Law Enforcement essays

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The Police Response To Domestic Violence

ABSTRACT Domestic violence is one of the most frequent forms of violence in which the police themselves must deal constantly. My assignment describes police officers' experiences, tactics, and changes in policing to deal with different types of domestic violence. Recommendations about the most effective way to train police officers to cope with unexpected situations of integral risk to domestic violence are suggested. INTRODUCTION In this essay, I will have the opportunity to assess how social policy responds to the social...
7 Pages 3359 Words

The Aspects of Police Brutality in the United States

As an administration of justice major I have had to analyze a long list of potential police brutality videos in order to determine whether or not the officers used a justified amount of force to stop what they perceived to be a threat. The beatings and killings of African American individuals are definitely something we are all aware of, which is why I chose this topic; I plan on becoming a police officer in the future. Police brutality gained recognition...
3 Pages 1181 Words

Human Behavior Recognition in Surveillance Systems

Abstract This paper is a literature review that focuses on detecting and analyzing the human behavior and its application in surveillance systems. Surveillance systems play a very important role in tracking and monitoring human behavior generally, this is one of the reasons why it has recently become a major interesting research topic. Human effort is not very effective in monitoring human behavior via surveillance systems as human operators miss a lot of information in different video frames. Sometimes, it is...
7 Pages 3051 Words

Does Police Brutality Exist Everywhere?

The world is always talking about police brutality and if police have used excessive force to capture a subject. Police brutality has always been around, but as media grew so did the talk about police brutality. There are people who are affected the most from the media fueling the fire on police brutality. Minorities like teenagers are being exposed to media every day, which makes them believe that all law enforcement officers are bad, but that isn’t true. It’s agreeable...
1 Page 686 Words

The Relation Of Gun Ownership And Violence

If indeed guns do not kill, then why do mass killers have to arm themselves with guns? As a mother and concerned citizen, I feel that the government ought to take action to end the unnecessary loss of innocent lives we tragically lose every day. Gun ownership and violence has been a controversial issue in the US for centuries. Approximately 40% of Americans own guns or live in households with deadly weapons (Legault, Hendrix, and Lizotte, 2019). The US is...
3 Pages 1208 Words

Racial Profiling And The Police

Introduction Although there is not one blanket definition for racial profiling across police departments, Schaefer (2016) defines it as “any police-initiated action based on race, ethnicity, or national origin rather than the person’s behavior” (p. 55). According to Warren and Tomaskovic-Devey (2009), “the use of racial profiles dates back to the late 1970’s when federal agents created drug courier profiles for the purposes of apprehending drug traffickers in American airports.” The problem with the phenomenon of racial profiling is that...
4 Pages 1688 Words

The Increase in Police Brutality

This quote, “Nonviolence is a powerful and just weapon. Which cuts without wounding and ennobles the man who wields it. It is a sword that heals,” by Martin Luther King Jr. exemplifies that brutality is not always the right path to take. In this case one of the biggest issues in America has always been police brutality. Over the years police brutality has slowly been increasing across the United States and it has driven a wedge between the trust of...
3 Pages 1259 Words

The Consequences Of Racial Profiling In The USA

The United States it is said to be the land of opportunity where everyone has a right to succeed and be equal, but is it actually true? Racial Profiling has been a problem since the beginning of time, and it is still continuing especially throughout the United States. Racial Profiling is known as different groups of races that are being accused of everything because of their skin color; as a result, they are more of a target towards police officers....
3 Pages 1177 Words

The Factors of Police Brutality in America

Imagine selling CDs on the sidewalk in front of the corner store, to then be pressed by multiple police officers asking for you to empty everything from your pockets. To refuse, would mean to give up your life. Consequently, you are thrown to the ground by four New York City police officers then place you in a chokehold, as you utter the words “I can’t breathe' while gasping for air. This is what happened to Eric Garner. His refusal to...
3 Pages 1491 Words

Police Brutality against African Americans: Causes and Prevention

America has been trying to achieve justice for everyone for many decades. One of America's first attempts at gaining equality was the introduction of Civil Rights. “Civil Rights are the rights of citizens all citizens to political and social freedom and equality”. Some examples of civil rights include the right to vote or to be treated fairly by the legal system. The Civil Rights movement in the 1950s and 60s was a long time when civil rights, particularly for African...
3 Pages 1248 Words

The Issue Of Racial Profiling And The Use Of Force

Racial profiling is an issue that has been witnessed for many years and is still seen increasing today. It is an affair that affects millions of citizens every day. Individuals now in our societies are scared of the police officers that swear to protect the wellbeing of all the citizens in the community. This constant fear of being targetted breaches the ability of individuals to make their own decisions and do what they desire without facing any consequences. There are...
2 Pages 976 Words

Police Brutality in The Hate U Give

Novelist Angie Thomas and her novel “The Hate U Give” expresses the life of a sixteen year old girl named Starr, who was a witness to her best friend Khalil get murdered by the police in cold blood. Thomas purpose for writing the “The Hate U Give” is to convey the message of being able to stand up against important issues such as racism and police brutality. The loss of Starr’s best friend Khalil was the major event in the...
3 Pages 1147 Words

Police Brutality As Racial Profiling

From trying to cash a check at the bank, to mowing lawns, to sleeping in the college dorms or even coming home to an apartment building, there are numerous stories of African-Americans being harassed. Women, men, and even children going about their daily lives only to be intruded by strangers provoked by their presence and this provocation often ending in police involvement. Advancement in technology has made it easier to capture these incidents and reveal how African-Americans have become targets...
3 Pages 1276 Words

The Peculiarities And Effects Of Racial Profiling In The UK

The Greater London Authority’s analysis of the 2001 Census, ‘World in One City’ found people from 179 different nations living within London and The Guardian Newspaper praised it as ‘the most cosmopolitan place on earth’ (Vertovec, 2007, p. 1024). This resulted in British policy-makers producing a strategy called Multiculturalism, acknowledging the mass scale of immigration from the African Caribbean and South Asia and to implement strategies to ensure equality for ethnic minorities (ibid, p. 1027). However, this essay argues the...
7 Pages 3324 Words

The Reasons And Solutions For Mass Violence In Public Schools

Why do we have school shootings? What can we do to prevent it from happening? One of the first mass school shootings that happened on April 9,1891, at St. Mary’s Parochial School, Newburgh, New York., 1891. When James Foster fired a gunshot at a group of students causing minor injuries to several of the students. School shootings are known to happen when someone wants to get back at whomever hurt them, Otherwise, if a kid gets picked on, make fun...
5 Pages 2309 Words

The Hate U Give: Police Brutality against African Americans

The Hate You Give is a great novel that expresses the topic of police brutality against the African American society. Though the novel centers around that, it has multiple topics that surround police brutality like a web. The story follows a young girl named Starr Carter, a girl who lives in Garden Heights who is dealing with an internal conflict. She lives in two worlds and this book covers her journey to realizing that she shouldn’t let them change who...
3 Pages 1635 Words

Gun Control: The Wrong Approach To Decrease Gun Violence

I was born into a family where guns were prevalent. As expected, I grew up shooting firearms regularly. It became a game to see who was the best shot with the air rifle in the backyard and then eventually transfer to a competition at the shooting range. We would see who could shoot the farthest and who could hit the most targets, see who could shoot the fastest and the most accurate. Shooting was always fun, but before I ever...
3 Pages 1569 Words

Reasons And Effects Of Police Racial Profiling

Introduction Racial profiling is a form of discrimination which violates basic human rights and contributes to inefficient and ineffective policing. Racial profiling occurs when police stop, question, search or detain a person on the basis of their race. Victims of racial profiling can be severely impacted by this experience (Police accountability 2013). In 2011, a report by the ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) Revealed that Victoria Police were racially profiling South Sudanese refugees in Melbourne (Run 2013). After an allegation of...
4 Pages 1931 Words

Gun Control And Gun Violence In The USA

Gun violence previously was, and still currently is, a massive global issue that deserves more attention in order to be rectified. The rate of gun violence in the U.S. remains greater than almost every other country in the world and is at the minimum, seven times larger than countries such as Australia, Canada and France (Alpers & Wilson, 2013). In March 2018, the surviving student victims of the mass shooting at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida, established...
6 Pages 2537 Words

Occurrence of Police Brutality in America

A general and overall answer towards the first sub question, are there psychological effects that are projected because of police brutality? Is yes. From analysing 4 different sources and 4 annotations I can understand that there are indeed psychological effects that can be conducted from police brutality. Not in every case are the psychological effects towards the victims of police brutality but to their peers, friends, family and loved ones. There are many different reports and cases of Americans feeling...
3 Pages 1343 Words

Surveillance and Censorship as The Keys to a Successful Totalitarian Government

A government’s success is intrinsically linked to its ability to control its citizens. In the case of George Orwell’s dystopian novel, 1984, the central government, Ingsoc, violates freedom of speech and its civilians' privacy in order to root out dissenting ideas about leadership. Through similar practices, the Chinese government also violates its civilians’ rights in order to maintain its power. These practices involve propaganda about the government, surveillance of their citizens and censorship of expression by the government. These practices...
3 Pages 1281 Words

Police Misconduct Towards Rape Victims In The United States

On September 25, 2010 a young woman went to her best friend's house for a party after a college football game. After falling asleep on his couch for several hours she woke up to him doing unspeakable things to her. Out of fear, she pretended to remain unconscious. After he was done and had left the room, she grabbed her belongings and bolted for the door. He proceeded to chase after her. Because of the extreme physical pain and shock...
7 Pages 2979 Words

Weaknesses And Strengths Of Racial Profiling

“When I got stopped the other day, I wasn’t a cop. I wasn’t a guy who lived in a neighborhood looking for his daughter’s toy. I was a black man, a dangerous black man. That’s all he could see: a threat” (Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Terry Jeffords). Racial profiling is a serious problem that targets minorities. The tactic is used by police, and it simply judges a person based on their skin color and not evidence. Racial profiling compromises the very fabric...
6 Pages 3002 Words

To what Extent is Police Brutality Related to Crime?

Introduction To start with, police brutality and crime are widely known as political issues that have a huge impact on the societies. Police brutality is when police members act and use an unnecessary excessive force towards either a group or an individual (1). This eventually leads to the violation of their civil rights. In addition to that, the misuse of police legitimacy in the society will lead to a deficiency or a defected society where people will not turn to...
4 Pages 1766 Words

How do Powers under the Police and Criminal Evidence Act Disproportionately Affect BAME Community?

It is apparent that the relationship between the police and BAME communities is vastly damaged and this is due to the ill-judged use of policing powers. Police powers remain among the most controversial components of British police force to stop and search individuals in public. The Police and Criminal Evidence Act was first introduced in 1984 as a reform against the perception that the public had lost equity in the English justice system. What was meant to be a legislation...
2 Pages 920 Words

Understanding Police Brutality and Excessive Force

Abstract This paper talks about police brutality and excessive force and how it is affecting people perspectives and attitude toward police officer. Police brutality and excessive force has and is a big issue around the United States. Innocent people are being killed or mistreated by officers who don’t respect protocol and who take advantage of their power. This paper also explains body cameras and how they are useful and how race and ethnicity is being targeted at times. The article...
4 Pages 2131 Words

Causes Of School Shooting

In 2018 alone, there were 82 school shootings around the world, in today’s society as dishearting as it may sound school shootings have become more and more abundant. There have been many cases around the world causing students to be scared to attend school and arising fear in many faculty and staff to attend work. Many times the shooters typically try to target a specific person or persons, or their goal is to just cause mass hysteria among all of...
4 Pages 1687 Words

School Shooting: Analysis Of The Article The Righteous Anger Of The Parkland Shooting’s Teen Survivors

In America, the right to bear arms delivered a phenomenon called the “gun culture”. The title was founded by historian, Richard Hofstadter in which he describes America’s heritage and affection for weapons. Gun culture has not only become an inseparable part of American democracy but also considered to be equivalent to independence and freedom, which are important values for the society in America. Although this so-called gun culture plays an important role in today’s politics, schools in the country has...
3 Pages 1499 Words

Police Brutality: Violence Against Racial Minorities

“I can't bring myself to watch yet another video, not because I don't care, but because we're all just a few videos away from becoming completely desensitized. The public execution of Black folks will never be normal.(Andrena Sawyer). Police officers were once known as peacekeepers, but not unfortunately are just known as not more than law enforcement. Police brutality can be back tracked to the 1800’s where race minorities have had to deal with police violently abusing them and discriminating...
5 Pages 2472 Words

Police Brutality: Problem Of An Excessive Use Of Force And Misconduct

Did you know that police brutality incidents have cost the united states over 1.8 billion dollars? The US has become incredibly notorious when it comes to police brutality and its dangers towards society. In 2018 there were 1,164 American civilians that had been killed by police officers alone. This Essay will adress the major issues that are shown throughout acts of police violence, or more specifically abuse of authorised firearms, the boundless amount of protection that is recieved due to...
2 Pages 1054 Words
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