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Negative Effects of Social Media on Communication Skills: Essay

Social Media Affecting Human Lives Technology has been around for many years and is continuing to advance. However, because many people are using technology on a daily basis it is causing effects on individuals. This report covers the problem defined, the problem defined, the impact of the problem, two problem examples, and two attempted solutions. Problem Defined Social media affects the social skills of individuals in many different ways. After a study in 46,000 U.S. children's homes in grades K...
1 Page 623 Words

Media Is the Most Powerful Entity on Earth: Essay

The government and media are considered as the two most powerful institutions in the world. Media informs people about the current happenings around them, while the government leads the nation. The role of media in our society is to give updates about the current happenings around and give transparency in the government, wherein wrong-doings of politicians such as corruption (very common) can be exposed. However, the government is sagacious enough to avoid exposure. They do this by creating walls or...
1 Page 405 Words

Essay on Dangers of Social Media

Social media: the acceptable drug Social media is a drug. This generation is so reliant on it and it’s worrying. They spend hours scrolling through their feed whilst engorged in other people’s lives. They check their own posts, likes, and so on for a hit of dopamine that keeps them going. It's concerning how rapidly it’s becoming an issue when hardly anyone is aware of it being a problem. Hell, I wasn’t aware of it being an issue until I...
3 Pages 1252 Words

Essay on Use of Propaganda in Animation

When it comes to propaganda, the creator of it wants the audience to agree and support their cause and their views. Propaganda can be anything from commercials, magazines, posters, movies, cartoons, and more. Although, a majority of the time propaganda is biased and full of fallacies. Only depicting what they want the audience to see and how they want it to be seen. For example, if there is a war between two countries, each one is going to create propaganda...
1 Page 567 Words

Negative Impact of Disney Movies on Current Generation

Have you ever caught yourself whistling at work? Perhaps you have told yourself to just keep swimming? Maybe even had your knee kissed better when you hurt it as a child? Are these phrases ringing any bells in your head? If yes, you have likely been influenced by the monstrous bundle of movies created by Walt Disney. If not, I am guessing you are not part of the 116 million subscribers of Disney+. Nevertheless, you are still influenced by Disney...
2 Pages 891 Words

Influence of Disney Princesses on Children's Self-Esteem and Self-Identity

Numerous academic research journals can be found into the study of the progression and portrayal of Disney princesses and their impact to children’s self-esteem and self-identity. This literature was reviewed to determine the conclusion on if both environmental and biological processes are included in the discovery of the impact that Disney princesses have on children’s self-esteem and how the two approaches interplay. Both quantitative and qualitative approaches to such research have found negative representation of women (Lacroix, 2004; Dundes, 2001;...
3 Pages 1335 Words

Essay on Teenagers and Social Media

Imagine having suicidal thoughts going through your head because you are not like other people. People tell you that you are not pretty or either you look at yourself and you don’t like what you see in the mirror. Imagine if your definition of pretty comes from what you see online on social media sites. All those thoughts cause teenagers to go through a deep depression and for some of them, it has led to suicidal thoughts or the act...
4 Pages 1769 Words

Media and People with Disabilities: Essay

Attitudes are defined as having positive or negative judgments of people, things and concepts. It is believed that attitudes are formed from affective, cognitive and conative components. Societal and cultural norms have a significant influence on many individuals’ attitudes. Societal and cultural norms of physical attributes, socioeconomic status, and health status are portrayed throughout the media. The media has a significant influence on society, as it is a part of our everyday life. However, the influence that the media holds...
3 Pages 1170 Words

Little Girls or Little Women: Analysis of Disney Princess Effect

Parents should write a petition to Disney to make their princesses fit the mold of young girls across the world and protest the amount of sexualization that is being presented to girls through TV and the Internet. Stephanie Hanes (2011), author of ‘Little Girls or Little Women? The Disney Princess Effect’, claims that Disney stated: “The Disney princesses teach girls valuable life lessons like kindness and the love for animals”. Several parents have found themselves mixed up in the controversy...
2 Pages 832 Words

Inequality of Female Roles in Disney Films

The media plays a significant role in our daily lives by providing us with cultural, educational, and supplemental information that cultivates our knowledge while also shaping our political aspects and framing our cultural guidelines in society. It has the role of being an effective educator, by informing us of anything newsworthy, which is quite true, but what most people don’t know is the canny and manipulative ways on how they are doing it. They hinder with our public opinion through...
4 Pages 1737 Words

How Does Instagram Affect Today's Teenagers: Essay

Social media has become a big part of our lives today since it came out, it’s something which many people can’t live without anymore. Social media such as Instagram is known to be used for entertaining purposes but today for teenagers it isn’t used for entertaining purpose. Instagram is mostly used by teenagers to show off their beauty, luxury and all the things they have. Instagram has pros but it mostly has cons which are that social media is affecting...
3 Pages 1538 Words

Disney's Impact on Children's Perception of the World

In this media content review, I'm going to talk about Disney princesses. My form of media I chose along with my topic is gender. The reason I chose this topic was because I love Disney and as a little girl, my favorite Disney princess was always Cinderella. This paper I chose discusses Disney’s way to feminism and how cartoons have a positive or negative impact on children as they influence a child’s perception of the world. Cartoons can have an...
2 Pages 791 Words

Importance of Medium Providing Message: Modern Methods of Communication

‘The medium is the message’ is a phrase by Marshall McLuhan. This phrase is about the way we deliver, direct and obtain information. Expanding from the phrase is the medium more important than the information itself? Is what’s been communicated less important than the way you communicate it? Is Marshall McLuhan Really saying, the message given is actually how it’s formed? Developing from these points is the information given the content itself or the form it takes? We are going...
3 Pages 1488 Words

McLuhan's Theory of Medium and the Message: Perception of Information through Different Sources

Marshall McLuhan, known for his eccentric ideas, brought a new insight into the way media is looked at today though medium. Though McLuhan’s book ‘Understanding Media: Extensions of man’ he explored the idea of how the ‘medium is the message’. He focuses on the idea of television and radio as a medium being much more interesting than the actual message that they are trying to say. We then focus too much on the context and forget about how we get...
3 Pages 1430 Words

Management of Creativity in Journalistic Work in Media Organization: Analytical Essay

The articles examine concerned of management of creative journalistic work in a media organization. It is draws on the literature and research about creativity management, the author emphasizes that there is scarcity of in-depth research evidence on process of creativity management. The article is based with empirical research with a case study that investigate and explores the experience of set up an international media corporation. Developing new personal competencies and skills are vitals factors given that many journalist felt that...
3 Pages 1165 Words

Influence of Instagram on Eating Disorders: Analytical Essay

Abstract: This extended project aims to explore whether or not Instagram plays a role in the rising cases of eating disorders amongst teenage girls in the UK. It has been shown that the main cause of eating disorders stems from the development of low self-esteem and low self-worth (Spettigue, 2021). Previous research analysed government data to provide evidence of this growing issue. It was found that there was a 46% increase in referrals of under-18s with eating disorders, since 2019...
7 Pages 2997 Words

Global Issues: Social Media’s Influence on the Rise in Eating Disorders

Currently, the effects of social media on one’s mental health is heavily debated, especially its correlations to the rise in eating disorder cases worldwide. As of 2019, the prevalence of eating disorders has risen from 3.5 percent of the world population to 7.8 percent (“Body Image and Eating Disorders”). The most common age for eating disorder onset is 18-21 (Rehman), however, there has been a 42% rise in women over 35 seeking treatment (Howard), and a 119% rise in children...
6 Pages 2778 Words

Ethics in Social Media with special Reference to Selfies: Analytical Essay

Abstract The use of social media is influencing everyone irrespective of age, gender and culture. This paper aims to examine how parents are becoming unethical to their children due to the excessive use of social media. It also elaborates how these neglected kids are addicted to their social media profiles and selfies. The present generation is recreating their own identity through these emerging selfie applications and hence, question arises about the basic aspect of self-ethics. The edited pictures can mislead...
3 Pages 1387 Words

Analytical Essay on Digital Ethnography: Principles and Practices

Study Case The reason for why an award show was selected as a case study in this paper, is because liveness is very much the central concept in a show like this. The elements that float around in the bubble of the concept of liveness, are all things that can be applied to a media event like this. An award show is a combination of a broadcast that shows pre-recorded and live performances, but also verbalized interactional moments such as...
5 Pages 2212 Words

YouTube's SWOT Analysis

Introduction YouTube is a free video-sharing website that makes it easy to watch online videos. You can even create and upload your own videos to share with others. Originally created in 2005, YouTube is now one of the most popular sites on the Web, with visitors watching around 6 billion hours of video every month. YouTube is an American online video-sharing platform headquartered in San Bruno, California. Three former PayPal employees-Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim—created the service in...
3 Pages 1401 Words

Values of Social Media Ethics: Analytical Essay

Learning MIL is a must for everyone. It tells things that are and that are not to be done when it comes to media and information. Without studying MIL, it would be hard to know the things that one should do or avoid. Also, MIL makes one literate, or in other words, knowing. When one is knowing of the things to and to not do on media Learning MIL is a must for everyone. It tells things that are and...
2 Pages 1047 Words

Theory of Media Ethics: Critical Analysis

Basic assumptions and postulations of the social responsibility theory This theory, considered a western theory incorporates a part of the libertarian principle and introduces some new elements as well. The underlying principle of the social responsibility theory of the press is that the press should be free to perform the functions that the libertarian theory granted it the freedom to perform, but that this freedom should be exercised with responsibility (Okunna & Omenugha, 2012). If the media fail to satisfy...
3 Pages 1129 Words

Scope of YouTubing as a Profession in Bangladesh

Introduction YouTube is a platform where YouTubers share their videos and earn money. There are many countries where people are choosing YouTube as a career. But there are so many people who can’t think youtube can be a profession. They don’t know about it. Especially in Bangladesh, people can’t think about it. There are many YouTubers in Bangladesh. Bangladesh YouTubers are not choosing YouTubing as a career. Even they can’t think about it. There are many reasons behind this. In...
2 Pages 981 Words

Reputation Economy and Effectiveness of YouTube: Analytical Essay

YouTube has been a long-standing platform where people filmed everyday lifestyle videos. However, it is no longer enough to produce engaging content that satisfies oneself. With increasing pressure to stand out by feeding the algorithm that promotes a video’s popularity, it has become common for modern-day Youtubers to seek professional help in their video content production. Consequently, a new layer of jobs has emerged, one that people do not intuitively regard – farming out professional video editing to third parties....
3 Pages 1293 Words

Relevance of Communication and Media Ethics: Analytical Essay

Fake news is a social ill that comes thick and fast in the Philippines. Containing false and misleading information, fake news, categorized into two: misinformation and disinformation, can manipulate public opinion and can influence political outcomes. The former contains unintentional inaccurate information, which is in direct contrast with the latter, which is an act of deception to convince an audience of something. Disinformation is intended to mislead people, while misinformation is not. In the Philippines, the problem of disinformation is...
2 Pages 739 Words

Pros and Cons of YouTube: Analytical Essay

YouTube is a great tool that can help people to get information, knowledge, and entertainment on the same media platform. YouTube content can create high social and mental influence on users. Most of the content being uploaded is by individuals like vloggers and only some of it is by corporations. So, the content available has many issues and viewers approach it in both a negative and positive manner. Viewers and bloggers claim that YouTube contains inappropriate content, and this becomes...
3 Pages 1478 Words

Pragmatic Supervised Learning Methodology of Hate Speech Detection in Social Media

A Pragmatic Supervised learning Methodology of Hate Speech Detection in Social Media 1G.Priyadharshini, 2Dr.M.Balamurugan 1Research Scholar, 2Professor and Head 1School of Computer Science, Engineering and Applications 1Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli, India _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Abstract: In recent decades, information technology has been undergoing a huge evolution, with an expressive adoption of online social networks and social media platforms. Such progress revolutionized the way communication takes place by enabling a rapid, easy and almost costless digital interaction between its users. Although its numerous advantages,...
9 Pages 4246 Words

Free Speech Versus Hate Speech on Social Media

Hate speech is merely critical, often demeaning, very critical, and offensive. Whenever hate speech becomes clear intimidation and threats against certain citizens, then some legal action needs to be taken. In addition, any form of malicious and persistent harassment that is focused on an individual is hate speech and should be prosecuted using the law. Individuals who send threatening messages using the internet to another individual or use public messages that are displayed on a certain website with information showing...
5 Pages 2157 Words

Fake News and Satire: Annotated Bibliography

TV shows like John Stewart, the Daily Show brings attention to how effective the use of satire in The Daily Show is and the positive political effect it has on people. Some people might define political satire as something you gain entertainment, some also might define it as something used with subversive intent, where political speech and dissent are forbidden by the government. TV shows like the Daily Show with Jon Stewart, the Colbert Report, and Saturday night live are...
3 Pages 1535 Words

Ethical Issues on YouTube: Discursive Essay

Was it ethical for Youtube to cancel Felix Kjellberg’s (Pewdiepie) original series and de-monetize certain videos on his channel following Anti-Semitic content posted on his channel in 2017? On one hand, it was ethical because Felix Kjellberg violated YouTube’s policies that are meant to protect advertisers from their ads appearing on offensive content. Also, Youtube responded to hate speech on its platform and made action to protect its community from offensive content. Lastly, it was ethical because Youtube did not...
4 Pages 1875 Words

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