Philosophical Theories essays

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Major Contributors Of Enlightenment Movement

2 Pages 933 Words
The eighteenth century was a period of Enlightenment as well as an intellectual movement and was known as the age of reason. Many philosophers contributed to the term Enlightenment because it was the awakening to a new outlook on life. Intellectuals realized that they could come up with theories and logic on their own without the guidance of another. The...

The Principles Of Transcendentalism In The Works Of Henry David Thoreau

4 Pages 1650 Words
Transcendentalism arose as an American philosophical movement in the early nineteenth century. Similar to romanticism, transcendentalists share a deep respect for nature and the individual. The movement emphasizes transcendence, or going beyond. In addition, transcendentalists strive to be self reliant and divine. During the development of Transcendentalism, America was facing a dichotomy. On one hand the nation was growing and...

Euthanasia: Christian Deontological And Utilitarian Physician Ethics

5 Pages 2232 Words
The aim of this paper is to compare and contrast the various viewpoints of Christian deontology and utilitarian physician with regards to euthanasia. Euthanasia involves termination of the life of an individual to relieve them from their suffering due to terminal illness. The act of euthanasia as sparked a lot of debate among philosophers who have deontological and utilitarian perceptions....

Human Genetic Engineering Under Utilitarianism And Deontology

3 Pages 1570 Words
There are many ethical issues that are currently occurring. One topic that is talked about currently is the idea of genetic engineering in people. While genetic engineering can provide benefits to people with genetic illness, it is not ethically accepted under many forms of ethical traditions. Because genetic engineering only benefits a select group of people, it is often times...

Emily Dickinson Transcendentalism

1 Page 671 Words
Transcendentalism is a philosophy that asserts the primacy of the spiritual and transcendental over the material and empirical (Merriam-Webster Dictionary). Emily Dickinson, a famous poet of the 19th century and a devout fan of Transcendentalism, in her poems, she presents ideas that diverge from those present in the essay “Where I Lived, And Where I Live For” written by Thoreau....

Nationalism Predisposition To Ethnic Conflicts, Terrorism And National Division

1 Page 526 Words
Nationalism originated in England and France in the 18th century. Since then, it has had an inestimable influence on world history. Every coin has two sides, even it has existed for a long time, doesn’t mean we can underestimate the disadvantage of it. Nationalism is prone to ethnic conflict. Different nations have their own interests, so conflicts will inevitably occur...

The End Of Humanity: The Animal Bill Of Rights

2 Pages 1065 Words
The Animal Legal defense fund has a petition for increased protection for the rights of animals established in 1979. Animals have been mistreated by humanity by researchers who test beauty products on animals to ensure that they can be sold and use by humans. Society uses these beauty products without regret to the damage done to animals, torturing animals each...

Functionalist Perspective on Homelessness

1 Page 417 Words
Reviewed double_ok
Life brings along a lot of good and bad affairs. However, we try to focus on the good which brings us happiness, but the bad affair sometimes tends to ruin the good times. One of the bad affairs that society today faces is homelessness. Homelessness can be defined as not having a fixed roof over one’s head or living in...

Ancient Political Philosophy: Plato And Aristotle

3 Pages 1394 Words
Ancient political philosophy was mainly based on the premise that human potential is fulfilled in the Polis and on the citizen life itself. It encompassed ethics, justice, and politeia, (constitutions) thus implying how society is or how it should be organized (M. Lane, 2018). From that period many of the most relevant concepts and works came from the all-time most...

Humanity And Life In The Fictional Stories The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas And The Library Of Babel

4 Pages 1691 Words
Fictional stories play an important role in our lives, they allow the audience to experience things that are thought to be impossible as well as provide a deeper understanding of many life questions which non-fictional stories can’t seem to cover. Throughout this term, we have covered multiple fictional stories with many forcing the audience to think outside what we know...

Transcendentalism As One Of The Main Philosophical Movements Of 18th Century

2 Pages 834 Words
During the 18th century in the north, several philosophical movements were beginning to occur. One in particular happening during the market revolution was the Transcendentalism movement. It involved the combination of European Romanticism and the lifestyles of the United States. Just like other movements happening, this one started with one person and grew by people agreeing with that one person,...

The Principles Of Existentialism

2 Pages 1086 Words
The clarity that can be found through following the principles of existentialism allows people to find their way in the world around them as well as allowing them to find meaning in the life they’ve been given. It strips away the veil of positivity and removes the idea of fate, forcing people to face the world’s trials and create a...

Concepts Of Ethical Leadership And Their Potential

3 Pages 1125 Words
Leadership literature has not remained the same as over the years it has been developed by various researchers and there has been a strong belief that leadership is something that is modifiable as there is a transformation constantly happening in the way people think over the years. The principal theories appeared throughout the 19th century such as the Great Man...

The Peculiarities Of Existentialism And Empiricism

4 Pages 1645 Words
INTRODUCTION In this essay I am going to look nor talk about the following: Existentialism basically implies the meaning of life, how one specify life as per his/her discoveries. Existentialism enable people to experience their lives without worrying over the desires for the world since this specific philosophical point of view does not have a particular clarification or desires on...

The Themes Of Individualism In 1984 By George Orwell

2 Pages 696 Words
In George Orwell’s book 1984, we are taken to the year 1984 in a futuristic totalitarian state. We experience this ‘new’ society through the main character, Winston Smith. Winston is portrayed in the story as an average man living in Oceania and working for the government in the Ministry of Truth. Even his surname, Smith, which is the most common...

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