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Stop Cutting Down Trees Essay

2 Pages 1121 Words
There are many consequences for the environment of cutting down trees. Known as deforestation it has huge effects on the environment. It one very big effect is the loss of biodiversity which is a direct effect of cutting down trees. There are many reasons of which humans act out deforestation. For example is so that we can set up cattle...

How is Business Contributing to the Plastic Pollution Issue? Essay

2 Pages 845 Words
How is business contributing to the issue? About 33% of the plastic that contaminates our territory and seas are from food coverings. Today almost every aspect of our food coverings has plastic whether the potato chips packet or ice cream cup whether our favourite refreshment beverage or filtered water bottle, whether expresso coffee or carbonated drink not to forget those...

Abiotic Factors in a Coral Reef

9 Pages 3891 Words
Abstract Coral reefs are increasingly subjected to both local and global stressors, however, there is limited information on how reef organisms respond to their combined effects under natural conditions. This field study examined the growth response of the damselfish Neopomacentrus bankieri to the individual and combined effects of multiple abiotic factors. Turbidity, temperature, tidal movement, and wave action were recorded...

Great Barrier Reef Overview

4 Pages 1652 Words
The Great Barrier Reef is located off the east coast of the Queensland mainland, Australia with a latitude of -18.193182° N and longitude of 147.45079° E. The reef covers 344,400 square kilometres earning the title of world’s largest reef, containing 900 islands stretching for over 2,300 kilometres and over 2,900 individual reefs. (figure 1) The reef is under great threat...

Marine Pollution Must Be Reduced

1 Page 690 Words
Did you know that our oceans sustain human and animal life? Oceans will feed a billion, individuals a healthy meal, every day, forever . However, now the oceans are being filled and killed by throwaway plastics. Did you know that the equivalent of one garbage truck of plastic is dumped in the sea every minute. This works out to be...

Sahara Desert Essay

2 Pages 1034 Words
The Sahara Desert is the worlds largest desert area. The word Sahara comes from the Arabic word sahra, meaning desert. It extends from the Africas Atlantic Ocean side to the Red Sea and consists of the countries of Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Mauritania, Mali, Niger, Chad, and Sudan. It is about 5,200 miles long. Overall, the Sahara Desert covers...

Genetic Diversity of the Coral Reef System in the Pacific Region

5 Pages 2394 Words
There are few misconceptions about what are corals? Are they plants? Or are they animals? Coral reef are the rain forests of the sea. It is the most biologically diverse marine ecosystem, yet they only cover a small portion of the ocean floor and many of their inhabitants remain a mystery. The number of invertebrate species that live in the...

Nature, Environment and Wilderness Conservation

4 Pages 1838 Words
In recent decades, human development by means of industrialisation and colonisation has acted as a catalyst for global environmental destruction. By recognising the undesirable effects produced by various human activities, questions surrounding conserving elements of the environment have arisen. The following essay will analyse the ways in which cultural assumptions held by differing societies are intertwined within conservation efforts and...

Plastic Pollution Issue Overview

2 Pages 947 Words
As Shannon L. Alder once said, “before you call yourself a Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, Hindu, or any other theology, learn to be human first”. But what does it actually mean to be a good human? Certainly not one that normalized disastrous issues like pollution in the name of profit and convenience. The On-the-go, modern lifestyles of people have made disposable...

Oil and Gas Industry Response to Global Warming

4 Pages 1937 Words
How should the oil and gas industry respond to global warming? Global warming is a contemporary serious threat to our planet for the combustion of oil, coal, and natural gas contributes in changing the atmospheric balance of carbon dioxide, and other naturally occurring ‘trace gases’ as well as chemicals created by various oil and gas industries. Current threat to global...

Global Warming is Burning the Earth Essay

2 Pages 840 Words
Global warming - an issue that arose in the distant 20th century and also remains relevant today. For 30 years, people have been struggling with this problem. However, we still have not found the key to this dilemma. In this project, I will research the impact of global warming on our earth. I will use the secondary research to find...

Different Types of Cellular Respiration and Their Role in The Body

2 Pages 714 Words
Here is an explanation of how the different types of cell respiration, aerobic and anaerobic, can be used by skeletal muscles during exercise. Moreover, after this I’ll discuss how multiple body systems normally work together for oxygen to enter the body and reach cells. To begin with, it’s needed to know that the key systems that work hand in hand...

Why Preserve Biodiversity? Essay

1 Page 443 Words
Biodiversity is an amalgamation of two words – biological and diversity. Therefore, the definition of the term ‘biodiversity’ encompasses a large variety of living organisms coexisting in an ecosystem. Biodiversity ranges from the tiniest microbes to the largest mammal. It also includes several species of bacteria, plants, animals, and humans. The recent study discovered 8.7 million different species worldwide, out...

The Effects of Coral Bleaching

2 Pages 876 Words
In this modernized era, Earth is impacted by numerous biological dilemmas every day. One biological problem facing the world today would be the endangered ecosystems of the coral reefs. Corals are found all over the world, in both the shallow and deep parts of the ocean. However, coral reefs are only found in tropical and subtropical waters. (Knowlton, 2018). Coral...

Acid Rain as an International-Scale Issue Research Paper

1 Page 676 Words
Introduction Acid rain is a very serious environmental problem that exists today because of high-energy consumption in the industrial world. Acid rain is snow, fog, or rain that has been polluted by acid in the atmosphere. Rain is naturally acidic because carbon dioxide, found normally in the earth’s atmosphere, reacts with water to form carbonic acid. While “pure” rain’s acidity...

Acid Rain: Causes, Effects and Control

1 Page 550 Words
During normal rain pollutants are cleane . If rain fall continues rainwater clean the air from pollutants. Sulphat , ammonium and nitrate can be reduced by normal rain up to 30 to 73%. While the gases i.e. sulphur dioxide, Ammonia, Chlorine and NO2 can be decreased by 24 to 63%. The amount of NO2 in 72% areas of Lahore city...

The Case of Erin Brockovich and The Issue of Water Quality

2 Pages 813 Words
The case of Erin Brockovich took place in Hinkley, California during 1993 to 1996 against the Pacific Gas & Electric Co (PG&E). The case concerned that PG&E was using an anti-corrosive chemical called chromium 6 between 1952 and 1966. So customer advocate and environmental lobbyist, Erin Brockovich, started to look into PG&E and found out about the 370 million gallons...

Water Contamination and The Methods of Water Treatment

2 Pages 661 Words
Various regulations have been put for water quality and multiple indicators were used. Fecal contamination was and is the most widely looked for in water contaminants and Escherichia coli, a bacterial species found in all mammal feces, became the international indicator for fecal water contamination (Edberg et al. , 2000). Besides microbial contaminations, 50 % of chlorinated drinking water samples...

Formal Lab Report: the Problem of Biodiversity

1 Page 262 Words
The authors of the article chosen for the analysis focus on the problem of biodiversity and its connection to thiamine, also known as vitamin B1 deficiency. The reason for such discussion is the observation that many wildlife populations continue declining at rates, and the threats to biodiversity turn out to be the main cause. Thiamine diphosphate cannot be neglected in...

Essay About Desert Animals

1 Page 629 Words
Desert Animals Summary will throw light on the life of desert animals. Moreover, it explains how they use different unique ways for adapting to the harsh atmosphere in the deserts. It begins by telling us how deserts are the driest places on earth. The animals living in deserts have to develop their capacity to adapt. For instance, gerbils spend the...

The WWF’s Environmental Advertisement on Marine and Ocean Pollution

2 Pages 942 Words
Rhetoric and the art of persuasion are generally associated with spoken language and oratory. However, a visual image can also make a convincing point, and this is particularly applicable to social and environmental advertising. Its efficiency largely depends on the performance of all possible persuasive means, which Aristotle previously divided into logos, pathos, and ethos (Vu 31). Researchers note that...

Modeling Using HEC-HMS for a Watershed

2 Pages 689 Words
Streamflow is the major resource for management of watershed and hence estimation of rainfall runoff from the hydrological models are very useful nowadays as they provide better result without consuming more time. In the present case, rainfall runoff estimation was done for Hasan Watershed of Malaprabha River basin in Karnataka, India by using the HEC-HMS model along with the help...

Desert Biome Essay

1 Page 535 Words
When most people picture a desert, they imagine a blisteringly hot sea of sand, devoid of any living thing. While it is true that a great many deserts are hot and, at first glance, they appear to be sparsely populated, they are much more interesting than a quick look may reveal. Deserts are found all over the globe, mostly “around...

A Study of Plastic Pollution in The Pacific Ocean

2 Pages 881 Words
Over the past few decades, human activity has resulted in severely detrimental ocean pollution, affecting marine ecosystems, our communities, and the environment in general. The spread of oil, industrial/agricultural waste, and chemicals continue to harm the Pacific, but plastic remains one of the most destructive forms of pollutions, killing one million seabirds and one hundred thousand marine creatures per year,...

We Need to Start Exploring Our Own Ocean

2 Pages 792 Words
Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Alekseyevich was the first man to travel in space on April 12, 1961. Since then, hundreds of people have explored past the earth’s atmosphere. Many discoveries and advancements have been made since then. Health and medical fields have benefitted from groundbreaking technology. We now have soil samples and extensive information on Mars, a spacecraft successfully landed on...

Monitoring of Wastewater Quality: a Review

3 Pages 1291 Words
Real-time monitoring of wastewater quality remains as unresolved problem to the waste water treatment industry. In order to comply with increasingly stringent environmental regulation, plant operators as well as industrial manufactures have expressed the the need of new standard and improved comparability of existing techniques. A review of currently available methods for monitoring global organic parameters (BOD,COD,PH,DO etc) is given....

Essay on Saving Marine Life

1 Page 661 Words
One of the reasons why the issue of ocean pollution is currently relevant is marine life. In this report, I want to note the importance of the ocean's ecosystem - and to explore the factors that threaten it. I am going to research various solutions to these problems and the obstacles that are in the way. Marine biodiversity, which includes...

Have a Glimpse of the Lordly State by Opting for Desert Safari in Rajasthan

3 Pages 1194 Words
Are you interested in experiencing Arab Nights fantasies? Do you belong to a cold place and want to feel the desert heat? Or do you intend to experience freezing cold sand while sitting around the bonfire? If any of this falls true in your case, then you are craving for a desert safari in Rajasthan. You can actually treat yourself...

Impacts Of Ocean Plastic Pollutants

5 Pages 2183 Words
The first decade of 21st century has produced more plastic than the whole of the years before the start of this century [1]. Most of the plastic are single use materials, which get dumped into the ocean after their purpose. Great Pacific Garbage Patch is one of the active regions of plastic accumulation in the ocean. Every year nearly 15-51...

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