Studying at School

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Negative Effects of Single Gender Schools: Analytical Essay

2 Pages 974 Words
Are single-sex schools more beneficial than co-educational schools? It is said single-sex schools give pupils a better opportunity to learn and get the best results they deserve; however, many people disagree saying coed schools give better opportunities and chances to mix with the opposite sex. What schools should parents and guardians send their children to? Single-sex schools, otherwise known as...

My High School Life: Memoir Essay

3 Pages 1479 Words
The most reliable way to predict your future is to create it. I am 17, a junior in high school doing full-time running start. Last quarter I took FYE, Psychology 200, Sociology, and Walking 1 and 2. This winter quarter I am taking Psychology 100, English 101, and Art Appreciation. Along with being a full-time college student, I work at...

Why Should Not School Start Early: Persuasive Essay

2 Pages 886 Words
They say that public schools (P-12 Education) should start at 8:00 or later because it gives kids and parents time to do their homework or work and other activities and finish their responsibilities earlier and have the rest of the day to themselves. Another argument is that earlier start times give students time to go to tutoring after school and...

Going Back to School after Covid-19: Narrative Essay

6 Pages 2622 Words
Back To School Documentary: The covid-19 pandemic made us acknowledge the major global perplexes we are facing. Whether they are economic, political, social, or environmental issues; we are witnessing such aspects rapidly diminish and hit their lowest of low in terms of technicality, ethicality, and the pursuit of a normal day-to-day life. But most importantly, the pandemic affected students and...

End of School Year: Reflection Essay

1 Page 404 Words
As 7th grade comes to an end, I reflect on the 20212022 school year and the changes I have experienced. Academically, I have been pronouncing words better. At first, I was having trouble pronouncing a bunch of words. I even had to use a translator. In math, I have been understanding circumferences more. It was confusing at first but with...

Why Should Pets Be Allowed in School: Argumentative Essay

2 Pages 710 Words
A law exists that states that you are not allowed to treat people with disabilities differently because they are disabled or require any special requirements for example a guide or assistance dog. It is forbidden to not permit them into shops so why are they not allowed into school, isn’t that breaking the law? There are over 7000 people with...

Importance of Drug Testing in School: Argumentative Essay

1 Page 607 Words
The recreational use of drugs is an under-recognized cause of mortality and incidence of disease among children in this society now. This issue becomes more priority to solve by the government because will lead to serious public health problems. However, children now still want to try drugs at any time without parental control although parents, schools, and the federal government...

Should Students Wear School Uniforms Essay

2 Pages 877 Words
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The ongoing debate about using school uniforms for students has been contentious. Those favouring school uniforms cite benefits such as increased community spirit, discipline, and an improved learning environment. However, opponents take issue with the idea that school uniforms may limit individuality and be costly for families, as well as questioning its effectiveness when tackling issues such as bullying and...

Reasons Why I Want to Attend This High School Essay

2 Pages 862 Words
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Choosing the right high school is a significant decision that can impact a student's future. With numerous options available, students must carefully consider their choices and select a school that aligns with their academic goals and personal interests. In this essay, I will discuss the reasons why I want to attend a high school. I will argue that a school...

Should There Be Chocolate Milk in School Cafeterias: Argumentative Essay

1 Page 414 Words
Do you think chocolate milk is not healthy? Well, I believe that we should keep chocolate milk in school cafeterias because chocolate milk has many great nutrients, has less sugar than other beverages, and is popular among school-aged children. First, chocolate milk is just as good for us as white milk and is just as nutritious. Chocolate milk helps children...

What Is the Purpose of Schooling: Essay

1 Page 615 Words
Schooling in the United States Summarize the purposes of schooling in the Spring chapter The purposes of schooling are determined by elected officials. Therefore, they always have a political bearing. The primary goal of schooling is to educate people on similar patriotic and political values as a way of ensuring there is no unrest in society. Also, as education increases...

Unexpected Danger in Elementary School: Analytical Essay

2 Pages 1065 Words
Mass Murder and What Drives Someone to Take Another Person’s Life Mass murder is defined as the “anti-social non-state-sponsored killing of multiple victims during a single episode at one or more closely related locations” (Levin, & Madfis, 2009). It is mind-blowing how someone can take another person’s life, how they can just walk into a school or a building and...

Textbooks Vs Tablets: Comparative Essay

3 Pages 1178 Words
Should Textbooks be Replaced by Tablets in a Classroom Setting? The average school spends about $50,000 on paper alone. (Should Textbooks be Replaced by Notebook Computers?) All of that money could be spent on something more beneficial. Students’ textbooks should be replaced by tablets and notebook computers. In today’s society, technology is taking over and upgrading nearly every aspect of...

Should Students Wear School Uniforms Essay

2 Pages 1062 Words
Reviewed double_ok
School uniforms should be stopped. They are bland, outdated, and uncomfortable. Very few students enjoy wearing school uniforms and although they`ve been around for ages it`s time for a change. There are a few good reasons why a uniform should be in place and for almost any argument in favor of uniforms, there is more often than not a simple...

Should Schools Have a Dress Code: Argumentative Essay

5 Pages 2506 Words
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Introduction: The Controversy Surrounding School Dress Codes When one picture’s a girl, what comes to mind? When one thinks of a girl or young woman’s body, should it be hidden? According to most school dress codes, a girl’s body is a distraction and should be covered to protect the male mind. Teenage girls today are told that their bodies, not...

Should School Sell Junk Food: Argumentative Essay

5 Pages 2054 Words
Food is an integral component of a person’s life. It gives our bodies the necessary nutrients and energy to grow and develop health-wise. Therefore; healthy eating is very crucial in society. Every human being requires an adequate supply of nutrients to avoid health problems. To stay healthy, it is essential that every individual consumes meals that meet the threshold of...

Should School Days Be Longer: Essay

3 Pages 1148 Words
Should school time be extended? That is a question that many adults are keeping on top of their minds. They believe that 6 to 7 hours of school are not quite enough for a day, some suggest that school time should match the average of 8 hours of work every day. This divided the debate into two sides: “Reduce school...

Should Prayer Be Allowed in Schools: Essay

1 Page 517 Words
School prayer would result in many shared benefits. The public school system is, unfortunately, crumbling as proven by the rise in school shootings, increasing drug use, alcoholism, etc. School prayer can help fight these issues. School prayer should allow religious students a chance to observe their religious views during the school day. All the disagreement over publicly sponsored prayer in...

Should Chocolate Milk Be Served in Schools: Essay

2 Pages 1068 Words
There have been many hard decisions that people have been thinking about across schools that provide chocolate milk. That is whether we want to keep chocolate milk or ban it! Well, this is why I believe that we should ban chocolate milk from schools. Because it causes health problems, contains too much sugar, and cow’s milk is not even meant...

Sex in Public Schools: Persuasive Essay

2 Pages 881 Words
Are the sex education classes provided in United States public schools teaching the right things? According to the Guttmacher Institute October 1, 2018 update on State Laws and Policies for Sex and HIV Education, in Illinois public schools sex education is not mandatory, but health education including information on HIV is required and it must include medically accurate information on...

Essay about Senior Year

2 Pages 982 Words
It is a fast-paced world driven by innovative technologies, where hardware and software go hand in hand to build an environment of power and comfort. It was the year 2007 which saw the advent of smartphones and adding intelligence to the PDAs that were developed during the 90s. Ever since then as a kid, I kept questioning myself on how...

School Uniform: Argumentative Essay

5 Pages 2288 Words
School uniforms are no new thing. They have been around since the 1500s and whether it consisted of a strict shirt and tie or a more casual polo shirt and black pants skirt, they have always caused issues, whether its students not wanting to wear them, the school being strict about how students can and cannot wear the uniforms or...

Essay about School Lunch

3 Pages 1575 Words
The education system must provide the right tools for students to be able to succeed. The most vital tool is providing free school lunches for students. Without proper nutrition, students would be unable to focus on their schoolwork leading to failure. Schools need to provide lunches that meet students’ needs by giving them a variety of options at a fraction...

School Days Should Be Shorter: Persuasive Essay

1 Page 528 Words
How many of you think that school is too long? According to the National Center for Education demography, high school students in 2013 had the same anxiety levels as insane asylum patients in the 1950s. The insane asylum is a society for the shelter, treatment, or custody of the mentally ill. The disadvantages of longer school hours often outweigh the...

Persuasive Essay on School Lunches

3 Pages 1277 Words
Introduction Recently there has been an uptick in childhood obesity in America. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that since the 1970s childhood obesity has tripled. Childhood obesity is defined by the CDC as, “A BMI at or above the 95th percentile for children and teens of the same age and sex,” (CDC Healthy Schools 1). Jennifer...

Essay about Personal History

2 Pages 734 Words
Abstract In this research paper, I will share my personal history in after-school programs and attempt to chronicle the history of funding for after-school programs in California. This will include a history of the positive effects of these programs in general and the proven effects that budget cuts could have on student outcomes. Included in this paper will be an...

Middle School Vs Elementary School

4 Pages 1852 Words
One of the closest and most valued relationships I currently have in my life is my relationship with my boyfriend. My boyfriend and I have been together for 6 years but we have known each other for way longer. We met in elementary school. A small school in a small neighborhood in the Bronx. We were always amazing friends which...

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