Astronomy essays

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The Extreme Conditions Of Moon

2 Pages 944 Words
At this stage, it is not possible for humans to terraform the Moon as the conditions on it are extreme. There are some basic considerations or needs for any long-term colonisation: breathable air, water, food, temperature, pressurised shelter and power, gravity, protection from radiation [2]. Breathable air The moon's atmosphere is so thin that there is no oxygen able to...
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The Challenges of One-Way Mars Missions

2 Pages 819 Words
Introduction The concept of embarking on a one-way mission to Mars has captured the imagination of scientists, engineers, and the general public alike. This ambitious endeavor encapsulates humanity's drive to explore the unknown and push the boundaries of what is possible. As the race to colonize the red planet intensifies, the idea of sending astronauts on a one-way journey raises...

The Correlation Of Moon And Venus Behaviours

2 Pages 716 Words
“Venus” went through cycles similar to that of the moon (from fully illuminated to crescent shaped). However, in saying this, I want to point out at this stage that although the phases of the moon and Venus are in fact similar, from my understanding, the reason that Venus looks bigger during crescent shaped cannot be applied to that of the...
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The Necessity Of Sun Safety Improvement

3 Pages 1415 Words
INTRODUCTION Everyone needs sun exposure as when the skin is exposed to the sun, our bodies make vitamin D (Kate M. Cronan, 2019). This helps the body to absorb calcium for stronger, healthier bones (Kate M. Cronan, 2019). “Too much unprotected exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays can cause skin damage, eye damage, immune system suppression, and skin cancer....
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The Possibility Of Habitats On Venus

2 Pages 771 Words
Venus’ surface is uninhabitable by humans for many reasons. Not only does Venus’ atmosphere contribute to the huge amounts of air pressure, over 90 times that of Earth’s, but the dense, mostly carbon dioxide atmosphere traps a ton of heat. This sends temperatures skyrocketing to around 467 °C, hot enough to melt lead [1]. Together, these factors crushed many probes...
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The Steady-state Theory And The Big Bang Theory

2 Pages 927 Words
The whole universe is expanding in all directions; however, everything was closer together 13.8 billion years ago and at one point all the galaxies converged to a single point (Howell, E. 2017). It is said that the universe has expanded to get as large as it is now, and that it will continue to expand. When the universe started as...

Mars: Sole Focus for Next 10 Years

2 Pages 1034 Words
Mars is the fourth planet from the sun and is easily visible from Earth. In the evening it can be spotted high in the sky and appears to look reddish in colour due to oxidation of iron in the rocks on its surface. Mars has a radius of 3390 kilometres and is about half the size of Earth (Mars Britannica...

The Mission Of Mars Exploration

1 Page 562 Words
The exploration of Mars has been a long awaited mission. The effects however have been questioned for a very long time. Through my understanding of Martian Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun and the second-smallest planet in the Solar System after Mercury. It has an atmosphere primarily composed of carbon dioxide, molecular nitrogen and argon. It also contains...

Is Sending Humans To Mars Necessary?

2 Pages 937 Words
Have you ever wanted to go to a different planet? Have you ever wondered if going to a different planet is even necessary at all? Throughout the 20th century, our views of life on another planet has changed drastically. This essay will argue that a mission to Mars is not mandatory and instead dangerous. Because there are many risk like...

The Peculiarities Of Big Bang Theory

1 Page 449 Words
It has been theoretically calculated that the Universe would have originated from a single mass of about 13.798 ± 0.037 billion years ago. This single mass suddenly exploded and the fragmented particles flying in all directions as a result of this explosion formed stars, planets, and galaxies. This theory that explains the formation of the universe due to the explosions...

Australia's Impact on Climate Change and Our Planet

1 Page 491 Words
Influenced by anthropogenic climate change, the complex nature of the human-animal interface is continuously threatened and zoonotic diseases are rising. Domestic animals themselves are reservoirs of zoonotic diseases (e.g. Avian influenza) and poor livestock practices endangers both humans and animals. Encroachment of human settlements increase the interactions between humans and wildlife species which helps facilitate the spread of zoonotic diseases....
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Should Mars Be The Sole Focus Of Astronomical Research?

2 Pages 891 Words
Astronomy and Mars Background Information Mars, the fourth planet from the Sun and third smallest planet in our Solar System, is also known as ‘The Red Planet’ (Figure 1) (Birch, 2004). Mars has the closest climactic zones of all the planets to ours, with polar ice caps and temperatures of approximately -63o¬C, however its atmosphere is toxic to us, with...

Astronomical Research On Mars

2 Pages 858 Words
Mars is the fourth planet from the sun and is an extremely cold desert world. It is covered in rusty red, iron-rich dust which is why it’s called the “Red Planet”. Mars travels around the Sun in an oval-shaped orbit which means the planet completes one revolution in 687 Earth days (Couper et al 2016). Dry riverbeds on the surface...

The Inner Working Of The Stars

4 Pages 1621 Words
Helioseismology, simply put, is the study of the Sun’s core through the observation of wave propagation that is visible on the surface. This is possible due to both the continual movement of plasma to the sun’s surface, as well as the constant radiation from the heat, that forms convection cells resulting in the investigable convection currents or “waves”. As each...
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Why Is Our World Is Dominated By Unrealistic Bodies

1 Page 643 Words
Bodies through society have been used in art like the Venus of Willendorf and others but they all share a common factor that they are all unrealistic which is why my thesis question is The range of bodies they have created is breathtaking, but yet they share one thing in common... none of these images resembles a real human being....
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Art Nouveau Illustration & Entertainment Pop Culture

6 Pages 2581 Words
Art Nouveau made quite a few cameos in the entertainment media. In 2007 Disney’s Enchanted feature their protagonist Giselle, who’s portrayed as a cliche hopeless romantic and traditionally feminine woman character, which is similar to how ideal women were portrayed in the Art Nouveau period. This could be an explanation of why Giselle’s dress is an almost the exact replica...

The Possibility Of A Space Colony Of Mars

3 Pages 1440 Words
Earth’s future has become increasingly unstable over the course of hundreds of years, not only do we face terrorism, climate change and catastrophic events but humans could also be wiped out in an instant by a meteor collision, says Steven Hawkins (Hoare, 2019). In order to ensure the human races survival, we must become a two planet species. Mars, being...

Challenges, Benefits And Drawbacks Of Mission To Mars

4 Pages 1743 Words
There is a proverbial space race going on around us, but instead of a race to the moon or into earth orbit it is a race to Mars, a new world. Unlike the space race of the Cold War with two nations going head to head, we have 1000s of companies, start-ups and government agencies competing to be the first...

Studying stars with helioseismology and solar neutrinos

4 Pages 1730 Words
The Sun, the centre of our solar system, an object in which without life on Earth would cease to exist. The Sun provides energy to Earth which allows many important chemical reactions to take place in order to facilitate life. Our Sun is relatively hot and immense, conducting physical investigations to obtain information is impossible, therefore safe and long-distance techniques...
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The Effects Of Aerogel On Mars' Lives

2 Pages 1000 Words
Aerogels are a type of porous solids that are mostly known for their extreme low densities. This means that because they are open-porous, they are impermeable to gas. Aerogel was created by Dr. Samuel Stephens who discovered it between 1929 and 1930 (A, 2000). Aerogels are the lowest density solids; like the silica aerogel that was three times heavier than...

Mars Parameters for Plant Growth: Sustainability?

4 Pages 1668 Words
Within the 2015 film, The Martian, the main protagonist is able to grow food sources on Mars when he is left after complications in a NASA mission. The capability of sustainable plant growth, to the quality seen on Earth, is questionable. This is where the question, ‘Are the parameters of Mars suitable for sustainable plant growth and survival?’ was asked....

Super Massive Black Holes in Galaxy Formation

4 Pages 1769 Words
Abstract The super massive black hole present at the centre of most large galaxies emit large quantities of varying energy types, which affects surrounding quasars and seyfert galaxies (Nandra & Pounds, 1994). The gravity of the Super Massive Black Holes is another variable which affects surrounding bodies; wherein mass is attracted to the origin. Simulations using advance software has proven...

Global Warming: Saving The Planet With A Simple Technology

3 Pages 1455 Words
Global warming is destroying wildlife, the environment and the human race. Due to unsustainable human activity, such as coal burning, plastic production and transportation, carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere are higher than ever before. A study by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change uncovered that over 75% of the greenhouse gases causing global warming is made up of purely...
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Roles Of Science In Space Exploration

3 Pages 1177 Words
Over the years, humans have become more and more captivated in space exploration. Ever since it was discovered that it was possible to send humans to space (in 1961 using the Vostok 1), scientists have been engaged in constructing new technology that will assist in transporting humans onto another planet. However, there are many problems that may affect the success...

Yes, We Really Did Go To The Moon

1 Page 347 Words
On the 16th of July 1969, three courageous astronauts, Michael Collins, Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong began their perilous journey to the Moon, the latter two becoming the first humans to walk on its surface. America’s then president John F. Kennedy deemed the Apollo program as “...the most hazardous... and greatest adventure on which man has ever embarked,” stretching our...
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The Benefits Of Manned Mission To Mars

2 Pages 1017 Words
Since the early 1970’s the mysterious Red Planet has been closely examined by rovers and space probes, which have sent back invaluable information. Mars at large is a unique and different place compared to Earth, with the thin atmosphere that conjures winds and storms many times stronger than what we experience and the signs of liquid water in the past...

The Risks To Human Health In Extended Space Exploration

4 Pages 1996 Words
Abstract Health risks associated with long term space flight are generally categorised into two main causes: reduced gravity and space radiation. The current numbers of astronauts, either retired or current, is often not sufficient to form conclusive suggestions. Overall, there is very detailed analysis of the functional risks to the body outside of low Earth orbit and for long term...

What Would You Say To Humans If You Were Planet Earth?

1 Page 403 Words
Earth nowadays is a very hot and humid place.It is also the most polluted planet.This is all because of our own attitude.So if we can help our planet to be more healthy then we will be able to save the Earth from this problems.I think that there are many ways to solve this problem but one them is the most...
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The Existence Of Aliens

2 Pages 872 Words
INTRODUCTION “Aliens definitely exist!! and they could be living among us on Earth”, says Britain's first astronaut. There are so many billions of stars out there that could support at least a tiny percentage of life. Will they be like you and me, made up of carbon and nitrogen? Maybe not. Just to give a glance on how life’s definition...
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Black Hole Attack, Its Detection And Mitigation

6 Pages 2822 Words
Abstract Wireless Sensor Networks(WSN) are decentralised and ad-hoc type of networks which can be set up easily in remote locations with the help of mobile devices or nodes. Nodes in these Networks senses and monitors the physical and environmental conditions of an area and send this information to each other or a remote location through co-ordination and co-operation methods of...

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