Media Industry essays

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YouTube's SWOT Analysis

3 Pages 1401 Words
Introduction YouTube is a free video-sharing website that makes it easy to watch online videos. You can even create and upload your own videos to share with others. Originally created in 2005, YouTube is now one of the most popular sites on the Web, with visitors watching around 6 billion hours of video every month. YouTube is an American online...

Values of Social Media Ethics: Analytical Essay

2 Pages 1047 Words
Learning MIL is a must for everyone. It tells things that are and that are not to be done when it comes to media and information. Without studying MIL, it would be hard to know the things that one should do or avoid. Also, MIL makes one literate, or in other words, knowing. When one is knowing of the things...

Theory of Media Ethics: Critical Analysis

3 Pages 1129 Words
Basic assumptions and postulations of the social responsibility theory This theory, considered a western theory incorporates a part of the libertarian principle and introduces some new elements as well. The underlying principle of the social responsibility theory of the press is that the press should be free to perform the functions that the libertarian theory granted it the freedom to...

Scope of YouTubing as a Profession in Bangladesh

2 Pages 981 Words
Introduction YouTube is a platform where YouTubers share their videos and earn money. There are many countries where people are choosing YouTube as a career. But there are so many people who can’t think youtube can be a profession. They don’t know about it. Especially in Bangladesh, people can’t think about it. There are many YouTubers in Bangladesh. Bangladesh YouTubers...

Reputation Economy and Effectiveness of YouTube: Analytical Essay

3 Pages 1293 Words
YouTube has been a long-standing platform where people filmed everyday lifestyle videos. However, it is no longer enough to produce engaging content that satisfies oneself. With increasing pressure to stand out by feeding the algorithm that promotes a video’s popularity, it has become common for modern-day Youtubers to seek professional help in their video content production. Consequently, a new layer...

Relevance of Communication and Media Ethics: Analytical Essay

2 Pages 739 Words
Fake news is a social ill that comes thick and fast in the Philippines. Containing false and misleading information, fake news, categorized into two: misinformation and disinformation, can manipulate public opinion and can influence political outcomes. The former contains unintentional inaccurate information, which is in direct contrast with the latter, which is an act of deception to convince an audience...

Pros and Cons of YouTube: Analytical Essay

3 Pages 1478 Words
YouTube is a great tool that can help people to get information, knowledge, and entertainment on the same media platform. YouTube content can create high social and mental influence on users. Most of the content being uploaded is by individuals like vloggers and only some of it is by corporations. So, the content available has many issues and viewers approach...

Pragmatic Supervised Learning Methodology of Hate Speech Detection in Social Media

9 Pages 4246 Words
A Pragmatic Supervised learning Methodology of Hate Speech Detection in Social Media 1G.Priyadharshini, 2Dr.M.Balamurugan 1Research Scholar, 2Professor and Head 1School of Computer Science, Engineering and Applications 1Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli, India _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Abstract: In recent decades, information technology has been undergoing a huge evolution, with an expressive adoption of online social networks and social media platforms. Such progress revolutionized the way...

Free Speech Versus Hate Speech on Social Media

5 Pages 2157 Words
Hate speech is merely critical, often demeaning, very critical, and offensive. Whenever hate speech becomes clear intimidation and threats against certain citizens, then some legal action needs to be taken. In addition, any form of malicious and persistent harassment that is focused on an individual is hate speech and should be prosecuted using the law. Individuals who send threatening messages...

Fake News and Satire: Annotated Bibliography

3 Pages 1535 Words
TV shows like John Stewart, the Daily Show brings attention to how effective the use of satire in The Daily Show is and the positive political effect it has on people. Some people might define political satire as something you gain entertainment, some also might define it as something used with subversive intent, where political speech and dissent are forbidden...

Ethical Issues on YouTube: Discursive Essay

4 Pages 1875 Words
Was it ethical for Youtube to cancel Felix Kjellberg’s (Pewdiepie) original series and de-monetize certain videos on his channel following Anti-Semitic content posted on his channel in 2017? On one hand, it was ethical because Felix Kjellberg violated YouTube’s policies that are meant to protect advertisers from their ads appearing on offensive content. Also, Youtube responded to hate speech on...

Analysis of Media Ethics in Nigeria

5 Pages 2256 Words
This paper will appreciate the thesis about the issues involved in media ethics - and examine these issues from a social, professional, and cultural perspective, with an emphasis on media practice in Nigeria; However, before presenting the main arguments in favor of this thesis, I will have to deal with the main consideration that just as there is a positive...

Analysis of Issues Involved in Media Ethics

4 Pages 1926 Words
Abstract The various and competitive nature of the media industry brings so many diverse people and ideas together that a need for standardization and normality must be applied. The media industry has faced a very big increase in recent times, which is very good, and here are some of the factors that caused this increase: Globalization: This is when information...

TikTok Essay

2 Pages 999 Words
Introduction Once a fruit is purchased, it is delicious and easy to consume. But over time, the delightful fruit becomes rotten. When rotten, it tends to be discarded. Throughout the engrossing history of social media, numerous apps have died down or been removed. But one app has transformed millions all over the world. TikTok is simply a fruit that cannot...

Essay on Julia Serano’s Why Nice Guys Finish Last

3 Pages 1252 Words
Is This Really Feminism? From fashion to media to music, even video games, we can see how the raunch culture influences just about every aspect of everyone's lives. Ariel Levy’s Female Chauvinistic Pigs gives readers a greater insight into why this culture is affecting the lives of women and young girls everywhere. Pop culture feeds social media is constantly being...

Is Social Media Making Us More Narcissistic: Essay

2 Pages 981 Words
Narcissism is a problem in the modern world and it is growing as fast as the obesity or gun violence issues in America today. This term is not just an issue or flaw in someone’s personality, but a real disorder that can be diagnosed. Technology has become widespread and Generation Y has the heaviest use of social media, compared to...

Is Social Media Bad for Relationships: Argumentative Essay

2 Pages 981 Words
Introduction Alienation is isolation and estrangement from yourself and/or others. This stems from the theories established by Emile Durkheim (1952) and in particular Karl Marx (1844), who argued that capitalism led to the “self-estrangement of man” due to the alienation humans experience from their labor (Marx, 1844). Although the main ideas are still highly relevant and applicable in modern society,...

Essay on History of Social Media

2 Pages 825 Words
The History of Social Media In this essay, you will be able to find a brief history of social media from its beginning, which is dated from 1971 up until the present times. The timeline below covers only the most significant events/platforms, so feel free to explore this topic even further on your own. 1971 – Ray Tomlinson, a computer...

Essay on Why Marvel Is Better than DC

4 Pages 1918 Words
Reviewed double_ok
“Just because something works, doesn’t mean it can’t be improved.” – Shuri (Black Panther, 2018) Marvel vs Dc has been an ongoing debate for years now. Who’s better at producing movies? Who’s better at selling comics? Who has the best characters? Don’t get me wrong all of the questions above are valuable but the real question we should be asking...

Who I Am: How Society Influences Our Self-Perception

2 Pages 888 Words
On Facebook, I am a seemingly well-rounded student who has got it all together. On Instagram, I am a seemingly photogenic and aesthetic person. On Snapchat, I am someone who seemingly has a social life, going out all the time and having a good time. But who really am I? We create these different personas because of what we believe...

Internet's Influence on Cooking and Recipes

3 Pages 1454 Words
Nowadays, the Internet can be in everything from our stoves or fridges to sitting in our pockets all day, but at the end of the day, we all still look around in our kitchen for something tasty to eat. Now though, it seems the scrapbooks, church cookbooks, and recipe cards of yesteryear are long but forgotten, but are they? Everyone...

Essay on Social Media and Beauty Standards

4 Pages 1625 Words
We surround ourselves every single day using technology and looking through social media watching the latest posts on public figures we follow. We tend to always seem to run into a certain image that is defined as the ‘beauty standard of the moment’. Although beauty has evolved within the years many see it as an ordinary thing, as a joke,...

Media Stigmatization of Mental Illness: Persuasive Speech

3 Pages 1328 Words
Have you ever envisioned yourself on the reciprocating end of a story that sensationalizes only a portion of relevant information towards you? Shon brightly through a negative light, the media is evidently responsible for disseminating of adverse stereotypes and false descriptions of innocent victims who are silently suffering with mental health issues. Through the influential forces of manipulation and stigmatization,...

Social Media Impact on Food

3 Pages 1397 Words
The Food Culture Trend One of the many trends that international influencers began was of clicking pictures of one’s food and uploading it on social media. Sure enough, just one would have to start, the rest of them would follow the mob. This ensured that the trend evolved into a full blown social media activity from just clicking pictures of...

Social Media as a Tool for Social Movements

2 Pages 827 Words
In this article, the authors offer convincing arguments regarding the use of social media to influence social movements. Such technological innovations provide the best environment for participation and encourage people to focus on issues that affect them directly. Individuals who rely on social media platforms will have higher chances of pursuing a wide range of initiatives, thus becoming an important...

Rhetorical Question of Media Influence

2 Pages 1020 Words
There is no doubt, the media has the power to shape how we view a particular issue or belief, but the question must be asked, is it always impartial? The MEAA Journalist Code of Ethics states that writers must remain honest, independent, respect other rights, and be fair. Is the media following this code? And if not, what is their...

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