Philosophy essays

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Philosophy of Life in Knowledge of Oneself

2 Pages 731 Words
We all know that we have a different understanding about philosophy but for me philosophy is about knowing yourself. There are many philosophers but among those philosophers Socrates is the one who really drawn my reflections in life`s realities or experiences and also my view in life. He is the Father of Western Philosophy in the Western Era. Socrates thought...

Freedom as a Philosophy of Life

1 Page 555 Words
Each person has own different philosophy in life. It will depend on the experience we have in life. There are people will have seen life in the same way but no one will be exactly similar philosophy in life. The way we have experience in life has changes, it may think once but it will change again. So, I will...

My Philosophy of Life: ‘I Think; Therefore I am’

2 Pages 752 Words
Philosophy, etymologically, came from the word ‘Philos’ which means love and ‘Sophia’ which means wisdom. Hence, it literally means love of wisdom. There are certain individuals that engage in philosophy called philosophers, that is, a lover of wisdom. These individuals, called philosophers, are the people who question the very being and origin of Man. They are trying to know and...

Analysis of Albert Camus' Idea of the Absurd in the Context of Physicians' Professional Activity

5 Pages 2401 Words
Viktor Frankyl, a holocaust survivor recounts his time in Aushwitz in his book, ‘Man’s Search for Meaning’. He found that while himself and others suffered through one of the greatest tribulations in history, they were still able to find meaning among the suffering and thus were building resilience against ungodly misery. Frankyl believed that by changing one’s attitude of suffering,...

‘The Metamorphosis’: Masks, Strangers and the Existential Anxiety

4 Pages 1864 Words
'I am separated from all things by a hollow space...and I do not even reach to its boundaries” - Kafka‘s diaries. It is no wonder that Kafka felt such a hollowness between himself and everything around him, considering that he existed within a monotonous, traditional, patriarchal and a habitual society. Such anxiety and separation from meaningfulness in life has not...

Ayn Rand's Moral Model of Objectivism in Approaching Students

1 Page 584 Words
Ayn Rand stated in her essay 'Causality versus Duty': “God said: Take what you want, and pay for it”. As a student of IE, we are all aspiring a professional career, life-enhancing moments, relationships, and happiness in general. In my opinion, Rand’s moral model of objectivism is a necessary approach for our pursuit as a student. She explained in her...

The Influence of Romanticism and the Enlightenment on Decision Making in Mary Shelley’s 'Frankenstein'

2 Pages 699 Words
In Mary Shelley’s ‘Frankenstein’, Victor Frankenstein runs away from his newly animated monster. Appalled by his creation, he collapses into a months-long fever while Henry Clerval takes care of him. This passage takes place during a pivotal part of the novel when Clerval and Frankenstein both spend the summer studying Oriental languages. It is a turning point for Frankenstein as,...

Personal Identification with Transcendentalism

1 Page 655 Words
To me, transcendentalism explores the pursuit of endless happiness and adventure. After observing the actions and beliefs of the infamous Chris McCandless, I can connect through our shared urge and fantasy of traveling isolated in the innocent, tranquil wilderness. After years of elongated education to please society, McCandless felt as if his true path to success was exploring the great...

The Rise Of Robots

5 Pages 2182 Words
The word ‘robot’ can be defined as “a machine that can navigate through and interact with the physical world of factories, warehouses, battlefields and offices” (Brynjolfsson & McAfee, 2014). To famously quote Warren Bennis, “The factory of the future will have two employees, a man and a dog. The man will be there to feed the dog. The dog will...

Malala Yousafzai's Character Traits and Personal Ethics

2 Pages 915 Words
Malala Yousafzai is an advocate for girls’ right to education, where at the age of only 11 years old she decided to speak on behalf of nearly 60 million children around the world who do not have the freedom to go to school. In 2008, Taliban militants enforced strict rules on the population in northwest Pakistan stopping women from shopping,...

Anne Bradstreet’s and Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Views on the Developing Puritan Society

2 Pages 1139 Words
In 1630, the Puritans made their initial voyage to America, they possessed high goals and ideals in the hope that their future settlement at Massachusetts Bay would become a “city upon a hill”. The utopia settlement envisioned by the Puritans was supposed to serve as an example for the rest of the world in what proper living was. In Anne...

Stoicism and Epicureanism as the Foundation of Modern University Education

1 Page 542 Words
Today, many people think that the way of study in the universities is quite different now from the idea that uses in, for example, epicurean or stoics schools. I believe that the background of today's education was laid definitely at the time of Ancient Greece. Epicurus divides philosophy into three interconnected parts — canonic (theory of knowledge), physic (theory of...

The American Enlightenment in the Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin

2 Pages 712 Words
American Enlightenment was a very important period in American history. Not only because it was a time of intellectual flourishing and education, but more importantly, because it led to the American Revolution. It was a period, when human main interest shifted from simply believing in and relying on Gods superiority, to focusing on self-development and self-reliance. We can easily observe...

The Problem of the Materialistic Nature of American Society

2 Pages 904 Words
As time goes by the American dream is becoming exceedingly materialistic. I believe that the Americans have always been materialistic to a greater or lesser extent, but I’m very sure when I say, that the world has never been as materialistic as these recent years. If we take a look back in time people aspired of having a job that...

The Idea of Nihilism

2 Pages 711 Words
Philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche, claiming the death of God, forced the largest announcement upon the Western culture. The world that was built by faith, all of a sudden became irrelevant of all its value. Years of being reliant on a divine being to explain our existence, our society was advancing and discovering new information about the world we live in. In...

Personal View on the Philosophy of Education and Its Main Purpose

5 Pages 2121 Words
Introduction to the Philosophy of Education Education may be described as a collective and a social manner which incorporate skills, beliefs, attitudes and philosophies. The triumph and enhancement of education result in the appropriate society. So, the purpose of education is to inculcate in children the knowledge, skills and values required for them to convey tremendous adjustments in their life...

Essay on Robots in the Future

2 Pages 971 Words
Reviewed double_ok
Before knowing about the future of robotics, let’s understand what is robotics? Robotics is a branch of engineering that deals with synergy mechanics, computer science, information science and electronics. Robotics deals with the construction, design and control system for controlling movements of robot by perceiving the environment. The idea of robot was first introduced in a movie. The first ever...

Analysis of Puritan Thought and Ideology on the Example of Anne Bradstreet's and Edward Taylor's Works

3 Pages 1180 Words
Puritans sought reform from the Church of England, due to its likeness to the Roman Catholic Church. They wanted to separate the church to be autonomous. Therefore, to escape persecution from England, they escaped to the new land. Because they were some of the first authors in a newly founded America, they brought along their religious beliefs to the new...

Personal Values and Ethics

1 Page 462 Words
We are living in a society where the ‘values’ are a fundamental part of it, to be able to have a decent quality life in your social, family and professional life. The values we have are very important, now days they demonstrate and distinguish the person you are and are becoming. The values we learn since we were little until...

Albert Camus's The Myth of Sisyphus Essay

3 Pages 1039 Words
Introduction The renowned French philosopher Albert Camus wrote the provocative piece "The Myth of Sisyphus" in 1942. This ground-breaking study explores the complex philosophical issues of life's purpose and absurdity. The Greek tale of Sisyphus, who was doomed to carry a rock uphill for eternity to watch it roll back down, serves as the basis for the essay. Sisyphus represents...

Different Philosophical Views on Morality and Moral Values

5 Pages 2142 Words
Immanuel Kant has been one of the more famous and influential philosophers from the last few centuries. He has influenced the minds of other philosophers from the past or present with his ideas in philosophy. His major contributions in philosophy have been to the topics of metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, and aesthetics to name just a few. He has been one...

Tralfamadorian Life Philosophy as an Earthling Doctrine

6 Pages 2597 Words
Introduction to Tralfamadorian Philosophy Philosophy of life is an informal concept that varies in meaning among differing societies as well as the individuals within them. In Kurt Vonnegut’s ‘Slaughterhouse Five’, fictional World War II soldier Billy Pilgrim is allegedly abducted by aliens and taken to the planet Tralfamadore where he subsequently learns about Tralfamadorian life philosophy while being held captive....

Albert Camus’ Idea of the Absurd Life

1 Page 624 Words
Camus’ entire philosophy is based on the idea of the absurd life. He argued that life is essentially meaningless. He started his argument on the absurdity of life with the statement “There is only one truly serious philosophical problem, and that is suicide”. For others, a life without meaning is a life not worth living, and this statement by Camus...

My Personal Ethical Approach

2 Pages 945 Words
Since the beginning of this class, I have changed so much. Before enrolling into PADM 411, I did not know how much ethics meant in the public and private sector. Throughout this course, my knowledge of ethics as well as my approach to ethics has changed. I have become more knowledgeable about the different approaches to ethics and have gained...

Predetermined Punishment in Salem Village

2 Pages 1033 Words
Salem, a city along the northeast coast of Massachusetts, is infamously known for its dark history of the prosecution of witches during the 17th century. Long before the witch hunt, the Puritian village firmly believed in the supernatural. As their strength in the worship of God was strong, they also believed that the Devil was real. In 1692, Puritan belief...

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