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Federalism Vs Devolution: Which Political System is More Sustainable?

4 Pages 1955 Words
In order to define whether or not federalism is a more sustainable political system compared to devolution, we must first underline what exactly federalism is, alongside devolution, and what is meant by the term sustainable. Federalism is a political system where state sovereignty is divided amongst two-levels of government which are national and regional bodies. Whereas devolution is the transference...

Comparison of UK Devolution and US Federalism

2 Pages 772 Words
One way that devolution in the UK differs from federalism in the USA is through the different levels of entrenchment. In the UK, devolved bodies rely on parliament for their existence. Due to doctrine of parliamentary sovereignty, parliament maintains the right to dissolve the bodies, such as when Northern Ireland’s virtual autonomy within the UK was ended when the British...

Biological Weapons and Their Disarmament

6 Pages 2849 Words
Committee History and Introduction The General Assembly (GA) was established under Chapter IV of the United Nations (UN) Charter. Since the General Assembly is the principal organ of the United Nations and has representatives from all the Member States of the United Nations, it is able to discuss a wide variety of world issues. As a result of the extensive...

Analysis of Confidence Building Mechanisms for Disarmament

3 Pages 1331 Words
Disarmament is he process in which ex-combatants hand over their weapons in efforts to restore peace and security in a post conflict zone. This process is often difficult and delicate at the same time as the sense of distrust in the community especially the ex-combatants can place the region back into conflict which may turn out to be even worse...

The Concept of Federalism

1 Page 681 Words
Federalism consists of a complex governmental mechanism having legislative powers that is government at both central as well as at the state levels. Both state as well as the central government drive its powers from the constitution. Under the idea of federalism, the power to make laws has been divided with the central government having power to make laws for...

Federalism in Australia: How State and Federal Governments Work Together

1 Page 541 Words
Australia has a national and state governments and federalism refers to the relationship between these governments. Federalism is when a government divides power between the national government and the state governments. Some advantages of federalism include that it separates powers of government to prevent one person or group to make all the rules in a society, this prevents a dictatorship....

Essay on Health Care and Funding for American Veterans

6 Pages 2665 Words
“VA insurance is refusing to pay his surgical bill since the surgery was not performed at a VA hospital and Jason is currently appealing that decision” (Khan, 1). This is a problem majority of veterans may face when needing assistance with bills or money. Veterans’ benefits system has been around ever since the 17th century when pilgrims passed a law...

Analysis of the Relevance of the Federal System to the Philippines

5 Pages 2362 Words
Since the mobilization of civil society forces to undermine the authoritarian regime under former dictator Ferdinand Marcos, several administrations have proposed amendments to the 1987 Freedom Constitution of the Philippines. It is only justified that there has been a constant rise in public skepticism due to the fact that most interests regarding institutional changes typically serve personal agendas, as observed...

Military Should Get Paid More Than Athletes

2 Pages 809 Words
Gunshots whistle through the air. The medical team lose no time putting themselves in danger to save the wounded. The adrenalin rushes through the gunmen’s body’s making sure they hit the crucial shots to save the men who save our lives. The troops lose parts of their body and risk their lives for us. Soldiers do not get paid enough....

Federalism Is Not for the Philippines: Why the Government Should Not Be Changed to a Federalist

4 Pages 2076 Words
Federalism is a type of government in which the power is divided between the national government and other governmental units. It contrasts with a unitary government, in which a central authority holds the power, and a confederation, in which states, for example, are clearly dominant. To empower the regions outside Metro Manila as well as avoid the further fragmentation of...

Federalism as a Model for Explaining the European Union

6 Pages 2874 Words
The European Union (EU) is a remarkable and world widely unique case of regional integration (Hix, 2017, p. 580). After the two world wars in the first half of the 20th century, some of the European countries decided to voluntarily yield part of their sovereignty to supranational institutions to ensure a long-lasting peace through regional integration and to enjoy the...

Youth and Patriotism: Is the Military the Only Way to Show Patriotism? Essay

1 Page 693 Words
ROTC stands for ‘Reserved Officers’ Training Corps’ and is defined by the 12th Congress of the Republic of the Philippines as, “One of three components of the National Service Training Program, the civic education and defense preparedness program for Filipino college students”. The idea has long been established ever since the Philippine Commonwealth but progressed to different stages of implementation...

The Humanitarian Case for Nuclear Disarmament

3 Pages 1286 Words
The United States tested the first atomic device in July of 1945. A month later, on August 6th, 1945, atomic bombs were dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Ever since then, the possible destruction behind nuclear and atomic bombs has scared the world. The argument for nuclear disarmament has been around since the mid-1960's ever since the Cuban Missile Crisis of...

The Need for a Rehabilitation Program for Veterans with Traumatic Brain Injury

1 Page 456 Words
Nearly 350,000 veterans suffer from a traumatic brain injury each year. Which is in a range of about 23%. Veterans go through a lot, when they are on the battlefield. Veterans fight for our freedom, which is why I’m writing about why Holzer Rehabilitation should create a program specifically for veterans with brain trauma because the rehab will aid in...

The Theme of Patriotism and Idealism in Rupert Brooke's Sonnet 'The Soldier'

2 Pages 992 Words
Overflowing with patriotism and idealism, the sonnet, written soon after World War I, exemplifies the glory of self-sacrifice. Rupert Brooke details the optimistic perspective of a British soldier through the themes of courage, nationalism, and self-sacrifice. By doing so, the poet conveys the beauty of defending and dying for one’s country, concealing the doleful aspects of war. A sonnet written...

Essay on Homeless Veterans

3 Pages 1180 Words
The state of California has the highest population in the U.S. thanks to its many urban areas, like Los Angeles, San Diego, and San Francisco. Unfortunately, because of its high population it is also home to many homeless Americans, including veterans. While ideally no American should be homeless, it is unfortunate that many of the men and women who serve...

Canadian Federalism and Its Impact on Air Pollution Policy

5 Pages 2138 Words
Pollution is an epidemic that is constantly in the mind of policy makers, especially since all United Nations member states agreed on the ‘2030 agenda for Sustainable Development Goals’ (UN, 2015) and pollution falls under goal 17 of climate action. According to (Berg, 2017) anything at a molecular level that has a less than positive impact on the environment classifies...

Comparative Analysis of Unitary and Federal Government

4 Pages 1985 Words
Today’s modern world is mainly divided into two putative political systems and those are federal and unitary systems. Both of these systems have their unique political structures along with their unique styles of functioning processes. Federalism is a kind of a system in which states and provinces share power with a national government. Such as United states of America as...

Why are Veterans Important? Essay

1 Page 443 Words
Veterans are individuals who served in the military, either by getting drafted or by their own decision in any case whether they have seen battle previously or not. Veterans have shielded Americans from serving in the military by serving themselves. Veterans are individuals who are no longer in the military and never again need to secure us and can make...

What Does a Veteran Mean to Me? Essay

1 Page 518 Words
“This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave”, — Elmer Davis Imagine if the Founding Fathers of the United States of America hadn’t taken up arms against the crown. These men were sacrificing everything they have worked for all their lives in support of independence. They were regarded...

Federal Government: Ingredient of Catastrophe

1 Page 529 Words
Many Filipinos have been screaming and waiting for a change to happen. It is to have a much better, safer, and stabilized economy for us to live. One of the solutions that President Rodrigo Duterte presented is changing the country’s current form of government into a new constitution – a federal government. However, even though many countries have been known...

The Disadvantaged Position of Veterans in American Society

3 Pages 1458 Words
On their fiftieth anniversary, my grandmother clutched onto my grandfather’s arm tightly, giving him a sad, teary-eyed smile as memories of the past five decades flashed before her eyes, “Peb kam tsim nyob ntev” (Let’s live for a long time). My grandfather, Cha S. Yang, lived in Laos during the Laotian Civil War, which lasted from 1959 to 1975. During...

The Life of a World War I Soldier: An Essay

4 Pages 1713 Words
Introduction World War I was possible because of the soldiers, and so it should be because of them we are here today. When the war began, the males were forced to depart from their beloved families to fight for their country. While it may all seem heroic and patriotic, unless being put into a position of a militant, life can...

What is Federalism? Essay

1 Page 642 Words
Introduction Federalism is explained by Elazar (1987) as a combination of ‘shared’ and ‘self’ rule whereby, the politics and people unite for common purposes while at the same time maintaining separate integrities of all parties. Federalism has varying meaning and applications in different contexts. There is no blueprint federalism, various types exist based on the purpose for their formation, degree...

The Problem of Veterans' Homelessness

4 Pages 1625 Words
There are so many situations happening in the world. One of the biggest problems we have in our community would be veterans/ people being homeless. I believe that just because someone is homeless it does not mean they are different from anyone else. We are all equal and no one is better than another. I assure that homeless people should...

Reflection on How the Australian Federal Model Fits Shangri-La

3 Pages 1174 Words
Shangri-La is a strong economical country buried inside the Kunlun Mountain. At present the Crown exercises the power and it does not have any official constitution. However, they have Legislative council (17 members), Cartons (5) and the High Court which is the higher court of appeal. All of which are appointed by Rani Plantagenet (Hereditary ruler) after Queens approval. Rani...

War Veterans Battle in Silence

2 Pages 752 Words
With no help, homelessness is escapable. It’s happening around us as I speak, so get up out of your seats and see the bigger picture. I can make a change, you can make a change, everyone can make a change. Now it’s our turn! It’s time for our community to know just how forgotten our heroes are. I speak passionately...
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