynamics of the current environment, the need to fight terrorism, national security, and privacy concerns in respect to rights and justification, the gravity and nature of electronic and Internet surveillance have increased in recent times, which has sparked debates on ethics and surveillance. This issue has been at the forefront due to the...

Racial Profiling And The Use Of Deadly Force

4 Pages 1688 Words
Racial profiling, as well as the use of deadly force, have really given our nation something to talk about, whether it be a causal political conversation with a neighbor or a worldwide news post with millions of comments about a helpless ethnic individual that was gunned down unnecessarily by a law enforcement officer for simply being in the wrong place...

The Effects Of Community Policing In Modern Enforcement System

6 Pages 2540 Words
The effectiveness of how constabularies deal with violent crime, particularly knife crime, has become a controversial subject in recent years - public ideas on how such issues should be tackled have evolved over time. Traditional principles of violent crime prevention were to apprehend law-breakers and hold them accountable for the crimes they had committed (Wilson and McLaren, 1977). Methods such...

Racial Profiling: Resource Of Prejudice

2 Pages 1019 Words
Racial profiling to some people is a “requirement” and should be handled with extreme caution, but to others, racial profiling is severely unjust and should be handled as a case of prejudice. According to the article “Racial Profiling,” racial profiling can occur when someone is accused or assumed to be related to a crime because of race, religion, or ethnicity....

Police Brutality Impact On Public

2 Pages 848 Words
In recent years, police brutality has surfaced social media exposing those who serve us to stop people from making the wrong choices. Now, we not only have to worry about criminals running around but also those with the responsibility to protect us “police officers.” In an article published by the Washington Post, last updated Aug 3, 2017, states, “Since 2006,...

Racism And Prejudice As The Factors For Police Brutality

2 Pages 788 Words
Although many people believe that police brutality is possibly warranted and justified, it’s often linked to racism, and prejudice. Some consider police brutality to be only towards black people, because four out five people shot by police were black. Causing movements to begin one for black people and police. Showing that there is A common belief against police officers across...

Evaluation Of The Gun Control Argument

2 Pages 711 Words
The feeling of having that extra bit of safety attached at the hip gives that little bit of extra confidence when out and about. The right to bear arms in the USA is guaranteed by the second amendment to the Constitution (MacDonald v. City of Chicago). This is one of the fundamental rights of a citizen. Right-to-carry laws in the...

Racial Profiling In America: Past Present And Future

4 Pages 1760 Words
Is racial profiling happening in America today? Do certain ethnic groups get targeted more than others? These are some of the many controversial yet frequently asked questions today. It is often the topic on our nightly newscasts and debated by politicians. Merriam Webster’s definition of profiling is “the act or process of extrapolating information about a person based on known...

The Roles Of Ideologies In Revolutions

3 Pages 1331 Words
The role ideologies play in revolutions is not to be underestimated. Neither the French nor the Chinese Cultural Revolutions would have been possible without the ideologies that spurred on the revolutionaries. As celebrated historian Morris Berman said, “an idea is something you have; an ideology is something that has you”. The ideologies of each revolution held the nations and assisted...

Gun Control Takes More People Than It Saves

2 Pages 842 Words
Although gun control seems positive and morally attractive at first glance, I assure you that when you look at the facts and solid evidence, you'll see why it is logical not to implement US arms control laws. There are many reliable studies and real-world examples that show why arms control is not a much better alternative to strict weapon control....

The Columbine High School Shooting - The Lessons To Be Learned

2 Pages 833 Words
On April 20, 1999, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold walked into Columbine High School in Columbine, Colorado, however this day was different than all the rest. What happened that day would come to be known as The Columbine High School Massacre. Harris and Klebold killed 12 of their fellow students and a teacher before commiting suicide in the school library...

Control And Reduction Of Racial Profiling

4 Pages 1957 Words
The current practice of racial profiling has been used significantly all around the world for centuries, demonstrating the need for control and monitoring to prevent and incite change. Gathering facts, statistics, and stories from the local news will further explain why racial profiling needs to be put to an end. Some issues that have occurred as a result of racial...

Gun Control Pros And Cons Essay

3 Pages 1479 Words
Reviewed double_ok
While considering the pro-gun side, one must take note that even though crime will always exist no matter where we go or what kind of laws a place may have, the least our country can do is try to show effort and concern by taking action in this problematic occurrence going on in the United States. Countries with restrictive gun...

The Problem Of Corporate Surveillance Industry

2 Pages 1016 Words
Corporate surveillance, the monitoring of a person or a group of people collecting data on others, is in our everyday life. Sometimes we are aware of it but do not really pay attention or care about it until it becomes a bit too much. Should corporate surveillance be allowed? Learning more about corporate surveillance is important because consumers should be...

Gun Control One Of The Hottest Topics In American Politics Today

5 Pages 2081 Words
With the increase in technology today, violence has been able to manifest itself in every part of the country worldwide. Today, every country, society, and town is faced with some form of violence. In my entire life, I have to admit that there have been numerous injuries as well as death caused by gun violence. Today, the most controversial issue...

The Reign Of Terror During French Revolution: Background And Effects

10 Pages 4542 Words
'The King must die so that the Country can Live' (Robespierre), was exactly what the people of France wanted when they discovered their King had abandoned them. This time in Europe was known famously as the Reign of Terror, which took place from September 5th, 1793, to July 27th, 1794. This was a bloody and gruesome time during the French...

Gun Control: Protecting Lives Comes Before Protecting Rights

3 Pages 1524 Words
November 15th, 2015, around 12 pm, I watched all the students in my Math class run in the corner of the classroom and crouch down under the big table after the voice in the speaker went, “We’re going on lockdown”. Not knowing what to do, I followed them since it was my first time encountering such things. Confusion took over...

Gun Control: How Dangerous Can Be Some Types Of Guns

2 Pages 745 Words
The gun control theme has been a huge problem that is been discussed for a very long time. The problem has polarized people in terms of what is the best solution in the aftermath of the latest tragic mass shootings. There are some people who want the government to keep the limitations on weapons. On the other side, there are...

Gun Control: How To Feel Safer Without Weapons

2 Pages 871 Words
For far too long, gun control and the banning of firearms have been the topic of intense debates and more and more citizens are on the side of banning firearms. Gun control restricts which types of firearms can be sold, bought, as well as who can sell them to passing them to family members or if said person can sell...

The Evolution Of Policing In The United States

1 Page 581 Words
The modern era of American policing In 1751 America’s first paid police department started in the city of Philadelphia, unlike London’s bow street runners that started in 1749, the Philly department was more organized. Throughout history law enforcement officers have had the upmost respect from the public, they made the streets safer for the public. There was a time back...

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