Human Impact essays

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Persuasive Speech on Deforestation

He will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in its season and its leaf does not wither; And in whatever he does he prospers. (Psalm 1:3) Then shall the trees of the forest sing for joy before the Lord, for he comes to judge the earth. (Chronicles 16:33). When you make something you are proud of, it is not in your interests to actively destroy it. Then why do we destroy our...
3 Pages 1370 Words

Persuasive Essay about Deforestation

Why Deforestation Needs Further Reformation As humans have evolved mechanically, their dependency on trees’ utility has evolved in a parallel manner. While at first, deforestation was simply cutting down a few trees here and there to build small settlements, it has now become a global practice and has grown to a massive scale that is endangering the entire planet. Over the course of history, deforestation has directly increased alongside the development of technology and the human population (Cohen). Deforestation at...
4 Pages 1654 Words

Palm Oil Production and Deforestation: Synthesis Essay

The commercial production of palm oil in Malaysia has increased by over 5 million hectares of crop since 1960. This rapid expansion of the crop has lead to the destruction of the tropical rainforest in both peninsular Malaysia (West Malaysia) and Borneo Malaysia. Due to this excessive deforestation, the European Commission concluded that palm oil would stop being imported for use as a biofuel and that it should be phased out by 2030. However, it has been suggested that European...
5 Pages 2406 Words

Is Deforestation Worth It: Persuasive Essay

“80% of global warming comes from livestock and deforestation” -- Heather Mill an activist from England. One of the most discussed topics today is global warming, thanks to activists such as Greta Thunberg, a sixteen year old Swedish girl who recently spoke at the UN, and although deforestation is one of the leading causes of global warming we rarely discuss it and when we do it is brushed over largely. Every day we are losing more than 80,000 acres of...
2 Pages 919 Words

Informative Speech on Deforestation

“Forests are the world’s air-conditioning system - the lungs of the planet - and we are the verge of switching it off.” - Prince Charles (“Explore 100 Famous Scientist Quotes Pages”). This quote explains that humans are about to lose most of the trees which are necessary for the existence of life on earth. In addition, deforestation refers to the removal of trees which can occur through natural or accidental means but, it is commonly carried out by humans. Recently,...
2 Pages 1105 Words

How to Stop Deforestation: Opinion Essay

“You cant bring back a forest where…a desert [lays] now”( Cullis-Suzuki, Severn. united nations conference. Rio Summit. 1992 June. 2019 Oct). The deliberate act of deforestation is a understated global issue with deadly affects. I am young but I can tell the earth is in pain, I can see that governments don’t care. Even though they say, and they promise to make changes. Many statistics say that it has only gotten worse …“Forests … are disappearing at an alarming rate....
1 Page 525 Words

How to Prevent Deforestation: Persuasive Essay

Agriculture aims to supply food to our growing populations. In order to grow a lot of food, farmers need a lot of land. Recently, Time magazine reported that farmers in Brazil are burning areas of the Amazon forest in order to make room to grow soy. This is a typical story of deforestation, the removal of vast amount of rain forest in order to make room for plant and animal agriculture. As the population of the world increases, one should...
2 Pages 968 Words

Essay on Deforestation in Cambodia

Overview Cambodia’s economy has been virtually destroyed as a result of the Civil War (1970-1975), the Khmer Rouge regime (1975-1979), and the Cambodia-Vietnam war (1978-1979). Despite rice being Cambodia’s most important crop and a staple food for the Khmer, by 1974, under wartime conditions, rice had to be imported to be consumed and the production of rubber, Cambodia’s most profitable export crop, fell of sharply, which was a major contributing factor in the destruction of the economy. In the years...
2 Pages 1004 Words

Deforestation Proposal Essay

“Forests are the world’s air-conditioning system – the lungs of the planet – and we are on the verge of switching it off». -- PRINCE CHARLES. Speaking at the Presidential Palace, Jakarta, Indonesia (3 Nov 2008) Nobody can deny the fact that continual deforestation is a driving force behind such environmental issues as global warming, desertification and enhanced greenhouse effect. A vast majority of trees are burned by wildfires which mostly occur in some southern countries, namely Indonesia, USA and...
6 Pages 2721 Words

Deforestation of Amazon Rainforest: Essay Paper Thesis

The amazon region is basically known by its continuous tropical forest and water basin extending in most regions of the South American continent. Currently, human activities involve cutting the primary forest together with the biomass release, interregional diversity, institutional and social drivers are contributing to adverse effects to Amazon climate change. During the 2009 conference that discussed climate change, Brazil volunteered to control and reduces global heating gas by reducing the deforestation act in Amazon tropical forest by 80% before...
4 Pages 1684 Words

Deforestation and Invasive Species: Cause and Effect Essay

Gwanyama Gracelyne Stephen Van Dyck English 145 24TH April, 2019 Have Humans Changed the Planet for Better or Worse Growing up in Africa, a developing country where many resources such as land have not yet been exploited, and comparing it to where I am today in the United States of America, a developed country, I can greatly compare and appreciate how human activities such as deforestation, industrialization, good roads and many others have affected our planet. Comparing both countries, although...
2 Pages 951 Words

Plastic Pollution Essay: Navigating a Global Crisis

Plastic once considered a modern triumph, has evolved into an unprecedented environmental predicament: plastic pollution. This pervasive issue extends its reach from the remotest corners of our oceans to the bustling heart of urban landscapes. Its consequences reverberate across ecosystems, impacting marine life, human health, and the delicate balance of our planet. As our reliance on plastic soars, so does its detrimental aftermath. In this introductory exploration, we unravel the multifaceted dimensions of plastic pollution. We delve into the origins...
7 Pages 2107 Words

Why Whaling Should Be Banned: Argumentative Essay

The first World Climate Conference was held from February 12th to 23rd in 1979 in Geneva. It was one of the first international meetings on climate change. NASA states, since the late nineteenth century, carbon dioxide and human-made emissions were, and still are being released into the atmosphere which has taken a toll on the planet’s surface temperature. Temperatures have risen about 1.62 degrees Fahrenheit. From 2010 to now, has had five of the warmest years recorded with 2016 being...
6 Pages 2493 Words

How to Prevent Water Pollution: Problem-Solving Essay

Water is the most significant asset on earth. without it, living life forms would bite the dust and that's including human beings. Individuals around the globe are faced with a lack of new clean water. Water and its accessibility exceptionally impact how well nature and our financial development will be. Deforestation, environmental change, and lethal waste dumping are influencing the nature of water alongside other human exercises. Pollution of waterways and lakes has turned into a significant issue and is...
1 Page 668 Words

Water Pollution: A Growing Concern in the United States

Water, the elixir of life, is an indispensable resource for all life forms on Earth. Our dependence on this invaluable resource is so profound that even a slight imbalance in its composition can have far-reaching implications. Unfortunately, this balance is being threatened by a looming crisis: water pollution. The United States, one of the world's most industrialized nations, is grappling with the growing menace of water pollution. This crisis warrants immediate and focused attention from policymakers, environmentalists, the general public,...
3 Pages 1217 Words

Water, Nitrogen and Carbon Are Important to Life: Argumentative Essay

Intro In order for me to be able to build and sustain a colony on Mars I will need to find out the following things about Mars: Firstly I will need to find out what we have on Earth that helps us survive, Secondly I will need to find out what Mars doesn’t have that Earth does so that we are able to implement what Mars still needs for humans to survive and colonize on it. Finally, I will need...
5 Pages 2325 Words

Effects of Water Pollution on Ocean

Introduction Water pollution is the act of making water unsafe for living organisms living in these ecosystems. Ocean pollution occurs when dangerous substances like chemicals or microorganisms are subjected to oceans, rivers, and other water bodies hence affecting the quality of water and organisms within the environment. Water is always prone to affluence because they are considered a universal solvent. It can liquefy more substances than any other liquid on earth hence making the ocean to be easily polluted by...
2 Pages 1056 Words

Stop Offshore Drilling: Argumentative Essay

Offshore drilling may be one of the most effective ways we get the oil that fuels our cars, airplanes, and boats. The first oil rig was built in 1938 in about fourteen feet of water. As technology progressed, it was made easier to move further away from shore to pursue undiscovered oil reserves. Although oil is a necessity today, I believe it’s vital that we stop expanding offshore oil and gas drilling operations to protect our precious web of ocean...
2 Pages 1086 Words

Speech on Pollution

Biology Presidential Speech For years, the government has opted to not worry about environmental conditions affecting our planet and our country. With time, the planet has been deteriorating due to human impact. If we continue to ignore what is going on with our planet, generations ahead of ours will experience a world much different than ours. Something has to be done and something will be done. The deterioration of our planet is now being noticed by people all over our...
4 Pages 1794 Words

Speech on Endangered Species

The Earth, where we live, has its own stable ecosystem. Not only live human beings here, but also other species like animals and plants. A balanced environment is vital for the sustainability of our planet. However, there have been a lot of species under threat of extinction nowadays. Do you know how many species are facing an extremely high risk of extinction in the world? There are more than 28,000 critically endangered species according to the International Union for Conservation...
2 Pages 849 Words

Research Paper on Fracking

Introduction Hydraulic fracturing or fracking is a technique used to extract non-renewable sources of energy such as oil and natural gas. This technique was developed because there are certain sources such as shales and subterranean rocks from which extraction cannot be done using existing methods known at the time of its invention. What is fracking and how it came about? Hydraulic fracturing is a technique in which a liquid mixture (containing certain chemical components and water) is injected into the...
4 Pages 2210 Words

Research Paper on Deforestation

What are the impacts of deforestation on a sustainable future? Deforestation is the process of removing trees and forests from a landscape. This may be done for many reasons including making space for other land uses such as to harvest for wood resources or for agriculture. Although it might not be something that we see or hear about every day, deforestation is a widespread problem, which exists all across the globe and has been there for many years. It is...
4 Pages 1917 Words

Pros and Cons of Greenhouse Gases

What is the greenhouse effect and what are the main greenhouse gases? A greenhouse effect is the heating phenomenon of the Earth and its environment due to sunlight incident radiation energy captured by greenhouse gases especially water vapors and carbon dioxide. This process occurs naturally, it happens whenever an incident striking shortwaves attains the gaseous layer surrounding the Earth, one portion is reflected back into space normally, and the other part is captured and emitted on the planet by greenhouse...
1 Page 536 Words

Our Oceans Are Turning Into Plastic: Argumentative Essay

Abstract This case study aims to analyze Dell’s contribution towards addressing the crisis of ocean plastics which is a major pollutant in ocean bodies. Dell which is a privately owned company and a major technological service and products provider, started the Ocean Plastics Initiative after the challenge facing many oceans was brought to the attention of the company. This is also after United Nations announced its inclusion of the ocean crisis in its Sustainable Development Goals. Despite various hesitations at...
3 Pages 1388 Words

Ocean Pollution: Thesis Statement

Oceans are large expanses of water that expand across more of the Earth’s surface than land. In recent decades, a surplus of harmful human activities has adversely affected marine ecosystems by increasing ocean pollution. Ocean pollution is the spread of harmful toxins and debris throughout ocean waters, which negatively affects surrounding ecosystems. Increasing ocean pollution influences the formation of dead zones lethally affects marine animals, and harmfully affects human health. Dead zone areas are a direct result of ocean pollution...
1 Page 540 Words

Ocean Pollution as a Major Concern of Modern Society

Ocean pollution is a big concern in the world because studies are showing it is only increasing over the years (Christensen, 2019). A new study shows that along one stretch of the Pacific Ocean just between Hawaii and California there are around 1.8 trillion pieces of plastic waste gathered, which is a rapid increase since the 1970s (Barron, 2018). The plastic pieces in the ocean usually gather together in “one of the five patches” around the world (Barron, 2018). The...
2 Pages 1124 Words

Negative Impacts of Ocean Pollution: Analytical Essay

Our ocean covers more than 70 percent of our planet and it is essential to life here on earth. They are home to everything from the biggest blue whales to the smallest microscopic algae and despite their importance to our survival, we are bombarding them with over 8 million tonnes of plastic every year. From dangerous carbon emissions to plastic to oil leaks the types of ocean pollution humans generate are vast. Ocean pollution itself is defined as the introduction...
2 Pages 943 Words

Impact of Air Pollution on Health Care Management: Analytical Essay

Introduction The term air pollution is referred to the interference of unwanted substances such as chemicals, particulate or biological materials which possess a threat (discomfort, severe diseases, death, and serious damage) to both living (man, animals, and plants) and non-living (water, soil, and air) things into the atmosphere via natural or anthropogenic (man-made) actions (Mahendra and Vaibhav 2013). These unwanted substances introduced into the atmosphere that can pose a serious threat to the environment, in general, are referred to as...
3 Pages 1549 Words

How Has the Atomic Battery Impacted Society Today

Abstract Nuclear batteries harvest energy from radioactive specks and supply power to microelectromechanical systems (MEMS). The potential of nuclear batteries for longer shelf-life and higher energy density, when compared with other modes of energy storage, makes them an attractive alternative to investigate. The performance of the nuclear battery is a function of the radioisotope(s), radiation transport properties, and energy conversion transducers. The energy conversion mechanisms vary significantly between different nuclear battery types, where the radioisotope thermoelectric generator, or RTG, is...
4 Pages 2024 Words

How Could Chernobyl Have Been Prevented: Argumentative Essay

About 30 km of land, the government, people's homes, and the nuclear power plant were all destroyed in a matter of seconds. The majority of people believe Chornobyl was only a mistake since nuclear power is relatively safe, and its effects were not severe, whereas it was much more than that. The explosion was a major factor in the future development of nuclear power plants, the safety precautions regarding the power plants, and even the Soviet Union's downfall. The Chornobyl...
3 Pages 1563 Words

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