Teacher/Teaching essays

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Canada, more than ever before, has come to be known as a land of refuge for those fleeing their homelands due to war, economic hardship, and environmental disaster (Government of Canada, 2016a). As of January 29, 2017, 40,081 Syrian refugees have arrived in Canada (Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada, 2017). This number is mainly comprised of women and children and, in this context, the education of refugee children has become an important topic for the Canadian schooling system (Government of...
4 Pages 1869 Words
Ok let’s start with a scenario shall we, you walk into class and your teacher keeps looking at you, not in a mean way just concerned. The teacher then tells you “You need to do better, I think and I know you can. I try to teach you yet you never seem to understand what I’m teaching. I am afraid to say this but, teaching you is hopeless.” Later on in life you are taking a test to a very...
1 Page 670 Words
Imagine a college the place teaching is viewed to be a career as a substitute rather than a trade. The position of teachers in a child's training -- and American culture -- has changed. Teaching differs from the ancient 'show-and-tell' practices as a lot of current scientific strategies range from practices such as applying leeches and bloodletting. Instruction would not consist specifically of lecturing to college students who sit down in rows at desks, dutifully listening and recording what they...
4 Pages 1703 Words
Museums are a trend these days, as evidence we can always see or read news that gives prominence to a museum, whether it’s on television, an article in the newspaper, or a feature in magazines. It’s so joyful to see, that once again we as Filipinos become curious and aware of our heritage in natural, cultural, and historical aspects. Just last May 2018 the new National Museum of Natural History was opened to the public where everyone can learn and...
1 Page 610 Words
The importance of knowledge about teacher growth and development According to ZaidRehman, all children in 2015 were directly affected by genetic and environmental factors, but most were all. Applies to the child. There are certain developments. There are models. .. All children. In today's education, it is important to have a deep understanding of these developments. These understandings can be used to maximize classroom problems. According to Zaid Rehman's 2015 survey, educational psychology can support teachers in the following ways:...
3 Pages 1271 Words
I have over twenty years of experience working as a teacher in Pakistan, with increasing positions of responsibility in overseeing teaching and learning in the Department of Maths and English. I have always prided myself in leading by example and have pursued my personal development in ensuring that teaching and learning have always been minimally good to outstanding. Teachers play a major role in ensuring that pupils get the best start in life. Hence, I want to pursue my career...
2 Pages 713 Words
Teaching is considered one of the best careers in the United States, especially elementary school teaching, and this is because elementary teachers are tasked with the responsibility of ensuring that students have a solid foundation. This solid foundation is fundamental as it is the one that ensures the future success of students. Lack of a solid foundation in elementary school is likely to negatively affect students' academic performance as they continue to further their education. In her article, Elizabeth Manno...
2 Pages 857 Words
Inclusion and teacher's agency as contributing factors in the development of a socially just classroom for children with additional support needs. Introduction. Modern classroom requires an innovative approach to both learning and teaching where children with additional support needs can fully participate in education with their peers without feeling alienated or marginalized. The implementation of government legislation aiming at more inclusive classrooms, allows teachers to become socially just 'agents of change' promoting ways of working intended to mitigate inequalities in...
5 Pages 2072 Words
Teaching is a complex profession. Changing educational practices based on new theoretical knowledge has resulted in teachers having to constantly reflect on what they are doing and make changes to ensure they continue to meet the learning needs of a diverse student population. This reflective portfolio considers two reflective entries and work events that the writer reflects on using a Reflective Framework. The cyclical reflective model designed by Gibbs (1998) helps us recall the information about our actions which might...
2 Pages 983 Words
Values represent our subjective, personal principles which typically, but not always, help guide our beliefs, attitudes, and actions and determine what is important to us (Hawkes, 1996, Halstead, 1996). They are distinct from our characteristics as they are not perceptible, are largely shaped by our experiences (good and bad), and inform what we believe to be morally right (Heilbronn, 2018; Roccas, Sagiv, et al., 2002). These core values have an ethical foundation as they determine our treatment of others and...
3 Pages 1440 Words
As I reflect on teaching and its purpose, I continue to see how diverse the act of teaching really is. There are many definitions for a teacher. Wikipedia describes a teacher as someone who helps students acquire knowledge, competence, or virtue. While this is true, the teaching profession and the purpose of teaching is much more than that definition and encompasses many facets. To me, teaching is a continuous process that requires one to seek out ways and means of...
1 Page 654 Words
This assignment will focus on a reflection on my development as a teacher so far and the adaptations I have made to my practice from these reflections. There will be a focus on four strands which are: behavior management, inclusive practice, classroom environment, and professionalism. This reflection will look in-depth at the impact of learning of pupils within these four strands and will be a critical evaluation of strategies that could be used and theoretical models of practice. A teacher...
6 Pages 2890 Words
My journey of attending placements and watching teachers with highly skilled learning at a professional level has inspired me to develop several qualities as I engage in practice with my placements. In terms of reflective learning, this essay explains how teachers educate students with music (Primary) unnamed school. ‘Putting theory into practice’ is also an experience for one of the teachers within the schools as they move from student to teacher identity. During my placement, I attended a workshop which...
6 Pages 2653 Words
Educating students is more than just a job for passionate teachers, it’s a way of life. I want to make a difference in others’ lives through education. It was my dream to be a teacher teaching a classroom of diverse yet alike students. But no matter what differences these students have, their uniqueness flows throughout the classroom in such a positive energy that embraces, respects and promotes learning. This is the goal I am working toward; the goal of inspiring...
3 Pages 1315 Words
The debate around whether the phonics approach or whole world approach should be used in the teaching of reading to young children is heavily polarized, with lots of research evidence for both sides of the argument. While the disagreement is still very prominent among scholars today, there are clear advantages and disadvantages that can be identified for both methods. In the UK, school children were generally taught with the whole word approach, with a focus on reading books and guesswork...
3 Pages 1214 Words
Introduction My aspiration to become a math teacher stems from a deep-seated love for mathematics and a commitment to education. Mathematics, with its clarity and precision, has always been a source of fascination for me, offering a unique lens to view and understand the world. The desire to teach math is fueled by the joy of working with young minds, the privilege of influencing future generations, and a passion for sharing the beauty of mathematical concepts. This career path offers...
2 Pages 1034 Words
Introduction Tutoring, an often unsung hero in the realm of education, plays a crucial role in shaping the academic and personal growth of learners. My motivation to embark on a career in tutoring stems from a deep-rooted passion for education and the transformative power it holds. The ability to directly influence and support a student's learning journey is both a privilege and a responsibility that I eagerly embrace. The core of my desire to become a tutor lies in the...
2 Pages 1128 Words
As far as education goes, a tutor's job goes beyond just teaching. It carries the incredible duty of shaping minds and guiding students to reach their full potential. This essay goes into extensive detail about the various reasons why people choose to become tutors as a job. Besides discussing the personal and professional benefits of this honorable job, it also looks at how tutors affect education in a wider sense. Being a teacher has a lot of great benefits, ranging...
2 Pages 722 Words
In five years, I see myself in one of the schools in my town as the worst teacher anyone could ever imagine. One that the students will never forget because of the impact I have had on their lives. A rare teacher that any student would ask for another year, perhaps a decade of being their mentor. A teacher that every student would ask for, that's what I wanted to become in five years. Many people would think of my...
1 Page 651 Words
Science and technology are changing rapidly today, and people have sought to keep pace with these changes. The students expected in these rapid and mass processes are implicit and passive, and no student can respond quickly with the shortest stride. On the other hand, the purpose of education is to actively participate in classes, present alternatives that can solve problems, and train students who can think critically. Under these circumstances, new education and training approaches have become important in our...
2 Pages 924 Words
In this essay, I am going to examine three main schools of thought, namely - cognitive, behaviorist and humanistic - in the context of the educational process, and decide which of them seems best for the learning circumstances. Cognitive School of Thought Cognitive school of thought refers to how someone learn which is through mental processes, mainly on how people think, understand, remember and most probably apply it in their daily basis. So, scientists had estimated what goes on in...
2 Pages 902 Words
Before pursuing my dream of furthering my education to become a teacher, I would get asked multiple different questions. “Why do you want to become a teacher?”, “What grade level would you prefer to teach?”, “Where and what type of school could you see yourself teaching?”, “Who do you want to be as a teacher?”. All of the questions seem rather simple and easy to answer. However, I feel as if these questions are rather difficult to answer. Even though...
3 Pages 1491 Words
I wasted 4 years of my life learning hard core math just to not use it in the real world. Growing up I was raised in a house hold of 3 children and being the oldest impacted me a lot. Always to know right from wrong was basic instructions given from my mother. I attended homestead senior high school where I learned 5 different math courses including algebra I, algebra II, geometry, financial algebra and so on. To later on...
1 Page 489 Words
We are living in a globalized world where technologies develop rapidly. In such a context, education is no longer a mere passing down of knowledge to students. Instead of teaching hard skills, teachers should instill soft skills in the students. Social and emotional competencies and 21st century competencies are the two dominant soft skills that are necessary for every global citizen. I believe the element of love is important in cultivating personalities with the competencies. With love, students will eventually...
4 Pages 1898 Words
My personal teaching philosophy has many different components. Teaching means a lot to me and, therefore, it creates a complex philosophy. My purpose for teaching as well as the long term and short-term goals are intricate because of their significance to my career. My philosophy also discusses my methods of instruction and how I evaluate and assess my student’s knowledge. My philosophy includes the role of myself, as an educator. Also, my philosophy cannot leave out the importance of the...
3 Pages 1171 Words
I think relationships between a teacher and her students is built upon the mutual respect that shapes in-between them. One thing that comes to my mind when I think about teaching is the relationship that I’d like to form with my students. Enjoying conversations with them and talking about topics that are important to them, in this way I could understand how they feel about the materials that we are studying in class. I’d like my classroom to be less...
2 Pages 949 Words
It is my responsibility, as a professional working in the field of early childhood education, to build a positive, respectful relationship with the families of the children I serve. It is my goal to create a healthy partnership with each family member so that they feel listened to, valued, and respected. I want every parent to feel that I am approachable and available to speak with them any time they have concerns or issues they would like to discuss. Families...
2 Pages 792 Words
Generally speaking, learning is a social process. When considering the specific process of learning a second or additional language, the social dimension of learning becomes more apparent. Because of our dependence on each other for new knowledge, my teaching philosophy rests on creating a community of learners. Creating an optimal space for a community of learners means considering several actions and dispositions that influence the classroom. For one, students need to see the value and importance of all languages and...
5 Pages 2111 Words
As a teacher, my philosophy statement is that I believe that education is important for all. Children have many differences and each child has special characteristics that they can apply toward their individual education. As a teacher I will help guide my students so that they learn to express themselves, and learn acceptance of differences amongst others and themself. My role within the classroom will be to help each child learn their potential and abilities while developing their own personal...
6 Pages 2646 Words
Children are the future of this country. Children need a good learning environment to become successful young adults. A child begins their educational journey in elementary school. As a future elementary teacher, I want to be able to meet the needs of the children that I am entrusted with in my classroom. To be successful I need to make sure that my class is equipped with everything that my students will need to grow and that the classroom is accessible...
3 Pages 1198 Words
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