Life Experiences essays

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The 'Survival' of Frenchie in the Novel ‘The Marrow Thieves’ by Cherie Dimaline: Critical Essay

2 Pages 692 Words
Many people define ‘survival’ as shelter, food, and water. The novel ‘The Marrow Thieves’ shows that ‘survival’ has several forms that go beyond simple physical survival. Frenchie’s ‘family’ shows the importance of surviving in terms of physical needs, but also in terms of keeping one’s culture alive and surviving in a social sense in order to thrive. There are many...

Narrative Essay on My Cultural Experience Journey

2 Pages 825 Words
This essay aims to share my experience of transition and cultural shock: moving from India to Canada to pursue further education studies. This decision impacted my life tremendously. I landed at Toronto airport on my birthday. I was so delighted, but sad also. Because this was the first time when I was so alone on my birthday. I had left...

Reflections on What Shaped Me

2 Pages 863 Words
Did you ever wonder what shapes a person? Well, I will tell you what made me, well me. It all started in kindergarten when my mom said, “Let’s go to the park”. I run and get hit by a jeep. That showed me life can easily be taken, no matter what. Later in life, I found someone who later in...

Eating Disorder: Personal Narrative Essay

2 Pages 938 Words
We are often told that ‘looks don't matter’ and that ‘beauty is in the eye of the beholder’, but sadly, the eyes see what society deems perfect. We hear these sayings over and over, and yet ironically, these very ideas seem to be contradicted by our own society. If we are beautiful no matter our appearance, why does social media...

Describe the World You Come From: Narrative Essay

2 Pages 765 Words
Edward James Olson in the film ‘Selena’ said: “We have to be more Mexican than the Mexican, and more American than the American. It is exhausting! Nobody knows how tough it is to be a Mexican American”. That is very true, it is hard to be a Mexican American. If you do not speak perfect English, Americans think less of...

War and Peace in Terms of Realism and Liberalism': Critical Essay

3 Pages 1486 Words
“War made the state, and the state made war”, this cyclical representation of war and peace presented by Charles Tilly is a defining feature of international relations (IR). By using theory in this discipline, the recurring theme of war and peace amongst states can again be expanded upon. Realism and liberalism are two core theoretical concepts in IR which attempt...

Value of Volunteers and Their Help to the Needy': Critical Essay

1 Page 556 Words
Mexico City volunteers formed human chains and rescued people trapped in the remains of apartments that collapsed after a massive earthquake. Mexico City’s mayor, Miguel Angel Mancera, said about 40 buildings were destroyed by a magnitude 7.1 earthquake that struck the city in 2017. The earthquake caused at least 230 deaths. 100 of them died in the capital. Dozens of...

Personal Development Planning and the Value of Goal Setting in It: Narrative Essay

2 Pages 977 Words
Personal and professional development represents a way for individuals to evaluate their skills and abilities, to examine their aims in life and institute goals with the purpose of realizing or maximizing their true potential. Through professional development the individual ensures that his knowledge and aptitudes remain up to date to certify his competency and ability in practice and follows the...

Personal Development Plan and Goal Setting

3 Pages 1340 Words
Personal development is an integral part of an employee's professional and career advancement. The entire notion of personal and professional development is based on one fundamental factor: the most effective development of individual talents and knowledge. Personal development encompasses a wide range of areas, as well as knowledge and skills within those subjects. Personal aims are focused on the individual's...

Classification Essay on Drivers

2 Pages 824 Words
“STOP… stay in your lane”. When one is driving, this is a saying that comes out quite frequently, while driving near three kinds of drivers. Some of these drivers are worse than others, but all drivers are not perfect. The three main types of drivers are city drivers, old drivers, and new drivers. These three types are some of the...

Story of Coronavirus Victim Survivor: Narrative Essay

2 Pages 915 Words
I was one of the luckiest people in the world because I survived this pandemic and it is one of the scariest memories that I will not forget. That’s because even in its initial stage, it is very brutal. In this essay, I want to share my story, the story of a person affected by the coronavirus. I want people...

From Inner Peace to Outer Peace: Critical Essay

4 Pages 1781 Words
Every religion around the world preaches the concept of being peaceful and shares the ultimate goal of obtaining peace worldwide. However, in order to achieve a sense outer peace, inner peace must first be attained. Islam and Christianity both place an emphasis on the importance of obtaining peace internally and externally. In the Qur’an and Bible, the message of peace...

A Place That Is a Part of Me: Personal Narrative Essay

2 Pages 827 Words
I could see the beaches, stretching for miles. Rocks, broken down by the almighty sea for millions of years to form the very dunes that were situated before me. Precision crafting used to form the beautiful agricultural landscape that spans the entirety of the island. The tall, emerald-colored grass greeted me as it waved in the strong ocean breeze. The...

A Place from my Childhood Memories: Narrative Essay

1 Page 456 Words
Traveling is a very crucial part of every human being's life because people travel from one place to another for different purposes. For example, it can be related to exploring the new place, work, and so on. I have traveled to certain places in my life and I enjoyed it a lot. But I would like to write about a...

Elie Wiesel's Survival by Chance: Critical Essay

2 Pages 791 Words
“I don't know how I survived; I was weak, rather shy; I did nothing to save myself. A miracle? Certainly not......It was nothing more than chance”. In his memoir ‘Night’, Elie Wiesel writes about his personal experience of the Holocaust. He is a Jewish man who got sent to a concentration camp. Elie gets rid of everything he has: everything...

Maybe Destiny Exists After All: Persuasive Essay

1 Page 483 Words
There are times in life where I am sure destiny exists. For thousands of years people have been questioning the reason of things being the way they. For example, Christianism has been attributing life and it´s beauties to a single deity. On the other hand, scientists say there isn’t a single cause to all things, like God, but a series...

Challenge of Survival and Perseverance Through the Motivation of Fear in Cormac McCarthy’s ‘The Road’

3 Pages 1539 Words
One of the most primal motivators that facilitate survival in people is fear. The two protagonists, the Man and the Boy, from Cormac McCarthy’s ‘The Road’ demonstrate survival and perseverance through their internal fears, motivating them to continue to ‘carry the fire’ within such a hostile and frightening landscape. Their fear manifests in this novel in three main ways: their...

Persuasive Essay on the Dangers of Teenage Speeding

1 Page 628 Words
Before they know it, their life could be flashing before their own eyes. Speeding isn’t the way to go. There are multiple crashes a year involving teens, some can be fatal. 32/100 of fatal crashes involve teen drivers. Speeding for teenagers is bad, it not only puts you in danger but also others. Around the world, teens are dying from...

Critical Essay on Speeding and Its Negative Consequences

1 Page 431 Words
Nowadays, traffic accidents are increasing every year, as a result of which many people are injured, even dead by the accidents. There are many types of traffic accidents that cause many people to die. One of the most issues that happen every day is speeding. In this essay, I want to prove that speeding can kill many people and affect...

Memoir Essay on What Would Have Been: My Survival Story

1 Page 482 Words
‘What would have been?’. This is a question that often crosses my mind as when I was around one-year-old, I was adopted by an American family and journeyed from a small, underfunded orphanage in the Moscow region to a new house in the United States. Considering my young age at the time, I don’t remember anything about life in the...

Should Non-State Actors Be Engaged in Peacebuilding: Persuasive Essay

2 Pages 1117 Words
As time passes so too does human advancement in all areas. Wars and subsequently ending wars (peace) have also advanced throughout time. From fighting on horseback and making peace using marriage to fighting in cyberspace and making peace using treaties, humans have also advanced in peace and conflict. Humanity keeps on finding ways to fight each other and then make...

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