Teacher/Teaching essays

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When I think of the purpose of education, I think of it as the teaching principles to help guide one through society. It helps us to grow emotionally, mentally, physically, and socially. Giving us the basic skills and knowledge to meet our full potential. Without skills and knowledge then we wouldn't have an understanding or connection of how things work. My beliefs as an educator are to create a community within the classroom. Within my community setting my beliefs and...
1 Page 401 Words
Our teaching philosophy is a very important part of not only our resumes, but also gives us a why towards the question, ‘why do we do what we do?’. Learning is a large field of study and there are many aspects to cover when talking about education. I believe our curriculum is important, but there needs to be an established community around the curriculum. In order to create the best learning environment for all my students, I plan on using...
2 Pages 907 Words
Being a teacher is not an easy job, so you have to work sincerely and have passion to make student a good learner. I am as a future teacher I will try my best to give my students a comfortable environment with no stress or pressure, so in this report I am going to concentrate in 4 major philosophies: my role as teacher, teaching method, dealing with students and classroom environment. First, my role as a teacher is to make...
2 Pages 690 Words
Philosophy is the basic nature of knowledge, real life and is the study of existence, especially as a teaching discipline. Philosophy is the study of people and the world by thinking and asking questions. Philosophy is an art and science. Its important general approach to such issues when considered is the formal approach and philosophy is different from other ways of solving by and the ‘philosophy’ of a particular person in ordinary discourse may refer to their beliefs about things....
3 Pages 1497 Words
The center quote I chose to represent my teaching philosophy is “Too often we give children answers to remember rather than problems to solve” (Roger Lewin). This shows my belief that learning is not centered around testing and statistics, but rather the heart and mind of each student. If I were to word my educational philosophy into a poetic statement like the many quotes I found, it would be that “I want to reach each child for who they truly...
2 Pages 855 Words
Teaching philosophy is an important statement for a teacher to create a clear portrait of their personality as a teacher. Every teacher has to write philosophy on how, what, and why they want to teach. This essay will introduce a teaching philosophy as English language teacher. Teaching Philosophy I believe that all students have different needs and expectations from education/school. Students in my class should leave school wanting to learn more. All children are unique and need a stimulating environment...
5 Pages 2130 Words
Philosophy of education provides a framework for thinking about educational issues and also can guide our actions as a teacher. The four philosophies are perennialism, progressivism, essentialism, and social reconstructionism. The knowledge gained about the philosophy of education helped me to develop a certain framework that I can use in my classroom. It helped me answer questions like ‘What do I teach my students?’ and ‘How do they study?’. I feel personally connected to each of the four philosophies, each...
2 Pages 1019 Words
Education. It is one of the most powerful tools in the world that has provided constant proof that it can be used to achieve greatness. By looking at it from different perspectives can highlight the weaknesses in what we already know and then improve upon it. This leading us to the different methodologies and philosophies surrounding it. In examining educational philosophy, it is found to be a system of individual beliefs about education and the teaching roles involved within it....
3 Pages 1123 Words
From as far back as I can remember I have always had an affinity with children, even as a youngster I would somehow wind-up being some form of child minder. Towards the latter part of my school years, I had created a great relationship with my science teacher who was both inspiring in his delivery and subject, I said to myself back then that it would be ‘pretty-cool’ to become a science teacher one day. Whilst working in the outdoor...
4 Pages 1651 Words
Motivation is considered one of the main factors in the decisions people make in their lives and it plays a vital role when choosing a career, specifically teaching. Sinclair (2008) created a study that helps us to get a better view of why pre-teachers are entering the field and what motivates them. It requires passion, selflessness, love for children, and a lot of patience. As a teacher, you need to be able to take your learners from the known to...
3 Pages 1285 Words
Introduction Homework is a set task that is given to students to be solved at home and submitted at school for examination. There are usually homework tasks set from most or all subject categories for submittal at different or clashing target dates. Failure to carry out these tasks on or before target times often carries penalties on the student concerned. It has become the norm for students to be under the pressure of homework and now seems to be one...
2 Pages 883 Words
Defining education According to (Victor Ordonez November 2000)Education is a social responsibility for the transmission of knowledge, skills, and culture with a formally organized structure. The development of human talents and personal characters for better citizenship. (b)Philosophy Philosophy is a well-coordinated and systemized attempt at evaluating life and the universe as a whole, concerning first principles that underlie all things as their causes and are implicit in all experience (Swimi Krishnananda) (c) Education Philosophy Is a branch of philosophy that...
3 Pages 1296 Words
Concept of Teaching and Learning Teaching and Learning are two things that cannot be separated because both of them support each other. Teaching activities cannot do without involving learning activities. Here are the definitions; a. Teaching Teaching is a process of sharing the knowledge and experience from one person to let another person know and learn. Brown states that “Teaching is showing or helping to learn how to do something, giving instruction, guiding the study of something, providing with knowledge,...
6 Pages 2862 Words
Introduction Homework is a set of given tasks or activities by professors that shall be done during non-school hours by students. Homework is proposed to serve improvement on understanding of students on their academic path and so they can have an overview of the following lessons that will be deliberated by the teacher. Homework is also a big help in extending the knowledge of students on some things they haven’t experienced yet, like applying what they learn by themselves and...
3 Pages 1585 Words
“Implementation of No Homework Policy” Education has been a significant part of society. As of today, education plays a vital role in the success of every individual however, education has changed through time. Students nowadays experience a much faster pace than students generations ago (Cordz, 2017). Students are often looked upon as the building blocks of society thus the present generation needs a competitive advantage which includes their academic success among others. However, It is evident that with the growing...
3 Pages 1508 Words
Why do You Want to Be a Teacher? My Interest in Teaching Schools are set up for providing young people the opportunity to receive an education (Young people and school, 2013). Teachers are taking an important role in the schooling system, as the decisions that they made regarding their teaching forms can affect different consequences of students’ learning, identity formations, and positionings (Comber, 2006). This essay will describe my three schooling experiences, which happened in the Writing class, Maths class,...
4 Pages 1853 Words
Introduction Sustainability is most referred to as meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet theirs. Sustainability has three main pillars namely environmental, social and economic sustainability. Sustainability affects every level of organization, ranging from the local neighborhood, and the entire globe. Sustainability is the balance between a Reasonable Way of Supplying Human Needs economically while preserving the Eco-System for today and the future generations. How the 3 spheres of sustainability can be...
3 Pages 1248 Words
How schooling has changed! Moving forward to present day and everything is done by computer. Notebook paper is barely used, presentations are ‘slides’ on ‘google classroom’, and if you do not know ‘Excel’ or ‘PowerPoint’, you will be left behind. Everyone has at least one computer at home, if not more. We can submit and/or complete homework and classroom assignments any day of the week. The computer is a way of everyday communication and it is a very useful tool...
3 Pages 1395 Words
“I believe in constant improvement, driven by evidence and feedback”. My perspective on teaching has strongly been influenced by my experiences as a project manager of a major construction engineering company. In this position, I was a decision-maker and a consumer of the products supplied by the system that prepares graduate engineers for the profession. I experienced how well products performed and their intended functions. The significance of an education and the problems currently facing engineering education became evident to...
3 Pages 1588 Words
‘People will now no longer be aware you on what you have imparted to them then again on how you touched their lives alongside the way’. This is the exquisite way to describe Miss Gruwell who used to be being featured with the useful resource of the movie ‘Freedom Writers’. Her life as a trainer and a partner to his husband can also favor to be a first-rate example of a great mentor. It was once being portrayed in the...
1 Page 679 Words
Write a letter to the best teacher you ever had. Using concepts covered in chapter twelve, explain how the format of the classroom and method of instruction affected your motivation. Dear Ms. Watkins, I would like to say thank you for being my favorite teacher for the rest of my life after I met you in the first year of middle school. You made me realize and believe that I can speak English perfectly, although my improvement was a bit...
1 Page 277 Words
In this 21st century, a teacher should adopt a new approach toward the students so that they are updated with today's tools and technology. When the students utilize everything that is important in today's world then the students will be able to live and prosper in today's economy as well they could be more productive in the future. What am I trying to say is in a teacher's professional journey, he or she will be a guide for the student's...
2 Pages 816 Words
My name is Shafi and I am 19 years old I’m confused about life almost like every teenager. I get depressed, I struggle and I feel lost too, more often than anyone in my friend circle. I would rather say my teenage life was half good and half bad and there was my elder always by my side. he is the only person who I admire the most, almost my ideal. I was always thinking that One person can have...
1 Page 672 Words
Abstract This paper critically reviews the concept of professionalism. Despite the best efforts by theorists to define the concept, there is no singular definition. This paper considers political and policy contexts, by reviewing the concepts of, traditional, managerial, and democratic professionalism. I shape my own perspective of professionalism emerging from literature and my school experience to conceptualize a working definition of professionalism. I conclude that my professional identity is shaped by conforming to standards. What does it mean to be...
4 Pages 1977 Words
Introduction The word professionalism has been a topic of research for many years. It has many angles and multiple definitions. In many areas like sports, music, etc. a professional would be a person whose skills and talent would be higher than an amateur. Moreover, professionals in the “classic” fields of law, medicine, and theology have codified rules and expectations for behavior developed over many centuries (Hart & Marshall, 1992). While teachers may sometimes not consider professionals by society. However, their...
3 Pages 1294 Words
What seems to be the primary reason why Teach for America teachers perform better than many other teachers? Case B Answer: The primary reason why Teach for America teachers perform better than many other teachers is because of the education they receive while teaching in a low-income community. The experience that they received during the program helps them expand their potential and helps connect with their students so they could help them achieve their potential too. Having had the experience...
1 Page 336 Words
I realize most students do not concentrate to their language necessities, and that is a genuine disgrace since when you make a stride back, unmistakably this class is one that can genuinely set you up for an implausible remainder. I would state that most students at Lassiter, myself notwithstanding, unquestionably do not concentrate to it as we should. I, like other people, pushed my work aside and accepted different classes progressively significant. Since I am nearly in college, I perceive...
1 Page 422 Words
There are various interesting aspects within the teaching world that are reflected in ‘Freedom Writers’. Personally, I thoroughly enjoyed the movie not only for the story and the depiction of a multi-cultural, racially, emotionally and behaviorally challenged students, but also for the positive outcome. I guess that everybody enjoys such an ending to a story. But the scenario depicted in the movie is one we are all familiar with or have been in touch with, in our days at school....
4 Pages 1880 Words
Without a doubt, all arts manifest most precious qualities in humanity. It enriches our lives and elevates individuals to explore spiritual and aesthetic aspects of the world and ourselves. Music as one form of arts is extremely connected to our everyday life yet learning music faces many obstacles and difficulties. Therefore, my interpretation of being a musical educator essentially is to make the learning process as easy and enjoyable as possible for students. Through my teaching experience, I have seen...
4 Pages 1959 Words
In the mid-1960’s in a small rural mid-western town, one teacher sought to give her 3rd grade class an experience that would stay with them for life. In the days following the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. Mrs. Elliott saw a white news reporter interviewing a black man. One of the reporter’s questions to the man was: ‘Who is going to control your people?’. An educator and active anti-racism activist, Mrs. Elliott decided to combine a lesson plan about...
3 Pages 1417 Words
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