Public School essays

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3 Pages 1332 Words
With the influence of globalization, except for educational efficiency, filed of education should also focus on the core value of social equity and justice. In the 1970s, various advanced European and American countries have advocated the code concept of social value, such as “righteousness”, “equality” and so on. In order to pursue an equal code value, educational polities among every...
2 Pages 708 Words
In recent years, substance abuse and habits have become an epidemic. Many students have easy access to or are peer-pressured into addictive substances, alcohol, and drugs. The constant use of these substances leads to troubled students who can possess criminal behaviors, violence, and a withdrawing interest in education. This current and prevalent social issue can be controlled through the supportive...
1 Page 673 Words
In 1630, the Puritans colonized Massachusetts Bay. They were the first to implement a dress code among themselves. “Impure” clothing such as ripped clothing were forbidden. Today, dress codes are built on this anti-democratic foundations. Many believe that dress codes create a safer environment and reduce distractions, but this is false. Dress codes are sexist, vague, regulate students voices and...
2 Pages 792 Words
When people think of the word “bullying” most people think of someone in school getting picked on by a group of kids or one individual, but the real truth is that bullying has been happening for hundreds of years in countless ways. Humans have always felt the need to lower people in some way, shape, or form to make themselves...
2 Pages 997 Words
As part of the Jefferson County Code of Conduct, the school dress code has always been a major concern with the administration and students in Shades Valley/JCIB. I, and many other females, have experienced shame because of the clothes we wear. I assume that this is because the administration believes that feminine clothing would cause a distraction and make male...
2 Pages 991 Words
The World Health Organization defines violence as ‘’The intentional use of physical power or force, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group of people or community, which either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, psychological harm, deprivation, maldevelopment or death’’. School violence In the perspective of above mentioned definition, school violence...
2 Pages 1031 Words
What do we today share with the most primitive Homo Sapiens? -Questions and seeking for answers. Going back to the very beginning and their beliefs, we can see why they thought everything was caused by some higher force of life. They could not explain it in any other way. People have come a long way since then, and we now...
1 Page 650 Words
According to ESPN: Hidden demographics of youth sports by Bruce Kelley and Carl Carchia, “Twenty-one point five million kids between two and seventeen played sports in 2011”- and twenty-one point five million kids loved it. People have been arguing about whether or not to exclude sports from schools. People are arguing this for reasons such as injuries and costs. This...
4 Pages 1808 Words
Heart racing, hands sweating, and thoughts running a mile a minute are just naming a few of the crippling symptoms that is anxiety. Anxiety comes in many forms, but they can all be debilitating nonetheless. It has a negative impact on education and can be detrimental to one’s health. It is the leading cause of underachievement and prevents students from...
2 Pages 865 Words
1. Introduction Violence in schools has become the most problematic issue education faces today. School violence is a global phenomenon and it is not only present in South African schools. Violence has increased and the severity thereof is constantly rising in South African schools. The question is raised on how the increasing violence in schools can be stopped. Corporal punishment...
3 Pages 1294 Words
Having a positive impact on students is what almost all teachers are committed to . They usually declare that: “I want my students get into responsible citizens. I need my students to help society in an active, involved way.” Or maybe, “I want my pupils to change the world.” But just how many teachers know how to make that happen?...
9 Pages 4123 Words
Introduction A school is an educational institution designed to provide learning spaces and learning environments for the teaching of students or pupils under the direction of teachers. A school should be a safe place where learners can learn freely and never fear for their lives. The recent year has redefined all these definitions in South Africa when numerous cases of...
2 Pages 970 Words
In a traditional approach to school discipline, the enquiry is one of blame and punishment. This retributive approach, initially described as a ‘quick fix’, does not provide significant evidence that this tactic leads to the required change of behaviour (Blum, McNeeley & Rinehart, 2002). A restorative approach, on the other hand, is focused on helping to realize the impact of...
3 Pages 1595 Words
To homeschool your child or children or send them to public school? That is a question that perplexes numerous parents nowadays. Homeschooling is an allowable option for parents in every state. “Homeschooling provides an alternative form of education that allows parents to bypass the public school system by teaching their children at home”(The learning economy 74). Homeschooling has many pros...
1 Page 498 Words
Reviewed double_ok
Introduction A cell phone is an electronic device. The device has many uses including social networking, gaming, productivity and entertainment. Cell phones should not be banned for students, especially in 10th, 11th and 12th grades, because they can be used for school work and are a cheaper alternative for laptops. Banning cell phones for students will not stop them using...
1 Page 615 Words
Schooling in the United States Summarize the purposes of schooling in the Spring chapter The purposes of schooling are determined by elected officials. Therefore, they always have a political bearing. The primary goal of schooling is to educate people on similar patriotic and political values as a way of ensuring there is no unrest in society. Also, as education increases...
1 Page 607 Words
The recreational use of drugs is an under-recognized cause of mortality and incidence of disease among children in this society now. This issue becomes more priority to solve by the government because will lead to serious public health problems. However, children now still want to try drugs at any time without parental control although parents, schools, and the federal government...
2 Pages 910 Words
Case Study This study that was conducted is about the conditions the equipment and facilities in athletics, intramural programs, and physical education are in. From the study that was conducted, four trends emerged. The four trends are as follows: 1. In comparison with the 14 equipment cases, the larger number of 60 facility cases is significant, 2. The number of...
4 Pages 1907 Words
High schools are the building blocks for our careers. This is the time in our lives when we discover our key interest in who we want to become and what we want to do for the rest of our lives. However, this is not always the case. There is a major crisis in high school education that is affecting student...
1 Page 668 Words
Introduction In a world increasingly conscious of health and nutrition, the role of a school nutritionist stands out as both vital and transformative. My passion for food and health intertwines with a deep-seated desire to help others, especially children, in making informed dietary choices. Nutrition in schools is more than just meal planning; it's a gateway to influencing young minds...
4 Pages 1706 Words
Dreams are fascinating. When you sleep, you come up with a scenario in your head. It is almost like a movie. You can have a nightmare, like a scary movie. You can also have funny dreams, romantic dreams, or sad dreams. Do dreams come true? Some people do believe that if the dream is realistic enough, it can come true....
2 Pages 718 Words
If Thomas Jefferson was alive today he would not agree with what the Trump administration stated or realized about education priorities and religious freedom. Trump is all for the idea of everyone having equal education as for Jefferson is not so much. Thomas Jefferson’s point on education is that he did not want to go out and have a state-wide...

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