Perspective essays

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2 Pages 1112 Words
Introduction The philosophy of education is a multifaceted domain that encompasses various theories and practices, shaping the educational landscape. It is an exploration of the purpose, process, and nature of education, and it significantly influences teaching methodologies and strategies. Teacher experience is a critical component in this dialogue, as educators are the primary agents of educational philosophy in action. Through...
4 Pages 1669 Words
Animals have always been a part of humanity’s culture and throughout history their roles in society have evolved. In today’s society, some people consider their animals to be family which differs greatly from prior norms that animals were beings placed on earth to be used as resources. Why have these norms changed throughout generations? Civilizations dating back to ancient Greece...
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2 Pages 911 Words
Being in the beauty industry, you see both sides of the cosmetology field, the behind the scenes hookup off all cosmetologists endure in a lifetime. To be more specific, our bodies are in very “tense” situations in a way, we call this Ergonomics. Ergonomics is the bodies efficiency to work in certain environments and has a huge impact in cosmetology...
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1 Page 500 Words
Human nature refers to all that is natural about human life; an innate, essential and fundamental character of human beings. This essay compares the writings of Thomas Hobbes and Karl Marx through a collectivistic lens. While Marx considers consciousness as integral to human nature, Hobbes conceptualizes human nature based on the principle of equality. Marx labels humans as ‘species beings’;...
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2 Pages 917 Words
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What is cloning? There are 3 main types of cloning (Genetics Generation, n.d), Reproductive, Gene and therapeutic cloning. Gene cloning is when a copy of DNA is inserted into a vector which is then able to be copied by the host, therapeutic cloning is when stem cells are cloned to treat disease and for research and Reproductive cloning which is...
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2 Pages 778 Words
The Legalization of Marijuana has been a controversial topic for the past couple of years. In the early two-thousands, most people were against the idea. But more recent polls have shown the approval rate has increased dramatically. Some states such as California, Colorado, and Nevada have already legalized the drug along with eight other states. Much like Alcohol, weed will...
4 Pages 1857 Words
Abstract Face recognition is one of the challenging problems which suffer from practical issues like pose, expression, and illumination changes, and/or aging. Plastic surgery is one among the issues that poses great difficulty in recognizing the faces. The literature has been reported with traditional features and classifiers for recognizing the faces after plastic surgery. In order to reduce the computational...
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2 Pages 1080 Words
The word 'truth' originates from the Anglo-Saxon word 'treowe' meaning 'believed'. 'Believe' itself is from the word 'gelyfan', which means 'to esteem dear'. Etymologically, ‘truth' would be something accepted to be of some value, instead of essentially being right. 'Believe' is used in the more established sense, as in 'I believe in communism' which is different to 'I believe that...
6 Pages 2916 Words
Introduction to Affirmative Action Picture yourself being picked for PE kickball teams back in elementary school. The kid that ran the fastest and kicked the hardest would be chosen first, and then the lesser athletic kids would be chosen last. This is the same principal when being selected for a college or job. However this process has been altered with...
3 Pages 1157 Words
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Problem The legalization of Marijuana created more problems than expected. The Purpose of legalizing Marijuana was to help the ones that need it to survive. Instead, It turned into a vast usage among many in different aspects of life. The media and researchers believe that marijuana would fix many problems like lowering the incarceration rate and free up cap space...
4 Pages 1672 Words
Introduction: Forming a Personal Philosophy in Teaching My personal philosophy is still being formed and organised as I discover my way through the teaching field. I believe that it will grow and change as I explore my career and discover who I am as a teacher. As of now my philosophy is built by my personal beliefs, values and experiences...
2 Pages 1002 Words
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Gender awareness is greatly explored in Jules Vaughn’s (played by Hunter Schafer) character as a transgender, such as how her differences in roles and relations with different genders had a great impact on the show’s credibility and authenticity, as well as how her story and experiences is introduced and narrated throughout the show. Her character shows that she is different...
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3 Pages 1355 Words
William Shakespeare is one of the most famous playwrights of all time. His tragedies and poems are still read and analyzed today by many scholars and students, but what if William Shakespeare wasn’t the one to write these great works of literature? It was not William Shakespeare that wrote these works, but another scholar or playwright. The most popular candidate...
2 Pages 830 Words
An illusion happens in the mind and is the projected onto external data such as experiences or circumstances. Reality is what actually exists independent of the perceiver, it does not rely on the mind to alter it. Illusion and reality directly affect each other, an illusion could not be possible without reality. Likewise, Heart of Darkness is a book that...
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3 Pages 1494 Words
Marijuana is a plant that when ingested has psychoactive and physical effects on the body. In recent years, many people have become aware of the medicinal benefits of marijuana such as pain relief, nausea reduction, appetite stimulation, and many others. It has been used for thousands of years by humans for its medicinal benefits, with records showing its use for...
2 Pages 770 Words
Social networks have changed our ways of life, many think that for better and others for worse, but the fact is that it has been a revolution, and Instagram has been a determined actor in all this. Learn more about this social network below. Instagram is a mobile application that allows users to upload content and share their lives through...
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1 Page 431 Words
The qualifications all biotic beings meet are not met by viruses on the grounds that there is a lot that a virus is unable to do. A virion cannot maintain homeostasis, or regulate its internal processes because it does not have the anatomy to do so, simply because a virus is not made up of cells. A virion is, fundamentally,...
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5 Pages 2223 Words
Mars can be considered the future of Earth. Humans have been slowly destroying the Earth with bad habits created over time like trash pollution and global warming. Pollution is accumulating all around the world and many things like global warming is worsening, as a result, Earth may become uninhabitable. Earth will not survive if treated so horribly. People need to...
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2 Pages 724 Words
To begin with, throughout my whole life, nothing stands out more than self realization, and an accomplishment. Let me paint you a picture, image me as a 14-year-old class clown. My grades were terrible, I didn’t care for school. I would guess on every test and fail without a care. Instead, of paying attention in class, I would crack jokes...
Hard WorkPerspectiveWorkers
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6 Pages 2656 Words
A serial killing, according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), is a series of two or more murders, committed as separate events, usually, but not always, by one offender acting alone. While there may be variations in the definition of serial killing, one must not forget how serial killers have been referenced in popular culture. Since the 1970s, with...
MurderPerspectiveSerial Killer
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2 Pages 852 Words
Many people say that marijuana is harmful in many ways, including damage to the reproductive system, brain damage, and weakening of the immune system. I believe that research to support anything can be found if one is looking hard enough, but that the fallacy is due to others research seeking facts to support an assumed conclusion. Based on my research...
4 Pages 2038 Words
Introduction to Serial Killers What is a serial killer? A serial killer is someone who kills without a clear motive, but they have a behavioral pattern. When you think of serial killers you think of someone who has had an abusive parent, who have been sexually abused or physically. Did you know that some are born with a type of...
MurderPerspectiveSerial Killer
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2 Pages 868 Words
The great Robert Nesta Marley (n.d.) stated that “Herb is the healing of a nation; alcohol is the destruction of mankind”. In February 2015, the Jamaican government and lawmakers passed an act to decriminalize small amounts of marijuana. The terms decriminalization and legalization are often confused. The Oxford dictionary defines decriminalization as the removal of criminal penalties, whereas legalization is...
1 Page 470 Words
Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra (1547–1616) led a life full of adventures and riddles. He had been the victim of astonishing adversity and had become immensely resourceful in a cruel and disenchanted world. He was an innovative Spanish author, distinguished soldier and humanist. I mean, he was a man of brilliance. Cervantes' life provided him with the experiences he needed to...
Don QuixoteNovelPerspective
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3 Pages 1321 Words
With the excessive use of social media today and the growth of sport in social media, sport is constantly on the public agenda. Social media platforms such as Instagram have become a huge part of the health and fitness industry, with Instagram as the second most used social media platform and the fastest growing with over 800 million monthly users....
Body ImageMedeaPerspective
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1 Page 574 Words
Serial killers have gripped media and Hollywood for decades, becoming a subject of choice for many movies, tv shows, and documentaries. Infamous serial murderers and rapists such as Ted Bundy, Jeffery Dahmer, Charles Manson, Eileen Wuornos and many more have sparked the interest of many, and their crimes are so shocking evil that it defies society's core values, destroying the...
MurderPerspectiveSerial Killer
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2 Pages 815 Words
Introduction In recent years, educational institutions worldwide have debated the efficacy of homework as an integral component of students' learning experiences. The "No Homework Policy" has emerged as a controversial yet intriguing educational reform that seeks to eliminate traditional homework assignments. Proponents argue that this policy can alleviate student stress, promote family time, and foster a more balanced lifestyle, while...
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2 Pages 1115 Words
They stated “In 2012, 43% of Canadians reported that they had used marijuana at some time in their lives, and 12% reported using it in the past year.” (Langlois & Rotermann) As shows, the use of Marijuana used to be one of Canada’s major concern because of the consistent illegal recreational uses despite the prohibition. The government had concluded the...
2 Pages 910 Words
It is tough to make existence of humans clean and happy.Human lifestyles is not perfect. People are one of a kind - they have got special needs, desires, and critiques. That is why it's miles hard to organize lifestyles of society in the precise manner. Nevertheless, people are smart beings, and that they invented such factor as rules, the aim...
3 Pages 1547 Words
Charles Darwin put forth a theory of evolution driven by competition and natural selection, where the individual best suited for the environment will succeed while those less suited for the environment will fail. Using empirical examples from the field of evolutionary biology, I will show that species who work in groups will suppress this competition in favor of cooperation. By...
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