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Mao Zedong and the Communist Party of China: Analytical Essay

4 Pages 1999 Words
Every strong leader aims to have his people acknowledge, respect, and honor his authority. This did not change in the case of Mao Zedong. He wanted to rule China in a fashion that made him out to be worshipped by his people. Mao was a revolutionist; he became the head of the Communist Party (CCP) in China in 1949 up...

Traitors and Butchers of the Ocean: Mayari, Haik, Poseidon, and Helios

3 Pages 1264 Words
God's influence and contribution to the daily lives of the people of Earth realm. Each god possesses a set of unique talents and abilities that they’ve had ever since they were born. Gods like Mayari, have the ability to control the moon, Helios was blessed with the ability to control the sun, and Gods like Poseidon and Haik were blessed...

Impact of Fidel Castro and Cuban Revolution on Life of Cubans: Analytical Essay

3 Pages 1228 Words
Statement of problem: To what extent did Fidel Castro's Cuban revolution change the lives of Cubans? Rationale The investigator decided to do this topic because the researcher wanted to educate themself about Cuba and one of its most famous historical events. The investigator also thought the topic to be rather intriguing to learn about. The researcher chose to focus specifically...

Analysis of Pesticides Control: Toxic Consequences of the Green Revolution in India

6 Pages 2929 Words
Traditional (past), present, and future approaches to control pesticide residue in fresh produce Introduction: The major challenge that agriculture faces in the twenty-first century is the need to give food to the world’s quickly growing population. The selection of a high-yielding variety of crops has greatly helped mankind in reducing poverty and hunger. Reducing crop losses due to pests and...

Business in the 1950s: Analytical Essay

2 Pages 896 Words
Business in the 1950s “Buy when everyone else is selling and hold until everyone else is buying. That’s not just a catchy slogan. It’s the very essence of successful investing” (Ruth). This is a quote from J. Paul Getty an oilman, who was the richest individual in America in 1957. He founded the Getty Oil Company. His large business was...

Analytical Essay on Cuban Revolution: Initial Literature Review

4 Pages 1787 Words
Research Hypothesis To a small extent. He, in fact, didn’t benefit the people of Cuba at all. He restricted them and controlled every aspect of Cuban life. Initial Literature Review Context My question is to establish to what extent, if so, Castro’s benefited the people of Cuba socially. Sections which will be explored in this Mini literature review are: To...

The Impact of Arthur Conan Doyle on American Culture: Analysis of Boer War

3 Pages 1324 Words
The Impact of Arthur Conan Doyle on American Culture “How often have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?” (Doyle). During the late 19th century, the Second Boer War was a major conflict in Britain. According to the official biography of Arthur Conan Doyle, Doyle published many works...

American Flag as a Symbol: Analysis of Its Message

2 Pages 1088 Words
Flags: what can they communicate? According to the Cambridge Dictionary, a flag is “a piece of cloth, usually rectangular and attached to a pole at one edge that has a pattern that represents a country or a group, or has a particular meaning”. Flags can communicate through the use of different colors, symbols, and shapes; they can identify and communicate...

The Violence of the Green Revolution: Analytical Essay

3 Pages 1468 Words
Food security is defined by The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) as a “situation that exists when all people, at all times, have physical, social, and economic access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life.” Within the past year, there have been several reports released by a...

Diplomatic Relations between the Arabs and Jews: Analysis of Arab-Israeli Conflict

6 Pages 2801 Words
Section I: identification and evaluation of sources The purpose of this investigation is to evaluate the question: “To what extent did Britain’s involvement in Palestine, from 1916 to 1948, maintain diplomatic relations between the Arabs and Jews?” In this section, the values and limitations of two sources will be analysed to determine whether Britain’s involvement in Palestine was effective in...

Critical Analysis of Primary Sources Concerning American Colonies

3 Pages 1269 Words
John Dickenson, “letter from a farmer in Pennsylvania” (1767) John Dickinson who wrote Letters from a Farmer lived from 1732-1808. He was also known as a moderate before signing The Declaration of Independence in 1776. John Dickenson was opposed to breaking away from England and believed in the rights of Englishmen. He viewed the attempts of taxation on the colonists...

Simón Bolívar’s Independence Movement and Liberation of Most of the Americas: Analytical Essay

6 Pages 2830 Words
Background Since Simón Bolívar’s independence movement resulted in the liberation of most of the Americas, Latin America has lived with a certain affinity for military leaders and their charisma. This affinity has been a blessing and curse with the likes of Peron and Pinochet creating terror in their countries with the use of military regimes. Venezuela, even though blooming with...

The Planet's Greatest Chronograph and Moon Landing: Descriptive Essay

3 Pages 1366 Words
It is not too late to go straight to the point. If you call OMEGA Super master the planet's greatest chronograph, I don't think there is any doubt. Because from the perspective of landing on the moon, no chronograph can compare with Super master. Super master has been on the moon, while other watches have not. For this reason, OMEGA...

Mao Zedong As a Brilliant Thinker, Strategist, and Poet: Opinion Essay

2 Pages 719 Words
Mao Zedong is one of China's most famous figures. He led the Chinese people in expelling the Japanese Aggression. He founded China in 1949 and became its first leader. He made a whole country. Today, his portrait hangs in Tiananmen Square. He was not only a hero but also an important statesman, thinker, military strategist, diplomat, and poet. He was...

Moon Landing Hoax: Critical Analysis

1 Page 645 Words
According to Fuller, “ The moon landing hoax” happened forty-nine years ago. NASA broadcasted the moon landing in 1969 and in 1972. When it was over, millions of people thought it was just a hoax. Therefore Conspiracy Theorists have been collecting some evidence that might prove that the moon landing was counterfeit. Many people question the moon landing and have...

The Significance of Human Connections: Character of Henry V

3 Pages 1152 Words
Across a variety of topics and situations, interactions and relationships between individuals have an influence over many diverse aspects. The idea of searching for a connection to avoid isolation and produce meaningful relationships is known as human connection. Individuals who fail to maintain any connections may end up living a life much more isolated and dull. King Henry V depicts...

Museum Paper: Critical Review of the Seated Statue of Hatshepsut

4 Pages 1726 Words
“Art is something that makes you breathe with different kind of happiness”. Art has been a part of our life for as long as humanity has existed. For thousands of years, people have been creating, looking at, criticizing, and enjoying art. During my trip to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, I observed many interesting paintings, sculptures, and artifacts. The three...

New Wave Movement in 1950s: Analytical Essay

4 Pages 1787 Words
Headed by Lindsay Anderson, Karel Reisz, John Schlesinger, and Tony Richardson. The New Wave movement was a range of feature films, during the 1950s and 60s (1959-1963). That focus on drawing attention to the frustrations of a better-educated young society. Whilst emphasizing the reality of day-to-day life for the working class. Coming at the end of a decade most would...

Causes and Consequences of Cuban Revolution: Analytical Essay

2 Pages 922 Words
During the 20th century, there were numerous political and social clashes among Cuba and its administration. The Cuban Revolution was led by the socialist head, Fidel Castro from 1953 to 1959. This occasion happened as a result to all the power Fidel Castro had increased; this power was sufficient to topple the oppressive pioneer of Cuba at the time, Fulgencio...

Globalization and Green Revolution: Analytical Essay

7 Pages 3037 Words
In today's day and age, our global economy indicates and showcases food as becoming the main objective of neoliberal practices, which have equally altered the way in which farmers grow crops or foods and the methods they used to cultivate the land for growing. The world’s food supply completely relies on large transnational corporations and have always favored a more...

Visual and Verbal Rhetoric in Political Poster: Persuasive Essay on Possibility to Use the American Flag

2 Pages 1033 Words
Examining the persuasive approach of Visual and Verbal Rhetoric in Political Poster We the People art campaign came into existence around the time of Donald Trump’s inauguration as President of the United States. The street artist Shepard Fairey who is known for his famous Obama Hope poster is the one who is behind the series of We the People art....

Influence of Apollo 11 Program on American Society: Analytical Essay

4 Pages 1789 Words
July 16th, 1969. After spending four days in the vacuum of space, astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin begin their nerve-wracking descent to the lunar surface. Slowly and carefully, they maneuver down to the Moon. Exhausted and tired, they take a break to rest, then suit up to head out onto the cold barren lunar surface. All the while, millions...

Food Aid and Impact of Green Revolution: Analytical Essay

2 Pages 1035 Words
The delivery of food aid to the global South, specifically Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), masquerades as a noble and generous policy that stimulates development. Such aid is inextricably bound to the legacy of colonialism, perpetuating an entrenched system of poverty and dependency on donor nations. It is crucial to recognize that the global South’s position in the global market has always...

Difference in the Perspectives of Great Britain and the American Colonies: Analytical Essay

3 Pages 1304 Words
This whole debate over Taxation and Representation had become an important discussion topic for the colonists of British and the Parliament during the years 1763 to 1775. There had been an enormous difference in the perspectives of Great Britain and the American colonies. It has also been concluded that somehow the colonies did not represent themselves individually in the Parliament...

Role of Neil Armstrong and Moon Landing: Analytical Essay

3 Pages 1507 Words
One Small Step? Neil Armstrong, the first man to supposedly land on the moon, once said: “Every sight in space is spectacular.” The question is, did he and America really land on the moon? Or was it a broadcasted fraud? When looking at the scenery, timing, science, etc it is clear that the United States did not land on the...

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