Perspective essays

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The truth is most pre-colonial West Africa was informed by traditional belief systems, namely the gods, and enforced by practices and taboos. Divination through oracles, the word of the paramount ruler or a decision by a council of elders represented the truth. European colonial masters introduced Christianity, the scientific method, and the Western legal system to West Africa. Islam arrived much earlier, along the trade routes from North Africa (ICG, 2010; Paden, 2005; Kenny, 1996). During colonization, both Abrahamic religions...
3 Pages 1311 Words
Nowadays, Clone is a word that a new commonly used in many contexts all around the world, especially in the United States. Scientists have discovered a way to bring back extinct animals. Many people dream to extend life for their loved ones and being able to express the hidden feelings in their minds after their loved one has disappeared from their life. The idea is that humans might someday be cloned in the future, but there is some scientific concern...
2 Pages 861 Words
“I saw a new world coming rapidly. More scientific, efficient, yes. More cures for the old sicknesses. Very good. But a harsh, cruel, world. ” (Never Let Me Go) Science. Genetics. Cloning. Human cloning. Human cloning will alter our world forever and will transform it for the worse. Science has developed throughout the years and humanity has changed drastically from new discoveries. Things like the invention of the telephone, the discovery and medical applications of penicillin, and the creation of...
6 Pages 2625 Words
Introduction: objectives of the activity : To spread awareness to society about the environment. To save the plants and the environment. To build confidence and a positive self-image. To enhance the students knowledge as well as to enhance skills. On the 8th of August 2019, from 2:00 to 4:00 pm, we conducted our major project at MSU’s U-Plaza. We decided to conduct a project related to the environment and we did our project by doing a mobile booth which meant...
5 Pages 2163 Words
Dissertation Proposal: The Glorified portrayal of drug use in the 1990s American Film In my dissertation, I will look into the reason behind the change in the way drug use was portrayed in American films from a very negative representation in 1980s films to a much more positive one in the 1990s. I will discuss political, sociological, and cultural changes that took place during that time and explain in what ways they impacted 1990s film and the depiction of drugs....
6 Pages 2534 Words
Reducing Wait for Time in Windsor-Essex Regional Hospitals Executive Summary This report outlines the profound study of major key factors causing increasing wait time in Windsor Essex region hospitals. Moreover, it provides a unique solution to address problem statements and other related problems. It also explains in what way solutions can improve the current management system of hospitals. At the outset, every individual in Canada is fed up with long wait times for basic healthcare services. An analysis from the...
5 Pages 2456 Words
Audience Analysis The study confronts the different personalities that are affected by the use of Marijuana. The government of the United States is directly influenced by the decision to legalize Marijuana as most effects are directly attached to its operations. For instance, in the changing economy or crime rates, the highest benefit will be the government. However, in terms of any adverse outcomes that crop up from legalizing Marijuana, will immensely affect government operations. The law and policymakers have for...
3 Pages 1527 Words
The purpose of the proposal Promotional media that is often used to convey information about products is advertising media. This proposal aims to offer cooperate with golf sports equipment manufacturers to market their products on our social media that focus on golf sports. The main goal is to convey to young people that golf is a sport that is relaxed, affordable, and far from being old, and fun. At the very least, a new paradigm is presented that this sport...
2 Pages 1075 Words
Introduction This essay will include a comprehensive analysis of the issue of childhood obesity. Since a child's early development, circumstances and experiences influence and define their long-term health and prospective health disparities. Thus, establishing a good start in life is a vital public health concern. It makes social and economic sense to establish programs focused on enhancing early childhood development outcomes. Over the decades, has struggled to improve its children's development prospects, particularly during their early childhood years and the...
4 Pages 1826 Words
How to make it: For the baking of cake, the first step is to preheat the oven to 350 degrees. In next step for the baking chocolate cake is to coat the ramekins. Ramekins are coated with the help of cooking spray. Sprinkle the ramekins with 3 tablespoon sugar. In the third step for this take a bowl and then add 1/4 cup,1 tablespoon sugar,1/2 cup water,2 tablespoon butter, and egg yolks also in it. For the complete combination stir...
1 Page 470 Words
Research Proposal Background of the Problem The shortage of organs is virtually a universal problem but Asia lags behind much of the rest of the world. India lags far behind other countries even in Asia. It is not that there aren't enough organs to transplant. Nearly every person who dies naturally, or in an accident, is a potential donor. Even then, innumerable patients cannot find a donor. Over the years, the number of deceased donors has witnessed a threefold increase....
4 Pages 1781 Words
Since the advent of social media, the landscape of our day-to-day conversations has been alternated tremendously. Social media became a platform for us to easily keep in touch with our friends and family, or meet new friends online while speeding up our communication as they are only one text away. However, a study published in 1998 looking into the phenomenon of social media contributing to social isolation, following 169 people during the first two years of their Internet use, found...
1 Page 512 Words
Abstract Teratogenic influences on the fetal brain caused by illicit drug use can be potentially deadly. We can state that children exposed to drug usage in utero can be victims of child abuse and maltreatment. The purpose of this research paper is to describe the effects on children who are born to mothers that are heavily addicted to drugs and study how a child’s language is affected. Applying Bowlby’s theory of attachment I will uncover the struggles mothers face bonding...
5 Pages 2393 Words
Be yourself. How many times have you heard that phrase? It sounds so simple, but it is a lot harder than people make it out to be. Over the past decades, being gay was something no one talked about. Many young LGTBQ people hide their true selves from friends, family, and society before they come out, which can often be an isolating experience. This sense of isolation can take a toll on our mentality and can be hard to shake...
2 Pages 1103 Words
Introduction As we all know, a voting age is the minimum age established by law that a person must attain before they become eligible to vote in a public election. Today, the most common voting age is 18 years; however, voting ages as low as 16 and as high as 25 currently exist. Most countries have set a minimum voting age, often set in their constitution. In a number of countries voting is compulsory for those eligible to vote, while...
6 Pages 2519 Words
Adonis and Aphrodite is a basic story from Greek mythology that touches on matters such as love, lust, and rejection. Adonis is the deadly embodiment of masculinity who has conquered the heart of the goddess of love Aphrodite. But, as so often, it inevitably did. Is the entirety going wrong with this lovely couple? Let's find out together. It is said that Adonis was once born from the illegal union between King Theias of Smyrna and his daughter Myrrha, caused...
2 Pages 780 Words
This simple life-changing truth changes a few lives due to people’s narcissism. We are divided because we perceive ourselves to be different and our perception becomes reality, we are divided because the complexities of one's stories are turned into sound bites; instead of being exemplified by their stories, they became characterized into a single word. Where a black child becomes a thug, Asians become terrible drivers, blondes are just dumb, and Hispanics are aliens who don’t belong. It comes to...
1 Page 671 Words
Development of Digital Gaming Platforms History Brown Box The first gaming console created was the “Brown Box” in 1967 and the creator of this gaming masterpiece was Ralph H Baer. It consisted of discrete transistor-based digital games. Such games as ping pong, checkers, and chess only needed very basic programming logic. The console had a limited number of graphical colors basically black and white and the sound system was also very limited as it did not have any internal speakers...
5 Pages 2096 Words
Other ways to become a Fair Foods activist other than “voting with your fork” could be becoming more engaged citizens and taking action to help change current large policies and institutional practices. People can also try to eat seasonally and locally, while also shopping more sustainably and organically. Eating and shopping locally reduces the transportation of goods, which helps support the local economy. Another way that can help is to purchase free-range or grass-fed beef. These practices are more sustainable,...
2 Pages 796 Words
Anxiety is a very bad thing to have. You can never get out in public because it scares you. You are afraid of people, you don't like meeting people that you don't know, and you don't do sports, cause you don't like big crowds. My grandpa passed away in 2014, we had just started getting close, he was in the hospital for a while and then finally he told them that he was ready to go. So then they turned...
4 Pages 1948 Words
In order to understand the biomechanics of pitching, one must be able to define biomechanics kinesiology, and velocity. The purpose of biomechanics is to study mechanical laws relating to the movement of muscular activity. Biomechanics is sometimes known as a form of kinesiology since it is applied to physical activity, exercise, and sports. The definition for kinesiology is “the study of the acquisition of motor skills, the mechanical aspects of movement, and the body’s responses to physical activity (Webster's Dictionary).”...
2 Pages 1090 Words
Abstract One in four women will suffer from depression at some point in their life. “Depression is the leading cause of disease-related disability among women in the world today.” (Kessler, 2003) 'In the United States, there are about 15 million people suffering.'(2009, February). Young teenage females are more likely to become depressed than young teenage males. In early childhood, males are at the same risk as girls but are unlikely to suffer from depression in early childhood. Depression is very...
4 Pages 2136 Words
Most of the time we see stories in the media about children being bullied at school by their peers, but what about bullying that occurs amongst healthcare professionals? More specifically the bullying we see in the operating room. Working in the OR for the last 9.5 years I have heard stories about or witnessed bullying, physical assaults, and lateral and sexual harassment. Bullying is unacceptable and should not be tolerated in an environment where lives are at stake. Bullying in...
3 Pages 1294 Words
As the land of the free, did you know that America is ranked number 7, out of all the 45 countries worldwide that allow capital punishment, for how many executions they had carried out in 2018? America’s rank has gone down since 2013, being ranked number 5 then, but we still have 30 countries that condone the death penalty, and that adds to that staggering rank. According to FindLaw’s team of legal writers, “The early history of death penalty laws...
7 Pages 3157 Words
Knowledge is a necessity, much like food and water. People need to eat and drink to maintain good health and survive, but they also need to be enlightened on life's amazing truths and harsh realities. Education has provided the knowledge to create physically and philosophically, with skyscrapers that are almost a hundred meters tall and the continuous building of quantum theory as evidence of how much power the human mind contains. Without education, any information needed to sustain the high...
4 Pages 1864 Words
This may sound very archaic but: 'What is the use of man winning the world, if he loses his soul?' This phrase repeated endlessly, even on the big screen, can be applied to Disney standards and its new live-action remakes, increasingly referred to as dry remakes, as in the case of 'The Lion King' (The Lion King, 2019). The level of hyperrealism and visual perfection that director Jon Favreau's film reaches is from another world but along the way, the...
4 Pages 1839 Words
Part 1 :Introduction Problem statement: Students will be able to investigate the effects of distilled water and different concentrations of sugar solutions on the length of potato chips. Hypothesis: If the solution that the potato chip will be in has a high concentration of water, then the potato chip will increase in size/length. If the solution that the potato will be in has a low concentration of water, then the potato chip will decrease in size/length. Explaining the hypothesis: The...
3 Pages 1482 Words
Introduction There are 197 countries in the world[footnoteRef:1] in 2019, out of which 126 countries are classified as developing countries[footnoteRef:2]. These countries are characterized by being less developed industrially and having a lower Human Development Index when compared to other countries[footnoteRef:3]. However, developing countries do have the potential for high growth and security when evaluating factors including the standard of living, gross domestic product, and per capita income[footnoteRef:4]. Foreign aid, which is the international transfer of capital, goods, or services,...
4 Pages 1880 Words
Reading- it’s something you do on a daily basis. You’re doing it right now, but reading can be hard. According to Rebecca Silverman, an associate professor of education at Stanford Graduate School of Education, “[reading] is not a natural phenomenon. There’s no specific region of the brain for reading or writing. Through evolution, humans have hijacked other parts of the brain – auditory, visual – and combined them into a network of channels to develop the ability to read and...
5 Pages 2260 Words
Teaching is hard work, and some teachers will never be better than mediocre people. They only pose minimum requirements, nothing more. However, excellent teachers work tirelessly to create a challenging training environment for their students. Good teaching seems to have nothing to do with our knowledge and skills but with our attitude toward students, our subjects, and our work. Although this list is certainly not exhaustive, I have summarized some of the most important characteristics of what I believe to...
1 Page 624 Words

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