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Strategies For The Improvement Of Property Tax Collection In Tanzania

Executive summary This study will focus on investigating and identifying the relationship between strategies and property tax collection in Tanzania. Specifically, it aims at examining the strategies for the improvement of property tax collection in government, identifying the major challenges confronting property tax collection, and suggests possible measures to overcome those challenges to increase revenue collection from the property owners. The study intends to involve 120 respondents from 4 wards of Ngaramtoni Township Authority at TRA-Arumeru in Arusha, Tanzania. The...
3 Pages 1568 Words

The History of Fashion Essay: from 1900 to Present

1910s The 1910s saw changes to the women’s dress silhouette, with narrow waists and corsets giving a slim and straight silhouette. Big hats were also popular. At the beginning of the decade, Orientalism was also on the rise, with draped fabrics and vibrant colours becoming popular. Only the most daring women adopted this style however as it really pushed fashion norms at the time, few would be seen wearing the harem trouser style developed in 1911. With WW1 beginning in...
2 Pages 930 Words

Different Leadership Styles Depending On The Situation

There are a number of management and leadership theories, applying them to practical situations can be challenging however certain scenarios lend themselves better to some styles/theories. One theory that can work in multiple situations is the Leadership Continuum Theory developed by Robert Tannenbaum and Warren Schmidt in 1958. These styles are the Tell, Sell, Consult, Join and Delegate. They recognise that management style is dependent on a number of factors including the experience and seniority of staff, levels of trust,...
3 Pages 1585 Words

E-commerce In Terms Of Globalization

I read an article/blog entitled “Future of Ecommerce in 2019: 10 International Growth Trends.” With the arrival of e-commerce, many consumers and businesses in the world are now able to compete, buy and sell in global markets regardless of language, culture and distance. This helps countries become known globally and grow economically. An entrepreneur can sit at his/her table and create a business all through e-commerce. You can buy almost anything online, just by clicking a button, it is one...
1 Page 535 Words

Advertising Effects On Consumerism: The Ways To Avoid Manipulation

Since the moment we were born, our consumerist society has been making an enormous effort to convince us that we’re not good enough simply by being the way we are. The advertising industry has made us believe that the only way to feel comfortable with ourselves is to buy products that are an unnecessary luxuries, that we’re convinced are necessities. Just look around and you will see billboards of models that none of us will ever look like, but we...
4 Pages 1950 Words

Concepts Of Ethical Leadership And Their Potential

Leadership literature has not remained the same as over the years it has been developed by various researchers and there has been a strong belief that leadership is something that is modifiable as there is a transformation constantly happening in the way people think over the years. The principal theories appeared throughout the 19th century such as the Great Man Theory, the Trait theory, the Behavioural theory amongst many others. Leadership theories are adjusted due to the changes happening in...
3 Pages 1125 Words

Beyond Mcdonalds Happy Face: The Secrets Of Company Success

“Welcome to McDonalds, what can I get for you today?” Is the first question we get as soon as we pull up our car to the drive thru menu. McDonalds entire process is so tedious that the entire process of ordering, transaction processing and the food delivery will be ready in less than 5 minutes. Behind over 1.7 Million Mc’d crews happy face, there are numerous innovations, marketing strategy, capacity growth as well as strategic survival planning. McDonalds has always...
2 Pages 1109 Words

The Underlying Concepts Of Islamic Finance

Islamic Finance is a financial set up that had a big role in the growth and infrastructure systems for the region such as enabling the funding for the Shard and the London Gateway (Parmley, 2020) It operates in accordance with the Islamic law which is known as the Sharia which insinuates that it is sharia-compliant (Jamaldeen, 2012). It is like conventional banks in the sense that Islamic Finance contains an approach of banking and undertaking financial transactions (What Is Islamic...
5 Pages 2171 Words

Multicultural Issue That Affects Uber Technologies

This report aims to provide business solutions to a multicultural issue that affects Uber Technologies Inc. Uber represents a visible multinational company that has received considerable negative attention in the media. However, few people know of the extent of its aggressive management approach that led to various problems such as sexual harassment scandals, discrimination, ethical issues, and so on. Much of the publicity about Uber is both a direct consequence of and a direct consequence for stakeholder relationships. This case...
6 Pages 2609 Words

Competition As A Factor Of Market Clearing And Pareto Efficiency

Introduction Competition is a divisive subject which has led to differing approaches to how it is modelled. The most widely accepted is the neoclassical view, which argues the benchmark is perfect competition, equilibrium is market clearing and pareto efficient. Market clearing is where the demand for goods equals the supply of goods so that there is no leftover surplus. Whilst Pareto efficiency is where resources cannot be reallocated to make one individual better off, without making another worse off, hence,...
3 Pages 1168 Words

Strategic Management: Killing Competitors Through Acquisition

Strategy and Strategic Management Strategy and planning are used interchangeably by many authors. The main difference between a strategy when compared to planning is that it takes specific measures and policies to develop robust resources that can lead to sustained development and such a development is in line with the changes in the macroenvironment and the stakeholder's demands and changes in expectations (Finlay, 2000; Hill and Jones, 2012). As far as the retail industry is concerned, one common feature shared...
1 Page 527 Words

Tax System And Its Principles

Taxes are generally perceived as a burden by most ordinary citizens and legislators however it is through taxation that the government can raise revenue to fund provision of many public goods and services and distributing wealth. “Taxes are what we pay for a civilised society”, wrote Oliver Wendell Holmes. Broadly, the purposes of taxation are vast including funding for physical infrastructure such as rail and other transport systems, funding for social protection i.e. unemployment & disability protection. Tax is thus...
4 Pages 1856 Words

Six Best Fashion Periods Throughout History

The Victorian fashion era began with Queen Victoria’s reign started in 1837 and ended in 1901 upon her death. It marked a critical time in Britain’s history and around the world. The period saw many changes in fashion, including changes in styles, fashion technology, and the methods of circulation. Various movements in architecture, literature, and the decorative/visual arts as well as a change in approach of the traditional gender ‘roles’ also influenced fashion. Modesty and propriety were a very important...
3 Pages 1467 Words

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