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Essay on Role of Opposition in Democracy

3 Pages 1523 Words
Inclusive participation in the political process: The new constitution of Nepal embraces the concept of multi-caste, multiculturalism and multilingualism. Article 18 (3) provide special provisions for the protection, empowerment or advancement of women, dalits, indigenous peoples, marginalized, medhasi groups etc. It ensures 33% representation of women from each party in both the houses of the Federal Parliament and the state...

Essay on Role of Election in Democracy

4 Pages 1832 Words
In this essay, I will be supporting the argument that states that there is lack of diversity information in Canada and how it is a threat to democracy. I will begin this paper by defining diversity of information, then provide different examples to justify my argument, and towards the end of this paper I will state few advantages of how...

Essay on Good Leadership Contributes to the Success of Democracy

2 Pages 1097 Words
In the modern day, an increasing number of autocratic regimes are being overthrown and replaced with democracy. Within a short time, several North African and Middle-Eastern countries have had their autocracies challenged and overthrown (Danju, Maasoglu, and Maasoglu 2013). It can be argued that development spurs democratic transitions or stabilises current democracies (Boix 2011). In this essay, I will begin...

The French Revolution: Catalyst for Democratic Ideals

2 Pages 786 Words
Introduction The French Revolution, which erupted in 1789, is often heralded as a seismic event that fundamentally reshaped not only France but also the global political landscape. Spanning a decade, it dismantled the feudal structures of the Ancien RĆ©gime and propelled radical changes in societal norms. At its core, the Revolution was driven by the ideals of liberty, equality, and...

Essay on Democracy and Development

2 Pages 1075 Words
In the new modern and globalized world, it is normal to unearth democratic institutions in the most economically developed countries in the world. Many theorists argue that the role of the government important in translating growth into development and how the state does so, depends on the type of political system. Growth and development maintain a circular relationship: Growth is...
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Effects of Pollution on Human Health Essay

6 Pages 2606 Words
Air pollution is known to have detrimental effects on human health, contributing to an estimated 3.4 million premature mortalities globally in 2010. By looking at both different types of air pollution (PM2.5, ozone, etc.) and pollutant sources (road transportation, agriculture, household energy, shipping, etc.) it is possible to produce a global picture of air pollution distribution and how to most...

Direct Democracy vs Representative Democracy Essay

6 Pages 2545 Words
Democracy began in Ancient Greece in fifth century B.C., meaning rule by the people it allows certain citizens to gather and make binding decisions together about the rule of the people Our constitution is called a democracy because power is in the hands not of a minority but of the whole people (Pericles speech from Thucydides 1972, cited in The...

Direct Democracy Essay

2 Pages 937 Words
In the United States and other parts of the world, we have the right to vote for people we believe in and it's our responsibility. Being apart of a process where your options count is the definition to a political system known as democracy. Back in ancient times, the world was mainly ruled by tyrants and kings. It's clear how...

Democracy VS Communism Essay

2 Pages 889 Words
European history from the beginning of French Revolution to the end of the Second World War can be explored as a series of struggles between competing or conflicting ideologies. The events with the ideologies presented brought about the modernisation of Europe as it is in present day through significantly important documents, a rise of public perception and knowledge towards a...

Democracy is Not the Best Form of Government Essay

2 Pages 1078 Words
Democratic based system originates from a Greek word 'demokratia'. In Greek, 'demos' signifies individuals and 'kratia' signifies rule. In this way, Democratic based system actually implies individuals' standard. The greatest prudence of Democracy is that it is government by the general population for the general population. The administration speaks to the perspectives of the general population who choose them and...

Democracy and Human Rights Essay

5 Pages 2458 Words
The Interdependence of Democracy and Human Rights Democracy and Human Rights Democracy gives people living in the state the rights to choose their own government officials through the voting process. Human rights are the fair treatment of all people no matter their race, gender and religion. The people are protected under the constitution in the United states guaranteeing the peopleā€™s...

Democracy Advantages Essay

2 Pages 771 Words
Democracy is a system of government. All qualified individuals or members in the country have the opportunity to vote directly on the issues or to send someone to choose to make these decisions on their behalf. This is a government structure, where the government comes from the people, not from the army or the country. Although this is an option...

Aristotle Democracy and Oligarchy Essay

6 Pages 2589 Words
Aristotle would agree that a polity ought to reduce the inequality amongst its members since it does the best at promoting the good life. A stateā€™s end is the good life and the different constitutions promote their valued virtues; thus, a constitution plays a role in shaping an individualā€™s character.Oneā€™s virtues incline one to act a certain way, but our...

America's Democratic Paradox: Examining the Reality

2 Pages 1021 Words
Introduction The United States is often hailed as a beacon of democracy, a nation where the government is by the people and for the people. However, a critical examination of its political framework and practices reveals a paradox: while democratic in its foundational principles, the United States operates under a system that many argue deviates from pure democracy. This essay...

Airliners and Contrail Effects on Climate Change

5 Pages 2011 Words
Over the past several decades, airplane travel has been discussed in the scientific community and the media as a contributing factor to climate change, but there is a lot of disagreement about the claimā€™s validity and the contributing factors. Climate change is defined as the ā€œperiodic modification of Earthā€™s climate ā€¦ [because of] changes in the atmosphere [and] interactions between...

Advantages and Disadvantages of Democracy Essay

1 Page 499 Words
Democracy is something that gives the right to the people to elect their head. In short, you can say that democracy is all about electing officials through peopleā€™s vote and consent. There are many big countries that enjoy democracy as it is considered to be the basis of any system. For any country to progress, it is important that democracy...
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Absolutism VS Democracy

1 Page 480 Words
In past years, a democratic nation where autocracy has been recently on the rise is Turkey. The reason for this is the fact that the Justice and Development Party (now the AKP) and Turkeyā€™s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan have worked together to implement various laws and innovative strategies in order to gain power. Erdogan rose to power in 2002, when...

5 Principles of American Democracy

3 Pages 1410 Words
The word democracy roots can be traced back to Ancient Greece, it is derived from the Greek term 'kratos' meaning power and 'demos' refers to the people implying that its meant to mean 'rule by the people' the notion attached to democracy seems to be false in this period of time, democracy now is a system of corruption to make...

Max Weber Bureaucracy Essay

4 Pages 1991 Words
Introduction to Max Weber's Bureaucracy Theory Bureaucracy theory was introduced by Max Weber, one of the greatest sociologists in the history of the early twentieth century. According to Max Weber, a bureaucracy is an administrative organization or system that enforces the rules of law in society. Bureaucracy is not only a rational system, but also an effective management system, and...

Analytical study on money insurance for armed robbery

6 Pages 2516 Words
Risks and insurance Abstract This paper will discuss what money insurance is about and the benefits provided from being insured. In this regard, this paper will study on the crimes committed while money is in transit and in premises. The act of forcible and violent entry upon premises due to armed or unarmed robbery with visible evidence will ensure that...

Incentive Zoning in South African Urban Areas

5 Pages 2243 Words
Land Value Capture (LVC) consists of a number of different instruments which can be implemented by state to increase the land value market around a certain urban area. Some of these instruments which is associated with LVC includes strategies such as incentive zonings, development levies, land swaps, transit development impact fees, etc. Land value capture investment is also a source...

Current Tensions: New 'Cold War' Between Russia, EU, NATO?

4 Pages 2025 Words
The Cold War was a period of extreme tension between the US and the USSR. The presence of a bipolar system, competing ideologies, and the threat of nuclear war, coupled with the global impact it had, were definitive features of the Cold War. However, today tensions between Russia, the EU and NATO are very different; Russia is no longer a...

Essay on Kuala Lumpur High-Rise Buildings and Related Issues

3 Pages 1220 Words
As of 2019, Kuala Lumpur is the ninth city in the world with 300m skyscrapers. Starting from 2020, Kuala Lumpur has 9 400m projects under construction and planning. It can be said that Kuala Lumpur is the most enthusiastic city in the world with high-rise buildings. In this essay, I want to argue my position that Kuala Lumpur should slow...

Urgent Need to Fix New York's Bridges

1 Page 444 Words
New York City is encountering an unusual juncture of a growing phenomenon which is the widespread decay of bridge infrastructures. Many bridges in New York City have been constructed for 50 years or more, and they are now approaching or exceeding its originally intended design life. There was an overlooked in the designs of the bridges in New York City...

Pakistan-China Economic Corridor and Their Trade History Retrospective

3 Pages 1234 Words
Pakistan-China Economic Corridor is a framework of regional connectivity, a project linked with Chinaā€™s ā€˜One Belt Projectā€™ (OBOR). CPEC will not only benefit China and Pakistan but will also improve the trade between Iran, Afghanistan, India, Central Asian Republic, and the region. The enhancement of geographical linkages will have improved road, rail and air transportation system with frequent and free...

Impact of Boston Greenway Transportation Project in East Boston

5 Pages 2254 Words
Transport allows for increased mobility and access however the levels of mobility and access are not necessarily always equal. Boston illustrates how mobility can contribute towards increasing levels of social and economic inequalities. In 2017, the Brookings Institution stated that Boston suffered ā€œfrom the worst income inequality of a major US city (Clauss, 2017). Bostonā€™s transport system has been named...

Essay on the Benefits of Public Transportation

1 Page 414 Words
Public transportation has been a vital part of our society for decades, but with the world changing around us, it's changing too. In the past, public transportation was a way to get from one destination to another. Now, with the rise of cars and other motorized vehicles, public transportation is being used as a way to work from home, or...

How Likely Is Vietnamese Democratization? An Essay

4 Pages 1685 Words
Throughout this essay it will be determined that the likelihood of Vietnam shifting towards a more democratic system in the next three years is nominal. The prospect of either a complete or partial transition to democracy in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam can be effectively ruled out within this timeframe. Throughout this report, the current autocratic setup of the rapidly...

Influential Factors for the U.S. Presidential Re-Election Campaign

4 Pages 1624 Words
One of the main goals for any president is to be able to serve a second term in office. Some presidents succeed in this goal and some falter. There are various factors that contribute to a successful re-election campaign, however this essay will discuss three factors that are arguably the most important contributors in getting a president re-elected. These three...

Congress vs President: US President's Office Threatened

3 Pages 1183 Words
In this essay, I'm going to discuss who has more power now, Congress or the president, and why the office of the president of the United States is now under threat to a limited extent. It is argued that the office of the US president is now imperiled as the use of checks and balances outlined in the Constitution remain....

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