Studying at School

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Essay on High School Vs College Compare and Contrast

Transitioning from excessive college to college, while pleasing and exciting, can additionally be very challenging. It is an enormous milestone in one's existence due to the fact a scholar will either adjust to or struggle. There are many differences yet positive similarities as well, which will no longer sense as if the university is a new environment. The extra organized a pupil is to face any obstacles, the more successful they are in the long run, as they are exclusive...
2 Pages 868 Words

Essay on First Day of High School

The day started off like any other ordinary school day at Westfield High. The students were all split into their social groups just like any other high school; The ‘plastic’ girls are sitting at their table, smothered in make-up, dressed up in inappropriate clothing, and trying to make themselves noticed, the Jocks are out on the oval training for football meanwhile the girls are checking them out, the cheerleaders are on the oval, practicing their routine for the upcoming game,...
2 Pages 752 Words

Essay on Benefits of Dropping out of High School

Say Linda drops out in tenth grade she has to work her whole life in whatever job she can find. It wouldn't be easy work either it would be hard labor. So, thirty years go by and she has carpal tunnel and her arms are weaker. She can't stop working because she will be homeless. 10 years later her arms give out She's living in an old person's home that her kids decided would be best for her. She is...
1 Page 548 Words

Essay Last Day of High School

I took out my earphones, stepping into the school that was just like a second home to me. My then-happy spirits slowly emptied from me like a child after someone stole its candy. I watched as my fellow Year Sixes spread their arms out wide, letting anyone sign their Graduation jackets and t-shirts that we’d held on to so affectionately for the year. My friends had yet to arrive, causing me to text them as much as possible. I couldn’t...
2 Pages 705 Words

My Freshman Year of High School: Personal Narrative Essay

If ever described my freshman year of high school, I would choose the word 'growth', both physical growth and academic growth as well as a building me as a different person from middle school. To be clear, my moving from middle school to high school wasn’t the most exciting. I was used to getting A’s in all my classes, always getting praised by my teachers, and having my school easy to handle without worrying. The first week of high school...
1 Page 676 Words

Middle School Memories of My First Track Meet: Personal Narrative Essay

With my sapped body completely drained at 6:30 a.m., a sudden thought comes to mind: 'Why am I doing this?'. There was a glare from the rising sun entering my bedroom. The room itself was musty, and it was almost as if the humidity in the air from that morning could suffocate me. I am hit with inertia as I start to open my eyes in my snug warm bed. Beads of sweat were dripping down my forehead. It was...
1 Page 662 Words

Essay on the Benefits of Being a Teacher in an Elementary School

Teaching is considered one of the best careers in the United States, especially elementary school teaching, and this is because elementary teachers are tasked with the responsibility of ensuring that students have a solid foundation. This solid foundation is fundamental as it is the one that ensures the future success of students. Lack of a solid foundation in elementary school is likely to negatively affect students' academic performance as they continue to further their education. In her article, Elizabeth Manno...
2 Pages 857 Words

School Facilities and Their Influence on Students' Academic Performance: Essay

Studies in the 20th century have proven that the satisfaction of employees in the office workplace greatly affects their productivity. Similarly, studies in the late 1900s and early 2000s have proven that several classroom factors affect student satisfaction, which also affects their academic performance. These studies proved that factors like temperature, lighting, and air quality have significant impacts on student performance. For example, Harner (1974) found out in his analysis that reading and mathematics skills are adversely affected by temperatures...
2 Pages 716 Words

Inductive Essay on Parents Role in Education

“At the end of the day, the most overwhelming key to a child’s success is the positive involvement of parents”- Jane D. Hull Parents have always played a great role in the lives of their children. They are always present for support and guidance. That is why it is very important for them to get involved in their children's education process. Parent engagement can directly affect the child's behavior, attitude, and academic outcome. Gina and Ronal (2014), described the parents...
1 Page 647 Words

My First Day of Middle School as the First Social Expression of My Religious Identity: Personal Narrative Essay

I examined my outfit once again, insatiate. It was all wrong. The ensemble I had picked the night before no longer looked cute. I looked into the mirror. My hair was knotted up from all of the tossings and turning from my restless night’s sleep. Normally I would let my brush battle my hair to tame the unruly waves, but today I simply tied the mess into a bun. I carefully placed the hijab on my head. I had carelessly...
1 Page 653 Words

Classroom Management in Primary School: Critical Reflective Essay

Without a doubt, classroom management is the key to success in any classroom because learning is compromised without it. It plays a part in all of the Teachers’ Standards. Classroom management is a major concern for teachers and is a challenge across all school phases. Training is very important. It involves reflecting on your own approach, trying a new approach and reviewing progress over time. In this essay, I am going to discuss various approaches to classroom management, based on...
4 Pages 1672 Words

Evaluation Essay on Homeschooling

The teacher qualification of American homeschoolers is a key issue that concerns the survival of homeschoolers and a new battlefield in the battle of teacher education paths. Supporters of the professionalization of teacher education believe that home-school parents should meet the same standards and requirements as public school teachers. Home-schoolers argue the opposite. The homeschooling movement arose in the United States in the 1950s as a free educational choice movement. Since the beginning of this movement, this kind of family...
3 Pages 1398 Words

Argumentative Persuasive Essay on School Uniforms

Inequalities surrounding school uniforms Compared to places of employment, schools have a far more equal dress code. Due to the government's overall encouragement, many secondary schools in the United Kingdom have chosen a 'blazer and tie' uniform. These items of clothing are typically allocated to both boys and girls when in a co-educational school environment, to ensure each gender is treated fairly by the school uniform requirements. This is because when some schools initially only required boys to wear ties...
3 Pages 1178 Words

Argumentative Essay on Homeschooling

Terrible schooling will cripple your children's alternatives. They simply may result in lousy work or surviving in your basements. Exactly what can you do to be certain the kids are well-informed effectively? Homeschooling is an excellent response to this. This write-up will give you some tips about homeschooling your children. Routine discipline outings with some other homeschoolers in your area. The kids can have and socialize by entertaining and performing it. It's also a wonderful way to reduce bills since...
2 Pages 1111 Words

Argumentative Essay about Music

Throughout America, schools are suffering from nationwide budget cuts. Unfortunately, music programs are victims of the devastating blow. Many children are being forced to take lessons outside of school which can be financially difficult for a family. Taking music programs out of schools can affect a child both in and out of the educational system. Budget cuts are affecting American education in more ways than just music. “…120 school districts” were forced to minimize education and remove a day of...
4 Pages 1703 Words

Persuasive Essay about Community Gardens for Schools

Other ways to become a Fair Foods activist other than “voting with your fork” could be becoming more engaged citizens and taking action to help change current large policies and institutional practices. People can also try to eat seasonally and locally, while also shopping more sustainably and organically. Eating and shopping locally reduces the transportation of goods, which helps support the local economy. Another way that can help is to purchase free-range or grass-fed beef. These practices are more sustainable,...
2 Pages 796 Words

Informative Essay on Physical Education in School

Imagine being an elementary student who is told that they will no longer have recess or physical education. Instead, that time will be devoted to more time in the classroom. If you are like me, this news would be crushing as recess and physical education were the highlight of my school day. Schools are now taking time away from physical activity to help children understand more complex topics in the classroom. According to Kenneth Ginsburg, “A 1989 survey taken by...
3 Pages 1536 Words

Free Memoir Essay on High School

Back in my high school years,when I used to hear the word leadership,my brain will automatically shift toward the concepts of excessive dominance and seduction of an individual that is usually the strongest mentally and socially over a group of people that are referred to as followers,That visualization made me think that being a leader is all about being the loudest guy in the crowd, and in order to lead people, you need to make them fear and obey you...
1 Page 698 Words

We Need to Stop School Shooting: Persuasive Speech

The Santa Clarita school shooting is one of the many school shootings that has devastatingly impacted lives in the United States this year alone. The Santa Clarita school shooting is another nightmare that became a reality. A student attending a California high school named Nathaniel Berhaw killed and injured some of his classmates. Gracie Muehlberger who was fifteen years old and fourteen- year old Dominic Blackwell were murdered by Nathaniel Berhaw. Three other students were transported to the hospital due...
1 Page 682 Words

Stoneman Douglas High School Shooting: Analytical Essay

An Insight on the Worst American School Massacres A school shooting takes place when a school or place of education is invaded, leaving many casualties (people who are injured or killed). When having a discussion about some of the most tragic school massacres in United States history, people’s minds typically drift to Columbine High School and Virginia Polytechnic and State University every time; however, Columbine isn’t the most horrific anymore. Columbine High School is in the top five worst school...
5 Pages 2136 Words

School Shooting: Thesis Statement

Thesis: By strengthening gun laws and improving school security, mass school shootings would become minimal and we would not have as many across the nation. I. Have you ever asked yourself when this would stop, or how many more innocent children would have to die in order for something to change? A. In 2018, there were 113 people killed or hurt in mass school shootings across the United States. B. 2018 has been the worst year for school shootings yet....
2 Pages 957 Words

School Shooting: Informative Speech

The Rise of School Shootings A. Intended audience and the topic's importance The intended audience for the topic is parents and the board of governors should since they are responsible for policy and decision-making in the schools. Many schools do not have regulations guiding them on how to deal with gun violence in schools. B. Presentation 1. Introduction Attention-getting opening: It is without a doubt that names like NIU, and Columbine among others are still fresh in our minds. It...
2 Pages 880 Words

Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting: Critical Essay

In 2022 so far, there have been 27 school shootings and over 200 general mass shootings in America, and it is only May. America's numbers are greater than any other country when it comes to deaths from gun violence. Included in that, is the number of school shootings which has been at a steady increase since 1980. Moreover, Antonis Katsiyannis of Clemson University said in 2018, 'In less than 18 years, we have already seen more deaths related to school...
3 Pages 1563 Words

Florida School Shooting: Synthesis Essay

On February 14th, 2018 at approximately 2:23 pm, Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School became the victim of a mass shooting caused by a 19-year-old gunman, Nikolas Cruz. Cruz opened fire, with an AR-15 rifle, between the hours of 2:21-2:27 pm when he decided to pull the fire alarm causing everyone to rush out; students and staff members. Cruz was able to shoot and kill a total of seventeen students and staff members while leaving the rest with physical, psychological, and...
6 Pages 2977 Words

What Lesson I Learned in High School: Personal Narrative Essay

The high school experience is something that will forever dominate the psyche of most teenagers. It was an unforgettable time of fun, rebel-rousing, summer love, and parties. It was a time of warm summer days at the pool and chilly autumn nights, watching the football team and wondering where the party was going to be that night. School dances and hotel parties. Seems like all I can remember are the good times. But with all those good, fun moments as...
1 Page 413 Words

How to Tell a True High School Football Story: Personal Essay

The sophomore walks timidly to the varsity football locker room for the first time. As he steps in, the pungent smell of the room bombards his nose, accompanied by boisterous upperclassmen blaring music. The music is followed by the distant chattering of players in the background, but the room silences as their attention diverts to the new sophomore as he saunters to his locker. The novice feels the adrenaline rush through his blood and his cheeks grow hot as all...
3 Pages 1309 Words

What Is the School of the Future: Narrative Essay

Education is important because it gives people the knowledge and skills they require to be contributing citizens to society. It improves the quality of life by enriching people's understanding of themselves and the world. The secondary school of the future will be based on three basic principles: students should gain an understanding of how to apply what they learn in their daily lives, students will learn how to sustain the world for future generations, and students will learn about ethics...
2 Pages 849 Words

Charter School Essay

Introduction: Imagine it’s a normal day after school and your daughter walks in. She drops her things and enters the kitchen. You asked the typical parenting question. “ How was your day at school?”. She replies, tomorrow the teacher will be showing us a presentation of “The Festival of the Steel Phallus”. Which is a Japanese penis festival? You brush it off and the next day she texts you and says the teacher showed two objectionable videos. How would you...
6 Pages 2708 Words

William Shakespeare’s ‘Romeo and Juliet’ Should Be Included in the School Curriculum: Argumentative Essay

With long debate, is Shakespeare still relevant in the 21st century? William Shakespeare’s ‘Romeo and Juliet’ should be included in the ninth-grade curriculum because it offers an understanding of modern English and wrote various plays or poems that readers can create a connection towards. However, several opposers believe that Shakespeare’s material can be difficult to understand in today’s modern language. To begin with, William Shakespeare's plays and poems create a significant understanding of the idea of modern English. The article...
1 Page 434 Words

Why Cooking Should Be a Mandatory Elective in Schools: Persuasive Essay

Most people in this day and age don’t know how to make the best and most healthy meals for themselves and their families. A lot of people simply don’t have the money to afford fancy meals that are healthy. People of lower income rely on food stamps which are provided by the government to buy what they need from grocery stores to stay nourished. However, some of these people take advantage of these stamps and buy foods that aren’t the...
2 Pages 848 Words

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